Address Service Requested The United Methodist News · and Adrianna Johnson 6 Jaydon Bandy 7 John...

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Transcript of Address Service Requested The United Methodist News · and Adrianna Johnson 6 Jaydon Bandy 7 John...

What’s Inside

This has been an exciting and fruitful year in the life of Poteau UMC. It was at this time last year that final plans were being made and implementation began on our capital campaign. Several members of the congregation have recently expressed that the process of reflec-tion was a spiritual highlight in their lives. Some of the results are now visible outside the CFLC doors. Other results are still developing in the life of the congregation and individual members.

My article in last month’s newsletter shared sermon themes for the Advent season. They are based on the book Advent Conspiracy which asks the question, “Can Christmas still change the world?” The pur-pose of the book is to help the Church make the celebration of Jesus’ birth a joyous celebration, rather than a retail nightmare that drains our pocketbooks and spirits. The sermons are:

Nov. 28 - “Worship Fully”-because Christmas begins and ends with Jesus

Dec. 5 - “Spend Less” - and free yourself for things that truly matter

Dec. 12 - “Give More” - of your presence, your hands, your words, your time, your heart

Dec. 24 - Christmas Eve - “Love All” - the sick, the marginalized, the poor in ways that make a difference.

After the first of the year, I’ll begin another sermon series based on Bishop Robert Schnase’s book Five Practices of Fruitful Congrega-tions. Over a six week period, we will consider the practices of radical hospitality, passionate worship, intentional faith development, risk-taking mission and service, and extravagant generosity. There is Sun-day school curriculum that can be made available for additional study during this time.

As we prepare for the celebration of the birth of Christ and a New Year, I trust that God will continue to bless you all and also Poteau UMC.

Grace & peace,

First United Methodist Church109 S. HarperPoteau, OK 74953

Non-Profit Org.

Permit No. 40

Poteau, OK 74953

Address Service Requested

VOLUME 18 NO. 12 DECEMBER, 2010 Serving God 117 Years

Weekly Communion9:10 A.M.

Sunday School9:30 A.M.

Morning Worship10:30 A.M.

Church Calendar ....................2Welcome New Members ........2Finance Report ......................2Poinsettias for Worship ........2Children/Youth .......................3Birthdays, Anniversaries ......4Membership Care ..................4Preschool Report ...................4

The United Methodist NewsPA S T O R T O PE O PL E


Merry Christmas


Poinsettias for Worship


NEWSLETTER DEADLINE:Third Friday of each month


THE UNITED METHODIST NEWSPublished by the Communications Committee

Carol Baker, Communications Coordinator/EditorFIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH

109 S. Harper, Poteau, OK 74953Telephone 918-647-2217

e-mail: rogers2006@windstream.netwebsite:

Sunday School 9:30 – Morning Worship 10:30Bishop Robert E. HayesDistrict Superintendent Darrell CatesPastor Rev. Dr. Gregory J. TenerYouth & Children’s Director Kimberly HardawayMusic Director Steve ClarkChurch Secretary Brenda FergusonLead Nursery Attendant Jayla CraigOrganist Wendy KellyCustodian and Door Opener Ted Kilgore

District web page:


ACOLYTES 5 Baleigh Quarry12 Tabatha Zabala19 Katie Redhage26 Versile Johnson

12 Connor Bandy19 Christmas Cantata26 Dawson Perry

• SUNDAY •Weekly Communion, 9:10 a.m., Sanctuary

(Except on regular communion Sunday)

UMYF (CHAOS), 5 p.m.11 Week Study, 5 p.m. Education Bldg.

• MONDAY • Boy Scouts, 7 p.m., CFLC

• TUESDAY •Cub Scouts, 6 p.m., CFLC

• WEDNESDAY •Logos Program, 3:30 - 6:15 p.m., CFLC

Celebration Choir Rehearsal, 6 p.m., Ed. Bldg.

• THURSDAY •Girl Scouts, 5:30 p.m.

• FRIDAY •Mother’s Day Out, 10 to 1 p.m., Ed. Bldg.

7 Trustees Meeting, 5:15 p.m., CFLC11 UMM Breakfast Meeting, 8 a.m., CFLC12 Church Council, 11:45 a.m., CFLC15 Membership Care Committee, 1 p.m., CFLC LOGOS Christmas Musical Service, 6:30 p.m.18 Free Neighborhood Breakfast, CFLC19 Choir Cantata, 10:30 a.m., CFLC24 Christmas Eve Service, 6 p.m., CFLC24, 27, 31 – Church offices closed for holidays

Poteau F.U.M.C. Report for October, 20102010 Average Attendance Figures for October: 148

2010 Budget Requirements: $326,272.00Needed for Budget Each Week: $6,274.47

Needed through October: $269,802.21October Receipts: $23,757.86

October Expenditures: $24,899.97

New Building Fund Figures:Deposits: $553,831.53

Expenditures: $553,783.43

5 Keith and Kay Thomas12 Lloyd and Dana Lee 19 Ken and Susan Hammond26 Frank and Grace Dehart


Welcome New Members!We happily welcomed new members recent-

ly. Robert, Tami, Kyle, Bryce, Wyatt and Ryker Holt, Ann Young and Jameson Shackelford, joined the church on Sunday, Nov. 21 from Arkoma First Baptist Church.

Be sure and let them know how happy we are to have them in our church family.

If you would like to provide a poinsettia in memory or in hon-or of someone for the holidays, they will be displayed on Sunday, Dec. 19 and Sunday, Dec. 26.

Call the church with your information.


News of Children and YouthBy Kimberly Hardaway

UMYF (C.H.A.O.S.)CHAOS meets Sunday evenings from 5 to 7

p.m. for all youth 6th through 12th grade. The schedule is as follows:

DECEMBER3, 4 Babysitting offered for parents to do holiday

shopping 5 Shopping at NW Mall in Fayetteville. Leave

at 12:30 p.m.; return at 9 p.m.12 CHAOS 5 - 7 p.m.19 Progressive Dinner: Start at church at 5

p.m.; over at 8:30 p.m.26 No CHAOS

JANUARY 2 Movie Night at Poteau Theater. Meet at the

church for meal by Liz and Nikki Perry 9 Youth Council luncheon meeting following

worship CHAOS 5 - 7 p.m. Meal by Pat Shelton


HOLIDAY SHOPPINGAs a service to the parents of our communi-

ty, the youth group will be offering babysitting. Hours are Friday, Dec. 3rd from 4 to 10 p.m. and Saturday, Dec. 4th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Children through age 4 will go to the Education Building. Ages 5 to 11 will go to the Christian Family Life Center. Please provide a sack dinner for your children if length of stay would require a meal and a diaper bag if children are not potty trained. There is no fee for this service, but do-nations will be accepted.


LOGOS is a Wednesday after school program that meets during the school year for ages Pre-K through 8th grade. 1 Movie Night 8 Happy Birthday, Jesus! Party Please bring a canned fruit or vegetable for

Women’s Crisis Center15 Christmas Service - Dress for the Christ-

mas Service. For the Christmas service led by the children on December 15th, the el-ementary children will all be dressed in a Christmas costume. Wearing black pants

and shirt would be nice but not required with the exception of the 5th grade girls who should wear light clothes. Middle school has individual costumes that are not affected by this.

“CHRISTMAS HANG-UPS”a Christmas musical service

Wednesday, Dec. 15, 6:30 p.m., CFLCIn celebration of the Christmas season, the

LOGOS kids share the Christmas story through drama and music.

This year’s story takes place just before Christmas and the tree ornaments have been awakened from their yearly hibernation by the movement of their storage box. It’s time! As they begin to prepare for another season on the Watson’s Christmas tree, they are greeted by a rather strange and “un-Christmassy” orna-ment: A Hula-Girl.

The Star, the Snowman, the Angel and oth-ers don’t understand what she has to do with Christmas and give her a rather cool reception until another significant figure from the man-telpiece shows up to explain to all of them what Christmas is about and how they each have sig-nificance in God’s amazing plan.

Humorous and engaging, “Christmas Hang-ups” has delightful songs, a message about Je-sus’ coming, and a reminder that Christmas is truly a time to celebrate.



focus for Happy Birthday Jesus Party on Dec. 10th.

This year as we celebrate Jesus’ birthday at LOGOS, we ask that, as a symbolic gift to Je-sus, everyone bring a canned fruit or vegetable to the party. The Women’s Crisis Center will be the recipient for the canned food.


Mother’s Day Out is on Fridays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Nursery Rooms of the Educa-tion Building. Cost is $10 per visit for children ages 1 to 4.

Note: No snack or lunch will be provided. Par-ticipants will need to provide a snack sack with child’s name on it for food and a diaper bag with diapers and wipes if needed.

Mother’s Day Out will not meet Dec. 24th or 31st.

1 Connie Sabatucci 2 David Roberts, Marilyn Johnston, Ted Kilgore, Mike Sullivan and Tatum Shelton 4 Judy Moore, Sam Shore, and Adrianna Johnson 6 Jaydon Bandy 7 John Perry 8 Virginia Stanley, Shelley Johnson, and Chloee Rolens 9 Sheri Zabala10 Jason Bandy11 Cindy Stoughton12 Jo Gee, Curtis James, and Cole Forsberg13 Robin Greenwood and Bryan Gilliam14 Reedy Gothard and David Redhage15 Pegee Werline16 Julie Lee, Judy Peerson, and Kyle Matos18 Justin Hebert and Jarot Garner19 Morgan Bandy21 Jimmie Mason and Vera Bullock23 Donna Kendrick and Bob Reynolds24 Becky Fruen and Melvyn Travis25 Gary Brown Jr., Seth Garner, Steven Sockey, and Heather Emery29 Joe Sabatucci30 Jerry Thompson31 Rosalind Kendrick and Ronnie Oehlschlager


December Anniversaries

December Birthdays

1 Ed and Cindy Brody 2 Mike and Lindsay Murray 3 Charles and Marilyn Meek 4 Marvin and Janet DeSpain14 Fredrick and Nina Ritchie18 Henry and Rozelle Hardaway19 Kyle and Kimberly Hardaway23 Joe and Connie Sabatucci26 Joe and Martha Renfro

ByTracey Gilliam,


December is a fun and wonderful month at Preschool.

We will learn about the letters I and J and the colors red and green. The Memory Verse is “God’s Son is born for us.” The shape we will focus on is the star.

Christmas celebrations will be held on De-cember 15th for the Monday-Wednesday class and December 16th for the Tuesday-Thursday and Monday-Thursday class.

Preschool is on Facebook now. Check us out!

All of us at Preschool wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Preschool classes will resume on January 3rd, 2011.

The Membership Care Committee meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the Christian Family Life Center. They reach out to those who are homebound or are dealing with health issues or bereavement. Under the direc-tion of the pastor, volunteers may offer Holy Communion to those who desire to receive it. They make a phone call, send a card, or visit in the home and share God’s love with someone.

Church members are encouraged to let us know of persons who are in need of our care. For more information, call Virginia Stanley (647-2618) or Kay Thomas (647-3491).

The Membership Care Committee will be col-lecting Christmas cards through Dec. 12th. You may use your own cards or take as many cards as you need from a basket in the CFLC. Write to as many or all that you wish with a person-al note to let them know they are missed and someone is thinking of them.

They are Dora Baldwin, Clyta Britton, Bob Bullock, Vera Bullock, Eloine Crews, Jim and Ruth Ann DeCamp, Slim Durham, Dartha Gar-ner, Jo Gee, Betty Gilson, Jane Hammond, Christine Harris, Marilyn Johnston, Martha Kidd, Alline Logan, Trudie Mathies, Opal Mid-dlebrooks, Roxanna Moore, Bessie Moreland, Bob Nichols, Christy Oehlschlager, Dorthea Sue O’Neal, Jean Potts, Gayle Smedley.

Membership Care CommitteeMeeting December 15th

We are very blessed at First United Meth-odist Church to have an excellent staff, so we would like to present each of them a “Christmas Love Offering” to express our appreciation for a job well-done. Contributions will be accepted through Sunday, December 19th. Please desig-nate your gift “Christmas Love Offering.”

Staff Love Offering