An Easy Way to Resolving Any Support Ticket

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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An Easy Way to Resolving Any Support Ticket

A case study by General Electric Informational Services found that using clearer language in user manuals lead to 125 fewer customer calls a month. It saved GE between $22,000 and $375,000 a year for each customer who used the simplified manual.

Plain language doesn’t mean dumbing down

Using plain language comes handy in any situation. But be careful—it doesn’t mean responding to your customers as if they were a bunch of five-year-olds. Customers tolerate such response only in case of downtimes.

Informing them eases the burden of dealing with every customer who calls in about the issue. And it significantly reduces ticket numbers. 

Meet people where they are

One tip: read both notifications out loud and see how getting one or the other feels. The second—plain notification—makes you feel better about the problem, doesn’t it?

Always put yourself in your customer’s shoes

Stick to the same principle when you’re updating or drafting your knowledge base. Keep these wise words in mind, “The customer isn’t stupid.”—David Ogilvy. The best advice here would be to put yourself in the shoes of your reader.

How-to always put yourself in your customer’s shoes:Follow these tips to create customer friendly knowledge base: •Write it based on the most frequent customer requests.

•Use screenshots or GIFs to instruct users.•Make them as easy to follow as possible and include descriptions.

•Make sure that searching in your knowledge base works well.

•Add an FAQ section for impatient customers (after all, who isn’t?).

•Asking someone who hasn’t had any experience with your product to review your knowledge base.

Being empathic hasn’t killed anyone

Your customer doesn’t have the information you do. Don’t forget they contact you to deal with their frustration using your product.Say:

“I’m really sorry.” — make your customers feel like they’re having all your attention until you fix their issue. How to do that? Imagine you’re talking to a family member about a problem they’ve been having and use a similar approach.

Some Links to Help You Check Readability

Look at Readable and our favourite: Hemingway Editor—helps you get rid of long-winded sentences, common mistakes, passive voice and adverbs, and also provides you with a reading score.

It’ll surprise you to see how using plain language when dealing with a support ticket increases customer loyalty.

Final remark:If you already know their name, don’t ask them any other identification details.

To keep your CSAT and NPS scores high, don’t ask customers any other identification details if you already know their name. Rather search them yourself and just verify with the customer.

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Matthew Dixon, Nick Toman, Rick Delisi



Katarína Kasalová