Baptism of our Lord Jesus

Post on 23-Jul-2022

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Transcript of Baptism of our Lord Jesus

Mass Schedule

Masses for the Lord ’s Day

Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm Sunday 8 am and 10:30 am Domingo (en español) 1:00

Weekday Masses Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

at 8:30 am Viernes (en español) 7:00 pm

(No Mass on Mondays except holidays)

Reconciliation Saturdays 4:30-5:15 pm

or by Appoint

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

will follow masses on the first Thursday, Friday

and Saturday of each month

Baptism of our Lord Jesus


Rev. Adam Izbicki, Pastor Fr. William Villa, in Residence8523 Normandy Blvd., Jax., FL 32221-6701

(904) 786-1192 FAX: 786-4224 e-mail: mhrjax@mhrjax.orgParish Website:

Office Hours: M, Tu, Th, F 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Wed. 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

MISSION STATEMENT Most Holy Redeemer Parish is a diverse Catholic community of believers who celebrate and rejoice in the love of God and love of one another. Empowered by the grace of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to invite and welcome all.

January 10, 2021


Parish Staff/ Personnel

Pastor Rev. Adam Izbicki 904-786-1192 X

Rev. William F. Villa In residence X 230

Deacon John “Jack” H. Baker

Deacon Milton Vega 904-945-8321

Deacon Mark Sciullo (904) 786-1192

Office Manager and Religious Education

Coordinator Michael Fierro X 228

Youth Coordinator Stacia goral 904-962-6860

RCIA Coordinator ELIA VEGA X 222

Office Staff Carol Rowell

(904)786-1192 X 221cell (904) 505-5981

Linda Rose ext. 223

Hispanic Community Coordinator

Surella Meraz (904)415-6806

Finance Council President

Bernd A. Foerster

Day Date Time Intention Requested by

Sat Jan 9 530pm Juan Acevedo & Christine Lira In Thanksgiving for Child

Fernando & Lourdes Lira

Sun Jan 10 800am Angel Demdam For Healing

Rose Lato

1030am + Ann Rooney Mary Lowry

Mon Jan 11 NO MASS

Tue Jan 12 830am +Chuck Tyrrell Steve Toomey

Wed Jan 13 830am +Felina Almira Fannie Cabalesl

Thu Jan14 830am +William Rowell Rowell Family

Fri Jan 15 830am +Alyce Stearns Rowell Rowell Family

Vigil & Sun-Jan 10 Mon-Jan 11 Tue-Jan 12 Wed-Jan 13 Thu-Jan 14 Fri-Jan 15

Baptism of Lord Blsd William Carter

St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Saint Hilary St Felix of Nola

St Paul - Hermit

Is 42 1-7 Ps 29 Acts 10: 34-38 Mk 1: 7-11

Heb 1: 1-6 Ps 97 Mk 1: 14-20

Heb 2: 5-12 Ps 8 Mk 1: 21-28

Heb 2: 14-18 Ps 105 Mk 1: 29-39

Heb 3: 7-14 Ps 95 Mk 1: 40-45

Heb 4: 1-11 Ps 78 Mk 2: 1-12

Randy Bird, Chris Bunker, David Casidy, Car-lie Brielle, Mary Jane Buergey, Mary Byrne, Susan Caquette, Peggy Farinas, Marcia Fletch-er, David Fletcher, Dennis Grundman, Reyn-aldo Joaquin, Todd Jolly, Sandy Jolly, Pat and Carrie Knezevich, Irving Leverock, Nancy Mo-ran, Luis Palma, Lolly Ann Prieto Hutton, Leo Prieto Sr., Margaret Prucher, Donna Ridgway, Genevieve Scherbenski, Debie Searcy. Aaron Sellers, Jennifer Stohl, Sally Tate, Ron Thayer, Gerald Thompson, Audrey Tomore, James Tomore, Sharon Tomore, Sophia Tuliao, Noli Vianzon, Ryder White, Katie Williams, Francis "Chip" Mielkey, Maria Watts, Julie Williams, Maureen Williams

Mass Intentions

Daily Readings and Saints

Dear Par ish ioners, Holy Scripture is the story of God’s salvation history. He creates us out of His love and

goodness and does not abandon us when we fall away. Rather, from the beginning He plants the seeds of our redemption, the seed of Eve will bruise the head of the serpent. However, it took many centuries for God’s plan to unfurl in its fullness.

In the book of Isaiah, we are told that the LORD will send his servant to bring forth justice to the nations. He will reveal God’s love to all peoples for all time. He beckons all to come to the water and receive that which leads to true life - the grace of God. This covenant was originally made to David, but God shows no partiality. Jesus, who humbles himself to be a servant, is sent for the atonement of all people.

Jesus begins his public ministry by receiving Baptism from John. Although Jesus has no need of repentance, He allows himself to be counted among sinners to draw all men to himself. Thus, Jesus sanctifies the waters of baptism through which each Christian is reborn. We die with Christ in baptism so we might be reborn with him to eternal life.

The Holy Spirit, who is truth, testifies to this. He descends like a dove upon Jesus during His baptism. The Father proclaims Him to be the beloved son, sent into the world for our salva-tion. God testifies on behalf of His Son that He is sent into the world to conquer sin and open to us the gates of heaven. This testimony gives us the confidence to trust in our savior and share in the regenerative waters of baptism with him.

It is through baptism, and all the sacraments, that we ordinarily receive the grace that Je-sus has won for us. This grace is God’s life inside of us. It allows us to cooperate with God’s plan of salvation. His grace makes a real change in our souls, sanctifying us so that we may be holy as He is holy. This justification is not a onetime event, but an ongoing process of daily con-version. We must continually strive to turn away from sin and back to God. By so doing we in-crease the charity in our hearts, both for God and for neighbor, and “in this way we know that we love the children of God when we love God and obey his commandments” (1 John 5).

Why did Jesus receive from John the Baptism of Repentance?

Jesus began his public life with John’s Baptism. This baptism was in anticipation of his passion and death, he allowed himself to be counted among sinners although he hadno sin.

The Father proclaimed him to be his beloved son and the Spirit came upon him. This baptism prefigures our own bap-tism.

Pastor’ s Message


Please Note

If you would like to announce a

church activity in this bulletin,

we need to receive the information

two weeks prior to the event's date.

We appreciate your generosi ty!


Deacon Jack has scheduled a Lector Training Class for Saturday, January 16, at 10am in the Church. If you wish to become a Lector, please obtain a Ministry

Application Form from the Parish Office, complete it, and return it to the office by January 10.

Collections for Jan 2-3, 2021

Solemnity of Mary $1,897.00 Offertory $6,665.48 Major Repair $1,856.10

The Knights of Columbus are collecting 2021 calendars for

the Prison Ministry. The collection box

is located near the entrance to the church. Please do NOT take a

calendar, but if you do, please make a donation so calendars can be


Many have been asking for more pillows and aprons. They are expected to arrive any day; however, you can place your orders in ad-vance. The posters on the tables near the church en-trance have pictures of the various pillows and aprons. The order forms are also on the tables. Please stop by the tables after Mass.

Parish Breakfast is this week-end following the 8:30am Mass. Plan to meet your friends in Bizier Hall and enjoy a great


Don’t forget! Bingo is this next Friday, the 15th. Arrive early to get the best seat in the house.


If you would like to receive the Elijah Cup and pray for religious vocations, the sign up form Is located on a table near the en-trance to the church.

This weekend we will have a second collection for the Roof Fund. Please be as generous as you can

The St. Claire Sewing Ministry of MHR resumes on Friday, February 19, from 830am- 130pm and will continue to meet on the 3rd Friday of each month from 930 to 130pm. The first meeting will be on February 19 All are welcome.

Wedding Anniversaries

At all Masses this weekend, a special

blessing will be given to those who were mar-

ried in the month of January.

Un Mensaje del Padre William

Jesús se despidió de su madre, que ya había notado que su corazón no estaba en la casa. Y desde Galilea se fue al Jordán para que Juan lo bautizara. Entra en el río sin pecado personal y cargado con los pecados del mundo. Es el Cordero que comienza a purificar a la humanidad, su esposa, para dejar-la limpia con su sangre. "Mirad a mi siervo a quien sostengo; mi elegido, a quien prefiero. Sobre El he puesto mi espíritu" Is 42, 1. "Apenas se bautizó Jesús, salió del agua; se abrió el cielo y vio que el Es-píritu de Dios bajaba como una paloma y se posaba sobre El. Y vino una voz del cielo que decía: Este es mi Hijo, el amado, mi predilecto" Mateo 3, 13. Son dos textos de las lecturas de hoy, luminosamente paralelos y coincidentes: 1: "Sobre El he puesto mi Espíritu, dice Isaías. 2: "El Espíritu bajaba como una paloma y se posaba sobre El", nos relata San Mateo.Para Isaías Jesús es: "Mi elegido, a quien prefiero". Para Mateo: "El amado, mi predilecto". Entre Isaías y Mateo hay otra diferencia: Isaías dice: "Mi siervo". Mateo dice: Éste es "mi Hijo". Se da pues un progreso de Revelación en el Evangelio: El Padre REVELA AL HIJO, que viene a revelar al Padre. El Siervo de Yahvé viene a realizar la misión trascendental de renovar la alianza de Dios con Israel, repatriar a los exiliados y establecer el espíritu de la verdad en medio de todas las naciones paganas. Para expresarlo Isaías se sirve de la termi-nología propia de la creación: "Yo te he formado y te he hecho", dice el Señor del Siervo de Yavé, según la lectura de Isaías. En el Génesis, en efecto, cuando Dios se dispone a crear al hombre, dice: "Hagamos al hombre" (Gen 1,26). Estamos pues ante la creación del hombre nuevo, réplica del primer hombre. Por tanto, si es creado un hombre nuevo, ahora comienza un Mundo Nuevo, una creación Nueva, un Orden Nuevo, una alianza nueva, sellada con la Sangre derramada en la Cruz, Bautismo de sangre, que el Bautismo en el Jordán está anunciando. Y así como en la primera Creación el Espíritu se cernía sobre las aguas (Gén 1,2), en la nueva creación que comienza hoy, el Espíritu se posa sobre Jesús. Todo será nuevo desde ahora. Los ciegos abrirán sus ojos a la luz de la revelación del Padre, que les irá descubriendo Jesús. El amado Hijo, nos revelará a sus hermanos que somos hijos del Pa-dre por adopción, amados en El y herederos por El. Por eso pudo decir Pedro: "Cuando Juan predi-caba el bautismo, Jesús de Nazaret, ungido por Dios con la fuerza del Espíritu Santo, pasó haciendo el bien" Hechos 10,34. "Todo lo ha hecho bien" (Mc 7,37). "Soy yo el que necesito que Tú me bautices" confiesa Juan. -"Debemos cumplir lo que Dios quiere", responde Jesús. Su obsesión es hacer la volun-tad del Padre. Y ese debe ser el programa de todo cristiano. Jesús entró en el Jordán como el Siervo de Yavé que personaliza a todo el pueblo de Dios. Igual que el pueblo de Israel entró en el Jordán y lo atravesó para entrar en la tierra prometida, entra Jesús en el Jordán a la cabeza de su pueblo nuevo, para llevarlo a la tierra nueva que mana leche y miel. Jesús entró en el río. Y porque se sumergió en el río nuestro de nuestra vida, el Padre dijo que le amaba, porque cumplía su voluntad. Jesús entró en el río para hacer un río nuevo en un mundo nuevo con hombres nuevos, nacidos de las aguas del bautis-mo. "Apenas se bautizó Jesús, se abrió el cielo, descendió el Espíritu sobre Jesús, como una paloma y se posó sobre él. Y el Padre proclamó que es su Hijo Amado". El Bautismo de Jesús culmina con una teofanía, en un momento imponente y trascendente en el que se manifiesta la Familia Trinitaria presente y actuante. El Padre y el Espíritu Santo presentan las credenciales de Jesús ante Israel y ante el mundo para ampliar la Familia. "El bautismo de Jesús inaugura su misión de Siervo Doliente. Se deja contar entre los pecadores; es ya el Cordero de Dios que quita el pecado del mundo; por amor acepta el bautismo de muerte para la remisión de los pecados. Así mana de El el Espíritu para toda la humanidad. Se abren los cielos, que el pecado de Adán había cerrado. El cristiano se incorpora sacra-mentalmente a Cristo por el bautismo, que anticipa su muerte y su resurrección. Debemos entrar en este misterio de rebajamiento humilde y de arrepentimiento, descender al agua con Jesús para subir con El, renacer del agua y del Espíritu en hijos amados del Padre y vivir una vida nueva" (Cf CEC).Vida nueva que el mismo Cristo alimenta y robustece con su Pan y Vino, sacramento para la vida del mundo. "La voz del Señor que se oye sobre las aguas torrenciales, es potente y magnífica y descorteza las selvas" Salmo 28, destruye las cortezas de las selvas de nuestros pecados, para que le recibamos con santidad y justicia. En este día celebremos tambien nuestro bautismo uniendos a Cristo. Amen


The Three Wise Men Celebration/Celebración de los Tres Reyes Magos

The Sacrament of Baptism

How is Christian initiation brought about?

The Sacrament of baptism establishes the foundation of Christian life. The faithful are born anew by Baptism, strengthened by Confirmation and nourished by the Eucharist.

What is the essential rite of Baptism?

This sacrament consists of immersing the candidate in water or pouring water over his head while invoking the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Who can be baptized?

Any person who has not yet been baptized.

What is required of one who is to be baptized?

Each candidate for baptism must make a profession of faith. For adults this is done personally. For infants this is done by the parents and by the Church. The ecclesial community shares responsibility for baptismal preparation and for the development of the faith and grace given at baptism.

What are the effects of Baptism?

1) Takes away original sin and forgives personal sin as well as all punishment due to sin

2) Grants sanctifying grace, the grace of justification which makes us adopted children of God

3) Incorporates a person into Christ and into His Church4) Bestows theological virtues and gifts of the Holy Spirit5) Creates an inedible character. As such it can never be repeated6) Constitutes the sacramental bond of unity that exists among all who are re-

born through it