Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Transcript of CCR

  • 1. CCRCardio Cerebral Resuscitation You CAN save a life!! Presented by:Kelly Sommerfeld Amanda FitzpatrickNick Gomez Joni GramsCody Sokolik

2. Brief Background:CPR has been around since 1740 but didnt gain acceptance until 1960 whenthe AHA introduce it to physicians.CCR gained popularity and acceptance around 2008 although it had beenaround dating back to 1990.Why should I care?88 percent of all out of hospital sudden cardiac arrests occur at home.Effective CPR provided immeadiatly after SCA can double or triple thechance of survial Only 32 percent of SCA victims actually get CPR. An introduction to our topic today from the Mayo Clinic mbedded#!Facts and figures courtesy of the American Heart Association 3. What is Sudden Cardiac Arrest? t-attack-cardiac-arrest/ 4. What Is CCR? CCR= Chest Compression-only or Cardio cerebral Resuscitation (CCR) CCR protects the heart and the brain by increasing blood flow to these organs. CCR eliminates the risk of over-ventilation. Over-Ventilation: excessive rate and depth of respiration leading to abnormal loss of carbon dioxide from the blood. 5. How Does it Differ?? CCR= chest compression only CPR= rescue breaths and chest compressions CCR differs from CPR in the first 5-10 minutes aftercardiac arrest. CPR is performed in cycles of 30 compressions and 2breaths, with the breaths taking 10 seconds awayfrom compression The rescuer does not breath for patient at all, insteadshifts the focus to chest compressions at the rate of100 per minute. Note: Many doctors feel that CCR is more effective insaving lives of humans that go into cardiac arrest 6. Survival in Tucson AZ with Cardiocerebral Resuscitation40%30%11/03-8/06Hospital Discharge Survival20% 1997-1999 25%10% 34/1369% 28/3140%Terry Valenzuela MD AHA Resuscitation Science Symposium 2006 7. PerfusionImportant InformationWhat: Perfusion is the process of delivery of blood to a capillary bed in the biologicaltissue.Coronary perfusion pressure correlates with the coronary blood flow and determines the outcome during a cardiac arrest.Re-establishing blood flow to the vital organs is the single most important factor forsuccessful resuscitationHow: Coronary perfusion pressure is the difference between right arterial pressure (RAP)and aortic pressure (AoP) during diastole.Note: Calculating coronary perfusion pressure (CPP) is an invasive technique usedprimarily for research, to measure the pressure in the coronary arteries upon diastole. 8. This graph shows the percentage of patients who achieve return ofspontaneous circulation (ROSC) in response to coronary perfusionpressure (CPP). 9. l Normal ventricular fibrillation (heart beat) contracting uniformlyAfter cardiac arrest, heart response declining and contracting independently After providing compressions, perfusion to the heart is reestablished 10. Cardiac Chain of Survival 11. What is it? Was developed to help understand urgency ofhelp Developed in 1990 By American Heart Association Most SCA episodes occur outside of a hospital Death occurs within minutes of onset Must be done in a quick manner 12. Early Access Activate the emergency response system Early recognition of cardiac emergency Call 911 as soon as possible The sooner the call, the sooner help will arrive Alert system in individual facility 13. Early CPR (or CCR) Should be started as soon as possible Should be maintained until help arrives At least 100 chest compressions per minute 2 inch compression depth for adults 1 inch compression depth for infants and children Try to minimize interruptions Helps oxygenate blood flow to heart and brain 14. Early Defibrillation The only way torestart someonesheart Electronic devicesends an electricshock to the heart tostop Extremely rapid Irregular heartbeat Restore the normal heart rhythm 15. Early Advanced Care Provided by paramedics or other highly trainedEMS personnel Includes Basic life support Defibrillation Administering cardiac drugs Insertion of breathing tubes 16. Facts Every minute after onset of cardiac attack survival chances are reduced by 7-10% Within 4-6 minutes brain damage and brain death starts After 10 minutes few attempts of resuscitation succeed CCR and defibrillation within 4 minutes and paramedic within 8 minutes, survival chance is 43% 17. Performing CCRTwo simple steps.1) Call 9112) Push hard and fast in the center ofthe chest. 18. Common Questions:Where is the center of the chest?What does a compression actually do? 19. Practice TimeHow will I ever remember 100 beats per minute?