AYLL Antioch Baseball and Softball Bylawsfiles.leagueathletics.com/Text/Documents/11279/33132.pdf9....

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Transcript of AYLL Antioch Baseball and Softball Bylawsfiles.leagueathletics.com/Text/Documents/11279/33132.pdf9....

AYLL – Antioch Baseball and Softball


Article I – Name This organization shall be known as AYLL – Antioch Baseball and Softball.

Article II – Mission Statement

Section 1

AYLL – Antioch Baseball and Softball shall provide a safe, developmental, fun,

appropriately competitive and rewarding experience where our players learn the values of

good sportsmanship, teamwork and athleticism.

Section 2

To achieve this mission, AYLL will provide a supervised program under the rules and

regulations of Antioch Baseball and Softball, Incorporated. All Executive Board and Board

Members shall bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or the winning of

games is secondary, and the molding of future citizens is of prime importance. In accordance

with Section 501(c)(3) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code, AYLL shall operate

exclusively as a non-profit educational organization providing a supervised program of

competitive Baseball and Softball games. No part of the net earnings shall inure to the benefit

of any private shareholder or individual; no substantial part of the activities of which is

carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and which does not

participate in or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public


Article III – Membership

Section 1

Eligibility – Any person sincerely interested in active participation to affect the mission of

AYLL, may apply to become a member.

Players – Any player candidate meeting the requirements of AYLL shall be eligible to

compete for participation, but shall have no rights, duties, or obligations in the management

or in the property of AYLL.

Board Members – Any person actively interested in furthering the mission of AYLL may

become a board member upon election as hereinafter provided. The Secretary shall maintain

the roll of membership to qualify voting members. Only Board Members in good standing

(must be in attendance for 7 Board Meetings or AYLL Events or combination) are

eligible to vote at annual meetings.

Section 2

Other Affiliations – Members, whether Player or Board Member, shall not be affiliated with

another organization or group during the AYLL Spring season, without the approval of the

Executive Board.

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Bylaws May 14, 2014

Section 3

Suspension or Termination – Membership may be terminated by resignation or action of

the Executive Board.

The Executive Board, by two-thirds (60%) vote of those present at any duly constituted

meeting, shall have the authority to discipline, suspend or terminate the membership of any

member of any class when the conduct of such person is considered detrimental to the best

interests of AYLL.

The member involved shall be notified of such meeting, informed of the general nature of

the charges and given an opportunity to appear at the meeting to answer such charges.

The Executive Board shall, in case of a Player member, give notice to the manager of the

team of which the player is a member. Said manager shall appear in the capacity of an

advisor, with the Player before a duly appointed committee of the Executive Board, which

shall have full power to suspend or revoke such Player’s right to future participation.

Article IV – Meetings

Section 1

Monthly meetings – The monthly meeting of the Executive Board shall be the second

Wednesday of each month at the Antioch Senior Center at 7:00 pm (location and time can be

changed with official notification).

On the fourth Wednesday of each month the whole Board of Members shall meet at the

Antioch Senior Center at 7:00 pm (location and time can be changed with official


The purpose and focus of both meetings will be about AYLL.

Section 2

Notice of Meeting – Notice of the next meeting of the Board Members will be issued at the

conclusion of the convened meeting.

Section 3

Special Meetings – A special meeting of the good standing Board Members (must be in

attendance for 7 Board Meetings or AYLL Events or combination) may be called by the

Executive Board or President at their discretion. Upon written request of 5 Board Members,

the President shall call a special meeting to consider a specific subject. No business other

than that specified in the notice of the meeting shall be transacted at any special meeting of

the Board Members.

Section 4

Quorum – The presence in person of 1/3 of the members shall be necessary to constitute a


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Section 5

Voting – Only good standing Board Members (must be in attendance for 7 Board

Meetings or AYLL Events or combination) shall be entitled to vote at any meeting of


Section 6

Absentee Ballot – For the expressed purpose of accommodating a Board Member in good

standing (must be in attendance for 7 Board Meetings or AYLL Events or combination)

who cannot be in attendance at the annual meeting, an absentee ballot may be requested and

obtained from the Secretary of AYLL. The absentee ballot shall be properly completed,

signed and returned in a sealed envelope to the Secretary prior to the date of the annual

meeting, and the election of the members to the Executive Board. The Secretary shall present

all absentee ballots at the monthly meeting prior to the conduction of the election process.

Section 7 Rules of Order – Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of all meetings.

Article VI – Executive Board: Role, Duties, and Powers

Section 1

Executive Board will consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Player

Agent. The Executive Board shall upon election, completion of the Board Member Code of

Conduct, and the successful completion of a Background Check, immediately enter upon the

performance of their duties, and shall continue in office until their successors have been duly

elected and qualified.

Section 2

Executive Board Role – shall advise with and assist the Board Members of AYLL in all

matters concerning its interests and management of its affairs, and shall have such other

powers as may be delegated by the Board.

Section 3

Annual Election and Term of Office – At each annual election meeting, the Executive

Board shall determine the number of Board Members needed to fill position(s) for the

ensuing year and shall elect such number of Board Members; however, a person may not be

elected to more than one Board Member position.

All elections of Board Members shall be by majority vote of all good standing Board

Members (must be in attendance for 7 Board Meetings or AYLL Events or combination)

present or represented by a properly executed and signed absentee ballot, filed with the

Secretary prior to the election meeting.

The term of office for the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Player Agent

shall be for two years or until their successors are duly elected by the Board Members or

appointed by the Executive Board.

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The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Player Agent shall be elected by the

Board Members for two-year staggered terms. The President and Treasurer shall be elected

for two-year staggered terms during fiscal year ending even years (e.g. 2012, 2014, 2016,

etc.); whereas, the Vice President, Secretary, and Player Agent shall be elected for two-year

staggered terms during fiscal year ending odd years (e.g. 2013, 2015, 2017, etc.).

Section 4

Duties and Powers – The Executive Board shall have the power to appoint

Board Members as it shall determine appropriate and to delegate such powers to them as the

Executive Board shall deem advisable, and which it may properly delegate.

The Executive Board may adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct of its meeting and

the management of AYLL as it may deem proper.

The Executive Board shall have the power by majority vote of those present or represented

by a properly executed and signed absentee ballot, at any regular or special meeting to

discipline, suspend, or remove any Board Member, Manager, or Coach of AYLL in

accordance with the procedure set forth in Article III Section 3.

The Board Members shall receive at the annual meeting of AYLL, from the Executive Board

a report that was verified by the President, Vice President, and Treasurer showing the whole

amount of real and personal property owned by AYLL, where located, and where and how


Section 5

President’s Role – The President shall:

1. Conduct the affairs of AYLL and execute the policies established by the Executive

Board and Board Members.

2. Present a report to the condition of AYLL at the Annual Meeting.

3. Communicate to the Board Members, such matters as deemed appropriate and make

such suggestion as may tend to promote the welfare of AYLL.

4. Be responsible and enforce the Code of Conduct of AYLL’s Board Members,

Managers/Coaches, Parents, and Players.

5. Designate in writing, other Board Members if necessary, to have power to make and

execute for/and in the name of AYLL such as contacts and leases they may receive,

and which have had prior approval of the Executive Board.

6. Confirm complaints, irregularities and conditions detrimental to AYLL that have

been brought to the attention of the Executive Board have been handled appropriately

and in a timely manner.

7. Oversee the Annual Budget to the Board Members and be responsible for the proper

execution thereof.

8. Along with the Player Agent, examine the applications and support proof-of-age

documents of every player candidate and certify to age eligibility before the player

may be accepted for try-outs and selection.

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9. Up to date age appropriate League Rules and Regulations for all In-House, All-Star,

and Travel teams.

10. Coordinate with the Village of Antioch and other organizations to secure fields for

the league.

11. Along with the Player Agent, record all player transactions and maintain an accurate

and up to date record thereof.

12. Using Robert’s Rules of Order, create an agenda and run monthly meetings.

Section 6

Vice President’s Role – The Vice President shall:

1. Prepare, review and distribute the league Bylaws, Code of Conducts, Conflict of

Interest Disclosure and Certificate of Liability Insurance.

2. Reconcile AYLL’s league bank accounts verifying all transactions.

3. Contact Scholarship applicant(s) to review requirements, and terms and conditions.

4. Assist the President with AYLL duties and responsibilities.

5. In case of the absence or disability of the Secretary, the Vice President shall perform

the duties of the Secretary; and when so acting, shall have all the powers of that

office, and shall have such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the

Executive Board.

6. With the approval of the Executive Board (excluding the Player Agent’s vote), the

Player Agent may Manage or Coach a team. Any complaints, irregularities, and

conditions detrimental to AYLL, as it relates to the team(s) being Managed or

Coached by the Player Agent, will be investigated by the Vice President and reported

to the Executive Board. In the event, the Vice President is the Manager or a Coach of

the team in which the Player Agent is also a Coach, the investigation will be

conducted by the President and the results reported to the Executive Board.

7. In case of the absence or disability of the President, and as authorized by the

President or Executive Board so to act, the Vice President shall perform the duties of

the President; and when so acting, shall have all the powers of that office, and shall

have such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Executive Board.

Section 7

Secretary’s Role – The Secretary shall:

1. Be responsible for recording the activities of AYLL and maintain appropriate files, mailing lists, emails, voice mails, and necessary records.

2. Maintain an up to date list and contact information of all Executive Board and Board Members.

3. Record the minutes of monthly meetings of the Executive Board and Board Member

meetings, take attendance at all meetings, and provide copies for all members.

4. Shall conduct all correspondence not otherwise specifically delegated in connection

with said meeting, and shall be responsible for carrying out all orders, votes, and

resolutions not otherwise committed.

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5. Notify all members of meeting dates, times, and locations.

6. Forward minutes and agendas to members.

Section 8

Treasurer’s Role – The Treasurer shall:

1. Receive all monies and securities, and deposit same in a depository approved by the

Executive Board.

2. Keep all records for the receipt and disbursement of all monies and securities of


3. Approve all payments from allotted funds and draw checks in agreement with the

policies established in advance of such actions by the Executive Board. All

disbursements by check must have dual signatures, signed by the Treasurer and

another Executive Board member, approved by the Executive Board.

4. Prepare an Annual Budget report, under the direction of the President, for submission

to the Board Members at the monthly meeting following the fiscal year.

5. Prepare a monthly financial report, under the direction of the President, for the

submission to the Board Members at the monthly meetings.

Section 9

Player Agent’s Role – The Player Agent shall:

1. Examine the applications and support proof-of-age documents of every player

candidate and certify age eligibility before the player may be accepted for tryouts and


2. Up to date age appropriate League Rules and Regulations for all In-House, All-Star

and Travel teams.

3. Complete and report the results of the Background Checks for all Board Members

and Managers/Coaches to the Executive Board.

4. Investigate complaints, irregularities and conditions detrimental to AYLL and report

to the Executive Board.

5. Record all player transactions and maintain an accurate and up to date record thereof.

6. Conduct and over see with President, all tryouts, player evaluations, and drafts.

7. In case of the absence or disability of the Vice President, the Player Agent shall

contact Scholarship applicant(s) to review requirements, and terms and conditions.

Section 10

Vacancies – If any vacancy occurs to the Executive Board, by death, resignation or

otherwise, it may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Executive Board at any

regular meeting or any special meeting called for that purpose.

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Article VII – Board Members

Section 1

Board Members will consist of, but not limited to, Baseball and Softball Directors,

Registration/Concessions, Uniforms/Spirit Wear, Sponsorship/Fundraising, Marketing/Public

Relations, Events/Pictures/Awards, Game/Off- Season Scheduler, Information Officer,

Equipment/Safety, and Field Maintenance.

The Board Members shall upon election, completion of the Board Member Code of Conduct,

and the successful completion of a Background Check, immediately enter upon the

performance of their duties, and shall continue in office until their successors have been duly

elected and qualified or appointed by the Executive Board.

Section 2

Annual Election and Term of Office – At each annual election meeting, the Executive

Board shall determine the number of Board Members needed to fill position(s) for the

ensuing year; however, a person may not be elected to more than one Board Member


All elections of Board Members shall be by majority vote of all good standing Board

Members (must be in attendance for 7 Board Meetings or AYLL Events or combination)

present or represented by a properly executed and signed absentee ballot, filed with the

Secretary prior to the election meeting.

All of whom hold office for the ensuing one year term or until their successors are duly

elected by the Board Members or appointed by the Executive Board.

Section 3

Vacancies – If any Board Member vacancy occurs, by death, resignation or otherwise, it may

be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Board at any regular meeting or any special

meeting called for that purpose.

Section 4

Board Member Code of Conduct – It is the goal of AYLL to provide a positive and

instructive environment for all participants. The Board Members are an essential part of

assuring that the players, parents, managers/coaches, and fans enjoy their experience with our

league. The responsibility rests with each Board Member to teach sound baseball/softball

sportsmanship, as well as, serve as a role model for all involved. The children and their

parents alike will be watching each Board Member and the way that they respond to all

situations. It is essential that each Board Member’s conduct represent the league and

themselves in the best possible way.

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Directors: If a level contains only 1 team then the Manager of that team assumes director

duties. All-stars Teams are limited to 1 for 2 to 5 in-house teams and can grow to 2 if 6 or more

teams for that level.

Shetland Ball

Purpose: The Shetland Ball division is to give young players a positive introduction to organized

baseball/softball. The season starts with the basics of how baseball/softball is played. The proper

ways to throw, catch, field, and hit a baseball/softball are introduced during the season.


Organize teams from registered players that are age and skill appropriate.

Host Managers and Coaches meeting:

o Assign a team to each Manager; provide player contact and medical information.

o Review and explain rules, skills and drills, and expectations.

o Attend Coaches Clinic sponsored by AYLL.

Create a practice and game schedule with Game Scheduler.

Director should be in contact with Managers on a weekly basis to share league

information, address any concerns, and answer questions.

Director should attend Board Meetings and provide an update for their division.

Pinto Baseball

Purpose: The Pinto Baseball division is to continue instructing players at a higher level of organized

baseball, with emphasis on the enjoyment and fun of the game. Managers and Coaches teach the

fundamentals and basics of hitting, fielding, throwing, pitching, running, catching, and sportsmanship

throughout the season. Although game scores are kept, and competition is encouraged, there are no

team standings during the Regular Season. All teams participate and team standings are kept during

the Playoffs.


Teams are chosen by a blind draft from registered players that are age and skill

appropriate based on playing experience.

Host Managers and Coaches meeting:

o Assign a team to each Manager; provide player contact and medical


o Review and explain rules, skills and drills, and league expectations.

o Review field preparation and maintenance procedures with Managers/Coaches

o Attend Coaches Clinic sponsored by AYLL.

o Attend and run Winter Clinics sponsored by AYLL.

Director should be in contact with Managers on a weekly basis to share league

information, address any concerns, and answer questions.

Director should attend Board Meetings and provide an update for their division.

Director will assist with blind draft and 8U All-Star tryouts.

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8U Softball

Purpose: The 8U Softball division is to continue instructing players at a higher level of organized

softball, with emphasis on the enjoyment and fun of the game. Managers and Coaches teach the

fundamentals and basics of hitting, fielding, throwing, pitching, running, catching, and sportsmanship

throughout the season. Although game scores are kept, and competition is encouraged, there are no

team standings during the Regular Season. All teams participate and team standings are kept during

the Playoffs.


Teams are chosen by a blind draft from registered players that are age and skill

appropriate based on playing experience.

Host Managers and Coaches meeting:

o Assign a team to each Manager; provide player contact and medical


o Review and explain rules, skills and drills, and league expectations.

o Review field preparation and maintenance procedures with Managers/Coaches.

o Attend Coaches Clinic sponsored by AYLL.

o Attend and run Winter Clinics sponsored by AYLL.

Director should be in contact with Managers on a weekly basis to share league

information, address any concerns, and answer questions.

Director should attend Board Meetings and provide an update for their division.

Director will assist with blind draft and 8U All-Star tryouts.

Mustang Baseball

Purpose: The Mustang Baseball division is to provide players with a positive baseball experience.

We stress that Managers and Coaches work with all players to enhance their baseball skills. Players

have opportunities to play various positions on defense, and a continuous batting order is used on

offense. Game scores and team standings are kept during the Regular Season and Playoffs. All teams

participate in the Playoffs.


Teams are chosen by a draft from registered players that are age and skill appropriate.

Host Managers and Coaches meeting:

o Provide player contact and medical information.

o Review and explain rules, skills and drills, and league expectations.

o Review field preparation and maintenance procedures with Managers/Coaches.

o Attend Coaches Clinic sponsored by AYLL.

o Attend and run Winter Clinics sponsored by AYLL.

Director should be in contact with Managers on a weekly basis to share league

information, address any concerns, and answer questions.

Director should attend Board Meetings and provide an update for their division.

Director will assist with player evaluations, draft, and 9U and 10U All-Star tryouts.

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Bylaws 10 May 14, 2014

10U Softball

Purpose: The 10U Softball division is to provide players with a positive softball experience. We

stress that Managers and Coaches work with all players to enhance their softball skills. Players have

opportunities to play various positions on defense, and a continuous batting order is used on offense.

Game scores and team standings are kept during the Regular Season and Playoffs. All teams

participate in the Playoffs.


Teams are chosen by a draft from registered players that are age and skill appropriate.

Host Managers and Coaches meeting:

o Provide player contact and medical information.

o Review and explain rules, skills and drills, and league expectations.

o Review field preparation and maintenance procedures with Managers/Coaches.

o Attend Coaches Clinic sponsored by AYLL.

o Attend and run Winter Clinics sponsored by AYLL.

Director should be in contact with Managers on a weekly basis to share league

information, address any concerns, and answer questions.

Director should attend Board Meetings and provide an update for their division.

Director will assist with player evaluations, draft and 10U All-Star tryouts.

Bronco/Pony Baseball

Purpose: The Bronco/Pony Baseball division is to offer the more advanced player an environment to

enhance their baseball skills by playing at a more competitive level; and to learn new baseball skills,

with an emphasis on teamwork, good sportsmanship, and playing a style of game close to full

baseball rules. Game scores and team standings are kept during the Regular Season and Playoffs. All

teams participate in the Playoffs.


Teams are chosen by a draft from registered players that are age and skill appropriate.

Host Managers and Coaches meeting:

o Provide player contact and medical information.

o Review and explain rules, skills and drills, and league expectations.

o Review field preparation and maintenance procedures with Managers/Coaches.

o Attend Coaches Clinic sponsored by AYLL.

o Attend and run Winter Clinics sponsored by AYLL.

Director should be in contact with Managers on a weekly basis to share league

information, address any concerns, and answer questions.

Director should attend Board Meetings and provide an update for their division.

Director will assist with player evaluations, draft and 12U All-Star tryouts.

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Bylaws 11 May 14, 2014

12U/14U Softball

Purpose: The 12U/14U Softball division is to offer the more advanced player an environment to

enhance their softball skills by playing at a more competitive level; and to learn new softball skills,

with an emphasis on teamwork, good sportsmanship, and playing a style of game close to full

softball rules. Game scores and team standings are kept during the Regular Season and Playoffs. All

teams participate in the Playoffs.


Teams are chosen by a draft from registered players that are age and skill appropriate.

Host Managers and Coaches meeting:

o Provide player contact and medical information.

o Review and explain rules, skills and drills, and league expectations.

o Review field preparation and maintenance procedures with Managers/Coaches.

o Attend Coaches Clinic sponsored by AYLL.

o Attend and run Winter Clinics sponsored by AYLL.

Director should be in contact with Managers on a weekly basis to share league

information, address any concerns, and answer questions.

Director should attend Board Meetings and provide an update for their division.

Director will assist with player evaluations, draft and 12U All-Star tryouts.

All-Star Baseball/Softball Tournament

Purpose: The All-Star Baseball/Softball program is for In-House players to be given the opportunity

to play more baseball/softball games including tournaments, and to continue to develop their skills,

while playing at a higher level of competition.


Organize and conduct team try-outs at various age levels as determined by the

Executive Board.

Solicit qualified Managers for baseball/softball teams, as necessary, using the

procedures established by the Executive Board.

Register and complete all necessary paperwork for All-Star teams’ tournaments.

Attend All-Star league and tournament meetings.

Host Managers and Coaches meeting:

o Review and explain rules and league expectations

o Ensure each Manager has player contact and medical information.

o Confirm indoor/outdoor practice space with Off-Season Scheduler.

o Confirm field use with Managers and Game Scheduler.

Director should be in contact with Managers on a weekly basis to share league

information, address any concerns, and answer questions.

Director should attend Board Meetings and provide an update for their program.

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Bylaws 12 May 14, 2014

Travel Baseball

Purpose: The Travel Baseball program is for players to be given the opportunity to learn advanced

skills, sportsmanship, teamwork, and dedication while playing at a very competitive level.


Organize team tryouts at various age levels as determined by the Executive Board.

Solicit qualified Managers for Travel Baseball teams, as necessary, using the

procedures established by the Executive Board.

Attend Travel Baseball league meetings.

Host Managers and Coaches meeting:

o Review and explain rules and league expectations including team bank

accounts and ledgers.

o Review field preparation and maintenance procedures with


o Ensure each Manager has player contact and medical information.

o Attend Coaches Clinic sponsored by AYLL.

o Confirm indoor/outdoor practice space with Off-Season Scheduler.

o Confirm field use with Managers and Game Scheduler.

Director should be in contact with Managers on a weekly basis to share league

information, address any concerns, and answer questions.

Director should attend Board Meetings and provide an update for their program.

Travel Softball

Purpose: The Travel Softball Program is for players to be given the opportunity to learn advanced

skills, sportsmanship, teamwork, and dedication while playing at a very competitive level.


Organize team tryouts at various age levels as determined by the Executive Board.

Solicit qualified Managers for Travel Softball teams, as necessary, using the

procedures established by the Executive Board.

Attend Travel Softball league meetings.

Host Managers and Coaches meeting:

o Review and explain rules and league expectations including team bank

accounts and ledgers.

o Review field preparation and maintenance procedures with


o Ensure each Manager has player contact and medical information.

o Attend Coaches Clinic sponsored by AYLL.

o Confirm indoor/outdoor practice space with Off-Season Scheduler.

o Confirm field use with Managers and Game Scheduler.

Director should be in contact with Managers on a weekly basis to share league

information, address any concerns, and answer questions.

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Bylaws 13 May 14, 2014

Director should attend Board Meetings and provide an update for their program.

Fall Baseball/Softball

Purpose: The Fall Ball program is offered to all players. The program is designed to give players an

opportunity to have fun, use skills that were learned during the Spring season and develop new skills

playing in the division for the upcoming season.


Organize teams from registered players that are age and skill appropriate based on

playing experience.

Host Managers and Coaches meeting:

o Assign a team to each Manager; provide player contact and medical


o Review and explain rules, skills and drills, and league expectations.

o Review field preparation and maintenance procedures with


Director should be in contact with Managers on a weekly basis to share league

information, address any concerns, and answer questions.

Director should attend Board Meetings and provide an update for their program.


Registration Responsibilities:

Preparation of all forms, signs/fliers, and volunteers necessary for registration.

Confirm league approved registration dates/times and location for walk-in

registration with Off-Season Scheduler.

Copy/scan all players’ birth certificates and medical release/authorization forms.

Once registration is closed, provide a copy of the medical release/authorization forms

to each Division Director.

Concessions Responsibilities:

Complete food service training program required by Lake County.

Train and schedule volunteers for the concession stand.

Utilize donated food and supplies from local businesses; shop for concession stand

food and supplies on a weekly basis, or as needed.

Keep a bank account ledger of income and expenditures, and provide a copy to the

Treasurer on a monthly basis.

Ensure high levels of cleanliness and adhere to food sanitation guidelines.

Clean and winterize concession stand at the end of the season.

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Bylaws 14 May 14, 2014

Uniforms/Spirit Wear

Uniforms Responsibilities:

Place uniform orders with league approved vendor for all In-House, All-Star, and Fall

Ball teams.

At walk-in registration, have uniform samples for each In-House division available

for players to try on.

Upon receipt of uniform orders, verify correct uniform sizes have been received base

on the parent order form.

Confirm league approved dates/times, and location for uniform pick up with Off-

Season Scheduler.

Spirit Wear Responsibilities:

Coordinate with league approved vendor all spirit wear items for AYLL.

Coordinate with league approved vendor monthly spirit wear promotions; and have

the Information Officer update the promotions on the league website.

Operate a Spirit Wear store at walk-in registration.



Utilizing the sponsorship package, solicit businesses for donations to support the


Coordinate and organize bake sales, equipment resale, and any other fundraising

events to support the league.

Deliver thank you letters and sponsorship plaques to all sponsors.

Marketing/Public Relations


Promote the league in order to increase registration numbers and community

awareness of AYLL.

Attend networking events, manage social media accounts such as Facebook, submit

press releases to local media, and provide local school districts and churches

registration materials.

Utilize Antioch Chamber of Commerce membership to help promote the league.



Coordinate with the Village of Antioch for parade events.

Organize and coordinate dates/times, and location with league approved vendor for

all In-House, All-Star, and Travel team pictures.

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Order and deliver participation awards for Shetland Ball and Pinto/8U Divisions.

Order Mustang/10U, and Bronco/12U Division playoff trophies.

Game/Off-Season Scheduler

Game Scheduler Responsibilities:

Create practice/game schedule with input from each Division Director;

coordinate/create game schedule with other participating leagues. Submit the

schedule to the Executive Board for approval.

Provide game schedule to Information Officer, Registration/Concessions Director,

and Division Directors.

Provide game schedule to the league’s approved Umpire organization to assign

umpires to games.

Create practice/game schedule for Fall Ball with other local leagues; and provide

game schedule to Information Officer, Registration/Concessions Director, and Fall

Ball Director.

Off-Season Scheduler Responsibilities:

In April/August, submit facility use paperwork to secure available gym space from

school districts in the area for activities such as winter clinics, walk-in registration,

player evaluations, and All-Star tryouts.

Information Officer


Create, maintain, and develop league’s website.

Send approved email communications as directed by the Executive Board.

Work with the Executive Board to utilize the website to its fullest potential.

Assign access levels and train directors of website functions.

Input all data entry.



Maintain all league baseball/softball equipment. Replace/fix equipment as necessary.

Keep an equipment log (inventory and distribution/return).

Obtains bids from at least two vendors and submits proposals to the Executive Board

for all equipment that needs to be purchased by the league.

Collects all Team Equipment bags after the Spring and Fall Ball seasons are over and

inspects for wear and tear.

Organize the equipment shed at Williams Park.

Purchase and distribute Safety Kits and Incident/Injury Tracking Report form.

AYLL – Antioch Baseball and Softball Page Approved

Bylaws 16 May 14, 2014

Field Maintenance


Maintenance of all playing fields.

Opening and closing the fields prior to and after the season.

Submits proposals to the Executive Board for all field related equipment and supplies

that need to be purchased by the league.

Maintains the key/code distribution for all Executive Board members. Distributes the

key/code to Division Directors, as applicable.

Monitors all fields for the league especially during weather episodes.

Recommends to President, Vice President or Player Agent to postpone or cancel

games due to the weather (rain/snow/temperature/windchill factor), if the fields are


Responsible for all activities related to field maintenance for the league.

Article VIII – Managers, Coaches, and Umpires

Section 1

Team Managers and Coaches shall be appointed annually by the Division Directors. Each

Manager and Coach must complete the Code of Ethics form, have a successful Background

Check, and must be approved by the Executive Board. In addition, all Managers and Coaches

must attend the Coaches Clinic sponsored by AYLL.

Section 2

Umpires shall be appointed annually by the league’s approved Umpire organization.

Section 3

While holding such office, the President and Players Agent may Manage or Coach teams but

not the same team. Any complaints, irregularities, and conditions detrimental to AYLL, as it

relates to the team(s) being Managed or Coached by the Player Agent, will be investigated by

the Vice President and reported to the Executive Board. In the event, the Vice President is the

Manager or a Coach of the team in which the Player Agent is also a Coach, the investigation

will be conducted by the President and the results reported to the Executive Board. The

President and Player Agent may not umpire any games.

Article X – Financial and Accounting

Section 1

The Executive Board shall decide all matters pertaining to the finances of AYLL, and it shall

place all income in a common league treasury, directing the expenditure of same in such

manner, as it will give no individual or team an advantage over those in competition with

such individual or team.

AYLL – Antioch Baseball and Softball Page Approved Bylaws 17 May 14, 2014

Any purchase $500.00 or more, or any project in which the overall cost is $500.00 or more,

requires majority decision from the Executive Board. Only approved Executive Board or

Board Members can make authorized purchases for the league under the Treasurer’s

budgeted area.

Section 2

The Executive Board may permit the contribution of funds or property to individual teams,

and shall solicit some for the common treasury of AYLL, thereby to discourage favoritism

among teams, and to endeavor to equalize the benefits of AYLL.

Section 3

All monies received shall be deposited to the credit of AYLL in the league’s bank account at

The State Bank of the Lakes of Antioch, IL; and all disbursements shall be made by check.

All disbursements by check must have dual signatures, signed by the Treasurer and another

Executive Board Member, approved by the Executive Board.

Section 4

The fiscal year of AYLL shall begin on November 1st and end October 31th.

Section 5

Distribution of property upon dissolution – Upon dissolution of AYLL and after all

outstanding debts and claims have been satisfied, the members shall direct the remaining

property of AYLL to another Federally Incorporated Entity which maintains the same

objectives as set forth herein, which are or may be entitled to exemption under Section

501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Section 6

Scholarship – AYLL provides instructional services in baseball and softball to Player

members through team practices and participation in supervised games. The divisions

available for a scholarship are as follows:

Shetland Ball: Ages 5-6

Pinto Baseball: Ages 7-8

8U Softball: Ages 7-8

Mustang Baseball: Ages 9-10

10U Softball: Ages 9-10

Bronco Baseball: Ages 11-12

12U Softball: Ages 11-12

Pony Baseball: Ages 13-14

14U Softball: Ages 13-14

AYLL offers a comprehensive scholarship program designed to aid parents who are experiencing a

financial hardship and may need assistance with Registration Fees. This program is set forth in the

AYLL Bylaws Article X, Section 7.

AYLL – Antioch Baseball and Softball Page Approved Bylaws 18 May 14, 2014

Section 7

AYLL offers the following Scholarships:

Partial Scholarship – covers half of the Registration Fee.

o Assistance with equipment needs that are required to participate in


Full Scholarship – covers the entire Registration Fee.

o Assistance with equipment needs that are required to participate in


Scholarship Eligibility Requirements – To be eligible for a Scholarship, the following

information must be provided no later than January 15th, of the current fiscal year:

Letter/email with a detailed explanation of the financial hardship.

AYLL – Antioch Baseball and Softball Registration forms for the player(s) including,

but not limited to, Medical Release/Authorization form and Parent Code of Ethics


Proof of Income (Current Check Stub, Unemployment Check, W-2 form).

Proof of age

The AYLL – Antioch Baseball and Softball Executive Board has up to fourteen days to

review, ask questions and request additional information to help determine eligibility.

Scholarship Terms and Conditions – If the Scholarship is approved by the Executive

Board, the following terms and conditions will apply:

The Scholarship covers the Partial or Full Registration Fee for the current season


Parent/legal guardian agrees to the volunteer commitment as determined by the

Executive Board.

The Vice President or Player Agent will contact the Scholarship applicant to review

requirements, and terms and conditions.

Section 8

At the discretion of the Executive Board, all duly elected and qualified or appointed Board

Members in good standing, shall receive as compensation for their services, a credit

equivalent to the registration fee for their oldest child playing baseball or softball in AYLL

during the current fiscal year.

In the event a Board Member does not have a child playing baseball or softball in AYLL,

with the approval of the Executive Board, a Board Member may give their registration fee

credit to any other child playing baseball or softball in AYLL during the current fiscal year.

In this instance, the registration fee credit will be equivalent to the registration fee for the

division in which the child is registered.

AYLL – Antioch Baseball and Softball Page Approved Bylaws 19 May 14, 2014

Article XI – Amendments

Bylaws may be amended, repealed or altered in whole or in part by a majority vote at any

duly organized meeting of the Executive Board, provided notice of the proposed change is

included in the notice of such meeting.

These Bylaws are approved and dated: May 14, 2014

Signatures: AYLL President – Kevin Lind ____________________________ Signature AYLL Vice-President – Mark Bukowy ____________________________ Signature AYLL Secretary - Brian Maize ____________________________ Signature AYLL Treasure -Kim Gogolewski___________________________ Signature AYLL Players Agent -Dario Orlando ____________________________ Signature

AYLL – Antioch Baseball and Softball Page Approved Bylaws 20 May 14, 2014