Beyond the usual

Post on 09-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Beyond the usual

Beyond The Usual

Mariam EL-zeiny

Why ?

There is no point of repeating the

same thing 9x.

To apply the creative methods I’ve


To look at discrimination from a

different perspective.

Looking at the Bigger Picture

Seeing the Bigger Picture

In our educational systems , we

have ‘ Fragmentation of Knowledge’.

Deep in a part , but lost in the


It is not about what you know but

why you know what you know ?

What is your concept of Human Being ?

An Islamic Prospective of Human Beings.

ب/ن-ي { ن/ا م2 ك/ر4 د2 ل/ق/ و/آد/م/ }

“We gave dignity to human beings”.

How ? Dignity


�ج�ع�ل� �ت �وا أ ق�الف�يه�ا م�ن�

د� ف�يه�ا �ف�س� يف�ك� �س� و�ي الد)م�اء�

It is a risk , but it is

our dignity.


8م� آد�م� و�ع�ل8ه�ا �ل م�اء� ك �س� األ

Knowledge will help you get best of your


This is the Bigger Picture.

Our main goal is to have dignified

human beings.(with NO

discrimination) .

We have the solution ( Freedom &


Going Deeper.

In order to understand discrimination we need

to go deeper.

To ask where did all this start from ?

It is pointless to be busy healing the symptom

where you should concentrate on the cause .

Where ?

Psychologists have been researching on this .

The call it ‘ Implicit Association’ : how certain ideas affect our believes

and behavior.

It all comes from : Cultural messages.

Movies : rarely it is a black hero.

Newspapers , adverts and so on.

These are the messages the child soaks and unconsciously behave upon.

It is the family : stories , values.



Choose to believe

Stated values


Immediate and


Unaware of them

Implicit Association Test (IAT )

Types : Gender IAT , Race IAT , Religion IAT , Arab-Muslim

IAT ..etc..

80% : pro-white association.

We are not deliberately racists , stereotypical .

The IAT measures how much were are affect by the

cultural messages.

Conclusion Criticism without solution is useless.

Never lose the bigger picture , the larger aim.

Always ask : how ? Where ? Why ?.

Our resource for principles and ethics : Quran.

Search deeper to find the true cause.

Change yourself before changing others.

Questions ? Comments ? Complains?


My aim is NOT to make you think like me , but to

give you the tools to THINK for yourself.

What ? Messages Video : Facebook Page “ Videos of the

world’. Islamic Perspective : YouTube video : ‘

Education : Goals and Ethics by Dr.Tareq Ramadan.’

IAT : Book : Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. Drawings : Facebook Page : Hager Hesham Art
