Bind up the witness

Post on 28-May-2015

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Transcript of Bind up the witness

Zekeniam YSCHRaEL

Sherut haRitztzuy

(the ministry of reconciliation)

by whom we have now received the

( Atonement)

reconciliation of the Dvar HaRitztzuy

Let this day be a day of reconciliation and regeneration

[“ahaYAH ASHER ahaYAH”]

( HaYaH (He was), Howeh (He is), and Yihyeh (He will be).


My Memorial for generation after generation.”

Shemot 3:13-16

This is MY NAME for ever,


"And YaHuWaH said to Moshe , 'I am that which I am. [ahaYah asher

ahaYah]' and he said, 'so you will say to the sons of YSCHRaEL, "I am

[ahaYah] has sent me to you." 'and YaHuWaH said further to Moshe, 'now

you are to say to the sons of YSCHRaEL, "YaHuWaH, ALuaHiYM of your

father’s Abraham, Yitzchak [Isaac], and Ya’aqob [Jacob], has sent me to

you. This is my name forever, and this is my memorial for generation to

generation." ' "Shemoth 6:3," 'and I appeared to Abraham, to Yitzchak,

and to Ya’aqob as hashadday [the almighty]. and my name, YaHuWaH,

was not well known (famous) to them.

YaHuWaH, ALuaHiYM TSeBAoWT, is his name .

The ministry of reconciliation

Message of Reconciliation

Torah sh’Bichtav

(Written Torah)

“Sola Scriptura”

(the Scriptures alone is authoritative for faith)

Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.



(in His Name)


[Yah -hoo-Wah] is the Name of the Creator.


(YaHuWSCHuA) is His Son


[Al-u-heem - ALHYM] means "Mighty Ones“ or "Power"


means Set-apart, Pure.


(Qodesh) also means "Set-apart"


(Ruach) is the Ibry (Hebrew) name for His "Presence", pictured as the

Counselor, Helper, and Advocate, the One Who "proceeds from the



( I am He)

YashaYahuw 8:16

Who was YashaYahuw

YashaYahuw means "YaHuWaH is my Savior"--the same meaning as

YaHuWSHuWaH, but with the phrasing in the reverse order …

(My Savior is YaHuWaH).

And YaHuWaH's deliverance through the Anointed YaHuWSHuWaH fills a

major part of his prophecy. YashaYahuw was probably from the tribe of

Yahuwdah. A contemporary of Micha and Huwshua, he prophesied more than

200 years after the division of YSCHRaEL, beginning in 740 B.C.E. (Just prior

to King UzziYahuw's death in 739), or about 18 years before the fall of the

Northern Kingdom. But he mainly addresses the southern kingdom of

Yahuwdah, which was now in decline as well, following the same pattern of

apostasy that YSCHRaEL had taken. Since he records the death of Sancheriyb,

it is estimated that he continued to prophesy for some 60 years, until about 680

B.C.E., when by tradition he was executed by being sawn in two. As with all the

prophets, his main theme is, "Come back to the Torah!"

Bind up the witness

The meaning of the text is, that we should, by searching the Scriptures, and by

the guidance of the Ruwach HaQodesh (Holy Spirit), ascertain what truths and

duties are contained in them, and carefully preserve and maintain these like that

which is bound up and sealed. In acting in accordance with the instructions

given in the text, the once bearers of the Assembly should take the lead, to

encourage and direct the people of YaHuWaH; and His people must concur with

them in binding up the testimony and sealing the law. Brad up the testimony,

seal the law among,

or along with, My disciples.

In despair I often looked around and see blind people to his words,

the blind leading the blind

YashaYahuw 29:8

It shall be like when a hungry man dreams, and behold, he eats; but he awakes,

and his hunger isn’t satisfied; or like when a thirsty man dreams, and behold, he

drinks; but he awakes, and behold, he is faint, and he is still thirsty. The

multitude of all the gentiles that fight against Mount Tsiyown shall be like that.

YashaYahuw 29:9

Pause and wonder! Blind yourselves and be blind! They are drunken, but not

with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink.

YashaYahuw 29:10

For YaHuWaH has poured out on them a ruwach of deep sleep, and has closed

their eyes, namely the prophets; and He has covered their heads, namely the


[Ruwach of deep sleep: insensibility, intense shock, dulled senses; Aramaic,

"deception". The original Hebrew uses the same word as for the "deep slumber"

that YaHuWaH brought over Adamah when He wished to create Hawah

Gen. 2:21

YaHuWaH Aluahiym caused a deep numbing to fall on the man, and he slept;

and he took one of his sides (ribs), and closed up the flesh in its place.

Romans 11:25

For I don’t desire you to be ignorant, brothers, of this secret, so that you won’t

be wise in your own conceits, that a partial hardening has happened to

YSCHRaEL, until the completeness of the nations has come in,

Romans 11:26

and so all YSCHRaEL will be saved. Even as it is written:

So a Redeemer shall come to Tsiyown and to the ones repenting from rebellion

[apostasy] in Ya’aqob” declares YaHuWaH:

Paul quotes this verse and explains how He again uses this method to produce a

bride by "putting YSCHRaEL to sleep"!


1 Sh'muel 26:12;

and no man saw it, nor knew it, neither did any awake; for they were all asleep,

because a deep sleep from YaHuWaH was fallen on them.

Yahuwchanan 11:11ff;

He said these things, and after that, He said to them, “Our friend, El'azar, sleeps

(in death), but I am going so that I may awake him (Literally - I will resurrect



The taught ones therefore said, “Master, if he has fallen asleep, he shall



Now YaHuWSHuWaH had spoken of his death, but they thought that He spoke

of taking rest in sleep.


So YaHuWSHuWaH said plainly to them, “El'azar is dead.


I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, so that you may believe.

Nevertheless, let’s go to him.”


Ta'owm therefore, who is called Twin, said to His fellow taught ones, “Let’s go

also, that we may die with Him.”


So when YaHuWSHuWaH came, He found that he had been in the tomb four

days already. [For the previous 4,000 yrs. man had been in the tomb awaiting

Yahushua's victory over death!]


Now Bayith Any was near Yahrushalayim, about 1.7 miles away.


Many of the Yahuwdiym had joined the women around Marthah and Miryam,

to console them concerning their brother.


Then when Marthah heard that YaHuWSHuWaH was coming, she went and

met Him, but Miryam stayed in the house.


Therefore Marthah said to YaHuWSHuWaH, “Master, if You would have been

here, my brother wouldn’t have died.


Even now I know that, whatever You ask of Aluahiym, YaHuWaH shall give



YaHuWSHuWaH said to her, “Your brother shall rise again.”


Marthah said to Him, “I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection on the

Last Day.”

Here she demonstrates that she recognizes the common belief in the "week of

Millennia" (see note on 2:1); cf. Dan. 12:2. This was standard doctrine among

the Prushim, but not the Tz'duqim. (Stern)


YaHuWSHuWaH said to her, “I AM the (1)Resurrection and (2)the Life (Ena-

na nukhama w'khaya - one of the most beautiful and melodious phrase is the

Aramic NT ). (1)He who puts his trust in Me shall still live, even if he dies

The sages had a saying, "The righteous are considered alive even when they are

dead, and the wicked are considered dead even when they are alive." Possibly

alluding to this, Y’shua was saying that to trust in him (who embodied all of

YHWH's promises) is what constitutes the righteousness that YHWH will

recognize. His resurrection was YHWH's "downpayment" promising that He

will do the same for the rest who have confidence in Him. This miracle of

Y’shua's was a sign that this confidence was well-founded.


(2)And everyone that is living and believing in Me shall never die at all. Do you

believe this?”

Now normally when an Aramaic speaker wished to refer to himself he would

simply say ena (I). However, when it came to addressing the speech of the

Almighty doing the same thing, the phrase "Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh" became Ena-

na (I AM).37 Therefore, by YaHuWSHuWaH saying Ena-na rather than the

conventional truncated "I", He was deliberately claiming for Himself a title

exclusive to YaHuWaH. AENT

1 Thess. 4:14.

For since we believe that YaHuWSHuWaH died and was raised to life again, we

also believe that when YaHuWSHuWaH comes, YaHuWaH will bring back by

YaHuWSHuWaH all the Natsarims who have died.

YashaYahuw 29:11

The whole vision has become to them like the words of a book that is sealed,

which men deliver to one who is educated, saying, “Read this, please;” and he

says, “I can’t, for it is sealed:”

Educated: Literally, "knows books". Only YaHuWSHuWaH. can break the seal

on a scroll in Revelation 5, which is probably the deed to the earth which

Adamah "sold". But it may also refer to the proper understanding of the Torah.

YashaYahuw 29:12

and the book is delivered to one who is not educated, saying, “Read this,

please;” and he says, “I can’t read.”

Not eductaed: literally, "I do not know books": But perhaps in this case it is

because the book is in Hebrew, and they have already begun to think like


YashaYahuw 29:13

Therefore YaHuWaH said, “Because this people draws near with their mouth

and with their lips to esteem Me, but they have removed their heart far from Me,

and their Fear of Me is a commandment of men which has been taught;

YaHuWSHuWaH quoted this in MatithYahuw 15 in regard to the P'rushim

(Pharisees). He quotes it as "teaching as doctrines the commandments of men"

(quoting from the LXX, but in a slightly altered order). We have seen many

other examples of that since, such as the Roman Catholic Church as well as the

Jewish rabbis, who both say they can overrule the Scriptures for the sake of

human traditions.

Mark 7:13

making void the Word of YaHuWaH by your tradition, which you have handed

down. You do many things like this.”

Hushuwa was told that the remedy for this is to bring words back to YaHuWaH

as the slaughter of our lips.

YashaYahuw 29:14

therefore, behold, I shall proceed to do a marvelous work among this people,

even a marvelous work and a wonder; because the wisdom of their learned me

has been lost, and the discernment of those who have insight shall be hidden.”

[“For because this people approaches Me with their mouth, and with their lips

they honor Me, but their heart is far removed from Me, even their reverence of

Me is in vain , being taught rules of mortal men,

MattithYâ´huw 15: 6-9

he shall not respect his father or mother.’ You have made the commandment of

YaHuWaH void because of your tradition that you have transmitted? And you

do many such similar things! 1You role-fakers! Well did YashaYahuw prophesy

of you, saying, this people approaches Me with its mouth, and with its lips they

esteem Me, but its heart has been removed far away from Me, and their

reverence of Me is in vain, being taught rules of mortal men.’

YashaYahuw 29: 13

For putting away the commandment of YaHuWaH, you retain the tradition of

men, immersions of vessels and cups, and you rather do many such similar


Mark 7: 8

For you set aside the Commandment of YaHuWaH, and hold tightly to the

tradition of men—the washing of pitchers and cups, and you do many other such


this is why, look! I AM HE Who will do it again to do an extraordinary thing

to this people: doing wonder upon wonder, yet the wisdom of their learned ones

will wander off and get lost, and the understanding of their discerning ones will

be carefully hidden!”

1 Cor. 1:19

For it is written, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, I will bring the

discernment of the discerning to nothing.”

YashaYahuw 29:15

Woe to those who deeply hide their counsel from YaHuWaH, and whose works

are in the dark, and who say, “Who sees us?” and “Who knows us what we do


[Compare Tehillim 94:7-15 and Y'hezq'el 8:12ff.]

YashaYahuw 29:16

How perverse you are! Should the potter be reckoned as the clay? Should what

is made say of its Maker, “He didn’t make me;” or the thing formed say of Him

Who formed it, “He has no understanding of me?”

Or, "You are turning things upside down; will the clay be esteemed like the

potter?" No understanding: the Aramaic targum adds, "of me".

YashaYahuw 29:17

Isn’t it yet a very little while, and Lebanown shall be turned into a fruitful field,

and the fruitful field shall be regarded as a forest?

Shall be regarded: Aramaic, "will cause many cities to be inhabited".

YashaYahuw 29:18

In That Day, the deaf shall hear the Wordim of the Book, and the eyes of the

blind shall see out of obscurity and out of darkness.

This is one of the verses YaHuWSHuWaH alluded to when Yahuwchanan the

Immerser asked Him (Luk. 7:19) whether He or another like Him was the one

who is to come--i.e., if He was both the first and the second MaSHiYaCH (i.e.,

"Son of Yoseyf", the suffering Servant, and the "Son of Dawiyd", the

conquering King). He answered by telling him of the miracles He was

performing as signs, because they all foreshadowed the Kingdom when such

healing would be the norm. Romans 11 tells us that the full understanding will

not be restored to YSCHRaEL until the "fullness of the Gentiles" (which is

Efrayim's seed, Gen. 48:19) begins to return.

YashaYahuw 29:19

The humble also shall increase their joy in YaHuWaH, and the poor among men

shall rejoice in the Qadosh-One of YSCHRaEL.

Poor: literally, the "poor/needy of Adam".

YashaYahuw 29:20

For the oppressor is brought to nothing, and the boastful one [the Counterfeit

Anointed] has proven to be a failure, and all those who look for opportunities to

make trouble have been cut off

The boastful one: broadly, a generic term, but specifically the Counterfeit


YashaYahuw 29:21

who make man to sin in word, and lay a snare for the reprover in the gate, or

cause the righteous to be turned aside by a fabrication.

Reprover: or reproves. In the gate: where the city's seat of judgment is, like a

courtroom. Lay a snare: we saw the religious order trying over and over to do

this to YaHuWSHuWaH. The righteous: Aramaic, "the innocent". Turned aside:

either to change their minds about the verdict, or thrust aside, i.e., to have their

case thrown out due to an "empty plea", defrauding them of their rights by "a

meaningless argument", or literally, "that which is unreal".

YashaYahuw 29:22

Therefore thus says YaHuWaH, Who ransomed Abraham, concerning the

House of Ya'aqob: “Ya'aqob shall no longer be ashamed, neither shall his face

grow pale.

Be ashamed: or "blush from shame".

YashaYahuw 29:23

But when he sees his children, the work of My hands, in the midst of him, they

shall Set-apart My Shem. Yes, they shall Set-apart the Qadosh-One of Ya'aqob,

as in a class of His own, and will regard Aluahiym of YSCHRaEL with awe.

He will provide shepherds who do His will and truly feed His sheep. (Yirmiyahu

3:15-18) Efrayim will then say, "What do we have to do with idols?" (Hos. 14:8-


YashaYahuw 29:24

All those who went astray in ruwach shall come to understanding, and those

who grumbled will accept instruction.”

["And those who go astray [in] ruwach [shall] have learned discernment by

experience, and those who talk back shall learn to take [control of their]

words."] [And the ones who erred in ruwach will recognize discernment, and the

complainers shall learn instruction, and the stammering tongues shall learn to

speak shalowm (shalom, reconciliation, completeness)]

YashaYahuw 30:8

Now go, write it before them on a tablet, and inscribe it in a book that it may be

for the lattermost day, for the time to come into the Age and beyond

Forever: literally, "all the way up to the age", i.e., the Messianic Kingdom or the

age to come following it.. So it continues to exist: Aramaic, "for a witness to


YashaYahuw 30:9

For it is a rebellious people, lying children, children who shall not hear the

Torah of YaHuWaH ;

YashaYahuw 30:10

who tell the seers, “Don’t see!” and to the prophets, “Don’t prophesy to us right

things. Tell us pleasant things. Prophesy deceits.

Prophesy right things. Smooth: slippery, flattering. Illusions: or "trifles",

"deceit". In other words, present an unrealistic pipe dream, but give it the seal of

authoritativeness by your office, so that we can imagine there is hope of it

coming true. This sounds very much like today's "Visualize World Peace".

YashaYahuw 30:11

Get out of the way. Turn aside from the path. Cause the Qadosh-One of

YSCHRaEL to cease from before us.”

[2 Tim. 4:3-5 3

For a time is coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine. [The time

will come when they will not bear up under uncorrupt teaching. Greek] Instead

to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of

teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears

away from the Truth and turn aside to myths. 5 But you should keep a clear

mind in every situation. Don't be afraid of suffering for YaHuWaH. Work at

bringing others to the Anointed. Complete the ministry YaHuWaH has given


YashaYahuw 30:12

Therefore thus says the Qadosh-One of YSCHRaEL, “Because you despise this

Word, and relied on the Fraud and the distortion and you support yourself on it;

YashaYahuw 30:13

therefore this iniquity shall be to you like a breach ready to fall, a bulge in a

secure high wall, whose crack comes suddenly in an instant.

YashaYahuw 30:14

And its rupture will be like a jar that the potters have broken in pieces. He will

not have pity, so there won’t be found among the broken piece a piece good

enough to take fire from the hearth, or to dip up water out of the cistern.”

YashaYahuw 30:15

For thus said the Sovereign YaHuWaH, the Qadosh-One of YSCHRaEL, “In

returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be

your strength.” but you would not,

Returning/ repenting: or "withdrawing", "turning back", i.e., from their journey

from Egypt. It is not about how much noise we can make, but about returning to

YHWH, and listening to Him. He doesn't need the press, but He will allow us to

participate in His plan, on His terms.

YashaYahuw 30:16

but you said, “No, for we shall flee on horses;” therefore you shall indeed need

to flee; and, And you said “We shall ride on the fleet-footed;” therefore those

who pursue you shall also be swift.

They want fleshly solutions, so they will have to test their natural strength

against other natural powers that are superior to their own, and, as with

Shimshon (Samson), their added supernatural strength would not be available

once they decided to disobey.

YashaYahuw 30:17

One thousand shall flee at the threat of one. At the threat of five, you shall flee

until you are left like a flagpole on the top of a mountain, and like a signpost on

top of the hill.

One thousand will flee: compare Tehillim 91. Flagpole: or "beacon". Signpost:

or "rallying-point".

[So you said, “No, because we shall fly to the attack, by Zeus !” For this, you

shall flee. “So we will be aided by swift [pilots]!” For this reason your pursuers

shall be swift. One thousand from before the rebuke of one, from before the

rebuke of five, you shall all flee until you are left behind like a flagpole at the

top of the mountain, and like a signal marker on the hill.] Pure Scriptures

YashaYahuw 30:18

Therefore YaHuWaH shall wait, longing to show favor to you; and therefore He

shall be exalted, that He may have mercy on you, for YaHuWaH is an Aluahiym

of justice. Blessed are all those who wait for Him.

Gen. 49:17-18

contrasts the "snake" of Dan (a picture of the Counterfeit Messiah, whose ruse

many will fall for) with waiting just a little longer for YaHuWaH's true

deliverance (Heb., yeshuah).

YashaYahuw 30:19

For the people shall dwell in Tsiyown at Yahrushalom. You shall weep no

more. He shall surely show favor to you at the voice of your cry. As soon as He

hears you, He will answer you.

YashaYahuw 30:20

And YaHuWaH will give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction,

yet your teacher won’t be hidden anymore, but your eyes shall see your teacher;

Your teachers: Aramaic, "the Sh'kinah in the sanctuary".

YashaYahuw 30:21

and when you turn to the right hand, and when you turn to the left, your ears

shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the Way. Walk in it.”

From behind: the direction from which a teacher goads one on. The Way: the

earliest disciples' name for the manner of "walking out the Torah" as taught by


From behind: the direction from which a teacher goads one on. The way: the

earliest disciples' name for the maner of "walking out the Torah" as taught by


YashaYahuw 30:22

You shall defile the overlaying of your engraved images of silver, and the

plating of your molten images of gold. You shall cast them away like a

menstruous cloth, and you shall tell them, “Be gone!”

This is the first thing He had told them upon entering the Land, but they went

back and rebuilt them.

YashaYahuw 30:23

He shall give the rain for your seed, with which you shall sow the ground; and

bread of the increase of the ground shall be rich and plentiful. In That Day, your

livestock shall feed in large pastures.

YashaYahuw 30:24

The oxen likewise and the young donkeys that till the ground shall eat savory

provender, which has been winnowed with the shovel and with the fork.

I.e., they will not just eat the provender that humans would not eat, but choice

grain will be plentiful enough for the animals to enjoy as well.

YashaYahuw 30:25

There shall be brooks and streams of water on every lofty mountain and on

every high hill in the Day of the slaughter of the many, when the towers fall.

YashaYahuw 30:26

Moreover the light of the moon shall be like the light of the sun, and the light of

the sun shall be seven times brighter, like the light of seven days, in The Day

that YaHuWaH binds up the fracture of His people, and heals the wound they

were struck with. [New Earth]

Binds up the fracture: or "restrains the breach" (as in vv. 13-14).

YashaYahuw 30:27

Behold, haShem of YaHuWaH comes from far away, burning with His anger,

and in thick rising smoke. His lips are full of indignation, and His tongue is as a

devouring fire.

Its burden is heavy: or "its uplift is vehement".

YashaYahuw 30:28

His breath is as an overflowing stream that reaches even to the neck, to sift the

nations with the sieve of destruction; and a bridle that leads to ruin shall be in

the jaws of the peoples.

YashaYahuw 30:29

You shall have a song, as in the night when a Qodesh feast is kept; and gladness

of heart, as when one goes with a flute to come to YaHuWaH’s Mountain, to

YSCHRaEL’s Rock.

[These are customs from the feast of Sukkoth]

YashaYahuw 30:30

YaHuWaH shall cause His majestic Voice to be heard, and shall show the

descent of His Arm, with the indignation of His anger, and the flame of a

devouring fire, with a blast, storm, and hailstones

[ meteorite--seals and plagues].

YashaYahuw 30:31

For through the Voice of YaHuWaH the Ashshuwrn [Successful One] shall be

dismayed. He shall strike him with His rod.

YashaYahuw 30:32

Every stroke of the rod of punishment, which YaHuWaH shall lay on him, shall

be with the sound of tambourines and harps. He shall fight with them in battles,

brandishing weapons.

[Tambourines: or any percussion instruments. Harps: any stringed instruments

that "twang". Brandishing: the same word for "wave offerings". So a ruwachual

battle is carried out through music and worship. (Note the example of this in 2

Chron. 20:21-22.)

YashaYahuw 30:33

For Tofeth is being prepared in advance; indeed it is being made ready for the

sovereign! He has made it deep and broad; its burning-pyre is piled high with

wood. YaHuWaH’s breath, like a stream of burning sulfur kindles it.

[Tofeth: the site of this future judgment at the confluence of the Hinnom

Valley [Ge-henna] and the Qidron (known as the "Valley of the Shadow of


2 Thess. 2:8

Then the man of lawlessness will be revealed, whom the Master

YaHuWSHuWaH will consume with the Breath of His mouth and destroy by the

brightness of His coming.

2 Thess. 2: 9

The coming of the lawless one is according to the working/energizing of Satan,

with all power and signs and false/counterfeit wonders,

Deut. 13:1-3

If there arise in the midst of you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and he give

you a sign or a wonder,

Prophet: literally, "one who raves". But the dreamer seems to believe the vision

to be from YaHuWaH. And this is literally someone from our innermost circles

who rises to prominence, so he is someone known to many, not someone who

“blows into town” from where - no one knows, so we are inclined to trust him.

Sign: YSCHRaEL’s tendency is to seek them, and YaHuWSHuWaH called this

wicked. (Mat. 12:39; 16:4) Instead, He said, we are responsible to know the

Torah we already have. Token: a wonder or portent, from the root word meaning

beautiful or pleasing. So this is something that seems positive, and it actually

looks genuine in every way:

Deut 13:2

and the sign or the wonder come to pass, of which he spoke to you, saying, “Let

us go after other mighty ones” (which you have not known) “and let us serve


This is what alerts us to the fact that it is not legitimate. mighty ones:—the

things we give most recognition to, not just what we think of as “gods”, but

anything that competes with YaHuWaH, like the “almighty dollar”. This is an

example of adding to what YaHuWaH ordered through Moshah (as per 12:32).

Deut 13:3

you shall not listen to the words of that prophet, or to that dreamer of dreams:

for YaHuWaH your Aluahiym proves you, to know whether you love

YaHuWaH your Aluahiym with all your heart and with all your being.

The mere fact that it comes true is not evidence that what the prophet

communicates is YaHuWaH’s will. He wants to see what we will do when we

seem to have alternative options. This includes His own MaSHiYaCH being

presented in a way that seems to let us “off the hook” from keeping Torah.

[second Beast of Rev 13]

2 Thess. 2:10

and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish because they did

not believe the truth that they might be saved.

2 Thess. 2: 11

And for this reason YaHuWaH will send them strong delusion that they might

believe the Lie,

2 Thess. 2: 12

that they may all be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure

in unrighteousness.




In His Name

Blessed be, in His name

'YHWH be with you.' and they answered him, 'YHWH bless you.' "

Be not blind to the truth

And, hinnei, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that

YaHuWSHuWaH passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O

YaHuWaH, [thou] Ben David. And YaHuWSHuWaH stood still, and

called them, and said, What will ye that I shall do unto you?

They say unto Him, YaHuWaH, that our eyes may be opened. So

YaHuWSHuWaH had compassion [on them], and touched their eyes: and

immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him.

His servant and yours

Shalom in Righteousness

by the GRACE of YHWH



Remember me and pray for me that YaHuWaH will be gracious unto me

and be merciful unto my sins which I have sinned against him. Peace be

to them that read and that hear these things and to their servants:

Amein and Amein

Make not the house of my Father a house of merchandise.

Freely ye have received, freely give

A rule necessary, and of great extent. A servant in the Gospel Vineyard,

though worthy of his Comfortable support while in the work. Should never

preach for hire, or make a secular traffic of the Ruwach (spiritual work):

what a scandal is it for a man to traffic with gifts which he pretends, at

least, to have received from the Ruwach HaQodesh, of which he is not the

master, but the dispenser. He who preaches to get a living, or make a

fortune, is guilty of the most infamous sacrilege

The Everlasting Covenant is The Sabbath

ALuaHiYM YaHuWShuWaH HaMashiyach be with your Ruwach