Brochure Royal Yacht Supplies

Post on 30-Mar-2016

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Brochure Royal Yacht Supplies

Transcript of Brochure Royal Yacht Supplies

- Premium Quality -

foodbeverage& extra

rice- Premium Quality -

our selection of rice is the result of wide accurate research

Pasta & Home made Pasta

- Premium Quality -

over one hundred types of pasta

meet- Premium Quality -

We are able to offer the best italian and international meat such as fassona bullock , chianina beef, duck, goose, Quail, Lamb, rib eye, kobe beef and all the

most prestigious meats )

fisH & oyster

caviar - susHi e & asian food

- Premium Quality -

our fishing nets are made to satisfy your needs , with us you will find the best fresh fish , crustaceans, oyster

and asian/sushi food

butter & cHeese

- Premium Quality -

We are glad to offer you the best selection of italian and french cheese

breakfast marmaLade & Honey

- Premium Quality -

a good day starts in the morning

miLk & yougurt

- Premium Quality -

freshness and quality directly on your table

sWeets & cHocoLate

- Premium Quality -

enjoy a unique and unforgettable experience tasting our best chocolate.

fruit & vegetabLes

- Premium Quality -

We supply all the fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables you need for your voyage

soft drinks- Premium Quality -

every kinds and size of soft drinks

royaL Wines

- Premium Quality -

We offer you a list of over 3000 kinds of wine fromall over the world including some of the best and ra-

rest. for each brand we can supply as much as you need in all bottle sizes. if your favourite champagne is not

on the list, please ask and we will do our best to find it for you.


- Premium Quality -

if your preferred a champagne is not in the list, you can ask and will be our task to provide it.

for each brand we can provide as much quantity you deserve and every size of bottles you need.

roderer crystal and premiermoet & chandon




dom ruinartgaston chiquet

Henriot bruitkrug

Laurent perrier brutmumm cordon ruge

Perrier jouetPaillard

PhilipponatPol roger

Pommery apanageruinart

salon cuveeselosse

taittingervuevle cliquot

> and many others prestigious champagnes

royaL sPirits

- Premium Quality -

available for you over 2000 kinds of spirits with the rarest brands and bottles

cLeaning suPPLies

- Satisfaction Guaranteed -

so that your guests will have everything they need


- Satisfaction Guaranteed -

In order not to miss anything for your guests,

creW Wear

- Satisfaction Guaranteed -

Clothing for everyday wear at sea

PersonaLized candeLs

- Satisfaction Guaranteed -

We are pleased to offer you customized and personalized candles to make all

your nights special.

services - Satisfaction Guaranteed -


PersonaL concierge

- Satisfaction Guaranteed -

we take care of your guests’ transfers: by helicopter , private jet, luxury cars

rental, personal drivers

Hair dresser & make-uP artist

- Satisfaction Guaranteed -

Professional make-up artists from the Dior boutique and the best hairdressers

on the coast will meet your needs on board


- Satisfaction Guaranteed -

An expert beauty team will help you relax directly on your boat to please your


PersonaL trainer

- Satisfaction Guaranteed -

Experienced and qualified personnel are at your disposal to look after your

physical wellbeing

PersonaL sHoPPer

- Satisfaction Guaranteed -

A personal shopper will assist you with all your shopping needs for your whole


susHi catering

- Satisfaction Guaranteed -

We are pleased to offer you a sushi catering service and live shows on


Live band

- Satisfaction Guaranteed -

The Drama Queens are five brothers of different mothers conceived in America, Russia, Jamaica,

England and Newcastle who all found themselves on the French Riviera.

Their repertoire consists of over 4000 songs, which are securely locked away in a vault

somewhere in Switzerland unbeknownst even to the band themselves.