Animal Adaptation in Extreme Environments-GT...

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Transcript of Animal Adaptation in Extreme Environments-GT...

Advanced Academic Services Austin Independent School District

Animal Adaptation in Extreme Environments-GT Differentiated Exemplar Lesson

Grade Level: 3rd Subject Area(s): ___Reading,Writing, ___Mathematics

X Science __ Social Studies

TEKS/Student Expectations: Science

3.9: Organisms and environments. The student knows and understands that living organisms within an ecosystem interact with one another and with their environment. The student is expected to: 3.9A: observe and describe the physical characteristics of environments and how they support populations and communities within an ecosystem.

3.10: Organisms and environments. The student knows that organisms undergo similar life processes and have structures that help them survive within their environments. The student is expected to:

3.10A: explore how structures and functions of plants and animals allow them to survive in a particular environment. 3.10B: explore that some characteristics of organisms are inherited such as the number of limbs on an animal or flower color and recognize that some behaviors are learned in response to living in a certain environment such as animals using tools to get food.

Title: Adaptations/ Environments

Essential Question(s):

How do organisms depend on their environment and their structures to survive?

How do organisms made adaptations in extreme environments?

Assessment(s): __ Pre-Assessment X Formative X Summative

GT Scope and Sequence Skills: (Aligned with 21

st Century Skills Framework & College and

Career Readiness Standards)

X Creative Thinking X Critical Thinking __Communication X Research

Student Learning Styles: X_ Auditory X_ Visual/Spatial __ Kinesthetic __ Other

Elements of Depth and Complexity: X Language of the Discipline X Details X Patterns __ Trends __ Rules

__Ethical Considerations __ Unanswered Questions __ Over Time __ Different Perspectives X Big Ideas

Lessons and Activities

__ Whole Class X Small Group X Independent Activity

Advanced Academic Services Austin Independent School District

PART ONE: Whole Class: See CRMS for Animal Adaptation lesson On Grade Level: See CRMS for Animal Adaptation lesson GT Level Group:

Note To Teacher These activities cover many content areas. The activities are designed to work individually or together as a unit. The teacher also has the flexibility to assign one or all the activities. Student Activity- Investigate Extremophiles Introduction: Life thrives in the most harsh and unexpected places. Whether it is at the deepest, darkest bottom of the sea, the scorching desert terrain, the frigid artic tundra, oxygen-deprived tops of mountains or water-deprived land, life continues to thrive. Through millions of years of exposure to these inhospitable environmental extremes, animals and plants have made unique adaptations to survive. These life forms are known as extremophiles. You will investigate a few of these amazing creatures who live in these locations and delve into how these animals have changed in order to live. Definition: “Extremophiles are organisms that live and thrive in environments judged by human standards as harsh”

Resources: Student Materials (See below):

Extremophile Sleuth Cards

Extremophile Media & Press Release Form

Extremophile Video Interview Script

Extremophile Profile Sheet

An Extremo Of My Own

Classify An Extremophile Video Resources: Scholastic Study Jams Adaptations-What is the difference between Physical Adaptation and Behavioral Adaptation? ChemMatters Online website Chilling Out, How Animals Survive Temperature Extremes- This website contains a downloadable PDF text suitable for elementary students Life In Extreme Environments Ocean Extremomophiles Hydrothermal Vent Life

Advanced Academic Services Austin Independent School District

Step One-Complete An Extremophile Profile and Use Extremophile Sleuth Cards for Research

While you begin your research use the attached Extremophile Profile Sheet.

Select an Extremophile Sleuth Card to help guide your research (see

attached Extremophile Sleuth Card).

The following questions are on the Extremophile Profile Sheet You will be researching the answers to the following questions:

1. Where is the extremophile habitat (e.g., ocean, desert, mountain)?

2. In what location (e.g.; Marianas Trench, Pacific Ocean; Sahara desert, Africa,

Mount Fuji, Japan) is the habitat?

3. Describe in detail the environment the extremophile lives. (e.g.

“underwater hydrothermal vents where the water is over 200 degree and contains metal sulfides and calcium...”)

4. List the various adaptations the extremophile possess.

5. What do these adaptations do to help the animal survive? 6. List 4 interesting facts about the extremophile. 7. Using the information you learned about extremophiles and apply

your understanding of the role of environment adaptation,

Option: Make An Imaginary Extremophile and Name It Make an imaginary extremophile using recycled materials and using directions from “An Extremo of My Own” for detailed directions on construction of the model.

Illinois Department of Natural Resources-Scientific Names of Species

The Learned Zone-Animal I.D.

A-Z Animals-Animal Classification Duckster-Biology for kids: Scientific Classification

Advanced Academic Services Austin Independent School District

What to Name My Extremophile?

Go to the following website and read about how scientist apply names to newly discovered plants and animals: Illinois Department of Natural Resources-Scientific Names of Species

After researching the naming process, think about the characteristics, environment your extremophile lives and its adaptations and come up with a common name and scientific name.

Step Two: Make a 3-D Representation of The Extremophile Research and Their Habitat


Make An Imaginary Extremophile Using recyclable materials, make a 3-D representation of the extremophile in their environment. On your model, be sure to include information you gathered for your Extremophile Profile Sheet and include it in your on your 3-D model. Option: Make An Imaginary Extremophile and Name It Using imagination and the information about extremophiles and their environment adaptations, make an imaginary 3-D extremophile using recyclable materials. Use the An Extremo of My Own to help you brainstorm specific details about your imaginary extremophile and include it in your on your 3-D model.

Advanced Academic Services Austin Independent School District

Extensions To The Above Activities The following activities can be used independently or together and act as a culminating student product. Choice 1: Breaking Science News! Write A Media Press Release Imagine you are a scientist who has uncovered a newly discovered extremophile:

Write a media release. Use the attached Science Media Press Release template to help guide your writing.

Write a report discussing your discovery that will be released to the public.

Attach a picture of your new extremophile. You can draw, paint, or use parts of magazine pictures to represent your extremophile OR use every day objects such as recyclable materials to construct a 3-D model of the extremophile.

Using a computer, cell phone with recording capabilities or a video camera and pretend you are announcing your new scientific discovery.

Choice 2 Breaking Science News! Make Video Interview After students make an extremophile model

Students will make a video discussing an extremophile they researched or one they newly “discovered.”

Students may use the Video Interview Script sheet (See below) or they may write their own script

Advanced Academic Services Austin Independent School District

Choice 3: Classify An Extremophile Where Does My Extremophile Belong?

Scientist have a particular way “to categorize and organize all of life. It can help to distinguish how similar or different living organisms are to each other.” Go to the following webpages and read more about how science classifies plants and animals: The Learned Zone-Animal I.D. A-Z Animals-Animal Classification Duckster-Biology for kids: Scientific Classification 1. Select 3 Extremophiles Sleuth Cards 2. Research to find the scientific names of the 3 animals you selected. 3. After finding the scientific names of the animals make a poster or

brochure showing the scientific classification of the extremophiles you picked. Also, show what you learned about how scientist categorize and organize life forms by answering the following questions:

How do scientist classify living things?

What are kingdoms?

How many kingdoms of living things are identified?

How many animal kingdoms are there?

How is the animal kingdom divided?

Advanced Academic Services Austin Independent School District

Extremophile Sleuth Cards

Advanced Academic Services Austin Independent School District

Advanced Academic Services Austin Independent School District

Advanced Academic Services Austin Independent School District

Advanced Academic Services Austin Independent School District


Below you will find a template to help you write a media press release announcing your new extremophile. After you have written your press release, you will then produce a video announcement and a picture or model of your extremophile.


Contact Information:

[University’s name/Scientist’s name]

[Contact info]

[Headline Announcing the Newly Discovered Extremophile]


[City, State of the discovery] – [Basic details of what’s covered by this media release]

[Details expanding on the first paragraph, including information on Who (the scientist’s name), What, Where, Why is this news worthy].

[More details].

[Quote from the scientist]

[University information where the scientist teaches].


Media & Press Release

Advanced Academic Services Austin Independent School District

Interview Prompts

Directions: After making your extremophile model you will make a video discussing an extremophile or your newly “discovered” extremophile.

Below is an example of interview dialog and questions. You can follow and add to the interview prompts or write your own interview dialog and questions.

Video Interview Script

(Newscaster’s Part)

“On (Insert date), Dr. (Insert your name), a world-renowned biologist has recently identified a never before

seen animal.”

“Dr. __________ please tell our viewing audience about your amazing discovery!”

(Biologist’s Part)

“Well (Insert a news caster’s name) , let me explain first what an EXTREMOPHILE is as most people are not

very familiar with the term.

“An Extremophile is ____________________________________________.

Extremophiles can be found ... (List various environments extremophiles can be found ) “


“Some examples of these extra-ordinary animals are (List 3 extremophiles you learned about) “


“Because of these harsh and inhospitable environments, these animals and plants have made ______ (List the types adaptations

) ________________ adaptations in order to live in the

environment. “

(Newscaster’s Part)

“Tell us Dr., take us through your journey of discovering this new extremophile.”




Advanced Academic Services Austin Independent School District

Extremophile Profile Sheet

Life thrives in the most harsh and unexpected places. Whether it is at the deepest, darkest bottom of the sea, the scorching desert terrain, the frigid artic tundra, oxygen-deprived tops of mountains or water-deprived land, life continues to thrive. Through millions of years of exposure to these inhospitable environmental extremes, animals and plants have made unique adaptations to survive. These life forms are known as extremophiles. You will investigate a few of these amazing creatures that live in these locations and delve into how these animals have adapted in order to live.

Definition: “Extremophiles are organisms that live and thrive in environments judged by human standards as harsh.”

You will be researching the answers to the following questions:

1. What is the name of the extremophile?

2. Where is the extremophile habitat (e.g., ocean, desert, mountain)?

3. In what location (e.g.; Marianas Trench, Pacific Ocean; Sahara desert, Africa, Mount Fuji, Japan) is the habitat?

4. Describe in detail the environment the extremophile lives. (e.g. “underwater hydrothermal vents where the water is over

200 degree and contains metal sulfides and calcium...”)

5. List the various adaptations the extremophile possess.

6. What do these adaptations do to help the animal survive?

7. List 4 interesting facts about the extremophile.

8. Make a 3-D representation of the extremophile in their environment. On your model, be sure to include information you gathered for your Extremophile Profile Sheet and include it in your on your 3-D model.

Using imagination and the information about extremophiles and their environment adaptations, make an imaginary 3-D extremophile using recyclable materials. Use another Extremophile Profile Sheet to help you brainstorm specific details about your imaginary extremophile and include it in your on your 3-D model.

Extremophile Profile Sheet

Advanced Academic Services Austin Independent School District

An Extremo of My Own

Using imagination and the information about extremophiles and their environment adaptations, make an imaginary 3-D extremophile using recyclable materials. Use the questions below to help you brainstorm specific details about your imaginary extremophile and include it in your on your 3-D model.

1. Where is the extremophile habitat (e.g., forest, tundra, ocean, desert, mountain)?

2. In what location is the habitat?

3. Describe in detail the environment the extremophile lives. Be sure to incorporate all the senses (i.e. “the creatures habitat is a pool of hot molten lava. The smell of sulfur is so strong it smells like a store house of old rotten eggs”).

4. List the various adaptations the extremophile possess (i.e. “this creature is covered with fire proof scales and has no hair or fur”).

5. What do these adaptations do to help the animal survive? (“i.e. The creature has limited eyesight due to its small eyes that protect it from the extreme heat...”).

Classify An Extremophile-Where Does My Extremophile Belong?

Scientist have a particular way “to categorize and organize all of life. It can help to distinguish how similar or different living organisms are to each other.” Go to the following webpages and read more about how science classifies plants and animals:

The Learning Zone-Animal I.D.

A-Z Animals-Animal Classification

Duckster-Biology for kids: Scientific Classification

Select 3 Extremophiles Sleuth Cards

Research to find the scientific names of the 3 animals you selected.

After finding the scientific names of the animals make a poster or brochure showing the scientific classification of the extremophiles you picked. Also, show what you learned about how scientist categorize and organize life forms by answering the following questions:

How do scientist classify living things?

What are kingdoms?

How many kingdoms of living things are identified?

How many animal kingdoms are there?

How is the animal kingdom divided?

An Extremo of My Own

Advanced Academic Services Austin Independent School District

Questions adapted from The Learning Zone AMJ

Advanced Academic Services Austin Independent School District

Classify An Extremophile

Scientist have a particular way “to categorize and organize all of life. It can help to distinguish how similar or different living organisms are to each other.” Go to the following webpages and read more about how science classifies plants and animals:

The Learned Zone-Animal I.D.

A-Z Animals-Animal Classification

Duckster-Biology for kids: Scientific Classification


1. Select 3 Extremophiles Sleuth Cards

2. Research to find the scientific names of the 3 animals you selected.

3. After finding the scientific names of the animals make a poster or brochure showing the scientific classification of the extremophiles you picked. Also, show what you learned about how scientist categorize and organize life forms by answering the following questions:

How do scientist classify living things?

What are kingdoms?

How many kingdoms of living things are identified?

How many animal kingdoms are there? How is the animal kingdom divided?

Classify An Extremophile

Advanced Academic Services Austin Independent School District

Questions adapted from The Learning Zone AMJ