Christie Documents Steven Fulop

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Transcript of Christie Documents Steven Fulop

  • 8/13/2019 Christie Documents Steven Fulop


    CITY OF JERSEY CITYOffice of the City Clerk

    280 Grove Street Jersey City, New Jersey 07302

    Robert Byrn e, City CferkSean J. Gallagher, Deputy City ClerkTolonda Griffin Ross, Deputy City Clerk


    FAX: 201-547-54

    January 13,2014

    Re: New Jersey Open Public Records Act Request

    Dear Requestor,

    The City o f Jersey City received your Open Public Records A ct request. In response to this request, please see the attached documents.

    For your convenience, below is a brief index o f the documents provided. Please note, emails, phonenumbers and identifying URL s have been redacted from these documents.

    1. Text message from Bill Baroni dated May 15, 2013;2. Tex t message from Bill Baron i dated July 12, 2013;3. Email chain dated June 27, 2013;4. Email chain dated June 27, 2013;

    5. Email chain dated July 12, 2013;6. Email chain dated July 12, 2013;7. Email dated July 16, 2013 (portions non-responsive to this request have been redacted);8. Email chain dated July 16, 2013 (portions non-responsive to this request have been redacted);9. Email dated July 18, 2013;10. Email dated July 19, 2013;11. Email dated July 22, 2013;12. Email chain dated July 26, 2013;13. Email-dated August 1, 2013;14. Email dated August 18, 2013;15. Email chain dated September 19,2013 (portions non-responsive to this request have been redacted);

    16. Email chain dated Decemb er 18,20 13;17. Email dated January 8, 2014 (portions non-responsive to this request have been redacted);18. Letter dated October 29, 2013.

    Thank you.CITY CLERK

    Robert Byrne

  • 8/13/2019 Christie Documents Steven Fulop


    o o AT&T LTE 11:35 AM i 7 4 %

    < Back (13) Bill Contact

    Wed, May 15, 2:18 PM "............

    Needless to say, congratulations on a tremendous job. I know the Governor reached out last night to relay his own congratulations. Let me know if we can help set up any meetings for you in Trenton as you enter

    transition with relevant commissioners, agency heads, etc.

    Fri, May 17, 6:55 AM

  • 8/13/2019 Christie Documents Steven Fulop


    AT&T LTE 11:34 AM & $ 74% ffl j^ '

    < Back (13) Bill Contact

    Fri, Jul 12, 6:19 PM

    I know the Gov is sending quite a contingent of his Cabinet up to you on the

    23rd. Let us know how we can continue to work closely together.


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    RE: Mayors Day

    Bridget Kelly



    Thursday, June 27, 2013 3:20 PM

    Sorry! I hit "send" too soon.

    [f there seem s to be any Department missing, we can'certainly try to add or schedule another time.

    Those below seem to be within the confines of what the Fulop Administration will need in the beginning months of the term.

    le t me know If you have any questions. We will have staff from the Governor's office there a s well

    My best,


    From: Bridget KellySent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 3:08 PM To: 'Steven FulopCc: Mohammed AkitSubject: RE; Mayors Day

    When: July 23rd beginning at 11:00 a.m.Where: Jersey City, City Hall ~ 280 Grove Street, Jersey City. The meeting will take place in the Mayors ConferenceRoom.

    D OT-11:00 a.m. ** Commissioner Jim Simpson*

    Governors Office of Recovery and Rebuilding (GORR) *12:00 p.m. Marc Fenzan and Terry Brody

    Treasury-1:00 p.m.

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    Print' Page 2 of 8

    Treasurer Eristoff and Jim Leonard DCA-2:00 p.m. *

    . Commissioner ConsteBle; ^EDA-3:00 p.m.

    Michelle Brown

    From; Steven Fulop Sent; Thursday, June To: Bridget Kell Cc: cvparl Subject: Re: Mayor's Day

    2013 1:03 PH

    Mohammed Akif

    Great 280 grove street. City ha lt Mayors con froom

    On Jun 27, 2013, at 12:56 PM, "Bridget Kelly"

  • 8/13/2019 Christie Documents Steven Fulop


    Print P a g e 1 o f 8

    Subject; Re: Mayors Day

    From: Steven Fulop

    To: Brie

    Co: . vpa mhammedaki

    Date: Thursday, June 27, 2013 3:22 PM

    This is perfect.

    On Jun 27,2013, at 3:19 PM , "BridgetKelly1* wr o te :

    Son y! I hit send too soon.

    If there seems to be any Department missing, w e can certainly tiy to add or schedule another tune.

    Those below seem to be within the confines of what the Fulop Administration will need j^ the beginning months of the term.

    Let me know i f you have any questions. We w ill have st aff from the Governors office there as well.

    My best,


    From: Bridget Kellyv - ^Sent: Thursday, 11016 27,2013 3:08 PMTo; 'Steven Fulop'Cc:Subject: RE: Mayors Day

    i; Mohammed Akil

    When: J uly 23rd beginning a t l l:00 .a ,m .

  • 8/13/2019 Christie Documents Steven Fulop


    Page 1 of 10' Print

    Subject: RE: Mayors Day

    From: Bridget Kelly (

    To: Steve n.m.ful of

    Go: v p a r k d m m H ^ m u h a m m e d a k i l i

    Date: Friday, July 12, 2013 10:55 AM

    We've added another meeting or two to this day. Any chance we can start earlier?

    f -0

    From: Steven Futop,

    Sent: Thursday, June 27,2013 3:22 PM To: Bridget Kelly ~Cc: Mohammed AkilSubject: Re: Mayor's Day

    f * '* * &*


    On Jim 27 ,20 13 , at 3 :07 PM, "Bridget Kelly"

  • 8/13/2019 Christie Documents Steven Fulop


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    Subject Re: Mayor's Day

    From: Steven Futop

    To: BridgetKelli

    Cc; vpark ^lM H P H i^ p t nrtuhammedakill

    Date: Friday, July 12, 2013 11:55 AM


    Nancy.. Can yon coordinate?

    On Jul 12 ,2013, at 10:55 AM, "Bridget Kelly"

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    Print Page 2 o f 10/

    * Commissioner ConstableEDA - 3:0 0 p\m,

    * M ichelle Brown

    From: Steven Fulopi Sent: Thursday, June 27 ,201 3 1:03 PM To: Bridget KellyCc: Mohammed Ak il .Subject: Re: Mayor's Day

    Great. 2S0 grove street. City ha ll Mayors con f room

    On J o n 27, 2013, at 12:56 PM, "Bridget Kelly11

  • 8/13/2019 Christie Documents Steven Fulop


    Print Page 3 o f 10

    On Jun 25,201 3, a t 11:23 AM, "Bridget Kelly'1 wrote:

    We are lookin g at July 23rdright now.

    Will have con firmation shortly.

    From: Steven. Fulop __Sent: Tuesday, June 25,2013 12:15 PM To: BridgetCc: Mohammed Aktl

    Subject: Re: Mayor's Day

    How does the following week look?

    On Jun 25 ,201 3, at 10:53 AM, "Bridget Kelly"< B rid get.lC ellv ^J p [ ^ ^ P ^ > wrote:

    Were having scheduling issues with those two days. If possible, are there any days the week prior or after that

    \ve could run by the Commissioners?

    From: Steven Fulo$ 1 ______Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 T;23 AM

    Cc; Mohammed Akil

    Yes. Either o f those dates.

    i / i i n r \ i A

  • 8/13/2019 Christie Documents Steven Fulop


    / Print

    On Jun24 , 2013, at 9:21 AM, Br idg et Kelly"

    We w il l wor k through, the two dates and se e wh at works with the Departments.

    An y ti m e w ork better than another?

    And, youM prefer to have this in JC, correct?


    From: Steven Pulop

    Sent: Friday; June 21,2013 4:38 PM To: Bridget KellyCc: MohammedAkilSubject: Re: Mayor's Day

    July 18 0A 9?

    00110121,2013, a t 10:10 AM,, Br idge t Kelly"


    Mid-July works well.

    Do y ou want to provide some dates?

    From: Steven Fulop

    Sent: Friday, June 21,2013 9:51

    Page 4 o f 10

  • 8/13/2019 Christie Documents Steven Fulop


    AMTo: Bridget Kelly Cc:

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    Print Page 6 of 10

    theCommissioners and sta ff that can be mo st helpful to yo u as you b egin your tenure as Mayor. Some of theconversations may be simple andintroductory,

    -while others may focus on actual pendin g

    projects and issues.Off the top o f my head, I thought the fol lowing m ay make some sense-

    CommissionerRichardConsta ble/D eparfment o f Community Affairs/Local Government Services

    Michele Brown/CBO of

    'the Econom ic Development Authority

    Marc Ferzan- Director o f the

    Governor's Office o f Recovery' and Rebuilding

    Commissioner'JimSimpson/Depaitment . of Transportation


  • 8/13/2019 Christie Documents Steven Fulop


    EristoffrDepartment o f the Treasury

    No w, there may

    be others that you seerelevant, and I'd be happy to add

    .those . Xdefer to you* and your team.

    Ideally,-Fd like to get some, dates from you for next week,

    and then work

    with tlie schedules of ourCommissioners to coordinate.

    I'm happy to work with your Chief to do what w e canto figure it out.

    I look forward

    to hearing from you.

    M y best-

    Bridget Kelly

    From:. Veronica Park

    Sent: Thursday,

    June 20,2013 09:43 PM -To: Bridget Kelly; Steven Fulop

    Subject: Fwd: Mayor's Day

  • 8/13/2019 Christie Documents Steven Fulop


    Forwarded message


    Date: Thu, Jim20,2013 at9:32 PMSubject:Mayor's DayTo:

    bridget .k elhjSteven. Fulop

    Hi Bridget,

    It was greatconnectingwith you thismorning, I .thought I hadmy hands fellwith 3 kids,impressed thatyou have 4!

    I spoke withSteven aboutyour "MayorDay" programand I think it'sa great idea,

    probably *something,Mohamad

  • 8/13/2019 Christie Documents Steven Fulop


    Page 9 of 10


    Akil, bis Chief of S ta ff , w i l l

    coordinatewith. you.There ate so


    with local andstategovernment

    . . . - that a seam lesstransition can on ly benef iteveryone.

    Steven askedm e to connec t .

    the Wo of yonv ia emaildirectly. Hecan tell yonwhether oneday next week ox the

    followingw e e k w i i l w o t k b e s t asw e l l asdetermine if a

    Trenton o f

    JerseyCity locationis most ^appropriate.

    Again,Bridget, thank

    you for theconversation

    and the support.

    Warmest. regards,

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    Page 10 of 10



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    Gmail - Mayor's Day Page 1 of 1



    Mayor's Day Nancy W ari iko wskiTo: Steven Fulop

    Tue, Jut 16, 2013 at 9:43 AM

    Dear Steven,

    Ju st want to go over the upcoming Commissioner's meetings scheduled for 7/23.

    11:00 - Tr easu rer Eristoff and Chief of Staff Jim Leonard $

    12:00 - Mark Ferzan and Terry Brody of the Governor's Office of Recovery & Rebuilding

    1:00 - Deputy Commissioner Joseph Mrozek of the DOT

    2:00 - Commissioner Richard Constable of Dept, of Community Affairs/Locai Governmental Services

    3:00 - Michelle Brown of ihe Economic Development Authority

    4:00 - Bill Baroni, Deputy Executive Director of the Port Authority

    Questions: '

    2. Do you wan t me to order lunch?

    3. Who do you want to attend th ese meetings?

    4. Lastly, they a lso want you to m eet with the Business Action Center {part of the Lt. Governor's Officewhich ass is ts small busi ness to navigate throughout the state). The person you would be meeting with isCom missioner Lauren Moore. We have tentatively set this up for Monday, 7/29 to follow your DOTmeeting . I am waiting for confirmation on this.

    Let me know what I can do to help you with thes e m eetings.

    Thanks, Nancy

    Nancy WariikowskiScheduler for Mayor Steven FulopCity Hall280 Grove Street


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    Gmail - Mayor's Day Page 1 of 2

    Mayor's Day

    Steven FuiopTo: Nancy War

    Tue, Ju! 16, 2013 at 9:46 AM

    On Jul 16, 2013, a t 9:43 AM, Nancy Wariikowskf wrote:

    Dear Steven,

    Ju st want to go over the upcoming Commissioner's meetings scheduled for 7/23.

    11:00 - Tre asurer Eristoff and Chief of Staff Jim Leonard

    12:00 - Mark Ferzan and Terry Brody of the G overnor's Office of Recovery & Rebuilding

    1:00 - Deputy Com missioner Jos eph Mrozek of the DOT .

    2:00 - Commissioner Richard Constable of Dept, of Community Affairs/Local GovernmentalServices

    3:00 - Michelle Brown of the Economic Development Authority

    4:00 - Bill Barpnj/.Deputy Executive Director of the Port Authority



    2. Do you want m&ldyjfder iunch?


    3. Who do you want to attend these m eetings?

    John. Vivian. Directors wh ere applicable Muhammed

  • 8/13/2019 Christie Documents Steven Fulop


    Gmail - Mayor's Day Page 2 of 2

    4. Lastly, they also w ant you to meet with the B usines s Action Cen ter (part of the Lt.Governor's Office which as sis ts small bus ines s to navigate throughout the state). The

    pe rson you would be meeting with is Commissioner Lauren Moore. We have tentatively s e tthis up for Monday, 7/29 to follow your DOT meeting. 1am waiting for confirmation on this.


    Let me know what I ca n do to help you with the se meetings.

    Thanks, Nancy

    Nancy WariikowskiSch edu ler for Mayor Steven FulopCity Hall280 Grove StreetJersey City, NJ 07302



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    / Gmail - Mayor's Day


    Mayors Day Nancy Warl iko ws klTo: Steven Fulop,

    Dear Steven,

    Within the past hour, f have received p hone ca lls from:-

    Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 4:53 PM

    dim Leonard - TreasuryJosep h Mrozek - DOTComm issioner Constable - Community AffairsMarc Ferzan of Office Recovery & Rebuilding

    AH of which cancelled the m eetings on the 23rd. They quoted scheduling conflicts and offered noalternative dates.

    At this junctu re, 1believe, Michelle Brown of Economic Development (3:00) and Bill Baroni (4:00 ) of thePort Authority ar e still coming.

    They also cancelled the DOT meeting set for the 29th. .

    Nancy WariikowskiAide to Mayor Steven FuiopCity Hall 280 Grove Street


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    Nancy W arl iko wskiTo: Steven Fulop

    Fri, Jul 19 ,20 13 at 9:0 9 AM4

    Dear Steven,

    Bili Baroni of the Port Authority just cancelled the meeting on the 23rd which wa s at 4 p m

    The only o n e left for the 23rd is MicheJie Brown from the EDA.

    The only on e left for the 29th Is the Business Action Center on the 29th.

    . Nancy WarlikowskiAide to Mayor Steven FulopCity Hall280 Grove StreetJersey City, NJ 07302

