Building Brand Strength to Conquer Crisis

Post on 27-Nov-2014

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A great deal of time goes into developing a respectable brand, and it needs to be protected from crisis. Here are five tips for building your brand to conquer crisis.

Transcript of Building Brand Strength to Conquer Crisis

Five Tips for Building

Brand Strength to

Prevent Crisis

1) Find Brand Ambassadors

1) Find Brand AmbassadorsFind

clients/customers who believe in

your mission and your product and

who will stand behind you when

the going gets tough.

2) Project Your Vision and Mission

2) Project Your Vision and Mission

Defining your purpose and

positioning it as the key driver in your business will help

keep you and your business on track.

3) Inspire Your Employees

3) Inspire Your EmployeesGet to know your employees

and their interest and find a way to interject their passions

into their jobs or their jobs into their passions.

4) Make

Google Work in

Your Favor

4) Make

Google Work in

Your FavorInvest in google search terms relevant to your company, brand, and product. While it’s nice to have the top search result, there are still 9 other search results on the page.

5) Build Relationships

5) Build RelationshipsSimilar to finding

brand ambassadors, build relationships and partnerships

with businesses and organizations who

support your mission or who have missions you


For more information regarding crisis communications

and management, do not hesitate to contact the

Fallston Group at 410.420.2001 or by email at