AQA Resistant Materials: Course Structure. AQA GCSE Unit 2: Design and … REVISION/RM Revision...

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Transcript of AQA Resistant Materials: Course Structure. AQA GCSE Unit 2: Design and … REVISION/RM Revision...

AQA Resistant Materials: Course Structure.

Unit 1: Written Paper (45601)

2 hours –120 marks – 40% Candidates answer all

questions in two sections. Pre-Release material


Unit 2: Design and Making Practice (45602) Approximately 45 hours –

90 marks – 60% Consists of a single design

and make activity.


Resistant Materials

Technology: 4562

Core Knowledge & Understanding: C1: Materials and Components. C2: Design and Market Influences. C3: Sustainability of design. C4: Designing. C5: Selection of appropriate process and techniques for own product. C6: Social, cultural, moral, environmental, sustainability, economic issues. C7: Consumer choice. C8: Consumer rights legislation, product maintenance and codes of practice. C9: Health and Safety Issues. C10: Safety for the consumer. C11: Processes and Manufacture. C12: Joining techniques. C13: Systems and Control. C14: Information and Communication Technology. C15: Industrial Practices.

Designing & Making Core Skills: Design and Technology is a practical subject area which requires the application of knowledge and understanding when developing ideas, planning, producing products and evaluating them. The distinction between Designing and Making is a convenient one to make, but in practice the two often merge. For example, research can involve not only investigating printed matter and people’s opinions, but also investigating e.g. proportions, adhesives, colour, structures and materials through practical work.

D1: Designing Skills. M2: Making Skills.

Grade Boundaries.

June 2011 Grade Boundaries. Unit 1: Written Paper / 120. A*-94 A-81 B-68 C-56 D-48 E-40 F-33 G-26

Unit 2: Coursework / 90. A*-83 A-77 B-65 C-53 D-43 E-33 F-23 G-13

June 2012 Grade Boundaries. Unit 1: Written Paper / 120. A*-91 A-78 B-65 C-53 D-44 E-36 F-28 G-20

Unit 2: Coursework / 90. A*-84 A-78 B-65 C-56 D-46 E-36 F-26 G-16

Unit 1: Written Paper (45601)

2 hours –120 marks – 40% Candidates answer all

questions in two sections. Pre-Release material


Unit 2: Design and Making Practice (45602) Approximately 45 hours –

90 marks – 60% Consists of a single design

and make activity.


Resistant Materials

Technology: 4562

AQA Resistant Materials: Course Structure.

Pre-release Material 2014: Unit 1 Written Paper

Preliminary Material Instructions: • This Preliminary Material will be given to you on or after 1 March 2014. • The context for Section A of the question paper is given below. • Between 1 March and the examination date you will have the opportunity to

research the context with the guidance of your teacher. • You must not take Preliminary Material or any associated material into the

examination room.


The storage of computer gaming equipment.

Context: The storage of computer gaming equipment.

AQA Resistant Materials: Course Structure.

AQA Resistant Materials: Course Structure.

2013 Example.

Preliminary material in March to give a

focus for preparing for the exam.

AQA Resistant Materials: Course Structure.

Q1: Design spec / criteria. Q2: Initial Ideas.

AQA Resistant Materials: Course Structure.

Q3: Design Development. Q4: Evaluation.

AQA Resistant Materials: Course Structure.

Section B = Core Knowledge Questions.

AQA Resistant Materials: Course Structure.

Unit 1: Written Paper (45601) 2 hours –120 marks – 40% Candidates answer all questions in two sections. Pre-Release material issued.

Core Knowledge & Understanding: C1: Materials and Components. C2: Design and Market Influences. C3: Sustainability of design. C4: Designing. C5: Selection of appropriate process and techniques for own product. C6: Social, cultural, moral, environmental, sustainability, economic issues. C7: Consumer choice. C8: Consumer rights legislation, product maintenance and codes of practice. C9: Health and Safety Issues. C10: Safety for the consumer. C11: Processes and Manufacture. C12: Joining techniques. C13: Systems and Control. C14: Information and Communication Technology. C15: Industrial Practices.

Unit 1, Written Paper: Core Knowledge & Understanding.

No. C1: Materials and Components: (Materials) Metals, timber, plastics, composites, smart and nanomaterial's.

Candidates should:

C1.1 Be aware of the source of a range of materials, understand they are processed for use, and how they can be reused, recycled or disposed of, and the environmental consequences of their use.

C1.2 recognise the properties, working characteristics and combinations of metal, plastics, wood, composites and smart materials and nanomaterial's.


Recognise the working characteristics of the common forms of metals; understand the differences between ferrous and non-ferrous metals and how they are used; know that the properties of metals can be changed by heat treatments; know that metals can be combined to form alloys.

C1.4 Recognise the working characteristics of common forms of plastics; understand the difference between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics and how this affects the way they are used.

C1.5 Know that smart materials have a reactive capacity.

C1.6 Know that different materials can be combined to change their characteristics.

C1.7 Recognise the working characteristics of the common forms of wood; know the difference between hardwoods and softwoods, and between natural timber and manufactured boards.

C1.8 Know that nanomaterial's can change the characteristics of a material when used to form a nanocomposite.

Unit 1, Written Paper: Core Knowledge & Understanding.

No. C1: Materials and Components: (Components) Adhesives and Applied finishes. Candidates should:

C1.9 Know about the selection of suitable components, pre-manufactured components adhesives and finishes.

C1.10 Know about and use appropriate adhesives and finishes for a variety of materials and conditions.

C1.11 Know about the use and application of a variety of components including fixings.

Unit 1, Written Paper: Core Knowledge & Understanding.

No. C2: Design and Market Influences. (Task analysis). Candidates should:

C2.1 Analyse a task identifying factors that might influence the design.

C2.2 Consider the needs of the client and the user.

C2.3 Understand the implication of “market-pull, technology-push”.

Research and Analysis:

C2.4 Use a range of relevant sources of information to inform decision making when designing.

C2.5 Use product analysis techniques to make critical judgements about the design and manufacture of resistant materials products produced in school or commercially.

C2.6 Take into consideration form, function, shape, colour, materials, texture, component parts, decoration and aesthetic appeal to evaluate suitability for purpose.

C2.7 Consider ergonomics and anthropometric data.

C2.8 Use the information above to review and modify own designs.

C2.9 Analyse aesthetic and functional requirements in relation to cultural diversity.

C2.10 Consider the work of successful designers; use these influences to inform own designs.

Unit 1, Written Paper: Core Knowledge & Understanding.

No. C3: Sustainability of design. (Product specification). Candidates should:

C3.1 Generate a product specification influenced by analysis of initial research.

C3.2 Understand how the criteria of the design specification influence the quality of designing.

Unit 1, Written Paper: Core Knowledge & Understanding.

No. C4: Designing. (Creativity). Candidates should:

C4.1 Generate a wide variety of ideas taking into consideration different possibilities of materials and processes.

C4.2 Look to be creative, innovative and adventurous in these ideas.

Evaluation Of Ideas.

C4.3 Check design proposals against design specification.

C4.4 Be able to consider modifying the specification in the light of design ideas and evaluation of them.

C4.5 Review the design with the intention of reducing parts in order to simplify its construction or manufacture in quantity.

Development Of Ideas.

C4.6 Clarify the final design through decisions made through modelling e.g. virtual, rapid prototype, modelling materials, constructional kits.

C4.7 Clarify the final design through decisions made through client testing.

C4.8 Clarify the final design through decisions made through consideration and selection materials.

C4.9 Clarify the final design through decisions made through consideration and selection of constructional details.

C4.10 Clarify the final design through decisions made through formal/CAD drawings.

C4.11 Use simple tests to check the effectiveness of designs and evaluate against the specification criteria.

Unit 1, Written Paper: Core Knowledge & Understanding.

No. C4: Designing. (Planning for manufacture). Candidates should:

C4.12 Select and specify appropriate materials, quantities, sizes, tolerances.

C4.13 Produce a sequence of instructions that would allow a competent third party or machine to manufacture the product.

C4.14 Identify critical points for quality control, and time scales in the manufacturing process.

C4.15 Develop methods to aid accuracy and repetition in manufacture.

Unit 1, Written Paper: Core Knowledge & Understanding.

No. C5: Selection of appropriate process and techniques for own product. Candidates should:

C5.1 Candidates should select and use the most appropriate technique(s) and process(es) to make their own product.


Candidates should consider other people’s views (client, designer, manufacturer, user/consumer) when refining product designs; ensure that own product(s) are of suitable quality for intended users; test against original specification and against quality of similar commercial products.

Unit 1, Written Paper: Core Knowledge & Understanding.

No. C6: Social, cultural, moral, environmental, sustainability, economic issues. Candidates should:

C6.1 Understand that designing and making reflect and influence cultures and societies.

C6.2 Recognise that products have an impact on lifestyle.

Unit 1, Written Paper: Core Knowledge & Understanding.

No. C7: Consumer choice. Candidates should:

C7.1 Candidates should identify the factors involved in consumer choice; carry out market research to establish consumer preferences of target market(s) and use this information to influence the design.

Unit 1, Written Paper: Core Knowledge & Understanding.

No. C8: Consumer rights legislation, product maintenance and codes of practice. Candidates should:

C8.1 Candidates should take legal requirements concerning consumer rights and codes of practice relating to safety into account when designing products.

Sustainability and environmental issues.

C8.2 Understand the sustainability and environmental issues associated with the designing and making of products.

C8.3 6 Rs: repair, reduce, recycle, reuse, rethink, refuse.

Moral, ethical and economical issues.

C8.9 Candidates should be aware of the financial and human costs involved in designing and making products.

Unit 1, Written Paper: Core Knowledge & Understanding.

No. C9: Health and Safety Issues. Candidates should:

C9.1 Recognise that safety of the individual is essential; take responsibility to ensure that hazards are minimised and the working environment is safe to use.

C9.2 Observe health and safety regulations when working with tools, equipment, components and materials including the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Unit 1, Written Paper: Core Knowledge & Understanding.

No. C10: Safety for the consumer. Candidates should:

C10.1 Candidates should ensure that the end product is safe for the consumer.

Unit 1, Written Paper: Core Knowledge & Understanding.

No. C11: Processes and Manufacture. Candidates should:

C11.1 Candidates should be aware of and use as appropriate, manufacturing processes and techniques including CAD and CAM.

C11.2 They should have an industrial and commercial awareness and be familiar with the processes involved in manufacturing in quantity.

Techniques and Processes.

C11.3 Candidates should be aware of the selection and usage of appropriate tools and equipment, including CAD and CAM, for metal, plastics, wood, smart materials and composites.


C11.4 Candidates should be aware of the importance of preparing materials for use by techniques including degreasing, planning, sawing, cutting etc.

Marking out.

C11.5 Have knowledge of, and be able to use marking out tools, equipment and processes including use of templates.

C11.6 Use measurement systems with accuracy and have an understanding of the need to work within tolerance.

C11.7 Understand the use of x, y, z co-ordinates in CAD and CAM systems.

Unit 1, Written Paper: Core Knowledge & Understanding.

No. C11: Processes and Manufacture. (Cutting). Candidates should:

C11.8 Candidates should be familiar with and able to use tools and equipment that are used for cutting commonly used materials.


C11.9 Candidates should be familiar with and able to use a range of tools and equipment that are used for shaping commonly used materials.

Forming and bending.

C11.10 Candidates should be familiar with and able to use a range of equipment that is used for forming and bending commonly used materials.

Casting and Moulding.

C11.11 Candidates should be familiar with and able to use a range of tools and equipment that are used for casting and moulding commonly used materials.

Unit 1, Written Paper: Core Knowledge & Understanding.

No. C12: Joining techniques. Candidates should:

C12.1 Candidates should have knowledge of permanent and non-permanent methods of joining materials together.

Cleaning and finishing.

C12.2 Have knowledge of/be able to use methods of cleaning preparing materials.

C12.3 Have a knowledge of/be able to use different finishing products and their applications.

C12.4 Have a knowledge of/be able to use different methods of applying a finish.

CAM Systems.

C12.5 Candidates should have knowledge of how CAM systems can be used for subtractive and additive processes.

Unit 1, Written Paper: Core Knowledge & Understanding.

No. C13: Systems and Control. Mechanical systems. Candidates should:

C13.1 Candidates should have knowledge of basic mechanisms.

Electrical systems.

C13.2 Candidates should have knowledge of basic electrical systems.

Quality control systems.

C13.3 Understand and incorporate quality checks during the making of a product.

C13.4 Implement quality control procedures using devices to ensure the consistent production of products.

Unit 1, Written Paper: Core Knowledge & Understanding.

No. C14: Information and Communication Technology. Candidates should:

C14.1 Candidates should use ICT as appropriate to research, record, gather, sort and present relevant material for the planning of tasks and generation of solutions.

Use of CAD for graphical techniques.

C14.2 use CAD to generate, develop, model and communicate design ideas

C14.3 Use CAD to present accurate drawings with sizes, using 3D and 3rd angle orthographic projections and consider alternative forms and colours when developing ideas.

Industrial use of CAD and CAM.

C14.4 Be familiar with the latest technologies in designing and making products.

C14.5 Recognise the economic importance and benefits of using CAD/CAM in the production of products; have knowledge of CAM for manufacturing in quantity.

Unit 1, Written Paper: Core Knowledge & Understanding.

No. C15: Industrial Practices. Candidates should:

C15.1 Candidates should understand how products are produced for various markets and the types of production systems used, including one-off, batch and continuous production.

Industrial and market awareness.

C15.2 Candidates should understand the roles of client, designer, manufacturer and user in the development of products for industrial manufacture.

Industrial systems for batch or volume production.

C15.3 Candidates should understand the commercial implications of manufacturing in quantity and the effects of introducing new technologies.