Branding chris brown -Anisha n Mehnan

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Branding chris brown -Anisha n Mehnan

Chris Brown - branding

Anisha & Mehnan

Brand Image

Chris Brown’s brand image is young, youthful, energetic and smooth. He uses a lot of energy in his music videos, I.e the dance moves, and also doesn’t just rap but has a smooth singing voice. His lyrics in each song are meaningful. Also he is represented as a gentleman and a ladies man, as his main target audience is females. He dresses very urban, but also has a hint of smart wear. This may be done to apply to a wider audience.

Album Covers

Very Urban Haircut -

Appeal to a younger audience

White Clothing and Hat-

Connotates his innocence

And shows him to be naïve/gentle

The use of the fedora hat connotates he is a gentlemen and a ladies man.

The cover gives us a close up of Chris Brown this is done to make him look attractive.

Album Covers

Again in this cover he is wearing white and the fedora hat this is done to emphasize his gentlemen image.

However he is also wearing jewellery this is done to fulfill the R&B genre conventions as this genre is about ‘showing off’ and this dress sense also helps it to appeal to a younger audience.

The background of this album tells us Chris Brown is a R&B/ hiphop artist as it has big speakers in the background..

and then the mike in his hand adds to this.

Album Covers

This album cover is slightly different to the other two as Chris Brown is wearing Red in here to connate his passion for singing.

However he still has jewellery on as his brand image of a cool ‘ladys man’ still needs to remain the same and reflect the fact that he is a R&B/Hiphop artist.

Everything on this album cover is in black an white (grey shades) besides his jacket and album name this is done by purpose so his clothing grabs the audiences attention straight away as R&B artists are supposed to be dressed well so people look up to them, and this also helps Chris brown to look attractive to the female audience as he is a ‘ladies man’The album names also in red to grab people’s attention as his new album name needs to stand out so it can be well known.

Music Videos- Yeah 3x

In this video Chris Brown has two different outfits to fit his brand image. One of them is hoody, jeans and shades, which connotates typical teenagers whereas his other outfit is the complete opposite, waist coat on top of a shirt with a tie and black trousers which connotes a more mature man and makes him look attractive to the female audience. This is done to fit his brand image as the outfit with the hoody makes him appeal to the younger audience and makes him look cool not only to them women but also the male audience. And the outfit where he’s dressed with the tie makes him look like a gentlemen and fits the R&B genre of the artist looking quiet wealthy.

This video doesn’t only reflect his brand image through his clothing his brand image is also reflected through his dance moves in this video. As they are very fast and each move fluently changes into a different dance move which shows he’s full of energy. This doesn’t only impress the girl’s but it also appeals to the male audience as they will look up to him and will want to learn these kind of dance moves. Some screenshots of his dance moves from this music video are given on this slide.

Music Video – Forever

In this video Chris Brown doesn’t really dress formal as he sticks to one outfit throughout this video. This song and music video reflects his brand image as he is dancing with a girl and the lyrics of this song is very meaningful e.g. ‘it’s like I waited my whole life for this one night’ this would appeal to his main targeted audience ‘teenagers’ as it’s about love and it also show’s his ‘gentleman’ image as he’s singing about a girl. The girl in the video helps the video to appeal to the male audience as they would find it boring if it only had Chris Brown in it, therefore by having a main female character with the protagonist ‘Chris Brown’ in this video it appeals to a wider audience. This video fulfils the R&B conventions as it starts of with Chris Brown getting out of a very expensive car therefore it show’s he’s rich and makes people look up to him and because a lot of this video is studio based where the background is edited e.g when he’s dancing with the orange background.

Again the fact that Chris Brown is energetic comes across to the audience in this video through his dance moves. Chris brown is not only well known for his singing but his fans also love his dancing and in this video he’s not only dancing alone but there are also shots where he is dancing with a girl. This makes the video more romantic and appealing to the younger audience e.g. Teenage couples, and it also matches the lyrics of the song which are very meaningful and helps him come across as a ‘gentleman’ to the public. Some screenshots of his dance moves from this music video are given on this slide.

Chris Brown’s Music Videos All Chris Brown Video’s have him as the protagonist in his music video’s and give a lot of close up’s of his face as Chris Brown’s brand want him to connect with the audience, they want him to create a bond with the audience. He is also wearing jewellery in all his videos to fit his brand image of being cool and dressing very urban. These are some screenshot’s of the close up’s of his face from the Chris Brown music video’s we analysed ‘Yeah 3x’ and ‘Forever’ Screenshot’s of close up of Chris Brown from some of his other music video’s ‘No air’ ‘With You’ and ‘Superhuman’ are given below: