CBSE Syllabus Class 5 EVS 2021-22

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Transcript of CBSE Syllabus Class 5 EVS 2021-22


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VQuestions Key Concepts/ Suggested Suggested

Issues Resources Activities

1. Family and Friends1.1 RELATIONSHIPS

Family treeCan you make a familytree with as many of yourrelatives you can getinformation about?Who are the relativeswhom you have neverseen? Where do they live?

Shifting from place toplaceHave you always lived atthe place that you now livein? If not, where doesyour family come from?

Who laughs the loudest?Who is the tallest/shortestin the family? Who has thelongest hair? How long?Who has the loudest

Family in transition –Impact of larger socio-economic forces arechanging family structureand quality of life infamilies; Idea aboutseveral generations; howsome people move away,some continue to livetogether, and howhouseholds get formed/reformed at several places.How these are affectingroles, relationships, valuesystems, aspirations withina family.

Shifts in habitation-migrat ion/transfers/demolition displacementAssociated difficulties

Basic ideas ofmeasurement - of height;Observing andappreciating qualities and

A story woven around afamily tree with old familyphotographs.

Story of a migrating familyor a family displaced by theconstruction of a dam ordemolition of an urbanslum.

Cartoons; narratives.

Activity - Write the namesof all your familymembers along with theirages. How manygenerations have you beenable to get details about?

Discussion or letterwriting; drawing.

Mimicking people in thefamily – laugh and voices;drawing people in thefamily.


CBSE Class 5 EVS Syllabus 2021-22


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Questions Key Concepts/ Suggested SuggestedIssues Resources Activities

voice/laugh in the house?From how far away canyou hear it? Who speaksthe softest? When does achild cry the loudest?When she is hungry-orangry? Who is the bestcook in the family?

Our likes and dislikesWhich is your favouritecolour? Which is yourfriend’s favourite colour?Which is your favouritefood? What about yourfriends favourite food?Do you know yourfriends’ likes and dislikes?Are there any smells youdon’t like (fish, mustardoils, garlic, eggs etc) ? Doyou eat fish?

Feeling to readDo you know how peopleread with their hands? Doyou know someone whofinds it difficult to walk/speak/see etc.? How doyou think they learn toovercome the problem?


Team games – yourheroesDo you play any games in

skills of relatives;observing infants.

Our bodies, our senses,our likes/ dislikes vary e.g.our concept of foul/fragrant smellCultural influences of taste,smell, etc(to be discussed withoutstereotyping).

Awareness andsensitisation towards theproblems of physicallychallenged;

Types of games/sports,

Narratives aboutpreferences in taste,smells, colours indifferent cultural context.

Autobiography of HelenKeller; excerpt from herteacher’s account of howshe learnt; Braille sheet.

Library resources- Indian

Writing exercises about aninfant they have observed.

Observation, discussion,describing and writingabout a friend’s likes/dislikes; a class surveyabout childrens favouritecolour/food etc.

Activity with Braille paper(or simulated Braillepaper).

Collecting information,


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Questions Key Concepts/ Suggested SuggestedIssues Resources Activities

teams? Have you everbeen captain of the team?Do boys and girls playtogether? Have you heardof any Indian team playingin another country? Whichis your favourite teamsport? Do you know anyNational level player?

Local games/martialartsWhat are the local games/martial arts of your area?Do you know someonewho is good at them?Have you seen a youngacrobat or wrestlerpracticing? Who taughtthem? For how long havethey learnt the art/game?What are the new gamesin your area that were notplayed earlier?What do you do in theevenings for leisure? Whatif there is no TV? Whodecides what programmesto watch?

Blow hot blow coldHow many times do youbreathe in a minute – onsitting still, just after a run?How much can you expandyour chest by breathing

importance of teamspirit in games, genderstereotyping.Some idea of othercountries and nationalteams.Gender, class stereotypingin play.

Local and traditionalmartial art forms/games.Typical practice routines;teachers/gurus; changingpatterns of local games.

Changing nature ofleisure.

Our breathing – estimatesof different rates; chestexpansion and contractionin the child’s body whileexhaling and inhaling; My

cricket team; narrativeabout some national andinternational players.

Description orphotographs oftraditional martial arts,‘Nat’, acrobat,boat race, etc.

Story by Zakir Hussain –“Usee se thanda usee segaram” – Zubaan books.

making picture albums ;posters of sports persons

Reading, discussion,collecting informationand writing about local/martial games.

Observation, , activity ofbreathing in and out andobserving the difference(mirror/glass/on palm);measuring chest; counting


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Questions Key Concepts/ Suggested SuggestedIssues Resources Activities

deeply? Can you make aglass cloudy by blowing onit? How do you blow tomake something cold? Doyou also blow to keep a firegoing?

Clean work – dirtywork?Can you list ten differenttypes of work that peopledo for you. In this listwhat work is seen as dirtyand what is seen as clean?What would happen ifthere were no one to -clean our streets/ourhome/clear the garbage?


How animals findtheir food?If you leave some foodoutside your house dosome animals take it away?How do they find it?Do these animals alsohear/speak/ see/smell/eat/ sleep?

What we take fromanimals?What animal products dowe use for clothing,shelter, etc.?

breath – hot and humid;tacit understanding ofcooling by blowing andhelping a fire to burn.

Dignity of LabourDependence of society onsuch essential services.Choice of work as asocietal value.

Sense organs; Comparisonwith humans – activitiessuch as eating sleeping etc.

Animal products used byus.

Extract from Gandhi’sautobiography; narrativefrom another country -sweepers treated withdignity; story of a Valmikiboy discriminated inschool because of parents’occupation.

Information about animals’senses and other functions.Narratives about animalssuch as ants, bees, dogs,birds, snakes etc givingideas about their senses.

Child’s daily lifeexperience, informationabout products weobtain from animals.

heart beat and breathingrate , making and using astethoscope

Reading and discussionbased on suggestedresources.

Observation of animalsto study their responsesound, food, light andother stimuli.

Listing and drawing ofitems made from animalproducts.


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Questions Key Concepts/ Suggested SuggestedIssues Resources Activities

Why is the tiger indanger?Why do people kill wildanimals? Which are theanimals that are poached?

People who depend onanimalsDo you know peoplewho catch/trap/hunt/entertain using animals?Have you seen how snakecharmers/gujjars dependon animals?What do you understandby cruelty to animals? Doyou think a snake charmeris cruel to the snake?Have you seen scenes ofhunting in rock paintingsor on ancient seals?


Growing plantsHow does a plant growfrom a seed? Can yougrow a plant withoutseeds? How do you growm a n g o e s / p o t a t o e s ?Where does the seedcome from? Have youseen seeds that fly/stick toyour clothes/drift in thewater?

Protection of wild life;selling of animal parts.

Communities dependentupon animals; huntersrestricted to smallerspaces; changing patternsof wild and domesticanimals.To be sensitive aboutcruelty to animals; realizethat people who dependon animals for theirlivelihood are notnecessarily cruel to them.Basic idea of pre-historichunters and the wildanimals seen at that time.

Seed germination, rootand shoot axis, baby plant,storage of food in theseed; seed dispersal.

Excerpt from ‘Man eatersof Kumaon’ by Corbet.

Library resources;illustrations ofpre-historic huntingscenes (Bhimbetka).Narrative of gujjars’or snake charmers’relationships withanimals.Child’s observation; anstory/narrative about ananimal and its caretaker ,e,g, mahouth/tonga walaFilms/pictures ofshooting, skins (tiger) ofanimals.

Seeds, germinated seeds.

Discussion, reading,poster making activitywith a message to savewild life.

Discussion on peoplewhose livelihood dependon animals; drawing;Discussion on peopleteasing/troubling animalsat the zoo/other places.

Study germination ofsome seeds, experimentto determine conditionssuitable for germination(air and water).


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Questions Key Concepts/ Suggested SuggestedIssues Resources Activities

Forests and forestpeopleHave you seen or heardabout a forest? How dopeople live in forests?How is their lifethreatened by forestsbeing cut? What kinds offoods do they collectfrom the plants there?What leaves are used foreating on?Do your parentsremember places withtrees/forests where thereare none today? Why werethe trees cut and what isthere today?

Protected treesHave you heard of apark/sanctuary? Wholooks after it? Doesanybody own it?Have you seen a placewhere trees are worshipedor protected by thevillagers?

Plants that have comefrom farDoes tea come from aplant? Where did peoplefirst grow tea and whatdoes the plant look like?Does it grow only in

Tribal life; effects ofdeforestation;communities dependenton forest products e.g.,‘pattals’, bambooproducts, etc.

Public/private ownershipof trees/forests.Sacred groves; people’smovements to protecttheir forests.

Plants from differentcountries.

Information abouttribal life, communitiesdependent on forestproduce, effects ofdeforestation.

Story of the Chipkomovement and thewomen’s role inprotecting trees.

Song/poem fromChakmak: “Alu, mirchi,chaiji; Kaun kahan se aye ji”Story about the Chinartree coming to Kashmir.

Exploring from parents,reading, and discussion.;tracing tree trunks.

Enactment of chipkoandolan; poster – ‘savetrees’; survey and identifyany ‘green belt’ in yourneighbourhood.

Local knowledge, reading,and discussion, reciting thepoem together; makingtea.


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Questions Key Concepts/ Suggested SuggestedIssues Resources Activities

some places/climates?What did people drinkwhen there was no tea inIndia?

2. FoodWhen food gets spoiltHow does food spoil?How do we know thatfood is spoilt? Whichfood spoil sooner thanothers? What can we doto prevent food fromgetting spoilt?What do we do to keep itfresh during travel? Whydo we need to preservefood? Do you leave foodin your plate?

Who produces the foodwe eat?Do you know ofdifferent kinds offarmers? Do all farmersown their land?How do farmers get theseeds they plant everyyear? What else besidesseeds is required for a cropto grow?

What did people growearlier?Did your grandparents orany elderly person eat the

Spoilage and wastage offood. Preservation offood, drying and pickling.

On different types offarmers. Hardships facedby subsistence farming,including seasonalmigration. Need forirrigation, fertilizers.

Changing food habits,changing crops grown in

Sharing family experiencesInteraction with a personinvolved with foodproduction/preservation.

Farmers’ narratives -Could take one examplefrom Punjab and the otherfrom AP. Story of a childmissing school because ofhis/her family’s seasonalmigration. Familymembers. Visit to a farm.

Information on foodfrom different places.

Keep some bread, otherfood for a few days – seehow they spoil.

Study germination ofseeds, experiment todetermine conditionssuitable for germination;Observations in any farm.

Collection of samples orpictures of food from


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Questions Key Concepts/ Suggested SuggestedIssues Resources Activities

same food you eat today?Do all of us eat the samekind of food? Why dowe eat different kinds offood?

When people do notget foodDo you know of timeswhen many people do notget enough food to eat?Have you seen where extragrain is stored?How do you know whenyou are hungry?Do you know of peoplewho get ill because they donot have enough to eat?

Our mouth – tastesand even digests food!How do we taste food?What happens in themouth to the food weeat? Why do we giveglucose to patients? Whatis glucose?

Food for plants?What do plants need forfood? Do you know ofany plants that eat insects?What do animals eat? Doall animals eat the samefood? Do animals eatother animals?

some areas.Different food habits indifferent places/cultures.

Hunger, famine (as botha natural and man-madephenomenon); grainbeing spoilt in storage;nutrition deficiencydiseases.

Tasting food; chappati/rice becomes sweeter onchewing; digestion beginsin the mouth; glucose is asugar.

Water, manure, air forplants; Insectivorousplants e.g. pitcher plant,Venus fly trap; basic ideaof food chain/web.

Print material on differentcalamities; Narrative ofthe Bengal famine as aman-made calamity; TVnews bulletins etc.

Child’s experience; somesamples of food items;story of someone on aglucose drip.

Pictures/visuals ofinsectivorous plants.

different places/cultures.

Collection of picturesrelated to natural calmities;discussion on affects.

Tasting activity, action ofsaliva on rice/chappati.

Observations anddiscussion on food forplants; making amodel ofa food chain/web.


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Questions Key Concepts/ Suggested SuggestedIssues Resources Activities

3. ShelterWhy different housesWhy do you have differentkind of houses indifferent places? Differenthouses in the same place?

A shelter for everyone?Does everyone have ashelter to live in? Why dopeople live together invillages, hamlets, colonies,neighborhoods?

Ants live in colonies?Do you know how bees/ants live together incolonies?

Times of emergencyHave you heard of housesbeing damaged byf loods/ear thquakes/cyclones/fires/storms/lightening? What would ithave felt like? Who are thepeople who come to help?What can you do to helpothers before the doctorcomes? Where can welook for help at suchtimes? Who runs suchinstitutions?

Variation in shelter :regional difference,difference due to climateand materials available,economic status, etc.

Need for living close toothers, the idea ofneighbourhoods.Need for sharingresources and spaces,division of spaces.

Ant or bee colony, socialbehaviour in insects.

Disaster and trauma oflosing one’s home;community help;Hospitals, police stations,ambulance, shelters, firestation, first aid.

Different houses indifferent climates andregions.

Pictures of villages,colonies etc.

A case study of socialorganisation in bees/ants.

Newspaper clippings.

Making models of houses;collection of materialsused to make houses indifferent places.

Write and draw the areayou live in, find out aboutpeople who work foreverybody.

Observations anddrawings of ant colonies,different types of ants.

Discussion, finding outabout the hospital, policestation, fire station, etc.


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Questions Key Concepts/ Suggested SuggestedIssues Resources Activities

4. WaterWater from where inearlier times?From where and how fardid your grandparents getwater? How far do youhave to go for water?What are undergroundwells/’baolis’? Do you stillsee them being used? Haveyou seen a ‘piaao ’?

Water flowFrom where do farmersget water to grow crops?Do all crops need thesame amount of water?Have you seen waterflowing upwards? Whatare the different ways inwhich you have seen waterbeing lifted? How isflowing water used togrind grain?

Plants and animals inwaterWhat kinds of animals andplants live in water? Arethere weeds that arecovering your pond/lake/ river? Can youclassify all the animals yousee around you to showwhich ones live in waterand which live on land?

Estimates of distancemeasurement; changes insources and wateravailability over time;community serviceespecially for long-distance travellers.

Sources for irrigation;different quantities ofwater for different crops;Different methods oflifting water; the use of awaterwheel.

Animals and plant life inwater; classification interms of similarities anddifferences.

Illustrations, story of a‘baoli’/stepwell

Farmer/any local personwho works in fields, aplant/crop.

Weeds of different kinds;pictures of plants andanimals living in differenthabitats.

Enquiry from grandparents/ other elders;drawing, model makingof a step well.

Interaction with a farmer,visit to a field, makingwater wheel., activity withwater wheel.

Listing and classification;drawing of water body.


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Questions Key Concepts/ Suggested SuggestedIssues Resources Activities

What floats, sinks ormixes?Have you ever seenanything floating in water?Can you classify as manythings around you to seewhich float, which sinkand which mix with water?Does oil mix with water?What are the similaritiesand differences in water,oil, milk, cold drink, etc.?How do we measurethese?

Mosquitoes andmalariaIs their any stagnant waterin your locality? Do youfind more mosquitoes instagnant water? Is there anyway to reduce themosquitoes in water?Have you heard ofmalaria? In what season doyou find more peoplegetting ill with malaria?

5. TravelPetrol or dieselDo all vehicles need petrolto run on? What otherfuels do you know thatare used for vehicles?What do trains run on? Inthe past what did they run

Basic observations andclassification related tofloatation and solubility inwater; oil and water areliquids that do not mix;basic concepts aboutliquids; litre as unit ofmeasurement of volume.

Stagnant and flowingwater; mosquitoes andmalaria.

Fuels used in vehicles; Fuelis costly. Non renewablesource.

Various materials toexperiment with, such as,sugar, stone, oil, salt, sandetc.Story of the donkey andthe salt/cotton bag.

Health worker or a doctor.Newspaper articles onmalaria etc.

Poems and songs abouttrains/cars etc.; Enquiryfrom adults; the story of‘petrol’.

Hands-on activity toobserve solubility in water,floatation; discussion,interpretation.

Interaction with acommunity doctor;observation of site ofstagnant/flowing water.

Discussion, finding outdifferent fuels used,comparison of cost ofpetrol and diesel.


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on? What do tractors useas fuel? For what otherpurposes are petrol anddiesel used?Find out the cost of a litreof petrol/diesel in yourarea? Do all vehicles runan equal distance on a litreof fuel?

Rough and toughHave you seen or been toa mountain? How andwhy do you think peoplemake such difficult trips?How do you think theytrain for it?

Ride on a spacecraftWhat all do you see in thesky – at day time? And atnight? How many of thethings you see in the skyare man-made?Have you heard of peopletraveling in a space craft?

Oldest buildingsIs there any well-knownmonument/historical placein your area that peoplecome to visit? What are theoldest buildings aroundyour area? Have youtraveled far to see anyhistorical monuments?

Questions Key Concepts/ Suggested SuggestedIssues Resources Activities

Mountains, expeditionsand the spirit ofadventure; some idea oftraining for high altitude;national flag.

The sky in the day andnight.Basic exposure to theaerial view of the earthand what India looks likefrom there.

Heritage buildings as asource of knowledgeabout our past; to be ableto understand how theywere built; materialsusedcome from a varietyof places, skills of thecrafts person; Some

Excerpt from theautobiography ofBachendri Pal; Flag ofIndia atop mountEverest; flags of somecountries

Story of Rakesh Sharma/Kalpana Chawla.

Oral narratives frompeople; pictures.

Act/dance to showclimbing on a difficultmountain;Designing a flag for yourschool; identifying someother flags

Observation from aterrace to draw its aerialview.Imagine yourself in aspacecraft giving aninterview to the PM aboutwhat you see from there!

Drawing pictures of thebuilding or the monumentin your neighbourhood ormemory or imagination.


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Questions Key Concepts/ Suggested SuggestedIssues Resources Activities

Have you heard of thosepersonalities who lived inthese monuments or whobuilt these?

6. Things we Make and DoGrowing FoodHow do we grow food?What tools do we use forpreparing the field? Forcutting and harvesting?For cutting and cookingdifferent vegetables/dishes?How do we water thecrops? How do we liftwater through a pump ora waterwheel? Can wemake a water wheel,sprinkler, etc.?

historical personalities.

After basic needs met,exploration leading toimproving and overcominghuman limitations;greater expression ofcreativity; overuse ofnatural resources needs tobe checked.Some idea of the story ofa grain from the field toour plate – in terms ofprocesses and the toolsused. Different thingsmade from the samegrain, say, wheat/rice.Simple observations ofwater lifting in fields or inhomes; making of a waterwheel, sprinkler, etc.

Narratives; talking toelders, farmers, thoseinvolved in growing andcooking food.‘Dump se pump’ by ArvindGupta.

Observing and talkingabout processes ofgrowing food; drawingtools used in differentprocesses; finding outabout different dishesmade from the same grain,say, wheat/rice.Making a simplewaterwheel, sprinkler,pump.