Belajar bahasa jerman

Post on 20-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Belajar bahasa jerman

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Kuliah di Jerman tanpa agen ,Hemat hingga ratusan juta rupiah

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Kuliah di Jerman itu sangatlah murah, bahkan Jauh lebih murah dari pada kuliah di Universitas di Indonesia

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Kalau kurang yakin , bisa di tanyakan ke mbah Google

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Tetapi jangan salah langkah, niat hemat biaya kuliah di Jerman , malah keluar biaya ratusan juta rupiah untuk prosesnya………….

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Kalau kurang yakin lagi , bisa konsultasi dengan mbah google,

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Tetapi, memang budaya kita juga , budaya gengsi dan males untuk mengurus semuanya secara mandiri, maunya terima beres semuanya.

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Itu semua pilihan , mau bayar ratusan juta rupiah bukan masalah, Karena sekali lagi itu juga pilihan.

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Di sini kami akan menawarkan program kami , Deutsch Einfach program

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Terdiri dari Paket belajar bahasa jerman dari level A1-B2,Pengenalan matematika dan fisika dalam bahasa jerman.

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Ditambah try out ujian seleksi kampus di Jerman, Hanya kurang lebih 4 Bulan program ini selesai.

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Kami beranimenjamin , tidak ada lembaga yang akan menawarkan program seperti ini, termurah ,efektif dan efisien.

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Berikut Beberapa pelajar yang telah percaya kepada kami dan mengikuti program kami dan sudah kuliah di Jerman

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“walaupun saya ragu, tapi DE sangat memberikan pandangan yang baik dengan pengalaman mereka tentunya hal seperti itu bukan hal yang mustahil. Saya nekatin diri aja masuk, B1, B2, C1, TestDaf, saya tidak ngerti satupun, dan tanpa kemampuan bahasa Jerman apapun, saya beraniin untuk coba. Saya pun masuk DE telat, baru Agustus akhir, September awal”.

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“Pengajarannya dengan material yang sangat banyak membuat kita sangat terlatih dan siap untuk model-model tes.

Yang lebih dari sekedar tempat untuk belajar bahasa dari DE adalah tuntunan bimbingan moral dan pandangan, yang buat saya sangat penting, dan ga semua tempat les nawarin ini.”

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Dalam perjalanan saya menuju Aufnahmetest di Jerman saya pun merasa sangat banyak dibantu dan tips tips baik untuk tembus Aufnahmetest.

“Dengan bantuan tangan dingin DE, pelajaran Mathe-Physik dengan Herr Boy, bahasa Jerman dengan Frau Henny”.

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I recommend DE to all of you who wish to attain your academic career and pursuance in Germany,

and you can always start from zero here, and I think that’s what’s amazing about DE; all their students actually had paved their paths from nothing into something,

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Upon leaving the course, I could not be more grateful that I had just found the right place, I have re-invented my life’s compass back with to have been admitted to the one of the very good educational institutions here, not to forget, that Deutsch Einfach had helped me to make those seemingly undoable tasks to great and sweet realizations. Big thanks to Deutsch Einfach, Frau Henny dan Herr Boy.

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Back in June 2014, for some bureaucratic reasons, my application with a Canadian diploma for an international degree in Germany did not go through. Since I wasn’t anticipating that I would not get into an international degree in Germany, I have never studied German at all. Wanting to study in no other country but Germany, I figured out that I have to start learning German from scratch to get into German universities

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At the same time though, I don’t wanna miss out on university for too long as well, and I wanted to apply for the upcoming semester (SS 2015).

I then checked the requirements to get into Studienkolleg, and most of them required B2! Only 2-3 universities offering Wirtschaft in the Studienkolleg still accept B1.

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Additionally, application deadlines for the summer semester are mostly in November. Since the upcoming Goethe Jakarta’s exams are only in September and December and the applications are due on November, I have no other choice but to get my certificate on September - in less than 3 months!

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Realizing that even B1 alone (with no prior knowledge of German at all) is very hard to achieve in less than 3 months, I dared not even hope to aim for B2. Back then, I have just finished college and I just got back to my hometown, Batam. Since there are no German courses offered there, I had to find one in Jakarta. I called every German language schools in Jakarta, but each and every one of them told me that B1 in 3 months is not do able.

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Just before I almost gave up, I came across Deutsch Einfach’s website on Google, and I decided to give them a call. Frau Henny listened to my conditions and she convincingly told me that she could help me get B1 in less than 3 months. With that alone, I packed my bags to Jakarta and rented a room somewhere near Deutsch Einfach.

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We started our lessons, and Frau Henny is the best teacher I have ever come across. She has a very excellent command of German, and she is somehow able to explain the-supposedly-very-difficult German in such a comprehensible way.

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2 weeks after, she challenged me to aim for B2, so that I can apply to more Studienkollegs instead of relying on just two. I laughed at such a ridiculous idea! Everyone I knew told me that B1 alone is almost impossible to achieve in 3 months, so I can really kiss B2 goodbye. But Frau Henny told me otherwise. She told me that as long as there is a will, there is a way, and she is gonna help me achieve it.

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I spent the next 2 months learning German with Frau Henny. What seemed impossible at first became more and more doable as time went by. Frau Henny kept motivating me to work hard, while at the same time equipping me with everything I needed to pass the test.

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With only 2.5 months of German in hand, I went for the B2 exam in Goethe. AND THANK GOD I PASSED!

Everyone talked about how impossible it is, but we proved them wrong.

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I am currently still studying at Deutsch Einfach to prepare for my Aufnahmeprüfung while applying to several German Studienkollegs, through which Frau Henny assisted me thoroughly as well. And all I can say is that

Deutsch Einfach lives up to its name - it makes learning German much easier indeed!

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Mengapa saya memilih Kursus di Deutsch Einfach ?

karena saya bisa mempelajari bahasa jerman dalam waktu yang singkat, karena di sini proses lama pembelajaran dapat kita tentukan sendiri. Mengingat saya waktu itu ingin mengikuti Ujian masuk Studienkolleg di Jerman. Saya belajar dari level A1-B2 dengan waktu yang singkat, 6 bulan.

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Tapi dengan waktu yang singkat ini saya mendapatkan banyakpelajaran, tidak hanya belajar Gramatik tapi juga Conversation.Saya juga mendapat banyak infomasi tentang budaya Jerman dan jugatentang Negara Jerman itu sendiri. Itu sangat menarik dan membuat saya tidakbosan dalam belajar bahasa Jerman.

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Pembelajarannya juga flexibelsaya bisa minta untuk diajarkanulang tentang hal-hal yang saya tidak mengerti. Dan ini membuat saya lebihmudah belajar dan lebih mengerti apa yang diajarkan.Saya merasa sangat terbantu dan sekarang saya sudah di level B2.

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Saya juga telah mendapatkan ZERTIFIKAT DEUTSCH dari Goethe Institute jakarta.

Saya merasa sangat terbantudengan Kurs ini.Terima kasih Deutsch Einfach :)

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Deutsch Einfach? Wunderbar und cool!"Di Deutsch Einfach saya ga cuma bisa belajar,tapi saya juga dapat tips and trik agar bisa diterima di Studienkolleg (terutama M-kurs) & kebiasaan hidup di Jerman"Awalnya target saya hanya Zertifikat B1, tapi Frau Henny kasih saran untuk ambil TestDaF.Ga yakin banget, tapiternyata saya bisa"lulus TestDaF dengan belajar selama 1 Bulan!""Ich mache auch Mathe und Physik Spass!"

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Ga perlu menghafal, tapi dimengerti. Cara mengajar Herr Boy pas banget dengan cara belajar saya.

Pokoknya Deutsch Einfach udah kayak rumah kedua buat saya, karena saya bisa belajar dengan santai dan ga stress.

Absolutely recommended!Vielen Dank Frau Henny und Herr Boy!

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Am Anfang wollte ich Deutsch lernen aber ich habe nicht so viel Zeit, da ich noch in meiner Oberschule war und Deutsch Einfach hat mein Will erfüllt, dass ich Deutsch in meiner begrenzten Zeit lernen kann.

Ich wurde von Fr. Henny gelehrt und sie war fantastisch. Ich habe von der B2 ( Goethe Institute ) Pruefung mit ihrer grossen Hilfe bestanden.

Sie hat mich richtig vorbereitet und viele nützliche Aufgaben wurden von ihr gegeben. Ich wollte noch beim Deutsch-Einfach Deutsch lernen ! Danke DE :D

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