Big Data Without Action Means Nothing

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Big Data has been the big buzz word for companies. The problem is, no one told them what data to look at or more importantly what to do with the data. Learn what data to focus on and then how to create a process for your team to implement.

Transcript of Big Data Without Action Means Nothing

Big  Data  Without  Ac.on  

Glenn  Pasch,  COO  &  Partner  PCG  Digital  Marke6ng    


What  is  it?  

Big  Data  Big  Data[1][2]  is  a  collec-on  of  data  sets  so  large  and  complex  that  it  becomes  difficult  to  process  using  on-­‐hand  database  management  tools  or  tradi-onal  data  processing  applica-ons.  The  challenges  include  capture,  cura-on,  storage,[3]  search,  sharing,  analysis,[4]  and  visualiza-on.  The  trend  to  larger  data  sets  is  due  to  the  addi-onal  informa-on  derivable  from  analysis  of  a  single  large  set  of  related  data,  as  compared  to  separate  smaller  sets  with  the  same  total  amount  of  data,  allowing  correla-ons  to  be  found  to  "spot  business  trends,  determine  quality  of  research,  prevent  diseases,  link  legal  cita-ons,  combat  crime,  and  determine  real-­‐-me  roadway  traffic  condi-ons."  

Big  Data  

“Big  data  is  a  popular  term  used  to  describe  the  exponen-al  growth,  availability  and  use  of  informa-on,  both  structured  and  unstructured.    Much  has  been  wriKen  on  the  big  data  trend  and  how  it  can  serve  as  the  basis  for  innova-on,  differen-a-on  and  growth”  

Goals  of  Workshop  

•  Understanding  How  to  Use  Data  to  Drive  Results  

•  Understanding  how  one  report  influences  others  

•  How  to  Implement  Change  Based  on  Data  

What  Do  You  Look  At  In  Your  Dealership  

Impact  of  One  report  

•  Data  says  increase  paid  search  •  More  Leads  come  in  •  More  Phone  calls  come  in  •  Sales  should  go  up  •  Did  we  let  BDC  or  Internet  team  know  what  we  did  

•  Are  we  staffed  correctly  •  Did  we  increase  accountability    

No  Ac.on:  Shred  Away  

Results  =  Process  +  Effort  

Results  =  Process  +  Effort  

Results  =  Process  +  Effort  

Mythical  Dealer  Internet  Department  Cars  Sold  


•  Sold  50  cars  •  Feel  they  could  be  doing  beTer  on  amount  of  leads  they  get  

•  What  Data  are  you  looking  at?  

Mythical  Dealer  Current  Results  

•  #of  leads:  600  •  #  of  engagements  400    (66%)  •  #  of  appointments  225  (56%)  •   #  of  shows    90    (40%)  •  #  of  sales:  50    (55%)  •  Overall  Closing  ra.o:  8.3%  

60  x  4  Rule  to  Begin  

•  600  leads  •  600  x  60%  =  360  engagements  •  360  x  60%  =  216  appointments  •  216  x  60%  =  129  Shows  •  129  x  60%  =  77  cars  sold  •  13%  closing  ra.o    

What  Do  We  Want?  600  leads   Current   13%  

Engagements   400   360   -­‐40  

Appointments   225   216   -­‐9  

Shows   90   129   +39   How?  

Sold   50   77   +27  

Closing  %   8%   13%   +5%  

Things  to  Look  at  

•  What  is  Current  Process?  –  Is  it  Documented?  –  Is  there  a  script  in  place?  – Who  listens  to  calls?  – Who  is  causing  results?    One  person  or  the  group?  

– Who  is  training  them?  –  Is  there  accountability?  

The  3  Pillars  What-­‐Why-­‐How  

 •  Clarity  of  outcome  in  terms  of  DATA  

•  What  is  different  •  Log  BEHAVIOR  changes.  

•  Specific  as  possible  

•  This  is  biggest  thing  to  communicate  

•  Has  to  be  big  enough    

•  What  if  I  don’t  change  has  to  have  pain  

•  Timeframe  has  to  be  short  “or  else”  

•  Specific  outline  •  Ask  for  help  from  the  team  

•  Everything  has  to  .e  in  together  

Analyze  and  Follow  up  on  DATA    

What  if  Data  is  Good?  

•  Do  you  inspect  with  same  intensity?  

•  Do  you  reinforce  behavior  that  got  there?  

•  Do  you  take  process  for  granted?  

•  Do  you  just  go  to  another  pain  point?  


•  Data  is  just  the  point  •  Need  to  understand  how  data  impacts  all  processes  and  other  departments  

•  Any  change  to  process  has  to  be  implemented  correctly  

•  You  need  to  monitor  your  data  to  see  the  impact  

•  Adjust  as  needed  

     –  Office:  732.450.8200  –  Email:  – @sidebysidecoach  –  
