Accountability and Data Reporting Update · and who were found enrolled in a postsecondary CTE...

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Accountability and Data Reporting Update

2017 ACE Summer Symposium

Tara McLarnon

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28%32% 33% 33%








ABE Level 1 ABE Level 2 ABE Level 3 ABE Level 4

ABE NRS Performance by Level- 1314 to 1516

1314 Actual 1415 Actual 1516 Actual

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28% 28%


40% 40%















ESL Level 1 ESL Level 2 ESL Level 3 ESL Level 4 ESL Level 5 ESL Level 6

ESL NRS Performance by Level- 1314 to 1516

1314 Actual 1415 Actual 1516 Actual

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WIOA Updates- 1617 Reporting Year• New Annual Performance Report

• Changes to NRS Data Tables (Light Peach Packet)

• Changes to cohorts included in NRS• Completion will now be based on whether the student

made a gain from the lowest initial functioning level for the reporting year

• Introduction of Periods of Participation

• Begin collection of baseline data for the new employment and wage performance measures

• Load Data for Surveys 1E/2B and F/G become critical


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WIOA Updates- 1718 Reporting Year• New EFL Titles


Educational Functioning Level

Current Title 1718 EFL Title

Beginning Literacy (0-1) ABE Level 1

Beginning Basic Ed (2-3) ABE Level 2

Intermediate Low (4-5) ABE Level 3

Intermediate High (6-8) ABE Level 4

ASE Low (9-10) ABE Level 5

ASE High (11-12) ABE Level 6

Beginning Literacy (0-1) ESL Level 1

Beginning Low (2) ESL Level 2

Beginning High (3) ESL Level 3

Intermediate Low (4) ESL Level 4

Intermediate High (5) ESL Level 5

Advanced (6-8) ESL Level 6

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WIOA 1617 Reports- Table 3• Includes subpopulations of students enrolled in integrated


• FL has two Integrated programs- GED-I (ASE) and ELCAE (IELCE)

ASE Integrated- Students enrolled in the GED-I program and who were found enrolled in a postsecondary CTE program in the same reporting window

IELCE Integrated- Students enrolled in the ELCATE program and who were found enrolled in a postsecondary CTE program in the same reporting window

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Periods of Participation (POP)• Participant definition- under WIOA, an individual who

completes at least 12 instructional hours of service in a period of participation

• A new period of participation is counted each time a participant exits for more than 90 days and reenters the program, even if it occurs in the same program year.

• This is significant because each period of participation without a measurable skills gain will count against the performance measures.

• Retention and outreach efforts are even more critical in maintaining and improving institutional performance.


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Example 1: Frodo with Multiple Periods of Participation

Course Entry Course Exit Instructional Hours

90 or more days without service after exit

MeasurableSkills Gaines Reported

July 1 July 10 5 No No

September 10 October 30 40 Yes No

February 5 April 20 75 ? Yes


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Example 2: Aragorn with One Period of Participation

Course Entry Course Exit Instructional Hours

90 or more days without service after exit

MeasurableSkills Gaines Reported

August 15 September 30 70 No Yes

November 10 December 30 40 No No

February 5 April 20 75 ? Yes


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WIOA 1617 Reports- Table 4• Columns B-H based on first POP, Columns I-K based on all POPs

• Performance Targets are based on Column K

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Learning Gains• Students with multiple POPs who earn a Diploma/GED will

receive credit as a completer for each POP regardless of whether the Diploma/GED was earned in the second POP

• Students who earn both a GED and an LCP in POP1 will only be counted in Column E

• Cohort is determined based on the lowest initial EFL reported for the reporting year. Students who are enrolled over multiple reporting years may change cohorts from one year to the next because of where they have ended the previous year.

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Core Indicator: Employment Rate (Entered)• Number of exiters during the reporting period who are employed during

the second quarter after exit (numerator) divided by the number of exiters during the reporting period (denominator)

• Program Year 2016-17 will be included in Report Year 2017-18• Will include students who were enrolled and exited between July 1, 2016 and March

31, 2017

• Program Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 will be included in Report Year 2018-19

• Will include students who were enrolled and exited between April 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018

• Report Year 2019-20 be the first year for a state target

• Future annual reports will continue to use April 1- March 31st for each report year


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Core Indicator: Employment Rate (Retention)

• Number of exiters during the reporting period who are employed during the fourth quarter after exit (numerator) divided by the number of exiters during the reporting period (denominator)

• Program Year 2016-17 will be included in Report Year 2017-18• Will include students who were enrolled and exited between July 1, 2016 and

September 30, 2016

• Program Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 will be included in Report Year 2018-19

• Will include students who were enrolled and exited between October 1, 2016 and September 30, 2017

• Report Year 2019-20 be the first year for a state target

• Future annual reports will continue to use October 1- Sept 30th for each report year


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Core Indicator: Median Earnings• For all exiters in a core program, report the wage that is at the midpoint

(of all the wages) between the highest and lowest wage earned in the second quarter after exit

• Program Year 2016-17 will be included in Report Year 2017-18• Will include students who were enrolled and exited between July 1, 2016 and March

31, 2017

• Program Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 will be included in Report Year 2018-19

• Will include students who were enrolled and exited between April 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018

• Report Year 2019-20 be the first year for a state target

• Future annual reports will continue to use April 1- March 31st for each report year


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Core Indicator: Credential Rate• Total number of participants who exited and were in a secondary

education program (at or above the 9th grade level) who attained a high school diploma or equivalent

• Program Year 2016-17 will be included in Report Year 2017-18• Will include students who were enrolled and exited between July 1, 2016 and

September 30, 2016

• Program Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 will be included in Report Year 2018-19

• Will include students who were enrolled and exited between October 1, 2016 and September 30, 2017

• Report Year 2019-20 be the first year for a state target

• Future annual reports will continue to use October 1- Sept 30th for each report year


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AGE Instructional Hours

• Rule 6A-10.0381, F.A.C.- Registration of Adult Education Students• Approved by the State Board of Education on May 16,


• Includes:• Creation definitions of key terms to assist with local


• Adoption of new procedures for asynchronous online courses

• New requirements for reporting associated with summer courses

• Clarification on withdrawal date reporting

• Clarification on the effect of emergency situations on the reporting of instructional hours


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AGE Instructional Hours• Proposed changes would be in effect beginning

with Fall 2017• The original procedures were effective from the original

adoption in 2006-07 through the summer reporting for 2017-18 year.

• AGE Instructional Hours TA Paper• Will be updated to reflect the final rule language

• Development of a new FAQ to accompany the TA paper.


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Instructional Hours FAQ- DRAFT

• How does the minimum “Enrollment Threshold” portion of the procedures work? What does “per program” mean with regard to the minimum enrollment threshold?

• The rule states that student must participate in at least 12 contact hours of instructional activity (10 hours of direct instruction and two hours of testing for placement purposes) per program within a reporting period. Reporting period refers to a reporting survey for state student level reporting requirements.

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Instructional Hours FAQ- DRAFT• CTD-How does the minimum “Enrollment Threshold”

portion of the procedures work? What does “per program” mean with regard to the minimum enrollment threshold?

• If the student does not meet the 10 hours of direct instruction, the actual numbers of hours of attendance, not the originally scheduled hours, are reported for purposes of establishing enrollment for NRS accountability measures.

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Instructional Hours FAQ- DRAFT

What is meant by “asynchronous online”?

• Asynchronous online courses are designed to allow the student to access materials, lectures, tests and assignment on their own schedule. While students may be given a timeframe for completion of tasks, work of students and of instructors is occurring at different times and places. Asynchronous learning may include a variety of instructional interactions, including email exchanges, discussion boards, and course-management systems that organize instructional materials and correspondence.

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Instructional Hours FAQ- DRAFT

If a student is using a computer laboratory at an instructional site to complete an online adult general education program, does the withdrawal policy for laboratory instruction or asynchronous online instruction apply?

• The laboratory in this case is not laboratory instruction even through the student is using a computer laboratory. Since the work of the student and teacher is occurring at different places and times this would be considered asynchronous and the policies for online adult general education courses would apply. Rule 6A-10.0381(10), F.A.C.

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WIOA Updates- 1718 Reporting Year

• 1718 AEFLA- Competition

• Proposed changes to instructional hours reporting

• MSG State Targets are now tied to EFL Program Type instead of individual EFL• ABE (Levels 1-5) Target- 42%

• ESL (Levels 1-6) Target- 40%


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Other Updates

• AAAE• Subject specific courses and LCPs have been retired

• All activity is now reported in the comprehensive course number

• One reportable LCP (D) indicting the student has met all basic skills requirements for the CTE program

• Wonderlic GAIN• Will no longer be reportable for 17-18


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LCP Date Earned and Course Exit

• 1718 Policy for Reporting LCPs• If a post-test occurs after the course exit, any gains

(LCPs) should be reported with the next term’s enrollment.

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Data Reporting and Submission Issues

Leanne Ames- Districts(850) 245-9094,

Kris Bice- Colleges

(850) 245-9594,

April Card- CBOs

(850) 245-9518,


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Reporting Requirements and Data Elements

Tara McLarnon, Program Director

(850) 245-9005,

Paul Stonecipher, Program Specialist(850) 245-0720,

Colin Barton, Program Specialist(850) 245-9060,