Build Your Recruiter Brand - Social Recruiting Strategies · Deloitte Services LLP Build Your...

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Build Your Recruiter



Jill Shabelman & Jen PowellDeloitte Evolving Workforce Strategy & InnovationJanuary 2017

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We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media.The question is how well we do it. #YourBrandMatters

Jen Powell

@JPhillyPowellExtreme multi-tasker with more interests than time! Recruiting leader, employment brand nerd, crafty mom and wannabe runner.

#Happytobehere #CraftyChick #WineLover

Jill Shabelman

@jshabelmanDesigning better experiences. Powered by incurable wanderlust.


Let’s make it easy for the right people to find us for the right things. #YourBrandMatters

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“The future of branding is marketing with peoplenot at them.”

-John Morgan, Brand Against the Machine

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We trust other people (even strangers) more than we trust brands.

The new reality…


people like themselves

employees of an organization

CEO of an organization

Source: Edelman Trust Barometer

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The Facebook algorithm is not brand-friendly.

The new reality…

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Twitter is singing a new tune with “best tweets” and “in case you missed it.”

The new reality…

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Instagram promotes the most popular content and connections.

The new reality…

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Connecting with the right people

+ Sharing great content

= Increased awareness of you, your organization, and its opportunities

Posts through employer branded channels get seen much less than they did in the past, but what you are sharing is getting much more attention.

What does that mean?

Source: MSLGroup

561%Brand messages reached 561%

further when shared by employees vs. the same messages shared via

official brand social channels

24x moreBrand messages are re-shared 24x

more frequently when distributed by employees vs. brand

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Recruiter brand methodology

Your roadmap for success

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A simple methodology to help you get started.

Build your brand

Measure your current reach and influence

• Spend time on your areas of focus

•Develop strategies for enhancing your brand

Refresh your presence and strategies

•Do it all over again…Measure your new level of reach and influence

•What is the size of your network & how many people are looking at your posts?

•How are you influencing engagement and online conversation?

Rate your online personal brand

• Are you representing yourself like you hope to online?

•Where are areas you should focus?

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It’s not just about followers.

Is this thing on??

NetworkThe general size of your follower base

ReachThe number of people who see your content

ImpressionsThe number of times your content is displayed

EngagementThe number of interactions with your content

Source: Cutting through social media jargon, AdWeek

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LinkedIn can easily measure reach and influence for you

• LinkedIn social selling index

• Number of LinkedIn connections

• Number of profile views

• Profile rank, number and trends

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So can Twitter!

• Number of followers & tweets

• Impressions

• Profile visits

• Mentions

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Measuring influence on other platforms can be a little more difficult

Average number of likes on your posts

Average number of comments on your posts

Average number of shares on your posts

Number of followers / friends

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These six aspects apply to any social media platform and should be your focus when building your brand through social.

You’ve measured your performance, now measure your brand

Screen name

Picture Profile


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Rate yourself on a personal branding scale by answering these questions:

What is your brand saying about you on your social channels?

Personal brand scale

Am I easy to find?

Do I look approachable?

Do I seem credible & trustworthy?

Am I consistently posting?

Am I adding value?

Do I engage with my network?

Source/adapted from: How to rock social media, LinkedIn learning course

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Personal brand scale

Help identify your social strengths and areas of focus.

Using the personal brand scale

Feel confident

Needs some attention

Needs a lot of attention

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Great content

The holy grail

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Be consistently adding value

Understand your organization’s brand

Curate content automatically

Create a system for others

It’s time to BUCC up…

The key to building your unique recruiter brand is in the content

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Provide information more than opportunities.

Be consistently adding value



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Knowing your external brand perception will:

• Ensure what you are saying feels authentic

• Allow you to provide context for things that are

perceived negatively

• Help you build on the strengths of your brand

• Identify internal opportunities for making


“Your brand is not what you say it is. It is what they say it is.”

Understand your organization’s brand

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Let the Internet do your job for you.

Curate content automatically

• Feedly & RSS feeds

• Google alerts

• LinkedIn influencers

Third partycontent

• LinkedIn long form posts

• Tweets, pictures, videos, posts of your own!

Your owncontent

• An ambassador program

• Posts from clients, peers & leaders

• Re-sharing from branded social channels

Your org’scontent

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A Case Study: The Buzz

Create a system for others

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An advocacy program specifically for recruiters with content designed to appeal to job


The Buzz: Deloitte’s Social Recruiter Program

Our goals:

1. Build brand awareness for Deloitte

2. Help recruiters build their social recruiting skills

The secret sauce:

Compelling content tailored to talent

Content created by our recruiting team, including Deloitte authored and third party content

Social challenges that go beyond the push of content

Demonstrated value to recruiters without taking too much of their time

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pieces of content distributed

shares by Buzz makers

likes, shares and re-tweets

Sounds great, but does it work?

In the first 11 months of the program…

250 Buzz makers





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Social advocacy programs have clear value for the brand, but our recruiters have also

found great value for themselves, as well.

The impact

“A couple of weeks ago, I must have forgotten to post the #WellnessWednesday media because one of my contacts emailed

me asking “did you post your Wellness Wednesday content this week because I

must have missed it.”

“At an industry event, the chapter president

complimented me on the things I post on LinkedIn. A conversation about all the

different things Deloitte does ensued. It was a great way to

discuss many of the great things Deloitte offers its clients

and professionals.”

“My network has expanded significantly. I’ve seen an average

of 30-40 new connections each month on each channel.”

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What we’ve learned along the way

• Some content resonates, some doesn’t use data

to understand what’s working and adjust

• Not everyone is comfortable with social tailor the

approach to appeal to everyone

• Shiny new toys (and social programs) can lose their

luster find ways to keep it fresh

• Individual contributors have a lot to give use your

recruiters to build a strong content calendar

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The path forward

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You can start building a better personal brand today

Accept Refresh Represent

Understand how you can make an impact through social

Dig into your personal analytics & build new strategies

BUCC up and be a role model for others

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