Chakras -...

Post on 07-Mar-2021

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Transcript of Chakras -...

Energy Field:• This is a magnetic field that surrounds the body, often referred to as the aura. o Physical – extends out 12 inches o Emotional (etheric or subtle body) – extends out 12-18 inches o Mental – extends out 18-24 inches o Spiritual/karmic – extends out 24-48 inches• The levels connect through energy channels. Acupuncture works with the energy channels.• “The physical body is so energetically connected and dependent upon the etheric body for cellular guidance that the physical body cannot exist without the etheric body. If the etheric field becomes distorted, physical disease soon follows. Many illnesses begin first in the etheric body and are then later manifested in the physical body as organ pathology.” (Dr. Richard Gerber, Vibrational Medine (2001), 121)• Physical disease is dis-ease, not being at ease in the body thus causing an imbalance.

Reiki• In Japanese Rei means Higher Power and Ki is life force energy (like Chi)• Healing technique discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in the 19th Century• Reiki does not come from a person, it comes through them as a result of specific attunements (connections) to the different levels of Reiki• Reiki balances energy at the physical and emotional levels by promoting relaxation and stress reduction, and then the body can heal.• It is beneficial for all living beings (people, animals, plants, crystals, earth) and situations

Integrated Energy Therapy• This method works on specific integration points on the body for people and animals to remove buried emotional issues before they become serious physical issues

Chakras:• Chakra is Sanskrit for energy wheels of subtle energy o Chakras connect in the body through meridians and relate to specific endocrine glands and major nerve plexus. o Seven major chakras are located in the etheric body; up to 360 chakras.• Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama has scientifically studied chakras and documented physiological changes in the body based on chakra balance. Dr. Valerie Hunt (UCLA) used EMG electrodes and found high frequency rates coming from the chakras.•Chakras respond to specific colors, notes and vibrations•When the chakras are balanced, the related organs and glands are balanced • Animals have similar chakras to humans with some additional chakras.• Energy healing techniques balance the chakras for overall balance and wellbeing