Chris Brown - F.A.M.E Digipack Analysis

Post on 09-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Chris Brown - F.A.M.E Digipack Analysis

CHRIS BROWN - F.A.M.EDigipack Analysis

FRONT COVERThe artwork used throughout the digipack is very abstract and colourful. I believe all 3 parts of the digipack represent the artist of the album, Chris Brown. The front cover’s main background is created by a variety of different images of the artist himself, but edited with different colours and cartoon images overlaid on top. I believe this represents his own personality as well as his power and how he views the power he has. The front cover is extremely colourful, most albums tend to have a house style and follow a certain gradient of colours, where as this album uses an extreme amount of colours. Which again I believe is a representation of the artists own personality and how through his album art he is trying to portray himself as a colourful and vibrant person!!The main image that we see on the album is of the artist looking head on straight down the camera (at the audience/consumer). His facial expression suggests confidence and power. I believe that this suggests a sexual and business side to the artist while contrasting with the vibrant and colourful personality represented by the other images behind him the in the background. At the bottom of the main image it has been manipulated to appear it is dripping like paint, as well as spray paint cans underneath it. This again represents the artist, Chris Brown’s other passions and his own hobbies. The use of spray cans and painting can also link to an urban theme which the hip-hop genre that the !album is connotes with. !!The front cover does not actually link to anything to do with !music, but has only used pictures of the artist instead. I believe!this is because Chris Brown is such a big hip-hop and R&B artist!and by just showcasing his face on the front of the album this will !attract the correct target audience!!When considering the text which has been used it is clear to see!that an extremely large size text has been used to display the name!of the album, ‘F.A.M.E’ and takes up one fifth of the front cover. Even though the text is quite a large font it is placed at the bottom of the album, i believe this is to make room for the main image of the artist and have his face as the main focal point. In the bottom left corner the artists name ‘Chris Brown’ is wrote in a graffiti style writing in blue paint. This again links to to his own hobby of spray painting and art, again letting the consumer/audience to delve into the artists own personality and world.!!I believe that the front cover has been created to represent Chris Brown, the artist as being!a powerful and influential artist as it fully showcases his own personality and how he perceives himself. Because Chris Brown is very interested in art I think he would of had a large influence on the creation of the front cover alongside the designer.

CDCOVERWhen analysing the CD cover for F.A.M.E is it clearly a lot different to the front cover of the album. For one the monochrome colours are a large jump from the vibrant contrasts used for the front. The monochrome colours connote a sense of sophistication and modern style which can be connected to the hip hop genre and how all the modern artists are powerful, rich and dress in ‘high fashion’. The main image used on the CD cover is of supposedly the artist Chris Brown in some sort of helmet in a leant forward position performing a Michael Jackson-esc dance move. I believe this is paying homage to the late Michael Jackson and his trademark dance move as the artist is a huge fan of his work.!I also think the reason in this choice of image is to also !his love and talent of dancing which Chris Brown uses in!a lot of his music video’s,!!Again when looking at the main image of Cd Cover,!the costume that the artist is wearing is also monochrome !as well as looking fashionable, again linking to the high class!high fashion connotation of the hip-hop genre.!!The image also spreads along the whole disc, this has been !purposely done to again make the artist the main focal point.!!In the bottom right of the CD two different texts have been used,!these are both artists name and the album name. Similar to the front!cover of the digipack the same fonts have been used but instead of!the ‘F.A.M.E’ text being wrote in white it has been wrote in white so it is more prominent!against the white background of the CD. This has been done purposely to create a house style to the album. Next to these two texts the artist record label as well as his own personal logo have been added, this is a typical stereotype of many different music albums.!

BACK COVERIn the Back Cover of the album we are then introduced back with colour. A soft pink colour has been used in the background and then is contrasted with the black and white monochrome colours which were used on the Cd Cover. In the left half of the back cover the same character with a helmet on his head (Chris Brown) has been used again, this helps to link the back cover to the cd cover, creating even more of a house style to the album. A wide shot of the character has been used to let us see his powerful body language as well as also opening up his costume so it is easier to see. !!I the use of the metal helmet on the artists head suggests he feels trapped, this may be linked to the album name F.A.M.E, and maybe that even though he is famous and has so many fans he still feels trapped and isolated, this may be due to his past with star Rihanna and how he now feels ashamed. Maybe his stance could also suggest he is wanting to break out from behind it.!!The black text and font used on the back cover works perfectly as it is made more prominent by the pink background. The allows the audience to read the track list easier, which overall makes it easier on the eye. I think the placement of the track list is quite different when compared to other back covers. Most are placed in the middle where as this one is to the right side.!!On either side of the back cover two side panels have been used which again showcase both the artists and albums name, and again the record label and Chris Browns own logo have been placed on the bottom right.!!I believe the whole digipack of F.A.M.E. has been planned carefully to represent Chris Brown in a positive yet personal light to audience, this has been perfectly done through the use of images and colours, text and placement of images. Overall a clever and perfectly sculpted album.