Ameer Roisc

Post on 13-May-2015

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Transcript of Ameer Roisc

Ameer Rosic has significant experience and proven results as an Optimal Vitality Specialist

• As a Diagnostician and advisor

Functional Diagnostic Specialist Functional Medicine University Holistic Nutritionist

• As a Coach

Kettlebell Strenght Coach Bodyweight Training Coach Widism International Health Coach

• And much more…..!

Canada Kettlebell Biathlon Champion 2012 Author of “The Kettlebell Advantage Book”


People are always looking for improved performance in various aspects of their life!

Better Living


Better relationships



Improved Performance

Meeting Career objectives


Optimal Health

Optimal Ageing

Optimize your Life

Do you want to live a life Full of Energy!

Finally do you want to take your Health in your hands and become The Master of your Health!

Do you want to resolve the underlying causes of your health challenges rather than a temporary relief?

Do you want to resolve your symptoms in a natural integrative approach!

5Functional Testing for Optimizing your Health

Optimal Aging

Weight Loss

Preventative Care

Increased Vitality

Hormone Optimization

Reduced pain and suffering


All of Them!

What is Functional Diagnostic Testing?

It's a science-based, natural way to become healthy again.

Functional diagnostic testing is new area of identifying, interpreting, & quantifying systems of dysfunction in your bio-chemistry.

Once identified, specific protocols can be based on your own bio chemically pathway to enhance you in achieving Optimal health

Functional Diagnostic

As an Functional Diagnostics practitioner I spend time with my clients, listening to their histories and looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease.

In this way, functional diagnostics supports the unique expression of health and vitality for each individual.

Detective work

Data from your story and history

Data from your medical records

Data from your urine Data from your saliva

Data from your bloodData from a whole range of Advanced Functional Diagnostic tests

Functional Diagnostics finds and Identifies the Root causes.

Identify The Systems

Get To The Root Cause.

No more Guessing


Nutritional imbalances

Oxidative Stress

Intestinal Dysfunction

Immune System

Detoxification System

Endocrine System

Many Factors to consider

Your Health



Genetic Environmental



Hormone Optimization

Optimal Heath

TestingBio Individuality

Nutritional Imbalances



PesticidesFood Groups


Find the Source.\

Optimal Health!




Functional Diagnostics

Nutritional Balances

Oxidative Stress

Mechanisms of aging as well as neurodegenerative and other organ-specific degenerative issues.

Oxidative stress is also related to the development of certain cancers.

Research in this area has demonstrated the role of oxidative stress–induced mitochondrial dysfunction.

Oxidative Stress




Bad FoodToxinsGenetics

Cellular Damage!

Oxidative Stress

Cardiovascular disease

Metabolic Syndrome

Type 2 Diabetes

Oxidative Stress

Find the blockage

What are the consequences of metabolic imbalances?

Insufficiencies in vitamins and minerals, affect a wide range of functions, including immunologic, endocrine, musculoskeletal, and metabolic.

Results in local inflammatory reactions, increased risk of cancer, gut disease. Type 2 Diabetes and early death.

Toxins that are present in your bodies originate from environmental exposures including the air you breathe, water you drink, food you eat.

You have a unique biochemistry to detoxify substrate, which depends on individual genetic makeup, the load of environmental or endogenous toxins, and the substrate available to accomplish this task

Detoxification System

You are Unique:

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) can occur in any combination of mutation and deficient enzymes, therefore you might present with signs and symptoms of toxicity such as fatigue, neurologic complaints, and cancer.

Specific whole foods and specialized nutritional supplements can be included to optimize the function of these processes.

Obtaining gene panels might help us determine this aspect of your risk for developing diseases related to detoxification.

Oxidative stress and Detoxification must be an individual approach we need to take your unique genetic determinants that are influenced by powerful environmental factors, family history, food and lifestyle.

Remember you Deserve The

Best Care!

Master your Health