Assignment NCP 22

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Transcript of Assignment NCP 22

  • 7/23/2019 Assignment NCP 22




    1.Course - NCP 222.Course Title - Construction personnel Management3.Assignment No. - One4.Last dateofreceipt -

    OfAssignment at CODE office


    You are a Project Manager on site where work for 3K.m. long

    Tunnel has beenundertaken. Thesite isremote and takes about 2

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    days travel to nearest town. Supervisors, Technicians & Skilled

    Workers areengaged in dangerous / hazardous work. Absenteeism

    due to sickness, quarrels, drinking are adding to less output of

    workand chancesofaccidentsonsite are increasing. Management

    hasurged to do something so that time targets can be achieved.

    Discuss how will you tackle the problem and increase theoutput of

    the work.


    Introduction of Main Problem: -

    1.Absenteeism Due To Sickness2.Absenteeism Due To Quarrels & Drinking3.Accidents at site4.Technical problems

    Reasons of Various Problems: -

    y LackofManpowerManagement (or)Planning

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    y Un-Hygienicsurroundings & Temporary Accommodationy LackofMedicationy ConsumptionofAlcoholy Availability ofAlcoholy Storageofmaterialsy RoofSpallingy Waterseepage

    Needs and Their Fulfillment on Site: -

    y Lack of Manpower Management (or) Planning: -

    Prepare a properscheduleof theProject and AssignResources

    to each Task i.e. each Activity, Assigning Resources means

    Identify manpower required for each Task and what is the

    availability ofmanpowerand how much workhas been done till

    date and how much work is to be done. Identify Type of

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    manpowerrequired i.e. Skilled (or)unskilled .Ifmanpower is in

    adequate try to get moremanpowerorTry touse the available

    manpowerFully so that maximum amount ofwork tocomplete

    and try tocomplete the Urgent wokssuch that it dosenot effect

    our project duration, reschedule the project and updated

    schedule to head office and inform them weekly work progress

    so that they can help you toovercome themanpower problem

    (or) try to motivate the available manpower by giving extra

    benefits if they complete the project in time. (or) ifmanpoweris

    very less thanrequired then immediately inform head officeso

    that they cansend somemoremanpowerso that the project can


    y Suggestion & Recommendation to Management onManpower Management (or) Planning: -

    Manpower planning involved someof steps if

    themanagement and project manager follow these steps there

    will beno problem due to themanpower in the project, because

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    the Tunnel project is a large project morenumberofmanpower

    is involved in the project and they are at different levels and

    management hasmonitorall are working properly arenot, ifnot

    they have to have dosomeotherarrangement are try tomotivate

    themanpowerso that the project progresssmoothly.

    y Understand the project in all respects and get all detailsoftheprojects i.e.

    Site condition, contract conditions, technical specifications,

    construction techniques, and timeframe.

    yWorking out the labourcomponent in various parametersof

    the project .by using constants to workout labourrequirement

    y Classifying and categorising labourrequirement and variousjobs by level ofskill,responsibility,natureofworketc.

    y Determine the durationofeach job or task at every stageofproject.

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    y Estimate thenumberofmanpower required in view of theanticipated of absenteeism and labour turnover and the

    stability factor.

    Manpower management has

    some principles to follow that should beknown by the project

    managerand also themanagement ofthecompany.

    The principles are as follows:

    Care and skill should beexercised in theselectionofemployees.

    Introduction to thejob should befriendly skillful and adequate.

    Each employeeshould bemade tofeel that hisefforts arereally


    Consideration should be given to the effect that each rule and

    instructionmay haveon thefeelingsofemployees.

    Employees should have apart in planning those things that

    affect theirworking conditions.

    Management should be absolutely fair inevery policy and every


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    Each employee should have a feeling of pride in the

    worthwhilenessofhis workand hiscompany.

    Based on theconstruction programme and various

    other norms, the administrative set up is worked out for

    completion of project. It is proposed to have two Chief

    Engineers (Level-1),onefor head works and otherforcanal &

    canal structures headed by the Project Manager. Under the

    ChiefEngineer(Head work)fourcircleoffices will be proposed

    and under theChiefEngineer (Canal & Canal Structures) three

    Circleoffices will be proposed. There will also beone Director

    (Administration),one Director (Finance),one Director (Quality

    Control) and one

    Director(Technical)undertheProject Manager. There will also

    be attached

    Superintending Engineer (Mechanical) under the each Chief

    Engineer. All theseoffices will besuitably located foreffective

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    monitoring and control over the execution of project. A chart

    showing the administrativeset up isshown below

    y Un-Hygienic surroundings & TemporaryAccommodation: -

    Before Starting of the project Management has to well plan

    because this project is long durationsomanpower involved

    will bemore it is theoneof the preliminary need for the

    employees & workers.

    ySuggestion Methods for Hygiene Factors: - Management

    has to well planfor the temporary shelters insuch a way that

    numberof workers will be involved in the project and how

    many shelters are required and for different category of

    employees will be working at site and different types of

    sheltersshould beconstructed with different facility what all

    materials required for construction any how much time

    required to construct it so that all those thing should be

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    completed before starting of project, Management should

    built temporary sheltersfor the workers who will be working

    at site because the site is at remote area workerscannot be

    able to say at there home and come for work it is the

    preliminary requirement for the workerssomanagement has

    to takeextra precautions, A siteoffice also be built with all

    necessary requirements, dinking water should be good

    because most of diseases are spread by water so it is

    important step to takencare by management.

    yLack of Medication: -

    Management should send a medical

    team to site and they should stay there till completion of

    project. They should besupplied necessary equipments and

    medical kits so that they can manage any hazardous

    situation i.e. any sudden accidents they can handle the

    situation, any epidemic occurred they can over come that

    situation. By this work will be smoothly progressed and

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    number of workers absenteeism will be reduced. Worker

    who issickwill be takencare by medical team he will be

    recovered quickly and hecan start doing the work so that

    manpowerproblem issolved.

    y Consumption and Availability of Alcohol: -This is themajor

    problem with labourbecause they drinkdaily afterworkso

    that they get some relief from whole day work and body

    pains, but management should try to avoid drinking alcohol

    or try to get them in limited doseso that they have it njust

    go forsleep if they get it inexcess quantities they will be

    drinking wholenight and next day they will be absenteeism

    and also afterexcess drinking they start quarreling between

    themselves its a big problemfor the project managerwhile

    quarreling they may be any accidents that leads to more

    absenteeism that will also indirectly effects the progressof

    project. If this quarreling happens regularly then

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    management has to take some precaution steps to handle

    that problem. Such as try to avoid the availability ofalcohol

    near the site so that the labour cannot consume much

    alcohol and this problem is solved and the project may


    y Storage of Materials: -This is also a majorproblemforsuch

    a big project and at remote placematerials will be at site well

    beforestart ofproject sostoreroomsshould be properly built

    well in advance so that it will not create a problem while

    executionof work for that what all employees required and

    how many numberrequired should be planned beforeso that

    materials are properly handled by thisonly thecost ofproject


    y Roof Spalling: -

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    The management should have complete

    knowledgeof what all technical problemmay occurs while

    executionofproject and it has to take properprecautions and

    it should be well planned before so that it would not effect

    the project duration, what are causes of the problems and

    how toovercome the problems.

    Thecauseofroofspalling is typeofformationof

    rock,rockwith excessof foliations,joint & poorrockmass

    leads to therockspalling.

    ySuggestion & Methods to over come Roof Spalling

    Problem: -

    Tunnel should be properly scaling toremove looserockmass

    & cement grouting should be doneso that the rock will get

    someextra strength so that it can hold properly it cannot be

    fallen downeasily

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    Tunnel should be properly provision of

    steel ribs immediately so that it will besupport on thesteel

    rids and workcan be progresssmoothly and project manager

    should have all thismaterials well in advance because these

    materials arerequired suddenly.

    y Water Seepage: -The management should have complete

    knowledgeof what all technical problemmay occurs while

    executionofproject and it has to take properprecautions and

    it should be well planned before so that it would not effect

    the project duration, what are causes of the problems and

    how toovercome the problems.

    Thecauseof water seepage ismanly due

    to the discontinuous rock formation, Ground water table

    height etc.

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    y Suggestion & Methods to over come Water SeepageProblem: -

    While designing the tunnel they should provide proper

    drainage system so that if the water is accumulating in the

    tunnel it will affect the progressofwork,so drainagesystem

    should be such that water accumulated should be quickly

    drained any from working spaceso that it dosenot affect the

    workprogress. Orpropergrouting should be doneso that the

    rock will get more strength so that it can stop the water

    seepage into the tunnel. This is theeasy method toovercome

    the seepage problem, the other method to overcome the

    seepage problem covering the tunnel section with water

    proofing membranes it will also not allow the water to

    seepage into the tunnel so that work can be progress


    y Recommendation to Management: -

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    Top Management

    should be more responsible and it should have to properly

    monitor the progressof work and if any urgent needs at site

    should befulfilled as quickly as possible and it should see that

    the lowerand middlemanagement is working properly arenot.

    If any accidents are hazardoussituation then top management

    has tourge to dosome help to lowerand middlemanagement

    so that they canovercome thesituation they must send some

    team so that will help them and work will be progress


    Tunnel project is a very large project it will take lot of time to

    complete the whole project so management has to be well

    prepared ofall theforecoming situations i.e. labors problems,


    Management has to determine the

    functionsofeach level ofmanagement it should beclearforall

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    theemployees and management has tomonitorsuch that each

    employee is doing his duty properly arenot.


    1.Determining theobjectives2.Framing policies & making plans to carryout the

    objectives & policies.

    3.Setting up the organizational framework to conduct theoperation as perplans.

    4.Gathering theresourcesneeded to put the plans intoeffect.5.Controlling theoperations through theorganization.

    Middlemanagement is concerned with the task of implementing

    the policies & planschalked out by the top management. Middle

    management consists of departmental heads exercise the usual

    functions of management in respect of their own departments.

    They have top plan the operations, issue instructions to their

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    assistants;collect theresourcesrequired & control the workof the



    1.Understanding the policiesframed by top management.2.Preparing theorganizational set-up in theirdepartment.3.Finding out thesuitableoperative & supervisory personnel

    & fixing duties & responsibilities to them.

    4.Arranging & issuing instructions to the assistants &operatives.

    5.Motivating the personnel forhigherproductivity.6.Co-operating with other departments for smooth

    functioning oforganizations.

    7.Collecting reports, statistical information & other recordsabout the work turned out in therespective departments &

    forwarding thesame to the top management.

    8.Recommending to the top management new or revisedpoliciesfortheirdepartments toobtain betterperformance.

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    It is the lowest level in the

    administrativeframework& actual operations are performed here.

    Foremensupervisors assisted by a noofworkers & clerkscarryout

    the actual operations as per schedule. Their authority &

    responsibility is limited & they have tofollow the lines drawn by

    the higher levelsofmanagement. The foremenorsupervisors are

    responsibleforcarrying out workorders allotted to theirrespective

    departments. They passon the instructionsofmiddlemanagement

    to the workers. The quality ofthe workmanship & quality ofoutput

    will depend upon the hard labor, discipline & loyalty of the

    operating personnel.

    Motivation of Employees in Construction Project: -


    is the driving force within individuals that drive them

    physiologically and psychologically to pursueoneormore goals to

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    fulfill theirneedsorexpectations. Motivatorsmay be intrinsicor

    extrinsic. An example of an intrinsic motivator is the self-

    fulfillment ofa workeras a result ofperforming a taskwell.

    Motivation oflabor in Construction Project: -

    Construction labor

    can be motivated. This is important because dwindlingproductivity is a major problem confronting construction today.

    Productivity has decreased every yearfor the past decade, in part

    because of increasing design complexity, more rigorous federal

    and state regulations and socio-economic changes affecting the

    work force. Our findings indicate that a highly motivated

    workforceenhances productivity and project effectiveness.

    In construction, the work itself

    that is, the building of a structure for all to behold is a key

    motivator for all levels of management and the work force.

    Therefore, a well-planned project seems to be thefirst and most

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    important step to achieve good productivity. Unfortunately,on

    large industrial projects, craftsmen often receive only minimal

    amounts of information about their work. Duplication of effort,

    numerousmodifications to plans, and schedules that consistently

    slip makes it difficult tomaintain a motivated workforce. On large

    powerplant projects,changes in design and problems with material

    availability are considered the major demotivating factors. With

    effective pre-planning, the availability ofmaterials will bechecked

    before workers are assigned to an area so workers donot start in

    one locationonly to have to beshifted to another location. Care in

    this respect should improve worker motivation and productivity

    and help promote a high level of accomplishment. Most foremen

    and craftsmen takeconsiderable pride in the work they do. Having

    torip out theirworkand redo it can beextremely discomforting. In

    fact, if it isextensive,redoing partsof a project may be the worst

    demotivator of all. Craftsmen view overcrowded conditions and

    crew interference due toextensivereworkas demotivating. Worse,

    such problems can create hostile feelings as a result of the

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    frustration. Design standardization can help to minimize rework

    and improvemorale.

    Motivational programs: -

    Although some unique motivational

    programs were found, the vast majority can be grouped into five

    primary categories: goal setting, incentives, positivereinforcement

    (i.e., recognition for a job well done), worker participation, and

    workfacilitation. Thefollowing presents a dissertationoneach of

    thefivecategories discussing first theiruse inother industries and

    then theirapplication toconstruction.

    Absenteeism and Turnover: -

    The Department of Energy study

    indicated that the absenteeism and turnover are a relatively minor

    concern to workmen. Still, they can have a major impact on total

    project productivity. High rates of absenteeism are a concern,

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    however, to individuals who had to carry extra workloads to

    compensateformissing crewmembers.

    The low job satisfaction resulted in high absence

    from work and high turnover. Thus absenteeism and turnovercan

    be viewed as effectsofmotivational Activitiesor demotivational

    concerns. Thecost ofmotivational programs isoften justified by

    thereduced absenteeism and turnover.

    For example, the cost of M2 group

    Engineering Pvt Ltd. Big Designing & ConstructionCompany On

    eight projects has been more than paid for by the reduction in

    absenteeism and the reduced costs associated with hiring fewer

    workmen. Director indicated that it required some amount per

    employee to process paperwork plus two to three weeksofeach

    new employee's time to learn the job. Again, the figures on

    attendance and turnover measure the motivational effort that is

    financially justified. Moreover, awards for good records are

    perhaps themost effectivemethod to decrease absenteeism.

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    Bibliography: -

    Management in organization by Koontz and Odoneal, MacGraw

    Hill Publicatio

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