Camera Based Face Tracking for Enhancing Surgical Teamwork … · 2017-02-08 · Camera Based Face...

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Transcript of Camera Based Face Tracking for Enhancing Surgical Teamwork … · 2017-02-08 · Camera Based Face...

Camera Based Face Tracking for Enhancing SurgicalTeamwork Training with Non-Verbal Communication

S. Marks1, J. Windsor2, B. Wunsche1

1Department of Computer Science, The University of Auckland, New Zealand.2Department of Surgery, The University of Auckland, New Zealand.



In recent years, the increased use of simulation for the training of surgical skills has improved the medicalcurriculum and the overall patient outcome.

Advances in hardware and simulation techniques have resulted in many commercial applications fortraining technical skills. However, most of these simulators are extremely expensive and do not considernon-technical skills like teamwork and communication. This is a major drawback since recent researchsuggests that a a large percentage of mistakes in clinical settings are due to communication problems. Inaddition training teamwork can also improve the efficiency of a surgical team and as such reduce costsand workload.

We present an inexpensive camera-based system for the acquisition of aspects of non-verbal communicationof users participating in virtual environment-based teamwork simulations. This data can be used for theenhancement of virtual-environment-based simulations to increase the realism and effectiveness of teamcommunication.

Keywords: non-verbal communication, face tracking, virtual environment

1 Introduction

In 1999, the Committee on Quality of Health Carein America released a report estimating that eachyear, 98,000 people die because of medical errorsoccurring in hospitals [1]. This report causedmassive changes in the medical education system,including the increased use of medical simulationfor training and assessment. As a result, themarket now offers a variety of simulators, rangingfrom inexpensive bench models made of rubber fortraining suturing and other basic technical skillsto expensive mannequins that can be used for thetraining of whole emergency response teams.

With increasing realism through rising computa-tional and graphical power, virtual environment(VE) based tools have also secured their posi-tion among medical simulators [2]. Commerciallyavailable products offer training opportunities inareas like endoscopic procedures [3], obstetrics,cardiology or other related fields.

But these simulators only serve the purpose oftraining a single student. They do not takeinto account the fact that surgery and other

medical procedures are always performed as ateam and thus, among the technical skills, requirenon-technical skills like communication, teamwork,leadership, and decision making [4]. Researchindicates that failure in communication occurs in30% of team exchanges and that one third of thesefailures results in situations putting the patient’slife at risk [5]. To increase patient safety, trainingand improvement of communication among teammembers has to be an important aspect of clinicalsimulation.

2 Related Work

Few tools exist for addressing non-technical skills.3DiTeams [7] (see figure 1), for example, simulatesa military operating room, including all necessarydevices, medical instruments, and the patient. Allmembers of the team are represented in the VEby avatars and can interact with each other, thedevices and the patient. Each user operates atan individual client computer that is connected toa central server by network. This server receivesall actions and movements of the users from theclients, synchronises the state of every user onevery client and runs the physical simulation of

objects and medical simulation of the patient’sphysiology. Verbal communication is possible bymicrophones and headsets or speakers.

The simulator is built using a game enginewhich provides a well-tested, stable, and high-performance software framework for realisticgraphics, animation, sound, physics, and network-ing support for multi-user scenarios [8].

Nevertheless, communication and interactionwithin VEs is inefficient and unnatural if non-verbal communication aspects are not taken intoaccount [9, 10]. Communication without gazedirection and head orientation suffers from a de-crease of 50% in deictic references to persons, like‘you’ or ‘him/her’ [11]. This reduces the efficiencyof communication because the lack of non-verbalcommunication channels has to be compensated byother channels, for example by replacing deicticreferences to objects and persons by explicitlysaying their names and positions (see figure 2).

By introducing head orientation and gaze direc-tion, users can simply look at objects or other usersinstead of referring to them by voice (see figure 3).

Other capabilities of modern game engines allowfor even more non-verbal communication chan-nels that can be used to increase the bandwidth.Detailed animation systems in the avatar’s facemodels enable the rendering of finely controlledfacial expressions like joy, anger, fear (see Fig-ure 4). Partial animations that can be appliedindependently could be used for the control ofhand or body gestures like pointing, turning, orshrugging shoulders.

Instead of using explicit user interface controls forchanging facial expression, triggering gestures, orcontrolling gaze direction [12], we propose the useof a camera to extract the necessary data in real-time. This has several advantages. Manual controlof the aspects of non-verbal communication is only

Figure 1: 3DiTeams – A Virtual Environment Simula-

tion for the training of teamwork and cooperation in a

military emergency room (Source: [6])

Alice, can you pleasegive me the tool

on the tableto your left?

Figure 2: Without gaze direction and head orientation,

communication has to use unnatural verbal reference

to objects or people.

“Can you please give me that tool?”

Figure 3: With gaze direction and head orientation,

the verbal reference to objects and people is not

necessary any more.

Figure 4: Changing an avatar’s facial expression to

represent emotions like joy, anger, fear.

possible if the user is aware of them, which isnot necessarily the case. The camera requires nocontrol from the user and can capture consciousand unconscious elements. In addition, the usercan completely concentrate on the simulation con-tent instead of getting distracted by the additionalcontrols. A second advantage is the temporalimmediacy of the captured data. Momentarilyraised eyebrows during an emphasis in a spokensentence can be perceived by all others users atthe same time. If the optical clue would followthe verbal clue with a delay, for example, whenusing manual control, it would degrade or evencounteract the purpose of the gesture.

3 Methodology

The overall design of our system is depicted infigure 5. A webcam, mounted close to the monitor,captures a video stream of the user participating inthe simulation. A user monitor application detectsthe user’s face in the video and calculates para-meters like head orientation, gaze direction, andfacial expression. Via an extension, called plug-in,the application provides this data to the simulationclient, in this case a game engine. The client sends

this information to the simulation server togetherwith other data, for example, mouse movement,or pressed keys. The server receives the datafrom all clients, applies it to the simulation andin turn synchronises all clients with the updatedinformation, including the aspects of non-verbalcommunication. The clients receive these updatesand display it in form of changed positions ofobjects, a changed patient state, or changed gazedirections and facial expressions of all avatars.

Client Computer

- Face detection- Head tracking- Eye tracking- Expression recognition- ...

User Monitor

Game Engine: ClientPlug-In

Training Scenario

- Head orientation- Gaze direction- Facial expression- ...



Training Scenario

Game Engine: Server

Figure 5: The functional blocks of our framework. Red

borders indicate the parts that have been developed by


3.1 DataModel

Based on [13], we have derived a list of aspects ofcommunication and interaction in real and virtualenvironments. Table 1 lists the components ofthis model, their occurrence in reality, and thetechnical feasibility in VEs, given the current stateof computer technology. Not all aspects of the realworld can be implemented in the virtual world,for example, olfactics. Also, not all aspects areequally important and we have to weigh the be-nefit of adding an aspect against the technologicalchallenge in acquiring the data.

Depending on the choice of the simulation platformwe are connecting our user monitor application to,several aspects of the data model are already im-plemented. A modern game engine usually enablesverbal communication by support of headsets andmicrophones, spatial behaviour by the movementand orientation of avatars, physical appearance bya selection of avatars that can be adjusted to theuser’s needs, and environment by physically simu-lated objects that can be grabbed or moved. Datainput for these aspects comes from the keyboardor mouse movement, or configuration menus, anddoes not have to be provided by our user monitorapplication.

Our framework adds occulesics, kinesics, and facialexpression by defining an interface between theapplication and the simulation that exchanges data

about the gaze direction, the head orientation andthe facial expression of the user.

3.2 Image Acquisition and Processing

Our system utilises an inexpensive camera, forexample a webcam, to capture the user’s face.The video stream is handled by the user monitorapplication that allows modular processing of eachframe. The modularity enables us to plug in avariety of pre-processing filters to measure theirinfluence on the performance of different featuretracking algorithms. So far, we have implementedthe following modules:

3.2.1 Colour space conversion

According to [14], normalised colour spaces al-low the use of simpler models for the distinctionbetween skin colour and non-skin colour pixels forface detection. It also reduces the computationalcomplexity of other modules, for example thelighting compensation. The implemented moduleconverts each pixel colour value from RGB (R, G,B) to normalised RGB space (r, g, b) by applying

Sum = R + G + B

r =R

Sum, g =


Sum, b =




3.2.2 Lighting correction

To compensate the colour changes caused by dif-ferent lighting, we apply an improved Grey Worldalgorithm, described in [15].

Working in normalised RGB colour space, anadaptive mean grey value Cstd of all m pixels iscalculated as

Cstd =


(max(r, g, b) + min(r, g, b))


n = m−m∑1

(r = g = b = 0)


with m being the total number of pixels and nbeing the total number of non-black pixels to avoidovercompensation of dark images. The scalingfactors Sc for each colour channel c ∈ (R,G,B) arecalculated as

ravg =


n, gavg =


n, bavg =



SR =Cstd

ravg, SG =


gavg, SB =




Component Reality VE

Occulesics- gaze direction, duration, focus + +

Language- text based chat - +- sound effects - +- speech + +- paralanguage (e.g., voice, tone, pitch, speed) + +

Facial expression- Facial Action Coding System + +- emotion (e.g., anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise) + +

Spatial Behaviour- orientation, proximity, distance, position + +

Kinesics- body movement, posture, head movement, gestures + +

Physical appearance- face and skin, hair, physique, clothes, adornment, equipment + +

Physical contact/Haptics + -

Olfactics (scent, odour) + -

Environment- artefacts (e.g., using, modifying, exchanging) + +

Table 1: Aspects of communication and interaction and their appearance in reality (‘+’: used naturally, ‘-’: could

be used, but unnatural) and technical feasibility in virtual environments (‘+’: available using standard equipment,

‘-’: requires special hardware and software).

3.2.3 Fast normalised cross correlation

For the detection of features in the video stream,we implemented a fast normalised cross correla-tion module [16]. A pre-calculated sum table ofthe image M , called integral image, acceleratesthe process of finding a template image N . Incombination with the reduction of the templateimage N to a sum of k rectangular basis functions,the computational complexity can be reduced fromO(Mx ·My · Nx · Ny) to O(Mx ·My · k). Furtherreduction of the computation time is achieved byreducing the Region of Interest (ROI) for eachtemplate (see the coloured regions in figure 7).

During the initial calibration process, we are cre-ating a snapshot of the user’s face and definerectangular regions of the eyes, the nose tip andthe mouth as templates for the feature detectionmodule.

We will further investigate the possibility of remov-ing the need for a calibration process by applyingadvanced face detection methods as described in[17].

3.2.4 Extraction of Non-Verbal Communica-tion Parameters

Using the input of the cross correlation module,we are able to calculate a rough estimate of thespatial orientation of the head. This estimatecan be refined by applying advanced mathematicalmodels like Kalman filtering, applying constraintsthat take into account the symmetry of a face, andadditionally tracked features.

If the head orientation is known, the capturedimage of the face can be normalised and gazedirection and facial expression features can beextracted [18, 19].

The game engine we connected the user monitorapplication to (see section 3.3) supports facial an-imation in high detail. Based on the FACS (FacialAction Coding System) [20], a range of controllersenables fine grained control of the face of theavatar. But not all simulation engines might sup-port facial animation in such detail. In that case,it might be necessary to interpret the acquireddata and to create an abstract representation ofthe facial expression, like, for example, ‘happy’,‘angry’. Our data model takes this interpretationinto account.

3.3 Interfacing with the Simulator Cli-ent

When the user monitor application has processeda camera frame and calculated a set of data, itpasses this set on to the simulation client, usinga plug-in. The plug-in is an addition to thesimulation engine that translates the data modelinto a specific representation that considers thegraphical and other capabilities of the engine.

We connected the user monitor application to theSource Engine [21], a modern, versatile, commer-cial game engine with advanced graphical features,allowing us to make full use of the potential of ourdata model.

Figure 6 shows the data flow from the usermonitor application to each client connected tothe simulation. The client receives the data andsends it, together with the input from the mouseand the keyboard, in form of a compressed ‘UserInput’ data packet to the server. Each serverentity of a user’s avatar gathers the input fromits specific client entity. Then the simulationof the movement of the avatars, the interactionwith the simulated physical environment and othersimulation modules, for example for the patientsbiological parameters, are executing one simulationtime step. Afterwards, networked variables auto-matically synchronise the state of the simulation oneach client. The clients then display the updatedstate of the VE.

The implementation of the plug-in does not requireextensive changes to the original source code ofthe game engine. Especially the support fornetworked variables simplifies the process of addinginformation to a simulation object or a player’savatar.

User AvatarClient Entity

User AvatarServer Entity

User AvatarClient Entity

Input Module

Client ServerUser Monitor Clients

Data Model

User Input

Build delta package, bit compressed

Unpack and store

Networked VariablesNetworked Variables

Display on screen Display on screen

Run simulation step

Figure 6: Data exchange between clients and the server

of the simulation based on the Source Engine.

Figure 7: Screenshot of the video capture of the user

participating in the VE simulation. The head tilt and

eye gaze are transferred onto the avatar representing

the user in the simulation.

4 Results

Figure 7 depicts our user monitor applicationconnected to a simple test simulation. In the leftimage, the large coloured rectangles in the camerapicture show the ROIs of the feature extractor,and the small squares symbolise detected features,like eyes, nose, and mouth. The informationabout head tilt and gaze direction is transferredto the simulation. The right screenshot shows howother users participating in the simulation can seethe head tilt and gaze direction projected on theavatar.

Our data model is universal and independent ofthe VE it is connected to. If support for detailedfacial expression is provided, for example, if theVE implements FACS or the MPEG-4 standard,the corresponding parameters of the data modelcan be used with only minor adaptations. Thisis the case for the majority of modern gameengines, for example, the Source Engine [21] orthe Unreal Engine 3 [22]. If the support is not asfine, the interpreted data model parameters (seesection 3.2.4) can be used for an alternative wayof displaying the emotional state of the user, forexample by changing the texture of the avatar’sface. This flexibility of our data model enablesthe connection to a wide range of VEs and gameengines.

An example for limited support of facial expres-sions is Second Life [23]. This VE has gained muchpopularity in the last years and is also increasinglyused for teamwork training [24, p. 96]. SecondLife does not provide such a fine grained controlover the avatar’s facial animation and is limitedto displaying pre-defined animations. In this case,the interpreted parameters of our data model canbe used to display basic emotions in form of shortanimations.

5 Conclusion

We have presented a framework that allows theenrichment of VE based teamwork simulations bynon-verbal communication. The necessary datais captured in real-time by an inexpensive web-cam. Our framework is flexible, extendible andindependent of the used simulation engine.

We have received positive feedback from medicalprofessionals and developers of teamwork simula-tions in Second Life about the use and the potentialof our application and will perform a more detaileduser study in the future.

6 Future Work

In cooperation with researchers and educators fromthe medical school, we are going to design surgicaltraining scenarios to be used with our application.Furthermore, our user monitor application andthe data model is suitable for teamwork trainingapplications beyond the field of medicine andsurgery. For this reason, we are also in cooperationwith developers for emergency response teamworktraining in Second Life, giving us the opportunityto collect valuable information with their simula-tion scenarios.

Additionally, the stability of the facial recognitionand feature tracking algorithms will be subject tofurther investigation. Several facial recognitionalgorithms require an extensive training phasethat we would like to eliminate or at least hideas much as possible from the end user. Also,we will examine how to overcome difficulties inthe image processing caused by non-ideal lighting,users wearing glasses, or other circumstances.

Another goal is the integration of our applicationwith the Unreal Engine that is increasingly usedfor simulations [6, 25]. The recent version 3 of thisengine is capable of displaying very realistic facialanimation and human skin.


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