Arboretum Sustainability Mindset & Practices · Arboretum Sustainability Mindset & Practices...

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Transcript of Arboretum Sustainability Mindset & Practices · Arboretum Sustainability Mindset & Practices...

Arboretum   Sustainability   Mindset   &   Practices  


Victoria   Tichy  



Environmental   Studies  


Business   Management   Economics 


Provost’s   Sustainability   Internship   Program:   Arboretum 


Staff   Mentor   Jennifer   Macotto,   Director   Of   Development 























My project’s goals were to increase education and engagement at the UCSC                       

Arboretum, to adhere to the campus goal of being zero waste by 2020, and to improve in                                 

the areas of learning and culture, materials management and food systems, energy and                         

climate,   and   natural   environment   and   climate.  


Intended outcomes were to make to Arboretum office members and community                     

members think more about sustainability through having recycling and composting bins at                       

events to divert waste, replacing the disposable dishware we use at events with a donated                             

set of ceramic dishware, and get a dishwasher through the Carbon Fund Grant. We also                             

have been making changes around the office to increase our Green Office Certification from                           

the second percentile of Sprout to the third percentile of Sapling. We’ve done this through                             

posting reminders to power off computers when not in use, making our events more                           

sustainable,   and   asking   employees   to   switch   to   electronic   pay   stubs   and   W­2   forms.  


   Introduction:   Problem   Definition,   Context   &   Background 


The Arboretum is dependent on private funding through donors and grants, as well                         

as fundraising through plant sales, memberships, and gift sales. Many events are held                         

throughout the year and these provided a perfect opportunity to get the community and                           

employees thinking about the amount of waste we create and how to fix that. The campus                               

sustainability plan outlines the topic areas that the school is working in, and the                           

Arboretum’s project is specifically in the areas of learning and culture, as well as materials                             

management   (3).  

A way to foster pride in sustainable office life was to raise the Arboretum's Green                             

Office Certification Rating, so a green team was assembled with three other office members                           

and the intern. We prepared for being recertified in May by having monthly meetings,                           

acquiring two more energy saving smart strips, posting reminders around the office to turn                           

off computers and remove screen savers, and by reducing trash produced at events, please                           

see Appendix A & B. Our re certification has now ended with a waste, water, energy, and                                 

written assessment and as you can see in Appendix E, we have reached the third level in                                 

the   program.  

I was on all event planning committees and was responsible for both finding ways                           

to get students to participate, and for making innovations for events to be low waste. The                               

Arboretum used slug ware, reusable bamboo flatware, cups, and plates, for a few events                           

and worked with organic, local caterers. At the events student sustainability volunteers                       

(brought in through class visits and other outreach) helped divert compost and recycling                         

from the landfill by 'trash talking'. Additionally, the I reached out to other environmental                           

agencies to include them in events. At Hummingbird day we had different organizations                         

table   and   talk   to   the   community   about   their   own   projects,   please   see   photos   in   Appendix   D.  

I wrote a grant to the Carbon Fund for the Arboretum to receive a dishwasher, as we                                 

already have ceramic dishware and silverware. We have received the grant and are in the                             

process of constructing the space for it to be installed and changing power and water lies                               

to fit it’s activity. Once we get a dishwasher staff can utilize the donated dishwasher at                               

events and be able to clean them afterwards. There is will no longer be a need for                                 

disposable products. Dishwashers are also more water efficient than handwashing.                   

Washing dishes all at once is better than one at a time. One­sixth of the water and                                 

significantly less soap is used (1). An average dishwasher uses six gallons per load, whereas                             

an average faucet flows at two gallons  per minute, “If you can wash and rinse eight place                                  

settings ­­ plates, bowls, forks, knives, spoons, glasses, etc. ­­ and those six serving dishes                             

that your dishwasher can handle without running the faucet for more than two total                           

minutes, then you might be better off hand­washing.” Most people are unable to do this, so                               

a dishwasher, especially an energy star rated one that can use only four gallons, may be the                                 

right   answer   (2). 

At the end of my internship I was tasked with finding next year’s PSI intern for the                                 

Arboretum. Appendix C shows the flier I created, which I posted on social media sources                             

and brought with me to class visits. Pending my final meeting with my mentor we will be                                 

bringing in Alicia Jolly as our new intern! She is a third year envs­econ combined major                               

with   a   strong   background   in   sustainability.  



   Project   Description 



G oals:  


1.    Increase   community   and   student   involvement   at   the   UC   Santa   Cruz   Arboretum   by 

involvement   in   events,   and   educating   staff   on   sustainable   practices. 


2. Reach   sapling   level   in   green   office   certification   program  

3. Install   a   dishwasher   to  





For   Goal   1:  

● Bring   in   10   student   sustainability   volunteers  

● Advertise   arboretum   Events   on   campus  

● Form   relationships   with   EEB   and   ENVS   department   heads   to   spread   arboretum   awareness’ 

● Have   100   Students   attend   Spring   Art   in   the   Arboretum   and   Hummingbird   Day  


Goal   2:  

● Form   a   green   team   to   re­certify   increase   green   office   certification 

● Meet   monthly  

● Make   changes   in   energy   use   and   events   to   increase   our   green   ratings 


Impact/needs   statement:  


Trash   talking   started   conversations   with   members   of   the   community   who   might   not   of   been 

aware   of      sustainability   and   waste   reduction   techniques.  


I   reached   out   to   students   that   might've   never   gone   to   the   Arboretum   by   speaking   in   front   of 

classes   and   getting   the   word   out   for   events   in   the   sustainability   office’s   newsletter   and   by   fostering 

a   relationship   with   the   EEB   and   ENVS   department.   The   Arboretum   is   free   place   for   students   and 

gives   them   a   beautiful   place   to   go   visit   without   costing   a   fortune.  


Many   of   the   staff   members   began   to   hold   sustainability   in   mind   when   planning   for   events, 

for   example   I   collaborated   with   Lindsay,   a   volunteer   coordinator,   with   designing   and   implementing 

a   reusable   water   bottle   for   events.   Further   into   my   internship   i’d   often   get   questions   on   what   is 

recyclable   and   all   staff   members   seemed   more   concerned   about   preventing   waste.   


Project   Timeline:  


● Fall   plant   sale   (September) 

○ Observed   event   for   areas   of   improvement 

○ Inspiration   for   own   waste   sorting   bins   and   trash   talking 

● Formation   of   Green   team   (October) 

○ Katie   and   Theresa   previously   on   team,   so   asked   them. 

○ Lindsey   Hutchinson   

● Carbon   fund   grant   (November) 

○ Caterer   donates   older   dishware   for   Arboretum   to   use   instead   of   disposable  

○ Need a way to wash them, so team up with other Victoria and Vanessa to                             

write   Carbon   Fund   grant   request 

● Art   in   the   Arboretum   Reception   (November)  

○ Printed   out   and   laminated   signs   to   direct   trash 

○ Had four mismatched bins, and the Art curator of the event HATED it so got                             

me   four   really   nice,   matching,   ace   hardware   bins   to   use 

○ Presented in front of ENVS 24 and got two student volunteers to help me                           

during   the   event   (Quincy   &   Vanessa) 

● Gift   &   wreath   sale   (December) 

○ Waste   sorting   bins   made   an   appearance 

○ Vanessa   assists   with   trash   talking 

● Tabling   Quarry   Plaza   (Feb   24th) 

○ Gather materials from Arboretum (big poster, plants, forms for volunteers to                     

fill   out) 

○ Create poster board with description of project, map of Arboretum location,                     

blooming   plants 

○ Buy   candy   to   lure   students   into   conversation 

● Collett   Lecture   Series   ­   Flora   Unveiled   (   Feb   18th)  

○ Reach out to news people in ENVS and EEB department via email to spread                           

the   word 

● Humanities   Green   Walk   at   Arboretum   (Feb) 

● Green   renovations   (Jan   ­   April) 

○ Design cool infographic about computer usage and why they should be                     

powered off when not in use, print & laminate, then post on every office                           


○ Install   two   more   smart   strips 

○ Go   through   last   year’s   evaluation   in   order   to   best   prepare   for   next   one 

● Hummingbird   day   (March   4th)  

○ Extra credit for Arboretum attendance in BIO 20B class by collaborating with                       


○ Email   trash   talking   volunteers 

○ Design   and   purchase   reusable   water   bottles   made   from   recycled   plastic 

○ Bring   in   other   PSI   students   and   sustainability   office   to   table   at   the   event 

■ Set   up   their   area   near   crafts,   post   signage  

● Giving   Day   (March   8th) 

○ Advertise on social media (facebook group of students, instagram, snapchat)                   

to   get   donors   to   support   Art   in   the   Arboretum’ 

○ Trash   Talk   during   morning   breakfast   and   afternoon   lunch 

○ Facilitate   clay   bird   activity  

○ Take   donor   phone   calls  

● Spring   Plant   Sale   (April) 

○ Trash   Talking   with   Volunteer   at   Event  

● Volunteer   Coffee   Thank   You  

○ Requested,   delivered,   then   returned   slugware 

● Taiz   Lecture   ­   Discovery   and   Denial   of   Sex   in   Plants   (May) 

○ Event   outreach,   emailed   department   heads 

● Art   in   the   Arboretum   Environmental   Installations   (May   20th) 

○ Sorted   compost   &   recycling   from   trash 

○ Diverted   3   large   bags   from   landfill 

● Green   Office   Re­certification   (May   22nd) 

○ Emailed  




Project   Stakeholders,   Student   &   Mentor   Roles 


Jennifer Macotto ­ Director of development and mentor of the internship, set me up with                             

Arboretum   resources   both   physically   and   interpersonally.  


Theresa Milam ­ Kept everything in perspective financially, a member of the green team                           

that   asked   very   realistic   questions.   Completed   hour   long   re­certification   with   me.  


Katie   Cords   ­   Office   volunteer   coordinator   and   member   of   the   green   team.  


Lindsey Hutchinson ­ Americorps volunteer taking on major lead role in Arboretum with                         

volunteer coordination and event outreach. She elected to be a member of the green team,                             

and always encouraged green initiatives like reminders on computers to be shut down                         

when not in use, reducing lights we used in the office, and using less paper and disposable                                 

products   at   event. 


Victoria Ly ­ Lead student employee in Arboretum office, assisted in drafting Carbon Fund                           

Grant,   taught   me   location   of   office   items   and   made   self   available   to   help   with   trash   talking.   


Vanessa   Cortez   ­   Main   student   volunteer   helper   at   events   for   trash   talking.  




Measurable   Results  

● Diverted   9   bags   of   recycling/compost   from   the   landfill   from   4   different   events 

● Started meaningful conversations with members of the community on waste                   


● Wrote   a   grant   for   $600   for   a   dishwasher   on   my   own 

● Created   a   meaningful   project   with   minimal   direction   from   mentor 

● Brought   in   5   volunteers   to   help   with   trash   talking   &   events 

● Assisted   in   planning   of   11   events   and   guest   lectures 

● Brought   5   sustainability   organizations   to   Hummingbird   day 

● Was   responsible   for   over   a   hundred   student   visitations   to   Arboretum   events  










Appendix   A    ­   “Trash   Talking”   and   Waste   Diversion   Bins  

   Appendix   B    ­      Signs   posted   on   all   office   desktop   computers to   remind   office   members   to   turn   off   their   computers   at   the end   of   the   day              

 Appendix   C    ­   Recruitment   Poster   for   Next   Year’s   PSI   for   the   Arboretum   



Appendix   D    ­   Hummingbird   Day   Tablers   from   PSI,   Sustainability   often   and   Student 

Environmental   Center.  






Appendix   E    ­   Green   Office   Certification   Calculator,   showing   that   we   earned   enough   points 

to   increase   our   level   from   Sprout   to   Sapling