C LICKERS IN THE C LASSROOM Basic Software Training Angie Hammons Educational Technology...

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Transcript of C LICKERS IN THE C LASSROOM Basic Software Training Angie Hammons Educational Technology...



Angie Hammons Educational

Technology Specialist hammonsa@mst.edu 102B University

Center 341-6195

ObjectivesObjectives Understand how TurningPoint

integrates into Microsoft Suite Create Slides Modify slides Run a Session Save a Session

Five Steps to Success

Install Turning PointInstall Turning Point IT will install Turning Point on your

computers and on the classrooms computers. A Help Request will be entered on your

behalf, and you will be contacted for a date/time to install TP on your desktop and/or laptop

TP will be installed on the instructor station in your scheduled classroom.

TurningPoint Menu Ribbon

Step 1: Create SlidesStep 1: Create Slides

Click Insert Slide Types of Slides

Chart Slides Summary Slides for

Competitions Template Slides Special Slides

Slide DesignSlide Design

1. The question region

2. The answer region3. The chart region

Types of ChartsTypes of Charts

Convert to Picture SlideConvert to Picture Slide

1. Create a TurningPoint slide2. Insert pictures to use as answers using

the options in PowerPoint’s Insert > Picture menu

3. Resize and arrange the pictures the way you want them to appear on the slide.

4. Select the Convert to Picture Slide from the toolbar (artist’s palette).

Correct Answers and PointsCorrect Answers and Points

Place your cursor in the answer region of the slide, an Answer Value task pane will appear. Choose the answer(s) you want to give value, then choose the value from the dropdown menu.

Add ObjectsAdd Objects

The Insert Object menu gives you the ability to: Choose Charts – Change your chart type on your slide. Choose Answer Now – Add an answer now indicator to your slide. Choose Countdown – Add a countdown time to your slide. Choose Response Counter – Add a counter that will count your incoming

responses to your slide. Choose Response Table – Add a table that will illustrate individual incoming

responses. Choose Correct Answer Indicator – Demonstrate to your audience what the

correct answer was before proceeding to the next slide. Choose Stats – Add statistical data to your slide. Choose Text Message – When using vPads, to send a text message to the


Add an Answer Now IndicatorAdd an Answer Now Indicator1. Select Insert Object2. Select Answer Now

to display the submenu of Answer Now indicators.

3. Select the type of Answer Now indicator you would like to appear on the slide.

Add a Countdown IndicatorAdd a Countdown Indicator1. Select Insert Object

from the toolbar.2. Select Countdown to

display the submenu of Countdown indicators.

3. Select the type of Countdown indicator you would like to appear on the slide.

Add a Response CounterAdd a Response Counter1. Select Insert Object

from the toolbar.2. Select Response

Counter to display the submenu of Response Counters

3. Select the type of Response Counter you would like to appear on the slide.

Add a Correct Answer Add a Correct Answer IndicatorIndicator

1. Select Insert Object from the toolbar.

2. Select Correct Answer Indicator to display the submenu of Correct Answer Indicators.

3. Select the type of Correct Answer Indicator you would like to appear on the slide.


Information Presentation Slides Global Changes

Step 2: Set Up the Response Step 2: Set Up the Response DevicesDevices

RF Clicker XR Clicker

Response Device WizardResponse Device Wizard From the

TurningPoint 2008 tab make sure Response Devices is selected from the drop down menu.

Select Settings tab Check to see if a Receiver has been found Set the number of expected Devices.

Run a Polling TestRun a Polling Test From the

TurningPoint 2008 toolbar, select Tools then Settings.

Select the Polling Test tab.

Click Start Test.

Press a key on each response device to be used.

Click End Test.

Step 3: Create a Participant Step 3: Create a Participant ListList

• Select the Education Template for the new Participant List.

• Click Next.• Select the Participant List Field.

(Student Name, Student ID)• Name your Participant List and click


Importing ListImporting List1. Click Participants2. Select Import a

Participant List3. Click File and click

Save to save the data in the Participant List before closing the Participant Information window.

Modifying a Participant ListModifying a Participant List1. From the toolbar, click

Participants and select Edit a Participant List

2. Open the desired list.3. Edit the existing data

in the white fields by selecting entries and typing new information.

4. Add a new participant by right-clicking in the Participant Information window and selecting Add Participant to Location.

Keyboard - PLKeyboard - PL You can use this feature to test your

slides. It will also give you data to try reports


Step 4: Run a Presentation Step 4: Run a Presentation SessionSession1. Open Presentation2. Run the Response Device Wizard.3. From the toolbar, click Reset and click

Session.4. From the toolbar, click Select a

Particpant List. From the window on the right hand side of the screen select your list and click Use Selected List.

Run the Slide ShowRun the Slide Show

Click the mouse to control the progress of the slide show. Open Polling Click a second time to close polling and

display results. Click again to advance to the next slide

Run the Slide ShowRun the Slide Show

Step 5: Save Session ResultsStep 5: Save Session Results From the TurningPoint toolbar, select

the Save Session button. Make sure to save on YOUR S: Drive.

You can also save to removable media such as a USB flash drive.

DO NOT save results to the C: drive.

View a ReportView a Report1. Click Tools in the

toolbar.2. Select Turning

Reports.3. Select Generate

Reports.4. Choose a Session


Create ReportsCreate Reports1. Select the type of

report.2. Specify whether

to include page breaks by checking the Insert Page Breaks check box.

3. Click Generate Report.

Types of ReportsTypes of Reports Results by

Questions Demographic Participant Results Results by

Participant Participant List Standards

Attendance Individual Scoring Ranking and

Moment to Moment Outline Participant

Questions and Comments

REMEMBERREMEMBER Technology can and will let you down. Please have a back up!

Additional SupportAdditional Support Angie Hammons

Education Technology Specialist 341-6195

Turning Technologies Customer Support: 1-866-746-3015 www.turningtechnologies.com
