Arthaus Holthaus_pgs 1-2_web-brochure mockup_v1_FINAL_lo res_111614

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Arthaus Holthaus_pgs 1-2_web-brochure mockup_v1_FINAL_lo res_111614



Filmmaker. Musician-Composer. Screenwriter-Producer. Director. Editor. Consummate Renaissance Man.


A Man of the “Arts & Letters”: Meet NICO HOLTHAUS

The Films Of Nico Holthaus!

Citizen Holthaus: An Educator, Political Activist & Social Advocate Who “Gives Back” To Student Filmmakers & Direct Democracy Efforts

Sen. Mike Gravel & Nico Holthaus interview !For DEAR AMERICA!


It could be said that Nico Holthaus stretches the definition of “multi-hyphenate” to highly unusual dimensions and talent levels. In fact, while fronting his own Tempe, Arizona-based company, Any Key Omnimedia Productions, as a Writer-Producer-Director, Nico’s skill sets and expertise also span that of Composer-Actor-Editor-Cinematographer as well. !!Documentarian-Social Advocate is another hyphenate that applies to Nico’s work on several critically-received documentaries tackling such subjects as Direct Democracy (in DEAR AMERICA) to the “corporatization of Main Street America” (as seen in MILL AVE, INC., THE AVENUE, and BENEATH THE BEAUTY).! !Having earned Summa Cum Laude honors for his Master’s Degree of the Arts in Film and Media Studies from Arizona State University, Nico made sure to give back to other undergrad Sun Devil students by sharing his filmmaking expertise and knowledge as a Teaching Assistant and Course Designer over the last two decades.!!It has also been Nico’s long-standing ties with ASU and the Tempe-to-Tucson “Interstate 10 Connection” (the latter is home to the University of Arizona) featuring the café- and pub-based rock ’n roll scenes that greatly shapes and fuels his passion for both musical composition and independent filmmaking. Recognized as an accomplished guitarist and lead singer, Nico has performed live in venues across southern Arizona and composed the soundtrack scores for DANTE’S ARIZONA, DARK WEST and STUCK OUTSIDE OF PHOENIX, the latter of which is his homage to Tempe’s notorious 1990s rock ‘n roll club scene.!!Undoubtedly, Nico Holthaus is an iconoclast, maverick, political activist, rebel, writer, teacher, musician, renaissance man, and socially-conscious filmmaker with “a deep well of inspired creativity” to share with the world – a dedicated “multi-hyphenate” in the truest sense of its definition.!

!Click for Nico’s music at
