Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 11

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 11

Yes, I have see the movie. I watched it on the 12 hour plane ride to Japan in 2010, it was pretty good. So I will definitely be seeing the sequel when it’s out this year.

Anyway, my dragons are not as huge but they are kinda cute and each of the Yellow gen kids got one. I was hoping for one of each colour, but I never got paid for the Black

dragon so I have no clue what it does. Anyway, on with the show.

Firstly we have Yellow gen heiress’s teen birthday, no I don’t have the toddler transition one because I suck at taking pictures. But the teen one is important. Also Chickadee has purple fins now for some reason, which don’t look anything like purple when she fishes

out but still, it matches her skin perfectly.

Post makeover Chicky, and her first spouse hunt. This is Jered Eames, and he’s single *chorus of angels sing* Also he’s one of the colourful Dragon Valley spouses I wanted to leave here with. He has

awesome blue hair which might be enough to kill Shea’s green addition and elf ears, seems every colourful resident has them here.

Jered: Are you rich? Your house is like the biggest in Dragon Valley, it certainly stands out…very colourful with the orange and yellow wave walls…

Chickadee: Oh yes, well we’re a fourth generation family. So I guess we’ve built up some

money over the generations.

Chickadee: The water is so nice at sunrise. How come daddy doesn’t need to swim anymore?

He has the Permanent Mermaid LTH perk, meaning he doesn’t need to swim anymore.

Chickadee: Can I get that? It sounds great.

Sadly it’s not available for teens, you have to be a YA to get it. I looked. Can’t have you drying up on me, though I have never seen a dried up mermaid ghost…hmm.

Chickadee: Sounded for minute there like you WANTED me to dry up and die.

I can’t let that happen yet, you’re my heiress.

Chickadee: Ooh, what’s this?

An “I’m sorry for wanting you to die” present. Go on, talk to it about whatever. It will be a nice surprise when it hatches.

Chickadee: It started moving, felt freaky in my Inventory so I set it down.

Ooh, cool. It’s time to hatch.

Chickadee: Will you tell me what it is?

Just wait; you’ll see.

Chickadee: Oh how cute!!

Yes, red dragons are awesome. They shoot actual fireballs, which is awesome on so many levels.

So what are you going to call him?

Chickadee: I’m going to call HER Ruby.

Sorry, her. Ruby is a great name.

Sulphur: Do we get dragon eggs for our birthday?

Ah, yes. Last time the twins were babies. I took no pictures of them as toddlers…again. >_< Or as kids aside from this birthday shot. I forgot to. Well they aren’t heir candidates so there’s that.

Sulphur: This is the first shot you have of me? I hate my life.

Oh yes, there’s a trait I haven’t had before. Sulphur is an Easily Impressed Couch Potato, who is a Bookworm that can be found Brooding a lot. He likes Egyptian Music, Pumpkin Pie and the colour Lilac. He wishes to live the Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous. We got the rich part 11 times over. Yes they are worth 1.1 million already. All he needs is to be a Five Star Celebrity.

Which I will cheat him since he’s not the heir and will be released to SP once we move again.

Meanwhile, his twin sister Daffodil who also got purple fins that don’t stay purple has her birthday on the other side of the pool that I can never keep them away from. So if I

ever lose track of any of them, they’re all here.

Daffy is one who Loves the Outdoors, is a Good soul who longs to be an Angler that’s a Genius. She likes Latin music, Grilled Salmon (kinda cannibalistic being a fish herself) and the colour Sea Foam. She longs to be a Deep Sea Diver too. Too bad we don’t live in Isla Paradiso,

she will not be getting that.

And their vampire older sister? Yeah, she’s stuck in the Pool Vortex too. Canary Loves the Outdoors, but more so when it’s not Summer, she Loves the Cold, is Athletic, Flirty, and she made her grandma happy by getting Diva as her fifth trait. She likes Geek Rock, Pumpkin Pie,

and the colour Yellow. Her fondest wish is to be an International Spy.

Canary: Can we talk about the whole left to the mercy of SP thing? I don’t want to leave.

Yeah, sorry. Dragon Valley is lovely but when Venus’s twin daughters don’t age at the same time, or still show up as children even though they’re teens, it’s time to leave. SP

gave Venus and Ludo three more daughters. All aliens, no fairies.

They were named Heidi, Laquita, and Ana by the way, and Ludo got knocked down from Emperor of Evil all the way to level two again, borked SP is borked so we’re leaving.

Canary: So I have to stay here with the glitches while everyone else leaves. How is that fair grandma?

Pom-Pom: Ask my brothers how they felt about being left with the glitches, oh wait you

can’t because we moved and they no longer show up as my brothers.

I didn’t know moving would wipe Cherry and Goji-kun from the family tree alright? I’m not a Sims 3 player!

Pom-Pom: See, learn from the best sweetie; make Camera Lady run around in circles

wondering if we forgive her or not.

Canary: So not only do I get left behind, no one will remember I even existed, lovely.

Canary: At least I’ll have my dragon friend to keep me company. You won’t forget me will you little eggie? No, you’re my best friend who will burn my

enemies to the ground and raze this town to cinders.

Only if you get the red dragon…

Canary: Now remember; fiery torment and death to my enemies. Fiery death…

I think the news of leaving her here has made her cuckoo for cocoa puffs… >_<

Canary: It’s time my leathery winged minion; time to take over the world!

Not very good for one who wants to be an International Spy…too bad Ludo sucks at being Emperor of Evil, she would have a lovely time fighting her great uncle. The Joker to her Batman.

Canary: But he’s not red…where is my RED dragon?

He umm…left yeah. The purple dragon is pretty nice too, I mean he can summon people to be your friend (or slave) and you can practice Charisma with him to convince

people to do your bidding.

Canary: Mind control powers? Sweet. You and I will be the most fearsome duo, Amethyst. We will rule this town. The Vampire and the Mind Controlling Dragon, I like the sound of


Glad you like him. He’s cute with those little squeaks and hisses he makes.

Daffodil: My sisters got cool dragons, you’ll be cool too right?

One can hope. It would be nice to have all three coloured dragons.

Daffodil: Five hours and forty minutes seems like it takes forever.

Well yeah but it’s worth it right?

Daffodil: Yes, I suppose. I wonder what colour this little one will be?

Aww…he’s purple too.

Daffodil: He’s PERFECT! But he bit me…I’m going to call you Concord Grape.

Well, it makes sense. Concord grapes are kind of “bitey” when you eat them so…

One last chance to get that third coloured dragon. Don’t disappoint me Sulphur.

Sulphur: Pssh, I’m not going to help you out. You’re abandoning my sister here.

But I have to…because reasons.

Sulphur: *whisperwhisperwhisper*

What are you telling that egg? O_0?

Sulphur: And then we’ll-- *whispers more*

Never mind… now I know. >_<

Sulphur: Yes that’s right, mind control dragons are awesome. I want him to smite my enemies.

Sulphur: First thing I’m going to do…oh grandpa!! Can you come here for a minute?

What are you going to do to Shea? I like Shea…

Sulphur: Get him Jelly Bean!!

Shea: What? What did I do to you?

Sulphur: Camera Lady likes you, that’s why.

Sulphur: Kehkeh! He got you good.

Shea: What’s happening? I feel…awesome…ahh.

Sulphur: Aww damnit. It was a good thing.

Serves you right for trying to be evil, casting a Rune Charm on someone is like a 24 hr. maxmotives, it’s a good thing.

Carrot: Mom, what are we doing down here?

Pom-Pom: I just wanted to tell you, I’m proud of you baby. You did well with this family. As I am sure your sisters would have as well.

Carrot: I had sisters?

Pom-Pom: Yes, you did. And I also wanted to tell you; watch out for fire.

Carrot: Fire mom? What about fire? We don’t have a fireplace, mermaids don’t like them, it dries us out too much.

Pom-Pom: Just…watch out for it.

Carrot: Why are you talking like this? Are you sick or something?

Pom-Pom: If only that were the case…

Pom-Pom: Shea, my lovely Green Prince; you put up with my Diva outbursts and Dramatic overreactions and I could not have asked for a better husband or father to our three kids.

Shea: It’s soon isn’t it?

Pom-Pom: Yes, I can hear the death knell. I’ve had a good life.

Shea: I know, and we have to thank Camera Lady for her NRAAS birthing of our kids. Plantsims are sterile which is why you never had to give birth. Sorry about that.

Pom-Pom: One last time for the road?

Shea: One last time for the road.

Pom-Pom: Oh gee, thanks for the 12 noon death visit. I’ve been living in constant anticipation for three days.

Couldn’t be helped; I was waiting too so it’s not just you.

Chickadee: Grandma!! NO!! Canary is at work, she’ll hate that she missed this!

Pom-Pom: Believe me kiddo, I didn’t want to go in the middle of the day either.

Shasha: Mother-in-law!! Now I know how Shea felt when Clear left…*sniffles*

Carrot: Mommy!! *wails*

Daffodil: I hate death, I never want to see it again.

Pom-Pom: You’re late.

Grim: Yeah sorry, big error trap death pile up outside town.

Chickadee: Grandpa? Are you alright?

Shea: I knew this was coming Chicky, but no matter how much you think you’re prepared, it never seems like enough.

Pom-Pom: Well since you kept me waiting, how about making it up to me with some more life? What do you say?

Grim: When has that ever worked without having some super pet around to save you?

There are no pets here to save you now, so into the urn.

Ah, Pom-Pom my first cradle-to-grave heiress. I didn’t want to do that Singer career thing because it takes too long without cheats. At first I didn’t want you to lead the Red generation because of that but you kinda grew on me afterwards. I did feel bad that you ended up with a Plantsim hubby who

couldn’t reproduce with you the usual way, shows how little I know about Sims 3 Plantsims. In Sims 2 they can but that’s neither here nor there anymore.

Pomegranate Arcenciel: Heiress, Diva, Vocal Legend, wife, mother, grandmother

Lived: 116 days (way to show up your mother) Spouse: Shea Arcenciel (nee Hollis) Children: Peach, Persimmon, Carrot

Grandchildren: Canary, Chickadee, Daffodil, Sulphur LTW: Be Vocal Legend (completed)

Of course it didn’t take long for my Diva to come out a-haunting.

Pom-Pom: I just remembered; we had Death Flowers in the Alchemy cabinet! I could have been spared!

Yes but I have been saving them for accidental deaths like my mermaid heirs drying up

before their time, or some other unforeseen insta-death.

Anyway, I’ll leave off this chapter with a former Stalker-Ratzi who somehow ended up becoming a part of one of the houses here in Dragon Valley. He thought it would be a good idea to sing for tips

in the graveyard, on a full moon, while being stalked by ghosts…yeah I don’t get it either.


Next time on the Arc-en-Ciel Rainbowcy:

Yep, getting caught up with the playing. I have more than enough for two or three more chapters. I am going to play and make some new Townies to add to the new town

of Moonlight Falls in hopes that my Green gen heir will take a liking to one of their kids. I haven’t made them yet but I will…also next chapter is the last one for Orange generation! My how time flies, I just started this Rainbowcy on March 7th this year

and already just about two months later generation five has already been born.