Catchment data explorer release note 2014_17_11_v1.0

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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User guide to the Nov 2014 release of the Environment Agency's Catchment Data Explorer.

Transcript of Catchment data explorer release note 2014_17_11_v1.0

Catchment Data ExplorerRelease note 17/11/2014

Matt Starr

Project Timeline

Release 1.1 key additions

Detailed water body pageData download improvements

Home page

Search results

River basin district page

Management catchment page

Operational catchment page

Classification search results, for phosphate at all statuses in

the operational catchment

Objectives search results, for phosphate at all statuses in the

operational catchment

Water body page

Water body page – classifications


Reasons for not achieving good status

Objectives search results, for phosphate at all statuses in the

operational catchment

Useful links page

Linked data API

Known issues in this build

Some users reporting problems using Internet Explorer 8Missing Catchment summariesGlossary page not very helpful

• Searching on classification and objectives pages still fiddly

• Detailed water body page returns empty results for elements that aren’t classified