Church of the Called Out Ones

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Transcript of Church of the Called Out Ones

  • 8/12/2019 Church of the Called Out Ones


    Church of the Called Out Ones

    Do you worship alone? Do you long for fellowship with like-minded believers? Are you missing a loving

    church family?

    Light and truth are ever advancing on those who would follow the

    Lamb. Thus, every Truth Seeker who is sincerely committed to

    following Yahuwah will, sooner or later, be faced with advancedlight that is different than what he believed or practiced before.

    The adoption of this new truth will lead him separate and apart

    from those with whom he worshipped before if they, in turn, do notaccept it.

    A sincere-hearted person does not attend a church unless he

    believes the doctrines taught are Heaven-sanctioned truths. It then

    becomes a very easy thing to confuse loyalty to ones church with

    loyalty to Yahuwah. A number of frequently quoted Bible textsappear to support the idea that the Church is the gateway to

    Heaven. Indeed, some churches teach that membership in their

    denomination is a requirement to gain entrance at the pearly gates.

    One of the most widely quoted of such Bible texts is a statement

    made by Yahushua to Simon Peter:

    And I say unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I willbuild my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

    And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and

    whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and

    whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.(Matthew 16:18-19, KJV)

    This single Bible verse has been used by the Roman Catholic Church to teach that salvation is exclusive to its

    communion for over 1,500 years.

    Other Bible texts are also used to support belief in and strong loyalty to the Church. And [Yahuwah] added

    to the church daily those who were being saved. (Acts 2:47, NKJV)

    In the King James version of Scripture, the word church has been used 80 times, all of which are found in the

    New Testament. The problem is, the definition of the English word church does not fit the definition of the

    original word. The word used is kklsia (Strongs #1577) and means a calling out which is a far differentmeaning from the modern understanding of church.

    The dictionary defines church as:

  • 8/12/2019 Church of the Called Out Ones


    A particular body of Christians united under one form of ecclesiastical government, in one creed,

    and using the same ritual and ceremonies . . . the organized body of Christians in any particulardistrict, city, state, or country; . . . any organized body of Christians occupying the same edifice

    for religious worship . . . having to do with organized Christian worship. (Websters New

    Universal Abridged Dictionary)

    This is very different from the actual New Testament word referring to a calling out. Compounding theconfusion is the fact that many people view church and denomination in virtually the same light.

    A denomination is A class, society orcollection of individuals, called by the

    same name. (American Dictionary of

    the English Language, 1828)

    Denominational meaning of,sponsored by, or under the control of,

    some religious sect or sects.

    (Websters New Universal Abridged


    The emphasis, whether the word ischurch or denomination, is on an

    organized group that is governed by

    some hierarchical structure. Peopleoften think of a body of believers which

    support with tithes and offerings a

    governing body which oversees, to agreater or lesser degree, the running of

    the group. The leadership often has the

    power to define the structures beliefs and to spend its monies.

    Perhaps most significant is the fact that

    the leadership of an organized churchassumes the responsibility to cooperate

    with the government in meeting the

    requirements to be considered a legal

    entity. In order to be a recognizeddenomination, certain legal

    requirements, as set forth by the State,

    must be met. These requirements vary

    from country to country.

    There are various reasons given for

    seeking recognition as an organized

    church from the government. In some

    countries, it is illegal to assemble forworship unless the group of believers

    has that recognition from their

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    government. In other countries, it is for purely financial reasons so that the church does not have to pay taxes.

    Being a denomination, being legally recognized by the government, is not, by definition, a sin. However, it

    opens the door for Satan to gain control over the church by later changing the legal requirements. When a

    churchs doctrines become politically incorrect, it is tempting to adjust the theology in order to retain thedesired legal recognition and its accompanying benefits.

    This has happened, to a greater or lesser degree, to all denominations. When a church becomes a legalized

    entity recognized by its State, existing by its permission, it puts itself under the control of that government.

    What the State grants permission to do, the State can withdraw permission for.

    Home churchesare not simply an alternate form of worship for Yahuwahs people in these last days of earths

    history. Rather, they are the only viable option available to all who would worship in spirit and in truth.(John 4:24)

    All organized denominations calculate their worship days by the modern Gregorian calendar the calendar ofPope Gregory XIII, which itself is a revision of the pagan Julian calendar. As such, no organized church

    actually worships the Creator onHis holy dayswhich must be calculated by His appointed method of time-keeping: the luni-solar calendar.

    In His great loving-kindness and mercy, Yahuwah forgives the ignorance that leads to worship on pagan

    holidays. Truly, these times of ignorance [Yahuwah] overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere torepent . . . . (Acts 17:30, NKJV) With the restoration of

    knowledge of the true Sabbath, calculated bythe original

    calendar of Creation,none need remain in ignorance anylonger. All who have learned the truth now have the

    responsibility to obey the truth.

    To continue to attend a church that has been presented withthe truth and yet has not rendered obedience to it is to

    dishonor Yahuwah. For a church to be blessed withYahuwahs presence, all known light must be obeyed. A

    single error, cherished and clung to in the face of advanced

    light, will deny that church of the divine presence.

    All who truly love the Sabbath and its Creator will share the

    truth of theBiblical seventh-day Sabbathwith those theylove. If this truth is rejected, the person who has loyally and

    obediently embraced advancing light is left with no other

    option but to withdraw from the fellowship of a church withwhom he or she no longer agrees. Can two walk together,

    except they be agreed? (Amos 3:3, KJV)

    The only organized body of believers recognized by

    Yahuwah is the Called Out Ones whose head is Yahushua

    and whose governing body is based in Heaven. Speaking of
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    Yahushua, who is the head of the only group of believers Heaven recognizes, Paul wrote:

    He is the head of the body, the church [the Called Out Ones], who is the beginning, the firstborn

    from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence. (Colossians 1:18, NKJV)

    The true church consists of those Called Out Ones, scattered all over the surface of the earth. Unknown and

    unrecognized on earth, but loved and honored in Heaven. These are the ones who follow their Saviour with adeep and abiding love,willing to give up allin order to honor Him whom to know is life eternal.

    They belong to Yahushua and are counted as members of the family of Heaven a far richer glory andweightier honor than to be entered into the membership roles of the largest worldly church.

    But you have come . . . to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly andchurch [Calling Out] of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to [Yahuwah] the Judge of all,

    to the spirits of just men made perfect, to [Yahushua] the Mediator of the new covenant . . . .

    (Hebrews 12:22-24, NKJV)

    The Saviour stated an important principle when He told Pilate: My kingdom is not of this world. If Mykingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My

    kingdom is not from here. (John 18:36, NKJV)

    Just as Yahushua was in the world but not of the world, so, too, shall His followers be. They shall not align

    themselves with organized religious bodies that, for convenience sake, worship by a counterfeit calendar. The

    Head of the Called Out Ones is Yahushua. Just as His presence is hidden to all but the eye of faith, so isworship a private matter between the individual soul and Yahuwah. It is not an outward act performed on the

    stage of a structured hierarchy where your beliefs must conform to that of the majority if you would be accepted

    into membership. Such conformity, Yahuwah has never sanctioned.

    Worship acceptable to Yahuwah doesnot require a group. The Called OutOnes are few and far between, often

    known only to Yahuwah. In time, He

    may send others to you but He may

    also lead you to worship Him alone.As Yahuwah speaks to His children in a

    still small voice, He may know that

    your greatest need is to worship Himalone that in that very silence and

    stillness, you may hear His whispers

    more clearly, addressing your ownspiritual needs.

    Heavensfinal warning messageispresented to the world in Revelation 18

    where those who love Yahuwah are

    called out of Babylon:
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    After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the

    earth was illuminated with his glory. And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, Babylonthe great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a habitation of demons, a prison for every foul spirit,

    and a cage for every unclean and hated bird! For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath

    of her fornication . . . . And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out of her, mypeople,lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached

    to heaven, and [Yahuwah] has remembered her iniquities. (Revelation 18:1-5, NKJV)

    Wine is an intoxicating beverage that benumbs the mind and confuses the senses. The wine of Babylon

    which the entire world has drunk is the adoption of a false calendar for religious observances. None who

    answer the call to flee Babylon will be found in her churches, worshipping on false holy days.

    Scripture is clear. The remnant church is not the last organized denomination. By definition, there can be no

    final organized structure. Rather, they are the final remnant of Called Out Ones. They are called out from alldenominations. Scripture presents the final generation as having the final separation FROM: from Babylon,

    from her churches, fromall false doctrinesand practices.

    Stand with the Called Out Ones today. Honor Him who loved you enough to sacrifice His own Son for you andworship Him free from all error and tradition. Join the ekklesia of the First Born.