BBE 4404 Lab Report_Physical properties and tensile.docx

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Transcript of BBE 4404 Lab Report_Physical properties and tensile.docx

  • 7/25/2019 BBE 4404 Lab Report_Physical properties and tensile.docx


    Physical and tensile testing and nanocompositesBBE 4404 Lab 3 and 4 Report

    Kristina Coster1, Isaac Davy2, Raphael al!cci Rosa3, "las Roo#er4, Lenilton $idal %&ostinho'

    Dece(ber )th, 201'


    Cell!lose is the (ain co(ponent o* +ood and the (ost co((on or&anic poly(er Cell!lose is

    co(posed by &l!copyranose (ono(ers connected thro!&h -.1.4 bonds Each &l!copyranosecontains three *ree hydro/yl &ro!ps, +hich are able to *or( hydro&en bonds +ith other poly(er

    chains or +ith itsel*, &ivin& rise to its (aor physical properties

    anocel!lose is nano.sied cell!lose cell!lose nano*ibers, and its hi&h (echanical per*or(ance

    has attracted si&ni*icant scienti*ic attention over the past years %s a res!lt, it is e/pected that the

    addition o* nanocell!lose to another poly(er (atri/ (ay provide positive rein*orce(ent,creatin& stron& nanoco(posites poly(er (atri/ and nanoele(ents that can be !sed in a lar&e

    n!(ber o* ne+ applications

    5avin& this in (ind, this e/peri(ent ai(ed to certi*y and !sti*y chan&es in tensile properties o*nanocell!lose.$% nanoco(posites in relation to neat $% accordin& to %678 D))2

    anocell!lose.rein*orced $% co(posite *il(s +ere prepared and tensile tested In addition, t+o

    di**erent #inds o* $% 99: and );.)9: hydrolyed +ere intentionally !sed so that di**erentnanocell!lose.$% interactions co!ld be analyed


    Nanocellulose reinforced PVA composite films preparation.

    7+o di**erent nanocell!lose concentrations needed to be analyed 0: and ): by the &ro!p"nce t+o di**erent #inds o* $% 99: and );.)9: hydr +ere !sed to prepare previo!sly the

    $% +ater sol!tions

  • 7/25/2019 BBE 4404 Lab Report_Physical properties and tensile.docx


    In the *ollo+in& table, the a(o!nts (assed to (a#e each co(posite are listed otice that the

    val!es vary a little bit i* co(pared to the ideal ones *or each concentration 7his is d!e to h!(anerror *ro( po!rin&

    6ol!tion Kind o* $% 8ass o* nanocell!lose & 8ass o* $% sol!tion &1 99: 0 '0