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Answer  Key  

CSC1051 Data Structures and Algorithms I Fall 2014 Dr. Papalaskari

CSC 1051 Algorithms and Data Structures I

Final Examination December 19, 2014



Question   Value   Score  1   10    

2   10    

3   10    

4   10    

5   10    

6   10    

7   10    

8   20    

 9   10    

TOTAL   100    

   Please answer questions in the spaces provided. If you make a mistake or for some other reason need more space, please use the back of and clearly indicate where the answer can be found. Good luck and best wishes for a happy holiday season!

Answer  Key  

CSC1051 Data Structures and Algorithms I Fall 2014 Dr. Papalaskari

1.      (________/  10)  What  gets  printed?    Please  show  output  as  it  will  appear,  or  indicate  “NO  OUTPUT”,  or  show  some  of  the  output  followed  by  “INFINITE  LOOP.”       int a = 0; while (a > 0) { System.out.println(a); a = a + 3; }     int a = 5; do { System.out.println(a); a++; }    while (a >= 6)     for (int a = 4; a > 0; a--) System.out.println(a * 2);          String[] a = {"red", "green", "blue"}; for (String st: a) System.out.println(st.charAt(0));

Output:  NO OUTPUT  

Output:  r g b    

Output:  5 6 7 … INFINITE LOOP    

Output:  8 6 4 2  

Answer  Key  

CSC1051 Data Structures and Algorithms I Fall 2014 Dr. Papalaskari

2.      (________/  10)    a) Show what gets printed and rewrite using a while and if/else (i.e., eliminate the do and switch):                            int a = 6;  

do { System.out.print(a + " is "); int category = a/3; switch(category) { case 0: System.out.println ("red."); break; case 1: System.out.println ("green."); break; default: System.out.println ("yellow."); } a--; } while (a > 1);

b) Rewrite using while and the conditional operator (i.e., eliminate the for and if/else):

for (int a = 0; a < 5; a++) { System.out.print(" This question is worth " + a); if (a == 1) System.out.print(" point. "); else System.out.print(" points. ");


Output:  6 is yellow 5 is green 4 is green 3 is green 2 is red

Using  while  and  if/else:  int a = 6; while (a > 1) { System.out.print(a + " is "); int category = a/3;

if (category == 0) System.out.println ("red."); else if (category == 1) System.out.println ("green."); else System.out.println ("yellow."); a--; }    

Using  while  and  conditional  operator:  int a = 0; while (a < 5) { System.out.println(" This question is worth " + a + (a == 1 ? " point. ": " points. ")); a++; }  

Answer  Key  

CSC1051 Data Structures and Algorithms I Fall 2014 Dr. Papalaskari

3.      (________/  10)    Show what gets printed with the file contents shown below. //******************************************************** // Author: MAP //******************************************************** import java.util.Scanner; import*; public class SomethingToDoWithFiles { public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException { String line1, line2; Scanner fileScan1, fileScan2; File myFile1 = new File("sample1.inp"); fileScan1 = new Scanner (myFile1); File myFile2 = new File("sample2.inp"); fileScan2 = new Scanner (myFile2); while (fileScan1.hasNext() && fileScan2.hasNext()) { line1 = fileScan1.nextLine(); line2 = fileScan2.nextLine(); System.out.println (line1 + " and " + line2); } System.out.println(fileScan2.hasNext()? "do do do": "re re re"); } }   OUTPUT: do re mi and mi fa re mi fa and fa sol mi fa sol and sol sol sol sol re re re

sample1.inp do re mi re mi fa mi fa sol

sample2.inp mi fa fa sol sol sol sol sol

Answer  Key  

CSC1051 Data Structures and Algorithms I Fall 2014 Dr. Papalaskari

4.      (________/  10)      Write    the  code  for  a  Java  method  avgArray()that  computes  and  returns  the  average  of  all  the  numbers  stored  in  an  array  of  double.  The  method  should  have  one  parameter  (the  array  of    double)  and  it  should  return  the  average  computed  (also  a  double).  Note  that  the  method  should  not  print  anything.      

(b) Assume avgArray() is defined as a static method in a class named Utilities. Complete the code for the client below to use avgArray() from Utilities so as to print the averages of the numbers stored in each of the arrays a and b. public class ThisIsATest { public static void main(String[] args) { double[] a = {88.2, 72.5, 90.0}; double[] b = {1, 3, 4, 2.5, 7, 1.2, 6}; //**** print the average of each array

System.out.println(“Average of array a: “ + Utilities.avgArray(a));

System.out.println(“Average of array b: “ + Utilities.avgArray(b));

} }

public static double avgArray(double[] array) { double sum = 0; for (double value: array) sum += value; return sum/array.length; }    

Answer  Key  

CSC1051 Data Structures and Algorithms I Fall 2014 Dr. Papalaskari

5.      (________/  10)  Review  the  program  and  answer  the  questions  below:     import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.JApplet; public class FinalApplet extends JApplet { public void paint( Graphics page) { Color myColor = new Color(50, 50, 50); // what’s this color? page.setColor( myColor); page.fillRect(0, 0, 200, 300); page.setColor( ); page.drawLine(0, 300, 200, 0);

page.setColor(; page.fillOval(-100,-100,200,200); } }

 a)  For  each  identifier  listed  in  the  table,  specify  what  it  refers  to  –  choose  one  of  the  following:    

Class  .......  Method.........  Object.........    Package    (Note:  some  of  these  may    occur  more  than  once)    

java.awt JApplet Graphics page Color myColor setColor fillOval package   class   class   object   class   object   method   method  

b)    What  do  you  think  the  myColor  looks  like?  __________gray____(dark)___    c)  Draw  a  sketch  of  the  image  displayed  by  the  applet  –  indicate  the  color  of  each  figure  or  line.  Be  sure  to  label  the  coordinate  system.       0 100 200 300 400


200 300 400

Answer  Key  

CSC1051 Data Structures and Algorithms I Fall 2014 Dr. Papalaskari

6.  (________/  10) Suppose  you  look  up  a  class  in  the  Java  API  and  find  something  that  looks  like  the  following  (NOTE:  this  is  a  made-­‐up  class.):  

 a)  What  import  statement  do  you  need  to  include  in  your  program  in  order  to  use  this  class?    import java.exam.Mystery;    b)  Write  some  code  to  declare  variables  for  two  objects  of  this  class,  named  thing1  and  thing2  (use  any  values  of  the  appropriate  type  in  the  constructor).    Mystery thing1 = new Mystery(3.14); Mystery thing2 = new Mystery(42.0);  

java.exam Class Mystery java.lang.Object


public class Mystery extends Object

This is a made-up class. It does not matter what it actually does, I am just trying to see if you know how to use it.

Constructor Summary

Mystery(double x) Creates a new Mystery object.

Method Summary

boolean decider(int x, String y) Mystery method 1.

void updator(double x) Mystery method 2.

Answer  Key  

CSC1051 Data Structures and Algorithms I Fall 2014 Dr. Papalaskari

(Question 6, continued)  c)  For  each  of  the  methods  listed  in  the  method  summary,  state  its  name,  return  type  and  the  number  and  types  of  parameters  it  requires.  

 d)  Suppose  you  are  writing  a  driver  class  that  uses  Mystery  and  you  have  already  declared  and  instantiated  objects  thing1  and  thing2.  For  each  of  the  following,  check  the  appropriate  box  to  indicate  whether  it  represents  a  valid  Java  statement.    Valid Java statement? Yes No thing1.updator(5.3);   ✓

thing1.updator(double  x);   ✓

Mystery.updator(double  x);   ✓

Mystery.updator(7.2);   ✓

thing2.decider(int  x,  String  y);   ✓

thing2.decider(5,  "d");   ✓ ✓☛

System.out.println("answer=  "  +  thing2.decider(5,  "d"));   ✓

System.out.println("answer=  "  +  thing2.updator(7.2));   ✓

if  (thing2.updator(0)  ==  2.0)                    System.out.println("ok");  

if  (thing2.decider(5,  "d"))                    System.out.println("ok");  

☛ accepting  both  answers  as  correct,  since  the  method  can  be  used  as  standalone  statement,  although  it  does  not  make  much  sense  that  way.

Method name: ___________________ Method return type: ___________ Required parameters for the method: (how many? of what type(s)?) _____________________________________________________

Method name: ___________________ Method return type: ___________ Required parameters for the method: (how many? of what type(s)?) _____________________________________________________

Answer  Key  

CSC1051 Data Structures and Algorithms I Fall 2014 Dr. Papalaskari

7.  (________/  10) Suppose  you  have  a  Die  class  defined  as  follows:  //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // Represents one die with faces showing values between 1 and 6. //******************************************************************** import java.awt.*; public class Die { private final int MAX = 6; // maximum face value private int faceValue; // current value showing on the die // Constructor: Sets the initial face value. public Die() { faceValue = 1; } // Rolls the die and returns the result. public int roll() { faceValue = (int)(Math.random() * MAX) + 1; return faceValue; } // Face value mutator. public void setFaceValue (int value) { faceValue = value; } // Face value accessor. public int getFaceValue() { return faceValue; } // Returns a string representation of this die. public String toString() { String result = Integer.toString(faceValue); return result; } } On  the  facing  page,  write  the  Java  code  for  a  driver  class  that  uses  the  Die  class  to  determine  how  likely  it  is  to  roll  “snake  eyes”,  i.e.,  two  ones.  Use  the  following  approach:  Ø Declare  and  instantiate  two  Die  objects,  die1  and  die2  Ø Roll  them  10,000  times  (or  some  sufficiently  large  number,  specified  by  a  constant  in  

your  program)  while  keeping  track  of  how  many  times  you  rolled  ones  on  both  dice  Ø In  the  end,  print  how  many  times  the  dice  were  rolled,  the  number  of  snake  eyes,  and  

proportion  of  snake  eyes    (i.e.,  probability).  Careful:  use  a  cast  when  dividing  integers!    

ç    Write  your  answer  on  facing  page  (back  of  previous  page).    ç  Answer  key  on  next  page  

Answer  Key  

CSC1051 Data Structures and Algorithms I Fall 2014 Dr. Papalaskari

public class SnakeEyes { public static void main(String[] args) { final int NUM_TIMES = 10000; Die die1 = new Die(); Die die2 = new Die(); int snakes = 0; // counter for snake eyes for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TIMES; i++) { die1.roll(); die2.roll(); if (die1.getFaceValue() == 1 && die2.getFaceValue() == 1) snakes ++; } System.out.println("The dice were rolled " + NUM_TIMES); System.out.println("There were " + snakes + " snake eyes."); System.out.println("Approximate probability of " + "getting snake eyes: " + ((double) snakes/ NUM_TIMES)); } }

Answer  Key  

CSC1051 Data Structures and Algorithms I Fall 2014 Dr. Papalaskari

8.  (________/  20) Write  a  complete  Java  program  consisting  of  a  datatype  Cat  and  a  client  named  CrazyCatLady.  The  Cat  class  should  contain  instance  variables  representing  information  about  the  Cat:     Example:          

The  Cat  class  should  have  the  following  methods:  •    Constructor:  One  parameter  (for  the  name).  Sets  Cat’s  age  to  0  and  lives  to  9.  • birthday():  increases  age  of  Cat  by  1.  •    death():  decreases  the  Cat’s  number  of  lives  by  1.  • toString():    returns  a  String  corresponding  to  this  Cat.  •      getAge():    returns  this  Cat’s  age  

 The  client  CrazyCatLady  should  implement  the  following  algorithm:  

 o Instantiate  three  variables  of  the  Cat  class  named  cat1,  cat2,  cat3    

(Kindly  make  up  funny  names  for  them  –  I’m  spending  my  holidays  grading  this  exam!  J)  o Print  the  info  of   cat1,  cat2,  cat3  • Let’s  pretend  that  two  years  have  gone  by…  So  the  Cats’  ages  need  to  increase.  

Also, cat3  has  done  something  stupid  and  loses  a  life.  Write  some  code  that  uses  the  birthday() and death() methods  to  model  this  situation.  

o Print  the  info  of   cat1,  cat2,  cat3  (again).  o Calculate  and  print  the  average  age  of  the  cats.  

   Write  the  complete  code  for  the  two  classes  in  the  next  two  pages.    It  is  NOT  necessary  to  include  comments  with  your  code,  but  be  sure  to  use  good  indentation.    Notes:  

• It  is  NOT  necessary  to  include  comments  with  your  code,  but  be  sure  to  use  good  indentation.  


 Write  the  complete  code  for  the  two  classes  in  the  next  two  pages.  èè  

Ø Name: Henri Ø Age: 7 Ø Lives: 5

Answer  Key  

CSC1051 Data Structures and Algorithms I Fall 2014 Dr. Papalaskari

public class Cat { private int age; private int lives; private String name; // Constructor: One parameter (for the name). // Sets Cat's age to 0 and lives to 9. public Cat(String name) { = name; age = 0; lives = 9; } // birthday(): increases age of Cat by 1. public void birthday() { age++; } // death(): decreases the Cat's number of lives by 1. public void death() { lives--; } // toString(): returns a String corresponding to this Cat. public String toString() { return (name + ", Age: " + age + ", Lives: " + lives); } // getAge(): returns this Cat's age public int getAge() { return age; } }

Answer  Key  

CSC1051 Data Structures and Algorithms I Fall 2014 Dr. Papalaskari

public class CrazyCatLady { public static void main(String[] args) { //Instantiate 3 variables of the Cat class named cat1, cat2, cat3 Cat cat1 = new Cat("Macavity"); Cat cat2 = new Cat("Mungojerrie"); Cat cat3 = new Cat("Rumpelteazer"); // print info on cats System.out.println(cat1); System.out.println(cat2); System.out.println(cat3); // Let's pretend that two years have gone by… // So the Cats' ages need to increase. cat1.birthday(); cat2.birthday(); cat3.birthday(); cat1.birthday(); cat2.birthday(); cat3.birthday(); // Also, cat3 has done something stupid and loses a life. cat3.death(); // print info on cats System.out.println(cat1); System.out.println(cat2); System.out.println(cat3); // Calculate and print the average age of the cats. System.out.println( "Average feline age: " + (double) (cat1.getAge() + cat2.getAge() + cat3.getAge()) / 3 ); } }          

Answer  Key  

CSC1051 Data Structures and Algorithms I Fall 2014 Dr. Papalaskari

9.  (________/  10) Draw  the  UML  class  diagram  for  the  previous  problem,  i.e.,  depicting  the  classes  Cat  and    CrazyCatLady.      


main(args: String[]): void


Cat name: String age: int lives: int

birthday(): void death(): void toString: String getAge(): int


Answer  Key  

CSC1051 Data Structures and Algorithms I Fall 2014 Dr. Papalaskari

Answer  Key  

CSC1051 Data Structures and Algorithms I Fall 2014 Dr. Papalaskari


Answer  Key  

CSC1051 Data Structures and Algorithms I Fall 2014 Dr. Papalaskari