Adding and Formatting · Changing Text...

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ADDING AND FORMATTING TEXTIntroduction to Power Point

Damascus Educational Center of Scholars – Grade 4

Adding and Formatting TextoCreating a New PresentationoEntering Text on a SlideoChanging Text FormatsoUsing the Format painteroFormatting BulletsoAligning TextoWorking with Tabs

Damascus Educational Center of Scholars – Grade 4

Creating a New PresentationWhen you open PowerPoint a blank presentationis displayed by default.You can create your ownpresentation from this oneby replacing theplaceholders with yourcontent, and then addingmore slides.

You can also create a new presentation using two other methods.

Use a design template provided by PowerPoint

Use a content presentation provided by PowerPoint

Damascus Educational Center of Scholars – Grade 4

Creating a New PresentationA design template consistsof one preformatted slidecontaining placeholders fortext and other content.When you add new slides,the same design is used forthe additional slides.

A content presentation is similar to atemplate, but the presentation consists of acomplete set of slide with suggested contenton each slides.

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Creating a New Presentation

The templates and content presentationsprovided by PowerPoint are accessible fromthe New page of Backstage. You can open thissection using the New command on the Filemenu

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Creating a New PresentationThe New Page displays two sections of options for creating new presentation:

The Available Templates and Themes section contains options for creating presentation from templates that are stored on your computer. The Templates section offers a variety of templates and

content presentation that are stored on the Microsoft Office web site.

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Creating a New Presentation

The Blank Presentation option, which iscurrently selected, lets you create a new, blankpresentation from scratch. If you have recentlyused a template, it will also appear in thissection.

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Creating a New PresentationThe dialog box displays a thumbnail ofthe first slide in each presentation.Clicking a thumbnail displays apreview on the right side.

To download the presentation, usethe Download button.

Template downloads from Microsoft Office Online can take anywherefrom a few seconds to several minutes depending on your Internetconnection

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Creating a New Presentation

PowerPoint downloaded the presentation and is displaying it in Normal view. The slides tab and the presentation consists of multiple slides. Each slides contains suggestion for content.

Damascus Educational Center of Scholars – Grade 4

Entering Text on a Slide

(ie. The indicated text represents text tobe replaced with your own content.)

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Entering Text on a SlideThe small palette is called the Mini-toolbar, and it containscommonly used tools for formatting text.

The Drawing Tools Format tab is also available on theribbon. This tab appears any time a text box or graphicelement is active.

Damascus Educational Center of Scholars – Grade 4

Entering Text on a Slide

To replace the “Your Name” text inside the text box, just typein the new content and the Mini toolbar disappears after youbegin typing.

To delete unwanted text be selecting it and the pressing theDelete key on your keyboard.

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Entering Text on a Slide

PowerPoint also enables you to add new text boxes to aslide where you can enter new text. The Insert tab on theribbon contains tools for inserting text boxes and otherobjects

The Text group on the Insert tab enables you toadd text boxes and other text items.

To add a text box, you start by clicking the TextBox button.

Damascus Educational Center of Scholars – Grade 4

Changing Text Formats

The Text in a presentation can appear in a variety offormats. A text format is determined by the font style, fontsize, and enhancements, such as bold and italic. You canchange text formats using several different PowerPointtools.

Damascus Educational Center of Scholars – Grade 4

Changing Text Formats

To display another slide, you can click a slide inthe Slides tab. The Next Slide button,represented by the double-headed down arrowon the scroll bar, to go forward one slide.

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Changing Text FormatsSteps on Formatting Text :• To format text, you first select the type you want to work with.

• The mini toolbar has appeared because you selected the text.• To change the font, you click the arrow and choose another font style

from the list.• Once the list is displayed you can jump to different parts of the list by

entering the first letter of the font style you want to use

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Changing Text FormatsTo remove the display of the Mini toolbar, you can eithermove the mouse pointer away from the text or press Esc.The user can remove it using the Esc key.

In addition to the Mini toolbar, you can use the tools in theFont group in the Home tab to format text

Damascus Educational Center of Scholars – Grade 4

Changing Text Formats

The Bold, Italic, Underline and Shadow buttons serve as atoggle.A toggle is a button that is used to turn on and off variousfeatures. The button is highlighted when turned on,indicating that the features is active.

Damascus Educational Center of Scholars – Grade 4

Changing Text FormatsAnother way to change text formats is to use the Fontdialog box. This dialog box is accessible by clicking thelauncher in the Font group.

The Font dialog box contains allof the tools in the Font group,plus some additional options.This dialog box is helpful whenyou want to make many changesat once to a text selection

Damascus Educational Center of Scholars – Grade 4

Using the Format PainterAs you format your PowerPoint slides you may want to applythe same formats to different text selection. A quick way todo this is to copy the formats from one text selection andapply them to another selection.

The format Painter can be used to copy the formats fromone text selection to another.

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Using the Format PainterTo activate the Format Painter Tool which is in theClipboard group just click the Format Painter button onceand it allows you to copy and apply formats one time.

Double-clicking the Format Painter button allows you to copyformats and apply them to multiple text selections until youclick the Format Painter button.

Damascus Educational Center of Scholars – Grade 4

Formatting BulletsBullet points are often used inpresentations to quickly convey anidea to an audience. PowerPointprovides a variety of bullet styles.

To change or add a bullet to text use the Bullettools in the Paragraph group . Clicking the leftside of the Bullets button applies the defaultbullet style. Clicking the arrow of the right side ofthe button displays a menu of bullet style.

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Formatting BulletsThe Bullets menu displays the bulletstyles offered by Power Point.

The Bullets and Numbering optionbelow the library opens the Bullet andNumbering dialog box, which containmore options

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Formatting BulletsIn addition to bullet styles, theBullets and Numbering dialogbox offers numbered liststyles. These stylesautomatically apply sequentialnumbering to each text pointyou select.

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Formatting BulletsYou can also use a picture to serveas a bullet

The Picture Bullet dialog box letsyou use a predefined picture bullet,or you can import your own picturesusing the import button. You cansearch a predefined bullet using ifsearch text box.

Damascus Educational Center of Scholars – Grade 4

PowerPoint enables you to aligntext within a text box using tools inthe Paragraph group. You canhorizontally align text along the rightand left sides of the text box, as wellas the center.

Aligning Text

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Aligning TextTo change the alignment of one line of text, clickanywhere in the text and then select an alignmentoption. You can align multiple lines of text byselecting all the text you want to align and thenchoosing an alignment option

Damascus Educational Center of Scholars – Grade 4

Aligning TextYou can also align text by indenting it. Ifa text entry wraps to more that one line,then all lines in the paragraph areindented.

The Paragraph dialog box also containsthe indent options, as well as otherfeatures.

The Indents and Spacing tab in theParagraph dialog box lets you addindents as well as control the amount ofspace between lines of text. You canalso access the Tabs dialog box fromhere.

Damascus Educational Center of Scholars – Grade 4



Working with TabsAnother way to align text is by using tabs. A tabstop is different from an indent, as a tab affects onlythe first line in a paragraph.

You can set tabs using several methods. One method is to follow thesesteps:1) Select the text to be aligned using the tab stop2) Set a tab stop3) Click in front of the text and press the Tab key.

Damascus Educational Center of Scholars – Grade 4

Working with TabsTabs can be set and cleared using the Tabsdialog box or the ruler in the Slide pane.

Rather that use the dialog box set tabs, you canuse the ruler in the Slide pane. Click the dialogbox and then display the rulers.

The horizontal rules can be used to setand clear tabs.

To set a tab, you first select the type oftab you want by clicking the Tab buttonon the left side of the horizontal ruler.

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