Boundaries in Anatomy

Post on 05-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Boundaries in Anatomy

ContentsBoundaries in anatomy!........................................................................................................................2

Shoulder Region....................................................................................................................................2

Triangular space................................................................................................................................3

Quadrangular space...........................................................................................................................3

Triangular interval.............................................................................................................................3

Deltopectoral Triangle.......................................................................................................................3







Cubital Fossa......................................................................................................................................4




Carpal Tunnel.....................................................................................................................................6


Contents (9)...................................................................................................................................6

Anatomical Snuff Box.........................................................................................................................7

Boundaries – pg 757 of Moores.....................................................................................................7


Guyon’s (ulnar) Canal........................................................................................................................7



Boundaries in anatomy!

Shoulder Region

Space Boundaries Important structure

Triangular space

Superior = teres minor

Inferior = teres major

Lateral = long head of triceps brachii

Circumflex scapular artery

Quadrangular space

Superior = teres minor

Inferior = teres major

Medial = long head of triceps brachii

Lateral = lateral head of triceps brachii/humerus

Axillary nerve

Posterior circumflex humeral artery

Triangular interval

Superior = teres minor

Medial = long head of triceps brachii

Lateral = lateral head of triceps brachii/humerus

Radial nerve

Profunda brachii artery

Deltopectoral Triangle (not tt impt)

Contents- Cephalic vein- Lymph nodes



- Cervicoaxilllary canal (passageway btwn neck and axilla, bounded by 1st rib, clavicle and superior edge of scapular)

Base- Axillary fossa (armpit, concaved skin)

Anterior wall- Pec major and pec minor (2 layers)- Axillary fold (innermost part of anterior wall formed by pec maj, can be felt w fingers)

Posterior Axillary Wall- Mainly scapular and subscapularis- Inferiorly teres major and latissimus dorsi- Posterior axillary wall (

Lateral Wall- Intertubecular groove of humerus

Medial Wall- Thoracic wall- Serratus anterior


AX-axillary artery and vein

I- infraclavicular part of brachial plexus

L- Lymph nodes

L-Long thoracic Nerve and intercostalbrachial nerve

A- Axillary fat and areolar tissue

ForearmCubital Fossa


- continuity of brachial and antebrachial fascia reinforced by bicipital aponeurosis and skin

Floor- Brachialis- Supinator

Medial Boarder- Lateral boarder of pronator teres and flexors of forearm

Lateral Boarder- Medial boarder of brachioradialis and extensors of forearm

Superior Boarder- Imaginary line btwn medial and lateral epicondyles of humerus

Contents“Really need Beer to Be at My Nicest” (lateral to medial) – TAN (tendon, artery, nerve)

Really need–Radial Nerve

Beer to- Brachial tendon

Be at- Brachial artery (location where brachial artery branches into radial and ulnar artery)

My nicest- Median Nerve (median nerve most median)

Wrist (better rmb because we are wristers :P)

Carpal Tunnel


- 8 carpal bones

Base (X connected to FR)

- Capitate- Lunate

Lateral- Scaphoid- Trapezoid

Medial- Pissiform- Hook of hamate

Roof- Flexor retinaculum (FR)/ transverse carpal ligament

Contents (9)- Median nerve (1)- Tendons of FDS (4)- Tendons of FDP (4)- Tendon of FPL (1)

Anatomical Snuff Box

Boundaries – pg 757 of MooresFloor

- Scaphoid- Trapezium

Anterior Boundary- Tendons of APL and EPB

Posterior Boundary- Tendon of EPL

Contents- Radial artery- Superficial branch of radial Nerve (where radial nerve branches into superficial and deep,

where radial nerve leaves forearm)

Guyon’s (ulnar) CanalBoundaries

- Pisiform- Hook of hamate

Contents- Ulnar artery (lateral)- Ulnar nerve (medial)