Are you competing or creating success?

Post on 16-May-2015

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How to Create Success without Competing. Principals for success.

Transcript of Are you competing or creating success?

Are you Competing or Creating

Success?Eve Namuju

Are you Competing or Creating Success?

• Do you stress yourself out trying to be like other people? Ignore your principles and health because you’re trying to compete with someone else?

Are you Competing or Creating Success?

• But is it really necessary to compete? I think not! When you’re competing with another company or person, you’re actually letting them define your success. Which really ends up clouding your own definition of success. Should we really compete to be successful?

Are you Competing or Creating Success?

• I think what most people or businesses should be striving at; is to serve the world and humanity the best way possible. You should be asking yourself: How can I give myself to the world? If you ask yourself that question, you will find yourself creating new ways to serve humanity. Instead of competing, you start creating what you passionately love to do.

Are you Competing or Creating Success?

• When you find the thing you love to do passionately and use it to serve the world, you or your business will thrive more. In this process you will find yourself creating more, giving more, and more will be given back to you. Coz only you, can passionately succeed at doing what you love. There’s only one you. The rest will try to duplicate what you’re doing but they will only try.

Are you Competing or Creating Success?

• Any person or business can be a force for good, if they’re serving the world and humanity. Look at all the successful people, they’re constantly giving back to the world. Trying to find ways to share their success with other people. Have you noticed that more is given back to them? So how is your business serving the world and humanity?

Are you Competing or Creating Success?

• Are you so focused on profits that you sacrifice good service and helping others? Or are you so busy trying to compete that you forget your own definition of success? Instead of trying to be like someone else and competing with them, Be yourself, be authentic, and whatever you do make sure it does not benefit only you.

Are you Competing or Creating Success?

Try following these 3 Principals for Success;

• “The first step to success is finding the thing you love to do and then do it. Success is in loving your work and being informed in the most advanced methods pertaining to your work.

• The second is to specialize in a particular field and know more about it than anyone else and desire to serve the world.

Are you Competing or Creating Success?

• The third is you must make sure the thing you love to do does not abound to your success only. It must not be selfish; it must benefit humanity. If it is to benefit yourself exclusively, the circle is not formed and you may experience a short circuit”.

Are you Competing or Creating Success?

• If you succeed in following those 3 principles, there’s no way you cannot have success in life. There’s no need to compete but only to create. Because we all serve differently, we all touch people in a different and unique way no matter how small. Competition will only cloud your judgment.

Are you Competing or Creating Success?

Never measure your success by what others have done; 

• You can’t reach your destiny upon the faith or experience of another person. You have to have faith in yourself. And gain experience by learning and implementing what you learn. Always take action, create what you believe in and have faith in yourself to reach the finish line. And be authentic to yourself. Trying to compete with someone else, is trying to live someone else’s life.

Are you Competing or Creating Success?

• “Don’t take somebody else’s definition of success as your own“~ Jacqueline Briskin

• Create your own definition of success. And remember whatever you do, it must benefit humanity.