CBS Thurles Digital Learning Policy · Collaboration & Communication Office 365 – cloud storage....

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Transcript of CBS Thurles Digital Learning Policy · Collaboration & Communication Office 365 – cloud storage....

CBS Thurles Digital Learning Policy



Mission Statement

‘Thurles CBS is a place of learning where students are prepared for adult life,

academically, emotionally, spiritually and culturally.

We strive for a safe environment, free from bullying. We aim to promote the

Christian values inspired by the vision of Blessed Edmund Rice.

We seek to create an atmosphere of respect for the needs and talents of all

members of our school community, while challenging all to reach their full


1. Introduction This document records the outcomes of our current digital learning plan, including targets and the actions we will implement to meet the targets.

1.1 School Details:

CBS Thurles is an all-boys voluntary secondary school, with a student population of 605. Our

school was founded in 1816 and we are under the patronage of the Edmond Rice Schools Trust

(ERST). A new secondary school building was built in 1979 and refurbished in 2003. The school

campus has undergone considerable alterations over the years to accommodate our growing

population of students. We offer a wide-range of programmes, including: Junior Certificate,

Transition Year, Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP). The

school encourages participation in a vast array of extra-curricular activities. CBS Thurles aims to

integrate ICT to enhance the student experience and foster an environment of support and

innovation. Large investments in I.C.T. have been made over the past number of years through

Board of Management and government funding.

Our IT provisions are briefly outlined as follows:


Fully networked school premises with NCTE (100Mb) broadband access throughout the school and appropriate Wi-Fi-access for staff and students.

All classrooms are equipped with a network-connected desktop PC, a digital short-

throw projector, an AppleTV box, and Wi-Fi access. (2007- present).

A Design Communication Graphics lab has been developed with 25 networked

desktop PCs, a teacher PC station, a projector, colour printing facilities, and a 3D


A singular computer lab of 24 networked desktop PCs, a teacher PC station, a projector, and a B&W

laser printer. (Needs upgrading and relocation).

Two staffrooms are each equipped with two networked desktop PCs and B&W printing facilities.

Cloud storage access through 365 for staff and students has been developed since September 2018.

VS Ware used to record student data, attendance and assessment results.

Electronic communication is encouraged as is appropriate.



1.2 School Vision:

“Thurles C.B.S. is a place of learning where students are prepared for adult life, academically, emotionally, spiritually and culturally. We strive for a safe

environment, free from bullying. We aim to promote the Christian values inspired by the vision of Blessed Edmund Rice. We seek to create an atmosphere of

respect for the needs and talents of all members of our school community, while challenging all to reach their full potential” (Mission Statement)

Thurles C.B.S. aims to embed ICT, in a manner which enriches the teaching and learning experience for students. We believe that students must be

challenged and supported to engage and master content as well as develop essential “21st Century Skills”. These include: creativity and innovation skills;

critical thinking and problem solving; strong communication and collaboration skills; technology literacy skills; civic and cross-cultural skills; and the

productivity and leadership skills. This will enable them to be responsible, self-directed, learners and active responsible citizens of the future. The rationale

behind this Digital Strategy is to ensure that future developments in area of ICT within our school are planned for in a strategic collaborative way to

enhance teaching and learning.

1.3 Brief account of the use of digital technologies in the school to date:

Teaching & Learning

ICT used in all subjects at varying levels to enhance the quality of teaching and learning e.g. Office 365, Edmodo, Padlet, Geogebra, Duolingo,

Showbie, Simple Mind etc...

One-to-One devices introduced on a phased basis for all Junior Cycle students (2014).

All staff were provided with use of one-to-one devices to encourage use of I.C.T. and encourage use of new methodologies.

JCT Short Course in Coding introduced in September 2017 - all current 1st year and 2nd year students involved.

Project Work– CBA's, LCVP, DCG, Art, Woodwork/Constructions portfolios etc.

Devices to support SEN students encouraged e.g. iPad accessibility functions, video recording, camera, individual digital resource banks etc.

Digital Excellence Fund - STEM cluster September 2018.

Extra-curricular / Co-curricular activities – Internet Safety Day, Computer Clubs, Games Fleadh, Coding Week, Animation, Filming workshops etc...

Collaboration & Communication

Office 365 – cloud storage.

Online presence –school website, school app, Facebook page, Twitter account, YouTube Channel and iTunes U page.

School-wise planning platform used by departments for collaborative planning has been introduced in September 2019.




Management and administrative staff each have a networked desktop PC, and colour printing facilities.

School Management Information System – VSWARE in use since 2012.

2. The focus of this Digital Learning Plan

We undertook a digital learning evaluation in our school during the period October 2018 to March 2019. We evaluated our progress using the following

sources of evidence:

A committee was developed to steer ICT development in a strategic manner consisting of the following stakeholders: Ms. Kathryn O’Brien (Acting

Principal), Mr. Robert Chaney (Mathematics and Coding/ICT teacher) Ms. Annmarie Ryan (Mathematics and Coding/ICT teacher), Ms. Olivia McCarthy (Art & Coding Teacher), Mr. Pat Ryan (DCG and Woodwork) - representation from student council.

An audit of existing resources was undertaken, and a SWOT analysis completed.

Consultation with various members of the school community through parent, staff and student feedback questionnaires.

Regular meetings with IT systems and logging of issues.

Monitoring and analysing network traffic and app usage where possible.

2.1 The dimensions and domains from the Digital Learning Framework being selected

Dimension: Teaching and Learning

● Domain 1: Learner Outcomes

● Domain 2: Learner Experiences

● Domain 3: Teachers’ Individual Practice

● Domain 4: Teachers’ Collective/Collaborative Practice

Dimension: Leadership and Management

● Domain 1: Leading Learning and Teaching

● Domain 2: Managing the Organisation

● Domain 3: Leading School Development



2.2 The standards and statements from the Digital Learning Framework being selected

Dimension 1: Post-Primary Teaching and Learning

Standards Statements

DOMAIN 1: Learner Outcomes a) Students enjoy their learning, are

motivated to learn and expect to achieve as learners.

Students use appropriate digital technologies to foster active engagement in attaining

appropriate learning outcomes.

Students use digital technologies to collect evidence and record progress.

DOMAIN 1: Learner Outcomes c) Students demonstrate the knowledge,

skills and understanding required by the post-primary curriculum

Students use digital technologies effectively to develop their knowledge, have attained

proficiency in skills and understanding in accordance with the objectives, skills and concepts of the relevant syllabus, specification or course.

DOMAIN 2: Learner Experiences b) Students grow as learners through

respectful interactions and experiences that are challenging and supportive

Digital interactions, among students and between students and teachers, are respectful

and positive, and conducive to well-being.

DOMAIN 2: Learner Experiences c) Students reflect on their progress as

learners and develop a sense of ownership of and responsibility for their learning

Students use digital technologies to collect evidence, record and reflect on their progress,

and develop their competence as self-directed learners.

DOMAIN 3: Teacher Individual Practice a) The teacher has the requisite subject

knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and classroom management skills

Teachers use a range of digital technologies to design learning and assessment activities

for their students.

Teachers design or adapt learning experiences that incorporate digital technologies and make learning activities relevant and meaningful to support pupils' learning



Dimension 1: Post-Primary Teaching and Learning

Standards Statements

DOMAIN 3: Teacher Individual Practice b) The teacher selects and uses

planning, preparation and assessment practices that progress students’ learning

Teachers use a range of digital technologies to support assessment of learning and

assessment for learning

DOMAIN 4: Teacher’s Collective/Collaborative Practice

c) Teachers value and engage in professional development and professional collaboration

Teachers engage in professional development and work with colleagues to help them

select and align digital technologies with effective teaching strategies to expand learning opportunities for all students.

Teachers evaluate, demonstrate and reflect with peers on the use of digital technologies to innovate and improve educational practice.

DOMAIN 4: Teacher’s Collective/Collaborative Practice

b) Teachers work together to devise learning opportunities for students across and beyond the curriculum

Teachers participate in professional online communities to help them design learning

opportunities for students across and beyond the curriculum.



Dimension 2: Post-Primary Leadership and Management

Standards Statements

DOMAIN 1: Leading Learning and Teaching c) Manage the planning and

implementation of the curriculum

The principal and other leaders in the school plan for and implement a broad and

balanced curriculum using digital technologies that offer new opportunities for learning.

DOMAIN 2: Managing the Organisation b) Manage the school’s human, physical

and financial resources so as to create and maintain a learning organisation

Physical learning spaces have been designed or adapted to harness and optimise the

use of a range of digital technologies for learning.

DOMAIN 3: Leading School Development c) Build and maintain relationships with

parents, with other schools, and with the wider community

The principal and other leaders in the school use digital technologies to enhance

organisational communication with learners, parents and third parties making administrative procedures more transparent and accessible.



2.3. These are a summary of our strengths with regards digital learning

A huge willingness and enthusiasm among the teaching staff to embrace, and embed the use of, digital technologies into learning and teaching. This

is enhanced by a student body with a high energy and interest in supporting their learning through ICT inside and outside of the classroom.

Management are supportive of staff digital initiatives within subjects, supporting the by various members of the school community (BOM,

management, staff, parents, students)

Increasing use of Information management systems – VSware - for attendance, academic performance reporting, behaviour management

information, and parent communication

Use of SchoolWise for collective department subject curriculum planning, with the phased introduction of Junior Cycle

98% of Junior Cycle students have iPads for use in learning since 2014, with a strong partnership with Wriggle to support staff, parents and students.

Digital rich environment, with each classroom equipped with networked PCs, projectors and Wi-Fi

Stable and secure infrastructure: network server, internet connectivity, Wi-Fi; which has been improved over recent years through vision, hard work

and financial support both through BOM fundraising and recent government ICT Infrastructure Funding.

Staff and students are supported in focusing on the use of technology to enhance learning and the necessary expertise is provided by an external IT

support company.

Involvement in various ICT initiatives:

○ Digital Excellence Fund: Stem project involving CBS Thurles and 7 of our local primary schools.

○ JC Coding short course: since 2017, massive student uptake, ensuring student body from 1st to 3rd year have a good foundation in


Regular sessions with the student body with cross curricular involvement within SPHE, Coding, CSPE, and participation annual Safer Internet Day

activities. Internet safety, NCT broadband,

The SEN Department avail of CPD and are as an on-going support to the varied learners within our school community. The use of assistive technology

devices together with suitable technology allows for a diverse learning platform.



2.4 This is what we are going to focus on to improve our digital learning practice further

1) To increase access to computer labs within the school. This is a priority as our one current IT lab:

a) is equipped with computers at their end-of-lifespan,

b) due to the size of the room, and the device configuration, the space cannot accommodate class groups over 24 students, and is a health and

safety concern in terms of circulation space by the teaching staff.

c) cannot provide the environment to cope with the demands of the JCT Framework, the use of new teaching and learning methodologies, and

the demands of the JCT Coding short course.

d) limits our capacity to facilitate research and project work by subject departments, and our future plans to offer Leaving Cert Computer


2) Identify the current practice and needs of subject departments, and individual teachers within subject areas, in the development and use of digital

technologies in learning and teaching of their subjects, through consultation and survey, and identify CPD and support requirements going forward.

3) Following the initial switch-over from Google to Office 365 in 2018:

a) identify the current needs of teaching staff for better utilisation of Office 365 features and capacities, including training and support

b) improve students’ understanding and use of Office 365 for project work and digital portfolios.

c) identify how to develop use of this platform to enhance collaboration and communication practices amongst the school community.

4) The introduction of Virtual Learning Platforms and Digital Portfolios within the new JCT framework needs whole school consultation for effective

implementation: identification of platforms & services, use, training and implementation

5) Develop further the use of MIS to include finance features, such as fees collection.

6) Assessment – further develop a variety of feedback methodologies, using ICT

7) Install Wi-Fi in the Sports Hall

8) Provide further support to teachers to fully utilise SchoolWise in their Junior Cycle subject planning, including the supply of training and the

facilitation of the use of ‘Croke Park’ hours.

3. Our Digital Learning plan

On the next page we have recorded:

● The targets for improvement we have set

● The actions we will implement to achieve these

● Who is responsible for implementing, monitoring and reviewing our improvement plan

● How we will measure progress and check outcomes (criteria for success)

As we implement our improvement plan we will record:

● The progress made, and adjustments made, and when

● Achievement of targets (original and modified), and when



Digital Learning Action Plan Dimension 1: Post-Primary Teaching and Learning DOMAIN 1: Learner Outcomes DOMAIN 2: Learner Experiences STANDARD:

1a) Students enjoy their learning, are motivated to learn and expect to achieve as learners.

1c) Students demonstrate the knowledge, skills and understanding required by the post-primary curriculum

2b) Students grow as learners through respectful interactions and experiences that are challenging and supportive

2c) Students reflect on their progress as learners and develop a sense of ownership of and responsibility for their learning


Students use appropriate digital technologies to foster active engagement in attaining appropriate learning outcomes.

Students use digital technologies to collect evidence and record progress.

Students use digital technologies effectively to develop their knowledge, have attained proficiency in skills and understanding in accordance with the objectives, skills and concepts of the relevant syllabus, specification or course.

Digital interactions, among students and between students and teachers, are respectful and positive, and conducive to well-being.

Students use digital technologies to collect evidence, record and reflect on their progress, and develop their competence as self-directed learners.


develop the use of Virtual Learning Platforms and Digital Portfolios within the new JCT framework, by improving students’ and teachers’ understanding and use of Office 365 for group work, project work and digital portfolios, to improve effective learning, quality assessment and feedback, and enhance collaboration and communication practices amongst the school community, with whole school consultation for effective implementation: identification of platforms & services, use, training and implementation




(What needs to be done?)

TIMEFRAME (When is it to be done by?)


CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS (What are the desired


RESOURCES (What resources are


trial the use of OneDrive, Teams, SharePoint, OneNote, and Sites, for note-taking, portfolio creation, group

December 2019 ICT task force conclusions gained

successful use of features by students

time Office365

work, and various assessment modes and

methodologies analyse trial, and identify successful practices for future

December 2019

implementation organise training for staff

plan units of learning appropriate for each of JC years

January 2019

January 2019

to embed use within learning activities

EVALUATION PROCEDURES: (How are we progressing? Do we need to make adjustments? Have we achieved our targets?)



Dimension 1: Post-Primary Teaching and Learning DOMAIN 3: Teacher Individual Practice STANDARD:

a) The teacher has the requisite subject knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and classroom management skills


Teachers use a range of digital technologies to design learning and assessment activities for their students.

Teachers design or adapt learning experiences that incorporate digital technologies and make learning activities relevant and meaningful to support pupils' learning


Identify the current practice and needs of subject departments, and individual teachers within subject areas, in the development and use of digital technologies in learning and teaching of their subjects, through consultation and survey, and identify CPD and support requirements going forward.

ACTIONS (What needs to be done?)

TIMEFRAME (When is it to be done by?)


CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS (What are the desired outcomes?)

RESOURCES (What resources are needed?)

Survey individual staff

survey subject area groups

organise CPD (in-house or from identified external sources)

May 2019

September 2019

ICT task force, Principal survey completed by >50% of staff

MS Forms

EVALUATION PROCEDURES: (How are we progressing? Do we need to make adjustments? Have we achieved our targets?)



Dimension 1: Post-Primary Teaching and Learning DOMAIN 3: Teacher Individual Practice STANDARD:

b) The teacher selects and uses planning, preparation and assessment practices that progress students’ learning

STATEMENT: Teachers use a range of digital technologies to support assessment of learning and assessment for learning


Identify current best practice within the staff using staff survey.

Identify Digital champions within the staff peer mentoring. App classification according to usage.

Teachers purposefully use a range of digital technologies appropriate to the learning objectives and learning needs of their students when designing learning activities

ACTIONS (What needs to be done?)

TIMEFRAME (When is it to be done by?)


CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS (What are the desired outcomes?)

RESOURCES (What resources are needed?)

Gather information on staff using Microsoft forms to ascertain AFL Platform usage.

Digital Champions - Identify staff who use a range of AFL platform.

Encourage a staff mentoring environment

CPD training to increase exposure for best practice

More awareness around easy integration of AFL platforms

Analyse Survey results before the end of the school year 2019.

Share results with staff Sept 2019

Encourage Digital Champions & peer teaching within staff - Sept 2019.

CPD opportunities - ongoing

On going

Digital Champions - Volunteer staff who are willing to share expertise.



Teachers to identify an application for use for AFL that they never have used before.

Agree a Plan for improvement with staff and monitor engagement with staff feedback.

Integrated AFL’s within a range of platforms over a range of subject areas.


Digital Projectors


Volunteer Staff

AFL identification: Padlet, Microsoft Forms & Teams, Kahoot, showbie, educreations. etc.

EVALUATION PROCEDURES: (How are we progressing? Do we need to make adjustments? Have we achieved our targets?)



Dimension 1: Post-Primary Teaching and Learning DOMAIN 4: Teacher’s Collective/Collaborative Practice STANDARD:

a) Teachers value and engage in professional development and professional collaboration


Teachers engage in professional development and work with colleagues to help them select and align digital technologies with effective teaching strategies to expand learning opportunities for all students.

Teachers evaluate, demonstrate and reflect with peers on the use of digital technologies to innovate and improve educational practice.


identify the current needs of teaching staff for better utilisation of Office 365 features and capacities, including training and support

ACTIONS (What needs to be done?)

TIMEFRAME (When is it to be done by?)


CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS (What are the desired outcomes?)

RESOURCES (What resources are needed?)

survey staff

create further actions on the basis of survey conclusions

arrange training (in-house and/or by IT Systems)

May 2019

October 2019

R Chaney, AM Ryan, Principal survey completed by >50% of staff

data parsed and conclusions made, for future actions

MS Forms

CP hours

EVALUATION PROCEDURES: (How are we progressing? Do we need to make adjustments? Have we achieved our targets?)



Dimension 1: Post-Primary Teaching and Learning DOMAIN 4: Teacher’s Collective/Collaborative Practice


b) Teachers work together to devise learning opportunities for students across and beyond the curriculum


Teachers participate in professional online communities to help them design learning opportunities for students across and beyond the curriculum.


Provide further support to teachers to fully utilise SchoolWise in their Junior Cycle subject planning, including the supply of training and the facilitation of the

use of ‘Croke Park’ hours.

ACTIONS (What needs to be done?)

TIMEFRAME (When is it to be done by?)


CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS (What are the desired outcomes?)

RESOURCES (What resources are needed?)

arrange for further SchoolWise training

October 2019 Principal training occurs SchoolWise personnel

time off-timetable and/or use of CP hours

EVALUATION PROCEDURES: (How are we progressing? Do we need to make adjustments? Have we achieved our targets?)



Dimension 2: Post-Primary Leadership and Management DOMAIN 1: Leading Learning and Teaching STANDARD:

c) Manage the planning and implementation of the curriculum


The principal and other leaders in the school plan for and implement a broad and balanced curriculum using digital technologies that offer new opportunities for learning.


Provide Leaving Certificate Computer Science as an optional subject for commencement in Sept 2021

ACTIONS (What needs to be done?)

TIMEFRAME (When is it to be done by?)


CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS (What are the desired outcomes?)

RESOURCES (What resources are needed?)

Complete first cycle of JC Coding,

Provide ‘coding’ opportunities within the TY programme

Ensure LC Computer Science is offered during the Options process, with accompanying information for students and parents

June 2020

Sept 2020 - May 2021

Feb 2021

AM Ryan, O McCarthy, R Chaney

AM Ryan + other assigned teachers

Principal + AM Ryan

LC Computer Science is offered and chosen by a sufficient number of students to make it viable

Computer Lab

assigned teacher

Information about subject for students

EVALUATION PROCEDURES: (How are we progressing? Do we need to make adjustments? Have we achieved our targets?)



Dimension 2: Post-Primary Leadership and Management DOMAIN 2: Managing the Organisation STANDARD:

b) Manage the school’s human, physical and financial resources so as to create and maintain a learning organisation


Physical learning spaces have been designed or adapted to harness and optimise the use of a range of digital technologies for learning.


To increase access to computer labs within the school, by converting a vacated classroom into another computer lab

to provide Wi-Fi in the Sports Hall

ACTIONS (What needs to be done?)

TIMEFRAME (When is it to be done by?)


CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS (What are the desired outcomes?)

RESOURCES (What resources are needed?)

apply for additional DES funding

commence & complete tender/procurement process for lab set of PCs

evaluation of technology required to extend wifi to Sports Hall

March 2019

September 2019

June 2019

Principal, R Chaney, AM Ryan, O McCarthy

Principal, BOM

Principal, BOM

funding application accepted and agreed

Computers installed

Wifi installed

time to collect documentation and complete

old SC4 classroom

time, expertise on technology required

EVALUATION PROCEDURES: (How are we progressing? Do we need to make adjustments? Have we achieved our targets?)



Dimension 2: Post-Primary Leadership and Management DOMAIN 3: Leading School Development STANDARD:

c) Build and maintain relationships with parents, with other schools, and with the wider community


The principal and other leaders in the school use digital technologies to enhance organisational communication with learners, parents and third parties making administrative procedures more transparent and accessible.


Develop further the use of MIS and other technologies to include finance features, such as fees collection.

ACTIONS (What needs to be done?)

TIMEFRAME (When is it to be done by?)


CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS (What are the desired outcomes?)

RESOURCES (What resources are needed?)

Evaluate possible platforms to deliver fee payments

liaise with chosen supplier to install feature

liaise with and inform parents

September 2021 Principal


system successfully installed and rolled out


Assistance from feature supplier

time for training of staff

finance for feature

EVALUATION PROCEDURES: (How are we progressing? Do we need to make adjustments? Have we achieved our targets?)