
Post on 26-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Bundy%20rsl%20news%20february%202016%20pdf

(T/A Bundaberg RSL / Bundy RSL)

President: Paul Tramacchi

Deputy President: Tony Kimber

Secretary: Rudy Valzan Treasurer: Barrie Cope

Committee: Mat Louden, Terry Plunket, Bernie Phelan, Jenny Waldron, Leone Wilson

Office Manager: Wendy Morris Welfare: Mick Lay

PH 07 4132 6512 * EMAIL: bundyrsl@bigpond.net.au


Secretary, Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch, PO Box 2216 Bundaberg 4670

OFFICE HOURS: Open 8.30am weekdays; close 4pm Mon-Thu, 3pm Fri. Access before 10am by appointment

Electronic donations or payments may be made to: BSB 124 075 A/c 20395676 Please provide details to the Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch via email, to enable accurate receipting.


Bundy RSL News

EDITOR Leone Wilson

Contributions Welcome: All contributions to be forwarded to the Sub Branch secretary. Those approved for inclusion may be edited or reduced due to space limitations.. Leave items at the Sub Branch Office,

addressed: ‘RSL Sub Branch, for attn Editor’ or Email to: bundyrsl@bigpond.net.au

This newsletter is provided free to all Sub Branch Members Produced by the Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch. Statements and opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Sub Branch Board.


Useful contacts (Bundaberg ex-service or associated organisations.)

RSL (Qld Branch) Pensions Alison Cox 0447 763 794 4154 4284

Vietnam Veterans Sonya Leijen 4153 4599 0431 754 083 Naval Assn, Coral Coast David Williamson 4155 6730 RAAF Assn, Bundaberg John Wilson OAM 4159 4134 TPI Assn, Bundaberg Ted Stokes 4155 0593 Bundaberg Disabled Veterans Grace Muchow 4152 7258 National Servicemen’s Brian Trost 4151 3485 CMF Army Reserve Christine Bugeja 4159 3864 Legacy Rudy Valzan 4152 5958 RSL Women’s Auxiliary Jean Smith 4155 1127 Ex Servicewomen Leone Wilson 4159 4134 War Widows Guild Gabrielle Ryan 0402 268 794 Legacy Widows Group Mary Hawkins 4156 6271

rslbundaberg.org.au facebook.com/rslbundaberg

Keep up to date between issues—go to:

Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch Newsletter Bundy RSL News First Edition 2016

Fellow League members,

As we roll through 2016, we are reminded that, as well as reaching the halfway point of the ANZAC Centenary, there are 2 very important milestones that require recognition by our combined membership.

1. 50th anniversary of The Battle of Long Tan in South Vietnam which also includes 50 years since the 1 year National Servicemen were first deployed to an operational war zone.

2. Centenary of the foundation of the RSL although originally know as R.S.S.I.L (Returned Sailors Soldiers Imperial League).

A very important facet of our duty as members of the RSL is Commemoration and we welcome any thoughts and ideas relative to these 2 milestones in our linkage to military history. The importance of Commemoration is surpassed only by the main aim of the RSL movement which is - the welfare of our current and ex-service personnel.

Our duty on these matters is clear and your Management Committee has proposed an open forum at our upcoming AGM to consider the long term future of the Bundaberg RSL, particularly relative to both of the core aims described above.

At the AGM, we will present 2 concept plans for open discussion and we will provide detailed outcomes relating to financial viability and welfare based ideas together with a significant Commemoration proposal.

During 2015, VP Day and Remembrance Day, which included the 100 Portraits Project in conjunction with Elements Art, proved to be very memorable events and who could forget the Christmas luncheon featuring an informative address by our State President, Stewart Cameron together with the hilarious Col Elliott. By the way, Col rated the Bundaberg RSL audience the best ever and was so impressed that the day was gratis to our members, he greatly reduced his fee.

However, 2016 will be a year of vital decision making so that we can find and maintain even better ways to deliver the core aims of the RSL to our members, their families and the many faithful friends of our entire membership.


Paul Tramacchi President




The Board meets

monthly and Sub Branch members are welcome to attend these


Board Meeting dates:


23 Feb

20 Mar AGM

22 Mar

19 Apr

24 May

28 Jun

26 Jul

23 Aug

27 Sep

25 Oct

22 Nov

13 Dec




Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch Newsletter Bundy RSL News First Edition 2016

Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch Welfare Coordinator: MICK LAY


Since the Spring Newsletter we have been extremely busy.

I would like firstly to thank our volunteers who have given a lot of their own time to help our ex-service community. Without their hard work and dedication, the Sub Branch would not be able to provide all the wonderful services it does today.

Some of our current support programs include:

Happy Hours - Happy Hours are for all our members and their families. They are run on a monthly basis utilising the function room upstairs in the RSL building. We provide snacks at no cost and reduced priced drinks. The Happy Hours are specifically for ex-service members and their families ONLY.

Bus Trips - The bus trips are continuing through 2016 and we are excited to announce that we will be doing some on weekends to enable the ex-service community members who are unable to make the mid-week events to come along. Please watch for dates and details.

Keep Fit Program - In September 2015 a weekly walking program was started. We meet at the Bargara Memorial at 0630 every Thursday morning. The aim of the program is to get our members out of their houses and doing some exercise. We follow that up by shouting all participants a coffee. All members and their families are welcome. Just turn up any Thursday morning no matter whether you can walk a block or a marathon, you are all welcome to join us.

Hospital and home visits - Hospital visits continue at all three hospitals. If you become aware of an ex-service member who is in hospital please notify the office so we can arrange a welfare visit. Also if you are the one hospitalised, either ring us or ask a family member or the nursing staff to do it for you.

Future Plans - We plan to continue with all current welfare programs whilst constantly reviewing and amending to suit all the ex-service community. There is a plan to enhance the Keep Fit Program by moving into other exercises such as strength training, yoga and maybe even some weight work. We will increase our bus trips by having smaller but more frequent trips. This is made possible by having our very own 12 seat bus (by the end of February). If any member has an idea or would like to volunteer some of your time to help out a fellow ex-service person, please call Mick or Wendy in the office.

Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch Newsletter Bundy RSL News First Edition 2016

Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch




A Pensions & Advocacy Service is available

to assist ex service men and women and dependants.

Call Alison Cox for an appointment: Ph: 0447 763 794 or 4154 4284 (office hours)

HOSPITAL VISITS Please advise the Sub Branch when a member is in hospital.

Enquire about becoming an authorised volunteer visitor

Mates! Take time to care for mates Become involved. Enquire at the Sub Branch Office

Hospital Visits

Tony is still visiting the Friendlies Hospital on Wednesday mornings. Tony is advised of any DVA patients who are hospitalised, however, he doesn’t get notified of our ex-service people who are not DVA recipients. So if you or a mate fall into this category, please let us know (4132 6512) and we will ensure Tony visits.



If you see a group of briskly-walking ex-service men and women, it is very likely to be the Bundy RSL Legends. The Legends are in training for the “OXFAM TRAILWALKER TREK”- 100kms within 48 hours, to be held in the ranges behind Brisbane in mid-June.

All of the Legends are ex-service men and women who have served our country in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, East Timor, Australia as well as on the high seas and in the air. They are called the “Legends” because they walk in honour of past and present service men and women who have become legends defending Australia and the other democracies for over one hundred years. The main purpose of their trek is to publicise our Sub Branch’s network of support to all veterans in our district, but particularly those who are housebound or are feeling vulnerable. Please wish them well as they train over the next few months and undertake the trek in mid-June. __________________________________________________________________________

Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch Newsletter Bundy RSL News First Edition 2016

AGM 9am


20 March 2016 Venue: The‘Coral Sea’ Function Room

of the RSL building

Motions for General Business

Motion 1: That the Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch undertake extensions to the RSL

building, as per concept plan, subject to various approvals.

Reason: The Sub Branch welfare program has grown substantially and to

continue supplying and increasing the services provided to its members, larger

premises are essential.

Motion 2: That the Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch pursue the finalisation of the

ANZAC Park concept plan once all approvals have been received.

Reason: The ANZAC Park project has received partial funding from the

Australian Government ANZAC Centenary grant and additional funding will be


In attendance will be:

RSL (Queensland Branch) State President -

Mr Stewart Cameron

Mates4Mates Representative - Mr Mark Camilleri - Family Recovery Centre Manager

At the close of General Business, there will be an open forum so please come along and have your input into the

future of your Sub Branch.

Following the AGM refreshments will be available on the Terrace

Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch Newsletter Bundy RSL News First Edition 2016

Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch

for Sub Branch members and families this includes ‘mum, dad,

grandies, kids!’

Upstairs Terrace Bar & Deck

Bundaberg Services Club Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch Newsletter Bundy RSL News First Edition 2016

The Bundaberg Dawn Service will be held at the

Soldiers Memorial Cnr Bourbong & Barolin St and will commence Upon the mounting of the Catafalque Party at approx. 4.15 am

Please assemble at the memorial at 4.10 am

RSL Sub Branch breakfast commences 5.30 am and finishes 7.30 am

All in attendance must be accompanied by a current or ex-service person Current/ex-service Free; all others $5 each.

Parade for the Civic Service assemble as allotted at 8 am and march off at 8.30 am

The Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch ANZAC Luncheon for

current and ex-service personnel who may be accompanied by a carer or partner (one only).

Cost for carer/partner $5 Book at the RSL Sub Branch office.

ONLY booked persons will be admitted to lunch.

Upstairs will be open following the Citizens’ Service however drinks will have to be paid for until 10.30 am.

Beer, wine and softdrinks will be provided from 10.30 am Lunch commences at 11 am

Lunch for other family will be available for purchase in the

Bundaberg & District RSL & Citizens’ Memorial Club Quay 17 Bistro (downstairs)


Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch Newsletter Bundy RSL News First Edition 2016

The History of the Dawn Service

The Dawn Service on ANZAC Day has become a solemn Australian and New Zealand tradition. It is taken for granted as part of the ANZAC ethos and few wonder how it all started. Its story, as it were, is buried in a small cemetery carved out of the bush some kilometres outside the northern Queensland town of Herberton.

Almost paradoxically, one grave stands out by its simplicity. It is covered by protective a white-washed concrete slab with a plain cement cross at its top end. No epitaph recalls even the name of the deceased. This inscription on the cross is a mere two words - “A Priest”. No person would identify the grave as that of a dedicated clergyman who created the Dawn Service without the simple marker placed next to the grave only in recent times.

It reads: “Adjacent to, and on the right of this marker, lies the grave of the late Reverend Arthur Ernest white, a Church of England clergyman and padre, 44th Battalion, First Australian Imperial Force. On 25th April 1923, at Albany in Western Australia, the Reverend White led a party of friends in what was the first ever observance of a Dawn parade on ANZAC Day, thus establishing a tradition which has endured, Australia wide ever since.”

Reverend White was serving as one of the padres of the earliest ANZAC’s to leave Australia with the First AIF in November 1914. The convoy was assembled in Princess Royal Harbour and King George Sound at Albany WA. Before embarkation, at four in the morning, he conducted a service for all the men of the battalion. When White returned to Australia in 1919, he was appointed relieving Rector of the St John’s Church in Albany. It was a strange coincidence that the starting point of the AIF convoys should now become his parish.

No Doubt it must have been the memory of his first Dawn Service those many years earlier and his experiences overseas, combined with the awesome cost of lives and injuries, which inspired him to honour permanently the valiant men (both living and the dead) who had joined the fight for the allied cause. “Albany”, he is quoted to have said, “was the last sight of land these ANZAC troops saw after leaving Australian shores and some of them never returned. We should hold a service (here) at the first light of dawn each ANZAC Day to commemorate them.”

That is on ANZAC Day 1923 he came to hold the first Commemorative Dawn Service. As the sun was rising, a man in a small dinghy cast a wreath into King George Sound while White, with a band of about 20 men gathered around him on the summit of nearby Mount Clarence, silently watched the wreath floating out to sea. He then quietly recited the words: “As the sun rises and goeth down, we will remember them”. All present were deeply moved and news of the Ceremony soon spread throughout the country, and the various Returned Service Communities Australia wide emulated the Ceremony.

Eventually, White was transferred from Albany to serve in other congregations, the first in South Australia, then Broken Hill where he built a church, then late at Forbes NSW. In his retirement from parish life, he moved to Herberton where he became Chaplain of an Anglican convent, However, soon after his arrival (on September 26, 1954) he died, to be buried so modestly and anonymously as “A Priest”.

White’s memory is honoured by a stained glass window in the all Soul’s Church at Wirrinya, a small farming community near Forbes NSW. Members of the parish have built the church with their own hands and have put up what they refer to as “The Dawn Service Window”, as their tribute to White’s service to Australia.




All bus trips depart from the RSL and include:

Morning Tea Lunch Attraction Coach travel

Full itinerary for each trip will be advertised in Bundy RSL News, including the price and how to book.

*Destinations may be changed if circumstances change

Bundy RSL mates and

families having fun


Agnes Water


2hr LARC and

Lunch Tour

followed by a visit to

Agnes Water Museum

Cost per person - $40

Family of 4 - $120

Includes bus travel

and morning tea

Depart from RSL at 0800—return 1600

Book at RSL office

(Wendy 4132 6512)



Book early

Maximum numbers - 32

Sunday Family Bus Trip 6 March 2016

Sun 06 March

1770 Larc Tour and Museum visit.

Sat 11 June

Bundy Belle Cruise and Lunch. Further trips will be advertised during the year.

Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch Newsletter Bundy RSL News First Edition 2016

The support can be accessed through the

office manager / secretary or support

volunteers on phone 41326512

Our aim is to provide assistance to our

ex-service community

The support is provided by our dedicated staff and volunteers with appropriate clearances and /or by a commercial provider of the service at the discretion of the Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch.

The Bundaberg RSL support program provides the following services:

hospital and home visits yard maintenance/mowing home cleaning rubbish removal financial assistance minor house painting/repairs personal advice/support; and sourcing of, and referral to, more appro-

priate authorities.

Conditions apply

Bundaberg RSL Support Service

Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch Newsletter Bundy RSL News First Edition 2016

The Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch has been successful in it’s application for grant funding to purchase a 12 seater bus for our support program. The vehicle will be utilised by our welfare team to transport members who have no other means of transport to Sub Branch events, occasional shopping and other activities. It is envisaged that the bus will be available towards the end of February 2016. ____________________________________________________________________

BUNDABERG RSL SUB BRANCH 41326512 bundyrsl@bigpond.net.au

Including a charity like Bunda-berg RSL Sub Branch in your will is one of the most powerful ways to make a difference by assisting the Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch deliver support services to veter-ans.

After carefully considering your family and friends in your Will, making a bequest to Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch ensures that you will be well remembered and leave a lasting legacy which will continue to make a difference well into the future.

There are a variety of ways to include the Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch in your will, none of which will impact on your lifestyle, but will be a lasting legacy.

If you would like more infor-mation about making your Will or leaving a bequest to the Bunda-berg RSL Sub Branch, or if you need assistance in finding a solici-tor in your area, please contact Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch on (07) 4132 6512.

Funeral Gifts. At the Bunda-berg RSL Sub Branch we appreci-ate the profound sadness associ-ated with losing a loved one, may we offer our sincere condolences if you are selecting this type of sup-port.

A gift in lieu of flowers at the funeral of a loved one or dear

friend can be a most rewarding way to honour their memory. By encouraging those who attend the service to donate, your loved one's support of the Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch can continue. Please ask your Funeral Director to con-tact us to provide special enve-lopes for the funeral service.

Wording for general bequests As a guide, Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch recommends the following wording for general bequests:

'I give the whole/residue* of my estate to <insert Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch and 27574071911> for its general purposes (or spe-cific purposes) of such fund and the receipt of any one of the Di-rectors for the time being of such fund shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees.'


'I give sum of/percentage* (the actual amount should be written in words and in numbers) to <insert RSL Sub Branch and 27574071911> for its general purposes (or specific purposes) of such fund and the receipt of any one of the Directors for the time being of such fund shall be sufficient dis-charge to my trustees.'

Leaving a Bequest to Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch

Membership of the Bundaberg RSL Sub

Branch has many benefits and

additional privileges.

6 months ADF service normally qualifies for

becoming a member— your service does not have to be overseas or

‘active service’.

At the Sub Branch office

Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch is part of the RSL (Qld Branch).

Together with members of all RSL Sub Branches in Australia, we are proud to wear the RSL badge.

Renewing members

Enquire about our special

life subscription


You served our nation—be proud to wear a badge which

is a century old.

Support Centre (Meeting Room) Bookings

Use of the Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch Support Centre Meeting Room/Gibson Library is by

arrangement with the Sub Branch Secretary or Office Manager ONLY. Ph. 4132 6512

If you don’t book with the Sub Branch office, the room will not be made available to you.

This is a multi purpose centre providing

facilities for all Sub Branch members.

Use it with respect for others.

Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch Newsletter Bundy RSL News First Edition 2016


BEECHAM Kenneth James 3/2758 06 Oct BONGIOLETTI Reno QX47084 25 Oct CALLANDER Frederick Arthur 33691 31 Jan DUDLEY Selby Llewellyn N465088 08 Nov GANNON Paul Martin 405272 03 Nov GREENSILL Ernest Dudley QX54395 22 Oct JONES Leslie John QX28197 13 Jan KREBS Jeffrey Denis A118465 16 Oct LAW Rex David S/8249 17 Jan LAWRENCE Ken James A15657 05 Oct LIVINGSTONE James Donald Q266778 09 Oct MATTHEWS Wilfred Sidney Edward A33971 05 Feb MORDUE Jack William WX38666 23 Dec RAKE Ian Basil 1/715266 03 Feb SHALLCROSS John Stanley QX977 02 Dec TARR Ernest Charles QX56222 30 Dec VANDERHELD Phyllis Maud W111390 07 Jan VAN LOON Phil Theophilus 54452 16 Dec

Lest We Forget

We offer our condolences to the families & friends of our members:

Our yOuth…Learning & understanding

Australian War History

In the lead up to ANZAC Day each year, schools in the region plan activities which encourage students to learn about the

war service and sacrifice of Australians.

Schools invite the RSL Sub Branch to provide members to attend these

special events.

This is an opportunity to encourage our youth to appreciate Australia’s

war service. Not all schools ask veterans to

address the children. PLEASE PUT YOUR NAME ON

THE LIST PH 4132 6512 A member, wearing medals adds

Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch Newsletter Bundy RSL News First Edition 2016


Christmas LUNCH

Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch Newsletter Bundy RSL News First Edition 2016



Navigator Bomber and School Teacher Extracts from an obituary by Pat Gannon

Paul Gannon’s first job in life was milking cows on the family farm at Mt Mee but from there he found his vocation in a lifetime of teaching school children, air force navigators and the many retirees and seniors who benefited from his prow-ess as a bridge player and teacher.

Paul was born in Kilcoy in 1919, the third child of John (Jack) and Norah Gannon. He had two brothers, Kevin and Neil, and four sisters, Ur-sula, Leila, Marcia, and Aileen.

He attended the local state school at Mt Mee, riding to school on a horse with a sister or brother as a pillion passenger. After completing his school-ing at Brisbane State High School and spending two years at Teachers Training College, Paul gained the position of Assistant Teacher at Gin Gin.

A transfer to Yandina followed and here he met his future wife, Daphne Best. After two years at Yandina, Paul found himself in charge of a one-teacher school at Nulla Creek in the Biggenden district.

Paul joined the Light Horse Regiment in 1939 serving as a trooper in the machine gun troop lo-cated at Woombye. He completed camps at Coolum and Beaudesert, culminating in a ride to Brisbane, down Queen Street, and on to Cash’s Crossing and Esk before returning to Beaudesert.

In May 1940, he joined the RAAF Reserve and in March 1941 enlisted in the RAAF. After training at Amberley, Cootamundra, Evans Heads, and Parkes, he graduated as an Air Observer Nav-igator, Bomb Aimer, Air Gunner and Astro Naviga-tor. In November 1941, he embarked from Sydney on the "Queen Elizabeth" for the Middle East and the theatres of war.

A posting to the No. 37 RAF Wellington Bomber Squadron as a Navigator/Bomb-Aimer saw Paul in action as the 8th Army advanced on El Alamein and Tunisia in Northern Africa.

After flying 44 missions over enemy territory, he was posted in 1943 to England as a Navigation Instructor.

He returned to Australia in November 1944 and was discharged in October 1945.Following the war, Paul received a school posting in the Bunda-

Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch Newsletter Bundy RSL News First Edition 2016

Following the war, Paul received a school posting in the Bundaberg district. He said that the luckiest thing that happened to him in life was to survive the war. And that bit of luck was followed by another - from Bundaberg, he was able to track down and marry that Yandina belle, Daphne Best in January 1946

Daphne Best had also served in the RAAF during the war enlisting in the Women’s Australian Auxiliary Air Force (WAAAF) at Yandina on 15 June 1942 Daphne attained the rank of Corporal and was discharged on 6 November 1945

The couple were married in January 1946 and settled into traditional post-war life in regional Aus-tralia, raising a family of five children on a tight budget. Paul ex-celled as a provider, becoming a prolific and generous vege-table grower and he was a skilled and persistent fisherman, catching bream from the rock walls at Kir-by’s, Fairymead, Bur-nett Heads and Bar-gara to supplement his home-grown pro-duce. Paul was also a talented home handyman and wood-worker.

School teaching postings in Bundaberg were to Bundaberg Central and Bundaberg South State Schools however most of Paul’s teaching years were at Bundaberg West State School from where he retired in 1979.

Paul was active in the community especially with the St Vincent de Paul Society where he was instrumental in establishing the Home Nursing Ser-vice in Bundaberg. Paul and Daphne were founding members of the Bundaberg Bridge Club and after moving to Bargara for retirement Paul helped es-tablish the Bargara Bridge Club.

In 2003, Paul and Daphne moved to Brisbane to be closer to their family and here they saw out their lives. Daphne passed away in December 2011 and Paul on 3 November last year. Paul and Daph-ne are survived by children Gay, Pat, Jo and Celie.

Daphne’s passing and his own health were a challenge for Paul, but ever the teacher, his last lesson for those around him was to accept in life whatever comes your way. “Just get on with it”.

Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch Newsletter Bundy RSL News First Edition 2016

Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch Newsletter Bundy RSL News First Edition 2016

To all helpers, sellers, volunteers who worked leading up to and on Remembrance

Day 2015

Ex Service Community News Contact details appear on page 2

RAAF Assn, Bundaberg & Dist. Leone Wilson

The Bundaberg & District Branch, RAAF Association holds meetings on the second Sunday at noon and these are followed by a gold coin barbeque lunch. The branch holds a variety of activities each year and new members and visitors are welcome. For enquiries contact John 4159 4134 for more details.

Bundaberg & Dist. Ex Servicewomen’s Assn. Leone Wilson

Bundaberg Ex-Servicewomen are busy planning a reunion 14-16 July 2017 celebrating their 50th anniversary and would like to hear from any Bundaberg area women who have served in the ADF or allied forces to participate in a no obligation commemorative project. The association has a busy social calendar and invitations to enjoy these outings or activities are often extended to RSL members and partners. If you wish to be included, please send an email to bundy.eswa@gmail.com. Please phone Leone 4159 4134 or Jenny 4157 4621 for more details.

National Servicemen’s Assn, Bundaberg Bumper

I trust everyone had a great festive season and are looking forward to a great new year!

December saw our Branch conduct a number of functions including the annual break up lunch at

Baldwin Wetlands. 45 in all turned out for this very warm day’s event. The musicians once again

provided all attendees with a medley of hits from the years of our prime.

Ten of our members also attended the RSL Sub Branch hosted luncheon on 9 December. A very nice

day was had by all.

Planning is moving forward regarding a visit to Rockhampton by members and wives next year with a

date yet to be confirmed, but possibly May.

A bus trip has been organised for Tuesday 15 March 2016. We will be travelling to Kingaroy with 1

stop at a local winery. Morning tea will be held at Biggenden, which is included in the cost. Nashos/

wives the fare is $10 and visitors fare is $20. Departing 7 am at Bundaberg Coach Tours.

Initial contact with Brian Trost on 41513485.

Our President Des resigned suddenly in an unsigned letter hand delivered on 15 December 2015, to

the Secretary.

Our AGM is to be conducted on March 13, so all members should give consideration to nominating for

a position on Committee. You never know what fun you will have!!!

Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch Newsletter Bundy RSL News First Edition 2016

Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch Newsletter Bundy RSL News First Edition 2016

Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch Newsletter Bundy RSL News First Edition 2016


Thank you to these sponsors of the Bundaberg

RSL Sub Branch’s Support & Commemoration Programs