A.L. 458 ta’ l-2004 ATT DWAR L-IB{RA TERRITORIALI U } … · “IMO Resolution A.851(20)”...

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Transcript of A.L. 458 ta’ l-2004 ATT DWAR L-IB{RA TERRITORIALI U } … · “IMO Resolution A.851(20)”...

B 7133

A.L. 458 ta’ l-2004


(KAP. 226)


Regolamenti ta’ l-2004 dwar Sorveljar u {tie;a li jsiru Rapportifit-Traffiku ta’ Bastimenti

BIS-SA{{A tal-poteri mog[tija bl-artikolu 7 ta’ l-Att dwar l-Ib[raTerritorjali u ]-}ona Kontigwa, u bl-artikolu 28 ta’ l-Att dwar l-AwtoritàMarittima ta’ Malta, il-Prim Ministru u Ministru tal-Finanzi u l-Ministrug[all-Kompetittività u Komunikazzjoni, wara konsultazjoni ma’ l-Awtorità Marittima ta’ Malta, g[amlu dawn ir-regolament li ;ejjin>-

1. (1) It-titolu ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti hu Regolamenti ta’ l-2004 dwar Sorveljar u {tie;a li jsiru Rapporti fit-Traffiku ta’ Bastimenti.

(2) Dawn ir-regolamenti jibdew ise[[u fl-1 ta’ Novembru,2004.

2. (1) L-iskop ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti hu li skond il-provvidimenti tad-Direttiva tal-Kunsill 2002#59#EC tal-ParlamentEwropew u tal-Kunsill tas-27 ta’ :unju, 2002 (hawnhekk i]jed ’ilquddiem imsej[a b[ala d-“Direttiva”), ti;i stabbilita sistemaKomunitarja ta’ sorveljar u informazzjoni bl-iskop li tog[la s-sigurtà ul-effiçjenza tat-traffiku marittimu, ji;i mtejjeb ir-rispons f’ka] ta’inçidenti, aççidenti jew sitwazzjonijiet potenzjalment perikolu]i fuq il-ba[ar, inklu]i operazzjonijiet ta’ tfittxija u salvata;;, u li tikkontribwixxig[all-prevenzjoni u kxif a[jar ta’ tin;i] mill-bastimenti.

(2) Dawn ir-regolamenti huma ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[alkull li;i o[ra jew dokument ie[or li jirrigwardaw l-ib[ra territorjali u ]-]ona kontigwa, il-provvista ta’ tiftix u salvata;; u r-rispons f’ka]i ta’“di]astru” kif imfisser fl-Att dwar il-Protezzjoni ?ivili.

Titolu u bidu fis-se[[.


Kap. 411.

Suppliment tal-Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta, Nru. 17,669, 29 ta’ Ottubru, 2004Taqsima B


B 7134

3. (1) Dawn ir-regolamenti japplikaw g[all-bastimenti ta’ 300tunnellata gross u fuqhom, sakemm ma ji;ix dikjarat xort’o[ra f’dawnir-regolamenti.

(2) Dawn ir-regolamenti ma g[andhomx japplikaw g[al>

(a) bastimenti tal-gwerra, u aw]iljarji navali<

(b) bastimenti li huma proprjetà ta’ Stat Membru jew li humaoperati minnu u u]ati g[al servizz pubbliku mhux kummerçjali<

(ç) bastimenti tas-sajd, bastimenti tradizzjonali u ta’rikreazzjoni ta’ tul anqas minn 45 metru<

(d) bunkers ta’ anqas minn 5000 tunnellata abbordbastimenti, provvisti ta’ bastiment u tag[mir g[al u]u abbordbastimenti.

4. (1) F’dawn ir-regolamenti kemm-il darba r-rabta tal-kliemma titlobx xort’ o[ra>

“a;ent” tfisser kull persuna li jkollha setg[a jew li tkunawtorizzata biex tipprovdi informazzjoni f’isem l-operatur tal-bastiment<

“l-Awtorità” tfisser l-Awtorità Marittima ta’ Malta mwaqqfaskond l-Att dwar l-Awtorità Marittima ta’ Malta<

“l-awtorità kompetenti” tfisser l-awtorità mwaqqfa skondregolament 5 ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti<

“bastiment” tfisser kull xorta ta’ bastiment jew opra o[ra lijba[[ru bejn sema u ilma<

“bastimenti tradizzjonali” tfisser kull g[amla ta’ bastimentistoriçi u r-repliki tag[hom li jinkludu dawk ma[suba biexjinkora;;ixxu u jippromwovu s-seng[a tradizzjonali u s-seng[atat-tba[[ir, li flimkien iservu b[ala monumenti kulturali [ajjin,m[addma skond prinçipji tradizzjonali tas-seng[a u t-teknika tat-tba[[ir<

“disgrazzja” tfisser disgrazzja skond it-tifsira ta’ l-IMO Codedwar l-investigazzjoni ta’ disgrazzji tal-ba[ar jew inçidenti<

“Forzi Armati ta’ Malta” tfisser dik il-forza regulari mwaqqfaskond il-provvedimenti ta’ l-Att dwar il-Forzi Armati ta’ Malta<


Kap. 352.


Kap. 220.

B 7135

“ib[ra Maltin” tfisser il-portijiet, l-ib[ra interni, l-ib[raterritorjali u ]-]ona kontigwa ta’ Malta<

“ib[ra territorjali” g[andha l-istess tifsira b[al dik mog[tijalilha fl-artikolu 3 ta’ l-Att dwar l-Ib[ra Territorjali u ]-}onaKontigwa<

“IMO Resolution A.851(20)” tfisser ir-Ri]oluzzjoni 851(20)tal-Organizzazjoni Marittima Internazzjonali, intitolata ‘Generalprinciples for ship reporting systems and ship reportingrequirement, including guidelines for reporting incidents involvingdangerous goods, harmful substances and#or marine pollutants’<

“ISM” tfisser l-International Safety Management Code<

“interessi konnessi” tfisser dak l-interess ta’ Malta li jintlaqatjew hu mhedded direttament u li fost o[rajn g[andu x’jaqsam>-

(i) ma attivitajiet marittimi fl-in[awi tal-kosta, jewportijiet, li jinkludu attivitajiet tas-sajd<

(ii) ma’ l-attrazzjoni storika u turistika ta’ l-in[awiinvoluti, inklu]i sports tal-ba[ar u rikreazzjoni<

(iii) mas-sa[[a tal-popolazzjoni tal-kosta<

(iv) mal-valur kulturali, estetiku, xjentifiku u edukattivta’ l-in[awi<

(v) mal-konservazzjoni tad-diversità bijolo;ika u l-u]usostenibbli tar-ri]orsi tal-ba[ar u dawk bijolo;içi tal-kosta<

(vi) il-provvistà ta’ ilma, ener;ija u ri]orsi o[ra< u

(vii) l-interess soçjo-ekonomiku ta’ Malta<

“li;i” tfisser kull li;i jew dokument li jkollu l-forza ta’ li;i<

“MARPOL” tfisser il-Konvenzjoni Internazzjonalità l-1973dwar prevenzjoni ta’ Tni;;is mill-Bastiment, u l-Protokoll ta’ l-1978 li hemm mieg[u<

“il-Ministru” tfisser il-Ministru responsabbli g[at-tba[[ir ul-portijiet<

Kap. 226.

B 7136

“o;;etti perikolu]i” u “o;;etti li jni;;su” g[andhom l-istesstifsira mog[tija fir-Regolamenti ta’ l-1996 dwar Bastimenti ta’Tag[bijiet Perikolu]i, Terminals u Façilitajiet Marittimi uBunkering<

“operatur” tfisser is-sid jew manager tal-bastiment<

“sid” g[ar-rigward ta’ bastiment, tfisser>

(i) is-sid tal-bastiment, jew

(ii) kull organizzazjoni jew persuna o[ra b[all-manager jew bareboat charterer li jkun assuma r-responsabiltà g[at-t[addim tal-bastiment ming[and is-sid tal-bastiment, u li meta assuma dik ir-responsabiltà ikun g[amelftehim li jie[u fuqu il-funzjonijiet u responsabbilitajiet impostimill-International Safety Management (ISM) Code<

“stazzjon kostali” tfisser kull wa[da minn dawn li ;ejjin, kifimsemmija skond dawn ir-regolamenti> servizz ta’ traffiku ta’bastiment, installazzjoni fuq l-art responsabbli g[al sistema ta’rapportar mandatorju, jew korp responsabbli g[all-koordinamenttat-tiftix u s-salvata;;, jew operazzjonijiet sabiex jilqg[u kontra t-tin;is fil-ba[ar<

“Servizz dwar it-traffiku ta’ bastimenti” tfisser servizzma[sub biex itejjeb is-sigurtà u l-effiçjenza tat-traffiku ta’bastimenti u li j[ares l-ambjent, u jkollu l-kapaçità li jkolluinterazzjoni mat-traffiku u jirrispondi g[as-sitwazzjonijiet tat-traffiku tat-tba[[ir li ji]viluppaw fl-ib[ra Maltin<

“uffiçjal marittimu g[all-infurzar” g[andha l-istess tifsiramog[tija lilha fl-Att dwar l-Ib[ra Territorjali u ]-}ona Kontigwa<

“]ona kontigwa” g[andha l-istess tifsira mog[tija lilha fl-artikolu 3 ta’ l-Att dwar l-Ib[ra Territorjali u ]-}ona Kontigwa.

G[all-iskop ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti>

(a) “aççident” tfisser kull aççident jew okkorrenza li tolqotis-sigurtà tal-bastiment, li, ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[all-;eneralitàta’ dak hawn qabel imsemmi, tinkludi kull ;rajja meta l-bastiment–

(i) ikun involut f’[abta<

A.L. 1 ta’ l-1996.

Kap. 226.

Kap. 226.

B 7137

(ii) jinkalja<

(iii) i;arrab [sara<

(iv) ikun qed jiffunzjona [a]in jew ikollu [sara fil-magni<

(v) ikollu g[arg[ar fit-tag[bija jew din ti;i spustata,jew

(vi) ikollu xi difett fil-qafas jew xi [sara fl-istruttura<

(b) “inçident” tfisser kull inçident fuq bastiment li jkunjolqot jew li jista’ jkollu effett fuq is-sigurtà ta’ bastimenti o[ra,inklu]i ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[all-;eneralità ta’ dak hawn fuqqabel imsemmi, xi [sara, jew difett li jolqtu jew x’aktarx jolqtu>

(i) il-manuvrabilità jew kemm bastiment ikun tajjebg[at-tba[[ir,

(ii) is-sistema ta’ propulsjoni,

(iii) it-tmun u apparat relatat,

(iv) is-sistema li ti;;enera l-elettriku,

(v) it-tag[mir ta’ navigazzjoni, jew

(vi) is-sistema ta’ komunikazzjoni,


5. (1) L-Awtorità Kompetenti responsabbli biex ti]gura l-implimentazzjoni tal-provvedimenti ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti, hi l-Awtorità Marittima ta’ Malta.

(2) Ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[as-subregolament (1) ta’ danir-regolament, il-Forzi Armati ta’ Malta g[andhom ikunu l-istazzjonkostali responsabbli g[as-sorveljar tat-tba[[ir u biex jirçievuinformazzjoni g[all-finijiet ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti.

6. (1) Dan ir-regolament japplika g[all-bastiment dirett lejn portjew ankra;; f’Malta jew li jid[ol fl-ib[ra territorjali biex jirçievi xiservizz.

(2) L-operatur, a;ent jew kaptan ta’ bastiment imsemmijafis-subregolament (1) ta’ dan ir-regolament g[andu jav]a lill-Awtoritàbl-informazzjoni speçifikata fis-subregolament (3) fil-[inijiet speçifikati

{atra ta’AwtoritajietKompetenti.

Notifika qabeld[ul fil-port jewib[ra territorjali.

B 7138

fis-subregolament (4), u b’dak il-mod u f’dik il-forma kif tkun me[tie;amill-Awtorità, minn ]mien g[al ]mien.

(3) L-informazzjoni msemmija fis-subregolament (2)g[andha tinkludi -

(a) l-isem, il-call sign, in-numru ta’ identifikazzjoni tal-IMOjew in-numru ta’ identità tas-servizz mobbli marittimu (MMSI)tal-bastiment<

(b) il-port tad-destinazzjoni jew l-in[awi identifikati fl-ib[raterritorjali<

(ç) il-[in kalkulat tal-wasla fil-port tad-destinazzjoni jewfl-ib[ra territorjali, il-[in kalkulat tat-tluq mill-port tad-destinazzjoni msemmi fil-paragrafu (b)< u

(d) l-g[add totali ta’ persuni abbord il-bastiment.

(4) Il-[inijiet imsemmija fis-subregolament (2) huma –

(a) 24 sieg[a qabel il-wasla tal-bastiment< jew

(b) jekk it-tul tal-vja;; huwa ta’ anqas minn 24 sieg[a, mhuxaktar tard mill-[in tat-tluq mill-a[[ar port< jew

(ç) mill-aktar fis possibli wara li jsir mag[ruf li dak il-bastiment ikun dirett g[al dak il-port.

(5) Meta l-informazzjoni tkun ;iet av]ata skond is-subregolament (2), il-kaptan tal-bastiment inkwistjoni g[anduimmedjatament jav]a lill-Awtorità b’kull tibdil f’dik l-informazzjoni.

(6) Bastimenti li jkun qed i;orru o;;etti perikolu]i jew lijni;;su g[andhom ikunu konformi ma’ l-obbligazzjonijiet ta’ g[oti ta’avvi]i stabbiliti fir-Regolamenti ta’ l-1996 dwar Bastimenti ta’Tag[bijiet Perikolu]i, Terminals u Façilitajiet Marittimi u Bunkering.

7. Il-kaptan ta’ bastiment g[andu, qabel ma jibda die[el fl-ib[raterritorjali, jag[mel ir-rapporti kollha me[tie;a, li jinkludu r-rappurtarta’ defiçjenzi u g[andu ji]gura li, meta l-bastiment jid[ol fl-ib[raterritorjali ta’ Malta, il-bastiment g[andu jie[u sehem u jikkonformamar-regoli li japplikaw f’dawk l-ib[ra territorjali.

A.L. 1 ta’ l-1996.

Servizzi ta’traffiku ta’bastimenti ;ewwal-ib[ra territorjali.

B 7139

8. L-istazzjon kostali jista’ jitlob bastiment ’il barra mill-ib[raterritorjali biex jipprovdi informazzjoni addizzjonali kif tista’ tkunrelevanti biex tog[la s-sigurtà tat-tba[[ir u l-[arsien tal-ambjent, jewjista’ jitlob lil dak il-bastiment jie[u mi]uri speçjali. Il-kaptan tal-bastiment g[andu jag[mel mill-a[jar li jista’ biex jikkonforma ru[uma’ dik it-talba.

9. Bastimenti, li j]uru xi port jew post ta’ ankra;; fl-ib[ra Maltin,u li jkollhom stallat fuqhom sistema ta’ identifikazzjoni awtomatika litil[aq standards ta’ e]ekuzzjoni mfassla mill-Organizazzjoni MarittimaInternazzjonali (IMO), g[andhom i]ommu s-sistema ta[dem f’kull [in,[lief f’dawk il-ka]ijiet fejn ikun hemm xi ftehim, regoli jew standardsinternazzjonali li jipprovdu g[all-protezzjoni ta’ informazzjoni dwarin-navigazzjoni.

10. (1) Bastimenti li jil[qu l-kriterja stabbiliti hawn aktar ’lisfel g[andhom ji;u meqjusa b[ala bastimenti li joffru riskju potenzjalig[at-tba[[ir jew theddida g[as-sigurtà marittima, is-sigurtà ta’ l-individwi jew tal-ambjent>

(a) bastimenti li, matul il-vja;;i tag[hom

(i) kienu involuti f’inçidenti jew aççidenti fuq il-ba[arkif imsemmi f’regolament 11< jew

(ii) ikunu naqsu li jkunu konformi mal-[ti;ijiet ta’g[oti ta’ avvi] u ta’ rappurtar imposti b’dawn ir-regolamenti<jew

(iii) ikunu naqqsu milli jkunu konformi mar-regoliapplikabbli f’Malta<

(b) bastimenti li fir-rigward tag[hom ikun hemm prova jewevidenza pre]untiva ta’ ]jut li jit[allew jiskulaw apposta jew xiksur ie[or tal-Konvenzjoni dwar il-MARPOL f’ib[ra li jaqg[u ta[til-;urisdizzjoni ta’ Malta<

(ç) bastimenti li jkunu ;ew miç[uda d[ul f’portijiet ta’ StatiMembri jew li kienu s-su;;ett ta’ rapport jew avvi] minn StatMembru skond Anness I-1 tad-Direttiva tal-Kunsill 95#21#EC tad-19 ta’ :unju, 1995 dwar il-kontroll tat-tba[[ir fil-port mill-Istat.

(2) L-istazzjon kostali ta’ Malta li jkun qed i]omminformazzjoni rilevanti fuq il-bastimenti imsemmija fis-subregolament(1) ta’ dan ir-regolament, g[andu jikkommunika dik l-informazzjonilill-istazzjonijiet kostali fi Stati Membri li jinsabu matul ir-rotta mfasslatal-bastiment.

Servizzi ta’traffiku barra l-ib[ra territorjali.

T[addim ta’sistema ta’identifikazzjoniawtomatika.

Trasmissjoni ta’informazzjonidwar çertubastimenti.

B 7140

(3) L-Awtorità g[andha ti]gura li kull informazzjoni fuqbastimenti msemmija fis-subregolament (2) ta’ dan ir-regolament umg[oddija lilha minn stazzjon kostali, g[andha titwassal lil kull korpjew awtorità rilevanti f’Malta.

11. (1) Ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[al li;i internazzjonali, metabastiment ikun involut f’xi aççident, inçident jew ka] ta’ tin;is il-kaptanta’ dak il-bastiment g[andu immedjatament jibg[at lill-istazzjon kostaliresponsabbli g[al dawk l-in[awi li fihom ikun se[[ l-aççident, inçidentjew ka] ta’ tin;is, skond il-ka], l-informazzjoni disponibbli speçifikatafis-sub-regolament (3) ta’ dan ir-regolament bl-aktar mezz mg[a;;elpossibli.

(2) Meta-

(a) roqg[a ta’ sustanzi li jni;;su< jew

(b) kontenituri jew pakketti li jkunu qeg[din jin;arru mal-ba[ar< jew

(ç) xi materjal ie[or li jista’ jkun ta’ riskju ta’ tin;is jew ta’sigurtà,

jintlem[u minn fuq bastiment fl-ib[ra territorjali jew fiz-]ona kontigwa,il-kaptan ta’ dak il-bastiment g[andu immedjatament jibg[at lill-istazzjoni kostali responsabbli minn dawk l-in[awi fejn dawn ikununtlem[u, id-dettalji kollha ta’ xi jkun intlema[ u l-informazzjonispeçifikata fil-paragrafi (a), (b) u ([) tas-subregolament (3) ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti u dan bl-aktar mezzi mg[a;;la li jkunu disponibbli.

(3) L-informazzjoni msemmija fis-subregolament (1)g[andha tinkludi –

(a) l-identità tal-bastiment<

(b) il-posizzjoni tal-bastiment<

(ç) l-a[[ar port minn fejn il-bastiment ikun telaq<

(d) il-port ta’ destinazzjoni li jmiss<

(e) l-g[add ta’ persuni abbord il-bastiment<

(f) id-data meta, u l-[in ta’ l-aççident, inçident jew ka] ta’tin;is, skond il-ka]<

Rappurtar ta’inçidenti uaççidenti fuq il-ba[ar.

B 7141

(;) dettalji ta’ l-aççident, inçident jew ka] ta’ tin;is, skondil-ka]<

([) l-isem tal-korp jew tal-persuna ming[and min tista’tin;abar informazzjoni dettaljata dwar o;;etti perikolu]i jewo;;etti li jni;;su abbord dak il-bastiment, flimkien ma’ l-informazzjoni me[tie;a, biex ikun jista’ jsir kuntatt ma’ dik il-persuna jew korp, skond il-ka]< u

(i) kull informazzjoni o[ra rilevanti msemmija fir-Risoluzzjoni ta’ l-IMO A.851(20).

(4) F’dan ir-regolament “ka] ta’ tin;is” tfisser ka] jewsitwazzjoni li x’aktarx twassal g[al tin;is ta’ l-ib[ra ta’ Malta jew tal-kosta ta’ Malta, inklu], i]da ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[all-;eneralità ta’dak hawn qabel imsemmi, it-tfieg[, jew it-theddida ta’ tfieg[, ta’ sustanzili jni;;su fil-ba[ar.

12. (1) Dan ir-regolament japplika kull meta l-Awtorità tkuntal-fehma, msejjsa fuq kif ikun il-ba[ar u l-informazzjoni ta’ tbassir tat-temp mwassla lilha minn xi uffiççju meteorolo;iku, li jkun hemm –

(a) theddida serja ta’ tin;is fl-ib[ra ta’ Malta jew f’]oni ta’tba[[ir jew f’in[awi kostali ta’ xi Stat Membru ie[or< jew

(b) periklu g[all-[ajja tan-nies jew g[all-proprjetà,

b[ala ri]ultat ta’ ka]ijiet eççezzjonali ta’ kundizzjonijiet ta’ temp [a]injew ta’ ba[ar imqalleb.

(2) Kull meta jkun possibbli, l-Awtorità g[andha tipprovdilill-kaptan ta’ kull bastiment li jkun bi [siebu jid[ol jew jitlaq minnport ta’ n[awi rilevanti, id-dettalji kollha dwar –

(a) il-kundizzjonijiet tat-temp u tal-ba[ar< u

(b) il-periklu li dawk il-kundizzjonijiet tat-temp u tal-ba[arjistg[u jikkaw]aw –

(a) lill-bastiment, jew

(b) lil kull persuna jew tag[bija li tkun tinsab abbordil-bastiment.

(3) Ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[al mi]uri li jistg[u jittie[du biexting[ata assistenza lil bastiment f’sitwazzjoni ta’ periklu, l-Awtorità

Mi]uri li jittie[duf’ka]ijieteççezzjonali ta’temp [azin jewba[ar qawwi.

B 7142

tista’ tie[u dawk il-mi]uri li tqis adatti fiç-çirkostanzi kollha sa ma tqisli ma jkunx hemm theddida serja ta’ tin;is jew periklu g[all-[ajja tan-nies jew g[all-proprjetà skond ma hawn fis-subregolament (1).

(4) Bla [sara g[al ;eneralità tas-subregolament (3), il-mi]urili l-Awtorità tista’ tie[u, jinkludu rakkomandazzjoni jew projbizzjonikif imfissra fis-subregolament (5) lil bastiment li jkun qieg[ed ;ewwa,jew li jkun ser jid[ol jew jitlaq, minn xi port, ankra;; jew ib[raterritorjali.

(5) Ir-rakkomandazzjoni jew il-projbizzjoni msemmija fis-subregolament (4) hija -

(a) rakkomandazzjoni biex dak il-bastiment –

(i) jid[ol jew jitlaq minn port, ankra;; jew in[awi o[ramkennija< jew

(ii) ma jid[olx ;o xi port jew ankra;; jew jitlaq minnu

(b) projbizzjoni ta’dak il-bastiment-

(i) milli jid[ol jew jitlaq minn xi port jew ankra;;<jew

(ii) milli jag[mel xi operazzjoni ta’ bunkering jew xioperazzjoni o[ra< jew

(iii) biex ma jag[milx xi operazzjoni ta’ bunkering jewxi operazzjoni o[ra,

sa kemm l-Awtorità tkun tal-fehma li ma jkunx hemm aktar ebdatheddida serja ta’ tin;is jew periklu g[all-[ajja tan-nies jew g[all-proprjetà kif imfisser fis-subregolament (1).

(6) Kull operazzjoni ta’ bunkering g[andha ssir b’modkonformi mar-Regolamenti ta’ l-1996 dwar Bastimenti ta’ Tag[bijietPerikolu]i, Terminals u Façilitajiet Marittimi u Bunkering.

(7) Rakkomandazzjoni jew projbizzjoni li jsirukonformement ma’ dan ir-regolament –

(a) g[andha ti;i mog[tija lill-kaptan ta’ dak il-bastimentbl-aktar mezz mg[a;;el disponibbli< u

(b) jekk ma ti;ix mog[tija bil-miktub, din g[andha ti;ikonfermata bil-kitba malajr kemm jista’ jkun.

A.L.1 ta’ l-1996.

B 7143

(8) Meta l-Awtorità tie[u mi]uri konformement mas-subregolament (3), inklu] l-g[oti ta’ rakkomandazzjoni jew ta’projbizzjoni li jo[or;u minn dan ir-regolament, il-kaptan ta’ dak il-bastiment g[andu immedjatament jg[arraf, bil-mezzi l-aktar mg[a;;ladisponibbli, lis-sid ta’ dak il-bastiment bil-mi]uri, ir-rakkomandazzjoni,il-projbizzjoni, jew l-opinjoni skond il-ka].

(9) Jekk, b[ala ri]ultat ta’ l-e]erizzju tal-;udizzjuprofessjonali tieg[u, il-kaptan jiddeçiedi li ma jimxix skond -

(a) mi]uri me[udin konformement mas-subregolament (3)<jew

(b) xi rakkomandazzjoni jew projbizzjoni ma[ru;akonformement ma’dan ir-regolament,

il-kaptan g[andu jg[arraf lill-Awtorità g[aliex ma jkunx mexa b’dakil-mod.

(10) F’dan ir-regolament –

(a) “n[awi rilevanti” tfisser dawk l-in[awi fl-ib[ra ta’ Maltali jkunu milquta b’kundizzjonijiet eççezzjonali ta’ temp [a]in jewta’ ba[ar qawwi<

(b) “;udizzju professjonali” tfisser ;udizzju professjonalidwar [wejje; li jirrigwardaw in-navigazzjoni bla periklu, is-sigurtàtal-[ajja jew il-[arsien ta’ l-ambjent marittimu.

13. (1) F’ka] ta’ inçidenti jew aççidenti fuq il-ba[ar kifimsemmi fir-regolament 11, l-operatur, il-kaptan tal-bastiment u s-sidtas-sustanzi perikolu]i jew li jni;;su li jkunu qeg[din jin;arru abbordg[andu, skond il-li;i nazzjonali u dik internazzjonali, jikkoopera bis-s[i[ ma’ l-Awtorità, meta din titlob li jsir hekk, bl-iskop li ji;u mnaqqsal-konsegwenzi ta’ xi inçident jew aççident fuq il-ba[ar.

(2) Il-kaptan li g[alih japplika dan ir-regolament g[andujg[arraf lis-sid ta’ dak il-bastiment, bil-mezzi l-aktar mg[a;;ladisponibbli, b’kull aççident jew inçident marittimu li l-bastiment jista’jkollu jew li jolqot il-bastiment, mill-aktar fis possibbli wara li jkun;ara l-aççident jew l-inçident.

(3) Meta l-operatur ta’ bastiment huwa mg[arraf mill-kaptanta’ dak il-bastiment b’xi aççident jew inçident marittimu jew skond il-Kodiçi ISM jew skond is-subregolament (2), dak is-sid g[andu –

Mi]uri f’ka]ijietta’ inçidenti jewaççidenti fuq il-ba[ar.

B 7144

(a) jg[arraf lill-Awtorità u lill-istazzjon kostaliimmedjatament bl-aççident jew l-inçident< jew

(b) jag[ti dik l-assistenza skond ma tista’ tkunra;onevolment me[tie;a mill-awtorità rilevanti.

14. (1) G[andu jkun mwaqqaf Kumitat Marittimu dwar is-Sigurtà u l-Prevenzjoni ta’ Tin;is (hawnhekk aktar ’il quddiem msejja[“il-Kumitat”) biex jag[ti pariri u jag[mel rakkomandazzjonijiet lill-Awtorità fuq il-mod ;enerali ta’ x’g[andu jsir meta -

(a) bastiment ji;rilu xi aççident, inçident jew f’ka] ta’ tin;is<

(b) jkollha ssir evalwazzjoni tal-perikli involuti jekk f’dakl-aççident, inçident jew ka] ta’ tin;is li jolqtu jew jheddu l-interessirelatati jew l-ekonomija ta’ Malta<

(ç) jkollha ssir koordinazzjoni ta’ [idma b’ri]ultat ta’ dakl-aççident, inçident jew ka] ta’ tin;is fil-ka] li l-Awtorità tiddeçiedili g[andha tie[u mi]uri adatti bl-iskop li ji;u mnaqqsa l-konsegwenzi ta’ l-inçident jew aççident Marittimu.

(2) L-uffiçjali pubbliçi anzjani li ;ejjin g[andhom ikunumembri ex-ufficio tal-Kumitat>

(a) is-Segretarju Permanenti fil-Ministeru responsabbli g[at-tba[[ir u l-portijiet, li jkun iç-Chairman<

(b) iç-Chairman ta’ l-Awtorità<

(ç) id-Direttur E]ekuttiv ta’ l-Awtorità ma[tur skond l-artikolu 8 ta’ l-Att dwar l-Awtorità Marittima ta’ Malta, u li jkunu;ew delegati lilu l-funzjonijiet dwar l-implimentazzjoni ta’disposizzjonijiet ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti<

(d) il-Kmandant tal-Forzi Armati ta’ Malta<

(e) il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija<

(f) id-Direttur tad-Dipartiment dwar il-Protezzjoni ?ivili<u

(;) id-Direttur-:enerali ta’ l-Awtorità ta’ Malta dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar.

Kumitat Marittimudwar is-Sigurtà ul-Prevenzjoni ta’Tin;is.

B 7145

I]da l-Ministru jista’ ja[tar persuni o[ra b[ala membri tal-Kumitatli fl-opinjoni tieg[u jidhru li jkollhom l-esperjenza u li jkunu wrewkapaçità f’affarijiet li g[andhom x’jaqsmu mas-sigurtà marittima u l-prevenzjoni u l-kontroll tat-tin;i] miz-]ejt.

(3) F’ka] li jkun hemm vakanza fil-kumitat min[abbaf’mewt, ri]enja jew xi kaw]a o[ra, il-vakanza g[andha timtela minndak l-uffiçjal pubbliku anzjan li jkun qieg[ed jag[milha minflok l-uffiçjali fil-karigi msemmija fis-subregolament (2) ta’ dan ir-regolament.

I]da l-Kumitat u l-membri tieg[u jistg[u jkomplu ja;ixxu minkejjakull vakanza b[al dik.

(4) Il-Kumitat g[andu ja[tar viçi Chairman li g[andu ja;ixximinflok ic-Chairman kull meta ç-Chairman ikun assenti minn xi laqg[atal-Kumitat jew g[al xi ra;uni ma jkunx jista’ jag[milha ta’ Chairman.

(5) Minkejja kull disposizzjoni o[ra ta’ dan ir-regolament,il-Ministru jista’ f’kull waqt itemm il-kariga ta’ membru ma[tur, jekkfl-opinjoni tieg[u, dak il-membru ma[tur ma jkunx tajjeb biex ikomplif’dik il-kariga jew ma jkunx baqa’ kapaçi li jaqdi l-funzjonijiet tieg[usew.

(6) Iç-Chairman tal-Kumitat g[andu minn ]mien g[al ]mienja[tar segretarju tal-Kumitat.

(7) Il-Kumitat g[andu jiltaqa’ kemm jista’ jkun ta’ spiss,i]da f’ebda ka] inqas spiss minn darba kull tlett xhur kalendarju.

(8) Il-Kumitat jista’ jele;;i b’g[a]la membri tal-Kumitat ujiddeçiedi dwar il-kompo]izzjoni u t-termini ta’ referenza ta’ sotto-kumitati jew ta’ gruppi ta’ esperti li lilhom jista’ jag[ti [idmietspeçjalizzati.

(9) Il-Kumitat g[andu jirregola l-proçeduri tieg[u nnifsu.

(10) F’dawk il-ka]ijiet meta l-Awtorità tonqos milli tqis jewma jkunx jidhrilha li g[andha tqis, b[ala hekk adatt jew meta ma tkunxtaqbel mal-pariri u r-rakkomandazzjonijiet tal-Kumitat, hija g[andhatipprovdi lill-Ministru b’kull informazzjoni u ;ustifikazzjoni relattivaminnufih wara li tkun irçeviet dawk il-pariri u rakkomandazzjonijiet.

15. (1) Kull persuna li tonqos milli t[ares xi [tie;a ordnatab’dawn ir-regolamenti tista’ dwar l-ewwel reat u meta tinsab [atja, te[elmulta ta’ mhux i]jed minn [amest elef lira g[al kull reat b[al dak, u fil-ka] ta’ reat jew reati kontinwati, multa o[ra ta’ mhux i]jed minn [ames

Reati u pieni.

B 7146

mitt lira g[al kull reat g[al kull jum jew parti minnu li matulu jkompli#udak ir-reat jew dawk ir-reati.

I]da wkoll il-qorti g[andha tordna lil kull min ikun instab [ati lig[amel reat kontra dawn ir-regolamenti, li j[allas dawk l-ispejje] li l-Awtorità Kompetenti, jew kull persuna jew parti o[ra, tkun ;arrbet b[alari]ultat ta’ dak ir-reat.

(2) Il-Qorti tista’ wkoll, fil-ka] ta’ xi kontravenzjoni li tkunsaret mill-operatur jew mill-kaptan ta’ bastiment, li tordna ]-]ammatal-bastiment g[al ]mien mhux i]jed minn tlett xhur g[all-ispejjes ta’ l-operatur.

(3) Meta reat kontra d-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti isir minn korp ta’ persuni jew minn xi korp mag[qud, kullpersuna li fi]-]mien meta jsir ir-reat kienet direttur, manager jew uffiçjalie[or b[al dawk ta’ korp ta’ persuni jew korp mag[qud b[al dawk, jewli kienet qeg[da b[allikieku ta;ixxi f’xi kapaçità b[al dik tkun [atja ta’dak ir-reat kemm-il darba hija ma ;;ibx prova li dak ir-reat ikun sarming[ajr ma hija kienet taf bih u li hija tkun e]erçitat kull dili;enzame[tie;a biex i]]omm dak ir-reat milli ji;ri.

(4) Il-proçedimenti g[al reat kontra dawn ir-regolamentig[andhom jittie[du fil-Qrati tal-Ma;istrati (Malta) jew fil-Qrati tal-Ma;istrati (G[awdex), skond il-ka], u g[andhom ikunu skond id-disposizzjonijiet tal-Kodiçi Kriminali li jirregolaw il-proçedura quddiemdawk il-qrati b[ala qrati ta’ ;urisdizzjoni kriminali.

B 7147

L.N. 458 of 2004



Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Reporting RequirementsRegulations, 2004

IN exercise of the powers conferred by article 7 of the TerritorialWaters and Contiguous Zone Act and, by article 28 of the MaltaMaritime Authority Act, the Prime Minister and Minister of Financeand the Minister for Competitiveness and Communications, afterconsultation with the Malta Maritime Authority, have made thefollowing regulations>-

1. (1) The title of these regulations is the Vessel TrafficMonitoring and Reporting Requirements Regulations, 2004.

(2) These regulations shall come into force on the 1stNovember, 2004.

2. (1) The purpose of these regulations is to establish, inaccordance with the provisions of the European Council Directive2002#59#EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of the 27thJune, 2002 (hereinafter referred as the “Directive”) establishing aCommunity vessel traffic monitoring and information system with aview to enhancing the safety and efficiency of maritime traffic,improving the response of authorities to incidents, accidents orpotentially dangerous situations at sea, including search and rescueoperations, and contributing to a better prevention and detection ofpollution by ships.

(2) These regulations shall be without prejudice to any otherlaw or instrument that relates to territorial waters and contiguous zone,the provision of search and rescue and the response in cases of “disaster”as described in the Civil Protection Act.

Citation andCommencement.


Cap. 411.

B 7148

3. (1) These regulations apply to ships of 300 gross tonnageand upwards, unless stated otherwise in these regulations.

(2) These regulations shall not apply to>

(a) warships, naval auxiliaries<

(b) ships owned or operated by the Government of aMember State which are used for non-commercial public service<

(c) fishing vessels, traditional ships, recreational craft withlength of less than 45 metres< and

(d) bunkers below 5000 tonnes on board vessels, ships’stores and equipment for use on board ships.

4. (1) In these regulations unless the context otherwise requires>

“agent” means any person mandated or authorized to supplyinformation on behalf of the operator of the ship<

“the Armed Forces of Malta” means the regular force raisedunder the provisions of the Malta Armed Forces Act<

“the Authority” means the Malta Maritime Authorityestablished in terms of the Malta Maritime Authority Act<

“casualty” means a casualty within the meaning of the IMOCode for the Investigation of Marine Casualties and Incidents<

“coastal station” means any of the following, designated interms of these regulations> a vessel traffic service, a shore-basedinstallation responsible for a mandatory reporting system or a bodyresponsible for coordinating search and rescue, or operations totackle pollution at sea<

“the competent authority” means the authority appointedunder regulation 5 of these regulations<

“contiguous zone” has the same meaning as that assigned toit in article 3 of the Territorial Waters and Contiguous Zone Act<

“dangerous goods” and “polluting goods” shall have the samemeaning as defined in the Dangerous Cargo Ships, MarineTerminals and Facilities and Bunkering Regulations, 1996<



Cap. 220.

Cap. 352.

Cap. 226.

L.N. 1 of 1996.

B 7149

“IMO Resolution A.851(20)” means International MaritimeOrganisation Resolution 851(20) entitled “General principles forship reporting systems and ship reporting requirements, includingguidelines for reporting incidents involving dangerous goods,harmful substances and#or marine pollutants”<

“ISM Code” means the International Safety ManagementCode<

“law” means any law or instrument having the force of law<

“Maltese waters” means the ports, internal waters, territorialwaters and contiguous zones of Malta<

“maritime enforcement officer” has the same meaning as thatassigned to it in the Territorial Waters and Contiguous Zone Act<

“MARPOL” means the International Convention for thePrevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 and the 1978 Protocolthereto<

“the Minister” means the Minister responsible for shippingand ports<

“operator” means the owner or manager of a ship<

“owner”, as regards a ship, means -

(i) the owner of the ship, or

(ii) any other organization or person such as themanager or the bareboat charterer who has assumedresponsibility for the operation of the ship from the owner ofthe ship, and who on assuming such responsibility has agreedto take over all the duties and responsibilities imposed by theInternational Safety Management (ISM) Code<

“related interests” means the interest of Malta directly affectedor threatened and concerning, among others> -

(i) maritime activities in the coastal areas, or in ports,including fishing activities<

(ii) the historical and tourist appeal of the area inquestion, including water sports and recreation<

Cap. 226.

B 7150

(iii) the health of the coastal population<

(iv) the cultural, aesthetic, scientific and educationalvalue of the area<

(v) the conservation of biological diversity and thesustainable use of marine and coastal biological resources<

(vi) supply of water, energy and other resources< and

(vii) the socio-economic interest of Malta.

“ship” means any sea-going vessel or craft<

“territorial waters” has the same meaning as that assigned toit in article 3 of the Territorial Waters and Contiguous Zone Act<

“traditional ships” means all kinds of historical ships and theirreplicas including those designed to encourage and promotetraditional skill and seamanship, that together serve as livingcultural monuments, operated according to traditional principlesof seamanship and technique<

“vessel traffic service” means a service designed to improvethe safety and efficiency of vessel traffic and to protect theenvironment, which has the capability to interact with the trafficand to respond to traffic shipping situations developing in Maltesewaters.

(2) For the purposes of these regulations>

(a) “accident” means any accident or occurrence affectingthe safety of a ship, including, without prejudice to the generalityof the foregoing, any occurrence whereby a ship -

(i) is in collision,

(ii) grounds,

(iii) is damaged,

(iv) malfunctions or breaks down,

(v) suffers the flooding or shifting of cargo, or

(vi) suffers a defective hull or structural failure<

Cap. 226.

B 7151

(b) “incident” means any incident on a ship which affectsor could affect the safety of other ships, including, without prejudiceto the generality of the foregoing, a failure or defect which affectsor is likely to affect -

(i) the manoeuvrability or seaworthiness,

(ii) the propulsion system,

(iii) the steering gear,

(iv) the electrical generating system,

(v) the navigation equipment, or

(vi) the communications system,

of the ship.

5. (1) The Competent Authority responsible for ensuring theimplementation of the provisions of these regulations, shall be the MaltaMaritime Authority.

(2) Without prejudice to sub-regulation (1) of this regulation,the Armed Forces of Malta shall be the coastal station responsible tomonitor shipping and receive information in terms of these regulations.

6. (1) This regulation applies to a ship bound for a port or ananchorage in Malta or to enter the territorial waters to receive a service.

(2) The operator, agent or master of a ship referred to insub-regulation (1) of this regulation shall notify the Authority of theinformation specified in sub-regulation (3) at the times specified in sub-regulation (4), and in such manner and in such format as required bythe Authority, from time to time.

(3) The information referred to in sub-regulation (2) shallinclude -

(a) the name, the call sign, the IMO identification numberor the maritime mobile service identity number (MMSI) of theship<

(b) the port of destination or the identified area in theterritorial waters<

Appointment ofCompetentAuthorities.

Notification priorto entry into portor territorialwaters.

B 7152

(c) the estimated time of arrival at the port of destination orin the territorial waters, the estimated time of departure from theport of destination referred to in paragraph (b)< and

(d) the total number of persons on board the ship.

(4) The times referred to in sub-regulation (2) are -

(a) 24 hours before the arrival of the ship< or

(b) if the duration of the voyage is less than 24 hours, nolater than the time of departure from the previous port< or

(c) as soon as possible after it becomes known that the shipis bound for that port.

(5) Where information has been notified in accordance withsub-regulation (2), the master of the ship in question shall notifyimmediately the Authority of any changes to that information.

(6) Ships carrying dangerous or polluting goods shallcomply with the notification obligations established in the DangerousCargo Ships, Marine Terminals and Facilities and BunkeringRegulations, 1996.

7. The master of a ship shall, prior to entering the territorialwaters, make all required reports, including reporting of deficienciesand shall ensure that, when the ship enters the territorial waters of Malta,the ship shall participate in and comply with the rules which apply inthe territorial waters.

8. The coastal station may request a ship beyond the territorialwaters to provide additional information as may be relevant to theenhancing of shipping safety and the protection of the environment, ormay request such ship to take certain measures. The ship shouldendeavour to comply with this request.

9. Ships, calling at a port or an anchorage in Malta, and fittedwith an automatic identification system which meets the performancestandards drawn up by the IMO, shall maintain the system in operationat all times, except where international agreements, rules or standardsprovide for the protection of navigational information.

Vessel trafficservices withinterritorial waters.

Vessel trafficservices outsideterritorial waters.

Operation ofautomaticidentificationsystem.

L.N. 1 of 1996.

B 7153

10. (1) Ships meeting the criteria set out below shall beconsidered to be ships posing a potential hazard to shipping or a threatto maritime safety, the safety of individuals or the environment>

(a) ships which in the course of their voyage>

(i) have been involved in incidents or accidents at seaas referred to in regulation 11< or

(ii) have failed to comply with the notification andreporting requirements imposed by these regulations< or

(iii) have failed to comply with any applicable rules inMalta<

(b) ships in respect of which there is proof or presumptiveevidence of deliberate discharges of oil or other infringement ofthe MARPOL Convention in waters under the jurisdiction of Malta<

(c) ships which have been refused access to ports of theMember States or which have been the subject of a report ornotification by a Member State in accordance with Annex I-1 tothe Council Directive 95#21#EC of the 19th June, 1995 on portState control of shipping.

(2) The coastal station in Malta holding relevant informationon ships referred to in regulation (1) of this regulation, shall communicatesuch information to the coastal stations of the other Member Stateslocated along the planned route of the ship.

(3) The Authority shall ensure that any information on shipsreferred to in sub-regulation (2) of this regulation communicated to itby a coastal station, is transmitted to any relevant body or authority inMalta.

11. (1) Without prejudice to international law, when a ship isinvolved in an accident, an incident or a pollution event, the master ofthat ship shall immediately send to the coastal station responsible forthe area in which occurred the accident, incident or pollution event, asthe case may be, by the quickest means available the informationspecified in sub-regulation (3) hereof.

(2) If -

(a) a slick of polluting goods< or

Transmission ofinformationconcerning certainships.

Reporting ofincidents andaccidents at sea.

B 7154

(b) containers or packages drifting at sea< or

(c) any other material which may pose a pollution or a safetyhazard,

are seen from a ship in territorial waters and contiguous zone, the masterof that ship shall immediately send to the coastal station responsible forthe area in which the sighting occurred by the quickest means availabledetails of the sighting and the information specified in paragraphs (a),(b)and (h) of sub-regulation (3) hereof.

(3) The information referred to in sub-regulation (1) shallinclude -

(a) the identity of the ship<

(b) the position of the ship<

(c) the last port from which the ship departed<

(d) the next port of call<

(e) the number of persons aboard the ship<

(f) the date on which and the time at which, the accident,the incident or the polluting event, as the case may be, occurred<

(g) details of the accident, the incident or the polluting event,as the case may be<

(h) the name of the body or person from whom detailedinformation regarding any dangerous goods or polluting goods onboard the ship may be obtained, together with the necessaryinformation, to enable that person or body, as the case may be, tobe contacted< and

(i) any other relevant information referred to in IMOResolution A.851(20).

(4) In this regulation “polluting event” means an event orsituation likely to result in the pollution of Maltese waters or the coastlineof Malta, including, but without prejudice to the generality of theforegoing, the discharge, or the threat of discharge, of polluting goodsinto the sea.

B 7155

12. (1) This regulation applies whenever the Authority is ofthe opinion, based on the sea state and weather forecast informationprovided to it by a meteorological office, that there is -

(a) a serious threat of pollution in Maltese waters or theshipping zones or coastal areas of any other member state< or

(b) a risk to human life or property,

as a result of exceptionally bad weather or sea conditions.

(2) Whenever possible, the Authority shall provide to themaster of every ship which intends to enter or leave a port in a relevantarea, full details of -

(a) the weather and sea conditions< and

(b) the danger such weather and sea conditions may causeto -

(i) the ship, or

(ii) to any persons or cargo on board the ship.

(3) Without prejudice to any such measures to be taken togive assistance to ships in difficulty, the Authority may take suchmeasures as it considers appropriate in all the circumstances until itconsiders that there no longer exists such a serious threat of pollutionor a risk to human life or property as described in sub-regulation (1).

(4) Without prejudice to the generality of sub-regulation(3), the measures which the Authority may take, include arecommendation or a prohibition described in sub-regulation (5) to aship in, or about to enter or leave, the port, anchorage or territorialwaters.

(5) The recommendation or the prohibition referred to insub-regulation (4) is>-

(a) a recommendation for such ship -

(i) to enter or leave a port, anchorage or any othersheltered area< or

(ii) not to enter or leave a port or anchorage<

Measures to betaken in the eventof exceptionallybad weather or seaconditions.

B 7156

(b) a prohibition for such ship -

(i) to enter or leave a port or anchorage< or

(ii) to carry out bunkering or any other operations< or

(iii) not to carry out bunkering or any other operations.

until the Authority is of the opinion that there is no longer a seriousthreat of pollution or a risk to human life or property as described insub-regulation (1).

(6) All bunkering operations shall be carried out incompliance with the Dangerous Cargo Ships, Marine Terminals andFacilities and Bunkering Regulations, 1996.

(7) A recommendation or a prohibition given pursuant tothis regulation -

(a) shall be given to the master of such ship by the quickestmeans available< and

(b) if not given in writing, shall be confirmed in writing assoon as is reasonably practical.

(8) Where the Authority takes any measures pursuant tosub-regulation (3), including the giving of a recommendation or aprohibition pursuant to this regulation, the master of the ship in questionshall immediately inform the owner of that ship by the quickest meansavailable of the measures, the recommendation, the prohibition or theopinion, as the case may be.

(9) If, as a result of the exercise of his professionaljudgement, the master decides not to act in accordance with -

(a) any measures taken pursuant to sub-regulation (3)< or

(b) a recommendation or a prohibition given pursuant tothis regulation,

the master shall inform the Authority of the reasons for not so acting.

(10) In this regulation -

(a) “relevant area” means an area in Maltese waters affectedby exceptionally bad weather or sea conditions<

L.N.1 of 1996.

B 7157

(b) “professional judgement” means professional judgementas regards matters relating to safe navigation, safety of life or theprotection of the marine environment.

13. (1) In the event of incidents or accidents at sea as referredto in regulation 11, the operator, the master of the ship and the owner ofthe dangerous or polluting goods carried on board must, in accordancewith national and international law, cooperate fully with the Authority,at the latter’s request, with a view to minimizing the consequences ofan incident or accident at sea.

(2) A master to whom this regulation applies shall informthe owner of such ship, by the quickest means possible, of any accidentor incident at sea in which the ship is involved or which affects theship, as soon as possible after the accident or incident occurs.

(3) When the operator of a ship is informed by the masterof that ship of an accident or incident at sea either in accordance withthe ISM Code or in accordance with sub-regulation (2), such owner -

(a) inform the Authority and the coastal station immediatelyof the accident or incident< and

(b) give such assistance as may be reasonably required bythe relevant authority.

14. (1) There shall be established a Maritime Safety andPollution Prevention Committee (hereinafter referred to as “theCommittee”) to advise and make recommendations to the Authority ongeneral ways of dealing with -

(a) a ship involved in an accident, an incident or a pollutionevent<

(b) an evaluation of the risks involved if such accident,incident or pollution event affects or threatens the related interestsor the economy of Malta< and

(c) the co-ordination of responding to such accident, incidentor pollution event, in the case the Authority decides that it shouldtake appropriate measures with a view to minimizing theconsequences of an incident or accident at sea.

(2) The following senior public officials shall be ex officiomembers of the Committee>

Measures in theevent of incidentsor accidents at sea.

Maritime Safetyand PollutionPreventionCommittee.

B 7158

(a) the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry responsible forshipping and ports, who shall be the Chairman<

(b) the Chairman of the Authority<

(c) the Executive Director of the Authority appointed interms of article 8 of the Malta Maritime Authority Act and delegatedwith the functions of implementing the provisions of theseregulations<

(d) the Commander of the Armed Forces of Malta<

(e) the Commissioner of Police<

(f) the Director of the Civil Protection Department< and

(g) the Director-General, Malta Environment and PlanningAuthority>

Provided that the Minister may appoint other persons as membersof the Committee who appear to him to have the experience and to haveshown the capacity in matters relating to maritime safety and oil pollutionprevention and control.

(3) If any vacancy in the Committee occurs on account ofdeath, resignation or for any other cause, the vacancy shall be filled bythe senior public official acting or deputizing for the positions describedin sub-regulation 2 hereof>

Provided that the Committee and the members thereof maycontinue to act notwithstanding any such vacancy.

(4) The Committee shall appoint a deputy Chairman whoshall act instead of the Chairman whenever the Chairman is absent froma meeting of the Committee or is unable for any reason to act asChairman.

(5) Notwithstanding any other provision of this regulation,the Minister may at any time terminate the appointment of an appointedmember, if, in his opinion, such appointed member is unfit to continuein office or has become incapable of properly performing his functions.

(6) The Chairman of the Committee shall, from time to time,appoint a secretary to the Committee

B 7159

(7) The Committee shall meet as often as necessary, but inno case less frequently than once in every three calendar months.

(8) The Committee may to co-opt members to theCommittee and to decide on the composition and terms of reference ofsub-committees or of expert groups to which it can give special tasks.

(9) The Committee shall regulate its own procedures.

(10) In those cases where the Authority fails to deem it, ordoes not deem it, appropriate, or does not agree with the advices andrecommendations of the Committee, it shall provide the Minister withall relative information and justification immediately following thereceipt of such advices and recommendations.

15. (1) Any person who fails to comply with any of therequirements prescribed in these regulations shall, for a first offenceand on conviction, be liable to a fine (multa) not exceeding five thousandliri for each such offence, and in the case of a continuing offence oroffences, to a further fine not exceeding five hundred liri for each offencefor every day or part thereof during which such offence or offencescontinue>

Provided also that the court shall order to whoever is convictedof an offence against these regulations, to pay those expenses that theCompetent Authority, or any other person or party, has incurred as aresult of that offence.

(2) It shall also be lawful for the court, in the case of anycontravention committed by the operator or master of a ship to orderthe detention of the ship for a time not exceeding three months at theexpense of the operator.

(3) Where any offence against the provisions of theseregulations is committed by a body of persons or body corporate, everyperson who at the time of the commission of the offence was a director,manager or other similar officer of such body of persons or bodycorporate, or was purporting to act in any such capacity, shall be guiltyof that offence unless he proves that the offence was committed withouthis knowledge and that he exercised all due diligence to prevent thecommission of the offence.

Offences andpenalties.

B 7160

(4) Proceedings for an offence against these regulationsshall be taken before Court of Magistrates (Malta) or the Court ofMagistrates (Gozo), as the case may be, and shall be in accordancewith the provisions of the Criminal Code regulating the procedurebefore the said courts as courts of criminal jurisdiction.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment ta’ l-Informazzjoni (doi.gov.mt) — Valletta — Published by the Department of Information (doi.gov.mt) — Valletta

Mitbug[ fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern — Printed at the Government Printing PressPrezz 56ç – Price 56c