BTB ExIm Bank Updated

Post on 03-Oct-2015

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Benenson Strategy Group and SKDKnickerbocker poll on Ex-Im.

Transcript of BTB ExIm Bank Updated


    Beyond the Beltway is a joint public polling initiative led by Pete Brodnitz and Mike Gehrke of the Washington, D.C. office of Benenson Strategy Group (BSG) and Doug

    Thornell and JB Poersch of SKDKnickerbocker. BSG is a leading strategic research consultancy that advises many of the worlds most successful companies, heads of state,

    and institutions, including the President of the United States, Toyota, and Intel. SKDKnickerbocker delivers unparalleled strategic communications advice to Fortune 500

    companies, non-profits, philanthropic organizations, labor unions, and political committees and candidates.

    This poll was done by BSG and consists of 1,032 total interviews conducted February 26-27 among registered voters selected from an opt-in online panel to match the

    demographics and other characteristics of the national registered voter population. The margin of error for overall results is 3.05% and higher among subgroups. Most surveys report a margin of error that represents some, but not all, potential survey errors. This report includes a model-based margin of error, which rests on a specific

    set of statistical assumptions about the selected sample, rather than the standard methodology for random probability sampling.

    For more information, please contact Mike Gehrke at or Natalie Raps at

    After being presented with a brief description of the Export-Import Bank, a majority of registered voters (54%) agree with the

    supporters of the bank who say that Congress should keep the bank operating because it supports hundreds of thousands

    of jobs and helps American small businesses compete successfully against countries like China that provide similar support

    for their exports, over opponents who say Congress should close the Bank because it underwrites risky loans, which

    unnecessarily help large corporations. This assistance amounts to hundreds of millions in wasteful corporate welfare.

    The supporters of the bank who say that Congress should keep the bank operating because it supports hundreds of thousands of jobs helping American small businesses compete successfully against countries like China that provide similar support for their exports.

    Opponents who say Congress should close the bank because the bank underwrites risky loans, and the

    majority go to help large corporations who dont need the help to compete. This assistance amounts to

    hundreds of millions in wasteful corporate welfare.

    54% 46%

    The U.S. Export-Import Bank is a government office that provides financing to help the U.S. export goods and services to international markets. For example if a company outside the U.S. wants to buy products made by a U.S. business, the Export-Import bank will help the foreign company finance the purchase. Since the bank is chartered by the U.S.

    Government, Congress is currently considering whether to reauthorize the bank and keep it operating or to allow it to close. Which of the following arguments about the Export-Import Bank comes closer to your view?



    DEMOCRATS: 54%

    LIBERALS: 52%



    DEMOCRATS: 46%

    LIBERALS: 48%

    MODERATES: 55%


    $6OK: 57%

    MODERATES: 45%


    $6OK: 43%