Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 23


Transcript of Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 23

It’s been so long hasn’t it? Well, there are reasons. I started an ISBI to earn another medal and also decided to participate in SimNaNoWriMo for October and this is the

first official update. I am aiming for ten this month which should be easy enough I have tons of pics waiting to be written up and 20 slides is easy for me to do since my

chapters are usually a lot longer.

Matthew: So you’re with the press?

Tanzanite: Yes, I need to conduct interviews.

Matthew: Call my agent and we’ll talk then.

Tanzanite: Thank you, I got all I need.

Lola: So this will be a favourable article right? I can’t afford any bad press.

Tanzanite: I have to organize the info first, I make no promises.

Vamp Celeb: I tell you man, us vamps get a bad rap. We aren’t all blood sucking anarchists like the norms would have you believe, sorry man no offence.

Tanzanite: I’m a witch so I’m not a norm.

Vamp Celeb: You’re a witch? We don’t have those here in Bridgeport….say you think you can hook me up with a little something something…know what I mean?

Tanzanite: No…I’m not sure I do.

Vamp Celeb: Vampiric Sunscreen man! I heard only witches can make that.

Tanzanite: Why would you need that?

Tanzanite: Turns out the vampire population only wanted that sunscreen so they can hunt in the day time and not die…so much for them claiming not to be anarchists. I

didn’t tell them that anyone with a medium level Alchemy skill can make it, can’t be a party to the day time hunting now can I?

Tanzanite: *highlight* *delete* I nearly let the cat out of the bag there, vampires CAN read after all. And my articles are public knowledge.

Finally, we have Violet gen babies. Since the house is full again I can’t have anymore in until my Green gen heirs kick the bucket. First born is Violet Arcenciel, yes

unoriginal I know. He’s a Light Sleeper and Hates the Outdoors, he likes Veggie Spaghetti, Beach Party music and the colour Yellow.

And his twin sister Hydrangea. She’s the heiress unless the third child is female. She’s a Disciplined Genius who likes Tofu Dogs, Dark Wave music and the

colour Hot Pink.

Tanzanite: I see…so you think going bare foot is a way to reconnect to the earth then?

Kai: Totally dude, why separate ourselves from our Mother through fake

coverings? It was not the way we were meant to be dude.

While her daddy climbs up the Journalistic ladder, my heiress Hydrangea gets more cute. She has her daddy’s eyes and mom’s hair. Alas, the witchcraft didn’t make it to the

twins…could this be the end of it already?

Violet favours his daddy more, he got his hair and eyes and actually chose a favourite colour that doesn’t clash with their generation’s colour. It actually looks nice together.

Creepy eyes…0_0 It’s like she stares into my soul.

Hydrangea: I fweel the call of the moon….

Violet: What moon?

Hydrangea: Moon is bright and shiny…it call me.

Violet: You cray…cray…crazy

Hydrangea: You find out soon…

Hydrangea: Beware the cute…It’s deceptive…

She knows far too much…

Tanzanite: Why? Why did my witchcraft die out so soon?

Violet: *stares*

Tanzanite: *sigh* I guess it was bound to happen.

Violet: Derp.

Ana: So this is where you two have been. It was too quiet in here.

Violet: You mean we should be loud? Alright!

Ana: No, wait…I didn’t mean that…

Hydrangea: Now I can finally begin the next stage in my plan!

What plan?

Hydrangea: You will see Camera Lady, you will see…


Next time on the Arc-en-Ciel Rainbowcy:

I have so many pics backlogged that I have forgotten half of why I took them in the first place, I mean it has been a long time since I took them. Anyway, this is Update 1 of 10 for that sweet, sweet Gold Pencil medal that I want and I know that I will get these out as soon as possible since I tend to write a lot in a short time. So be on the look out for

more Violet Gen antics!