Case study - Petrom

Post on 22-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Case study - Petrom

Case study – Petrom


The objective of this case study


Investigate the online advertising efficiency.

Is to ...

Present the `Best Practices` in this domain.

To outline the online advertising opportunities.

Theme: Send Christmas wishes

Objective- brand awareness

Promotion Instrument- personalization of the public profile page

Campaign length- 2 weeks (15.12 - 31-12.2009)

Target audience - female, male- age between 25-35 years

About campaign



Public profile pages are the most accessed pages on the site, with over 810,000 impressions daily, from 460,000 unique visitors which view on average over 17,000 unique profiles daily.

Users access these pages to see updates, pictures, videos, etc. posted by other users and to see new profiles created on the site.

For the Petrom advertising campaign we developed a skin profile, for holidays, for all users aged 25 to 35 years (approximately 1 million users Neogen). Other users were able to personalize their profile page if they actioned the personalized button `Add skin profile`.

We also posted a message from Petrom, in the user description field:Petrom puts online all the good thoughts! Write and you a message to your loved ones on and everyone will see it on the site! Happy Holidays!

Neogen profile skin


Neogen profile skin




Were viewed a total of over 2.5 million pages of personalized brand profile Petrom.

Over 22,000 users have added to their Neogen profile the Petrom skin. This shows that Neogen users want to be closer to the brand, because they reacted in a positive way and did not considered it as a form of aggressive promotion. Appropriate use of the online component in a promotion campaign has only positive effects, especially in the capital of image.

Neogen visitors generated approximately 10,000 visitors to the Petrom site.



Folowing a continuous improvement process will lead to a permanently surpass the objectives and the limits setted.

The Online is a great marketing medium. Advertisers that have already understood the importance of the online component in the promotion strategy, must constantly seek more efficient methods of communication.



Precise TargetingAge | Sex | Location | Interests

Measurability Count the number of

Displays, Clicks, Visits, Read messages etc.

Neogen uses advanced targeting criteria to ensure that no ads display are wasted.

Diversitate - Instruments and advertising spaces

Message, Text ads, Banners etc.First page, Games, Chat, Dating etc.

The secret ingredients in defining an effective advertising campaigns