Before we begin… Please complete the sentences on the cards. 1)My Goal for this season is… 2)An...

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Transcript of Before we begin… Please complete the sentences on the cards. 1)My Goal for this season is… 2)An...

Before we begin…

Please complete the sentences on the cards.

1) My Goal for this season is…

2) An area of my game I need to improve is…

Thank you, we will collect them shortly.

AOS MeetingAug. 21, 2006

presented by: Joshua Perry

Improving Your GameImproving Your Game

Setting Goals for the Season and

Setting Goals… Where you want to be.Where you want to be.

Aiming for Better… Examine where you are.Examine where you are.

Self-Improvement…How to get there.How to get there.

Why Set Goals?

A Few Reasons…


Future Assignments


Satisfaction of a job done well.

Why make the effort?

For others

Improving Your Game

For you

What’s missing?

The people who ensure fair play.

The Monday - TuesdayUmpire Scenario

You come in - it doesn’t matter what you do.

“They didn’t call that last week.”

“No one has called that ALL year!”

Ever hear this?

Goal Setting

Honestly evaluate yourself to know current position.

Ask -

Where do you want to be at the end of the season?

Do you know how to get there?

Where are YOU on the Learning Curve?Where are YOU on the Learning Curve?

The Learning Plateau . . .

“They can’t teach me anything.”

“I’m at the level I want to be.”

Where will you go from here?

Get Good• In your “real” job...

• Is there training or continuing education to improve?

• Can you improve your relationships with friends, family, at work?

• Can you improve your PERFORMANCE?

Why would anyone NOT want to make their job easier?

How to be a Goal-getterRules study with....

Books:Books: Rules by Topic, NFHS/NCAA Rules Differences,

Rogers Redding’s Guides....

Websites:Websites: USA, or other state sites,, Association sites across the USA....

Video:Video: Clips from IHSA & NCAA, Games of the Week....

Clinics:Clinics: above and beyond....

Study groups.Study groups.

Get Good -

Work to improve the Perceptions of Others.The young umpire and his old belt.

Appearances: Pink knickers and the gray hat.

Conduct and Attitude: Be professional, the Field is your second office.

Personal Accountability.

Then Get Better

Cliché: Every game is important to someone.YES!

Being in the proper mechanical position to make the call.

Getting BetterConditioning

Everyone talks about it because it is important.

But there is more to your physical capability than “fitness state”.

You have to be in the proper mechanical position to make the call.

B where you’re supposed to B

Are you looking at the right place…

…at the right time?

Theatre of Vision Someone is Always Watching

The Better for All

Uniform Hustle Comportment & Attitude:

You are being paid to be here. If the pay is too little or the level of ball is too low, you can be replaced.

Do not expect a parade for doing the required. Praise comes when you do the required well.

Someone is always watching you. They make a lasting mental note from the first impression. (thin


First appearance in the parking lot; taking the field before the game; between periods, scores, and downs;

Communicating with players & coaches, when you leave the field.

Theatre of Vision

Body Language

Even when you’re not on the field.

Is something wrong in this picture?

Anything here?

Looking Good

Now to the questions

1) My Goal for this season is…

2) An area of my game I need to improve is…

Point of Emphasis

Helmet Contact

Point of EmphasisPoint of Emphasis

Sideline Control

Worth a flag?

Spot that ball

Spot this one

Do you have a flag?

Scoring the touchdown

TD or Out of Bounds?

TD, if ?

Working in the Cold

Anchorage, July.

The EndThank you for your attention

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