Carolina y Alicia

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Carolina y Alicia

Alguazas´s Geography

Carolina Corbalán Faura and Alicia Molina Martínez.

1.5 Population• According to available data in the last census (2008) corrected in 1998, had Alguazas

fact a population of 8855. population density was 289'04 residents / km. The evolution of population growth has been steady but not excessive since the early twentieth century when the town had only 2559 residents. Only in the sixties there was a decrease in the population of 5015 residents in 1960 to 4770 in 1970, following the emigration of younger people in search of better job prospects. Currently the birth rate of Alguazas is located in the 12'19%, slightly above average.

• Since 1993 continuously recorded negative migration balance. The immigrant population has increased dramatically over the past 3 years. Immigrants from different parts of the world as the Caribbean islands (Cuba), South American countries (Bolivia, Ecuador, etc.). Eastern countries (Ukraine, Romania, etc..), And North African countries ( Morocco). For example, 15% of students in our school are immigrants. There is also a group of people who have different cultural traits: the Gypsies. This group, our school has tended to be at risk of social exclusion, as they have a high percentage of school absences, and their families are rarely involved in their education.