Castles of Prešov surroundings

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Castles of Prešov surroundings. Matej Šima Lukáš Havrila Martin Rákoš Michaela Valku čáková 2.C. Šariš Castle. It ’s one of the oldiest castles in Slovakia . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Castles of Prešov surroundings

Castles of Prešov

surroundingsMatej Šima

Lukáš HavrilaMartin Rákoš

Michaela Valkučáková2.C.

Šariš CastleIt’s one of the oldiest castles in Slovakia.It was built in fifth millennum BC. It’s located on the hill (570 metres altitude) in community Veľký Šariš. In the past the original name of castle was Tubul, castrum Sarus, or Zarus.In 1617

Spiš castleIn the Spiš Basin ,on the limestone rock with altitude 634 metres, is located one of the most precious monuments in Slovakia, the national cultural monument Spis castle. Its area exceeding 4 hectares (41 426 m2) is considered as one of the largest castles in Central Europe.

Spiš castle includes upper castle, tank, Romance Gateway, original Gothic and Renaissance building (owners of castle lived here), round tower, Roman palace, rectangular pit.