№1 - tou.edu.ge works/N1 2010.pdf · НЕКОТОРЫЕ СУЖДЕНИЯ О...

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Transcript of №1 - tou.edu.ge works/N1 2010.pdf · НЕКОТОРЫЕ СУЖДЕНИЯ О...


თბილისი - Tbilisi



ზაურ ამილახვარი

- -

Zaur Amlaikhvari

ზუხრა მაცაბერიძე Zukhra Matsaberidze

კახაბერ ერაძე

ბადრი სალუქვაძე

აპოლონ გადელია

ელენე ჩიქოვანი

ეთერ კაკულია

აზიკო სისვაძე

ლალი ფირცხალაიშვილი

ბესიკ ჯობავა

ლევან ბოცვაძე

ვაჟა გურგენიძე

ტატიანა წილოსანი

მურად კემულარია

გიორგი ლორია

გურამ ივანიშვილი

ალექსანდრე გიორგიძე

ნინო გადელია

ნუგზარ ხუჭუა

დევი შონია

მერაბ ზედგინიძე

ბადრი მეჩეხია

გიორგი ივანიშვილი

როლანდ კოპალიანი

ოლეგ მელაძე

ვალერი სუხიშვილი

ჯემალ გახოკიძე

გივი ლობჟანიძე

ზვიად როგავა

ჯონ გრაციანო (აშშ)

ოკტაი იაზიჯი (თურქეთი)

ელდარ ისმაილოვი (აზერბაიჯანი)

გრიშა მესხი (რუსეთი)

ალექსანდრე პავლოვი (რუსეთი)

რობერტ მინასიანი (სომხეთი)

Kakhaber Eradze

Badri Salukvadze

Apolon Gadelia

Elene Chikovani

Eter Kakulia,

Aziko Sisvadze

Lali Pirtskalaishvili

Besik Jobava

Levan Botsvadze

Vaja Gurgenidze

Tatiana Tsilosani

Murad Kemularia

George Loria

Guram Ivanishvili

Alexander Giorgidze

Nino Gadelia

Nugzar Khuchua

Devi Shonia

Merab Zedgenidze

Badri Mechekhia

George Ivaniashvi

Roland Kopaliani

Oleg Meladze

Valeri Sukhishvili

Jemal Gakhokidze

Givi Lobzhanidze

Zviad Rogava

John Graziano (USA)

Oktai laziji (Turkey)

Eldar Ismailov (Azerbaijan)

Grisha Meskhi (Russia)

Alexander Mavlov (Russia)

Robert Minasian (Armenia)

ISSN 1987-9067


სახელმწიფოს ფისკალური ურთიერთობების რეგულირების სამართლებრივი

სისტემის სრულყოფის აქტუალური ასპექტები. ........................ 5

ბინის ან სხვა მფლობელობის ხელშეუხებლობის დარღვევა ადამიანის

კონსტიტუციური უფლების ხელყოფაა. .................................... 16

საქართველოს სახელმწიფოსა და ეკლესიის ურთიერთობათა სამართლებრივი

რეგულირება. ................................................................................ 27

შემთხვევის ადგილის დათვალიერების შესაძლებლობათა გამოყენება

ორგანიზებული ჯგუფის მიერ დანაშაულის ჩადენის ფაქტის დადგენისთვის.

............................................................................................................ 32

უშუალო მმართველობის ძირითადი პარადიგმები. ............ 36

საზღვარგარეთის ქვეყნების საგადასახადო სისტემები. .... 53

პოლიტიკური მონაწილეობა საქართველოს მაგალითზე და მისი

სამართლებრივი რეგლამენტაციის ფარგლები. ...................... 58


განვითარებული ქვეყნების საგადასახადო სისტემათა თავისებურებანი.

......................................................................................................................... 67

საგარეო ვაჭრობის ისტორიული მიმოხილვა. ..................... 72

საუნივერსიტეტო განათლების შემდგომი დასაქმების პრობლემები

საქართველოში. ..................................................................................... 82

ეკონომიკური თეორია რევოლუციურ ცვლილებათა გზაჯვარედინზე.

................................................................................................................................ 91

საკადრო პროცესების მართვა გარდამავალი პერიოდის ეკონომიკის

საქართველოში. .................................................................................. 99



Ариф Халил оглы ............................................................................................................. 109


პოლიტიკური კონფლიქტების სტრუქტურა და ძირითადი ფორმები.

......................................................................................................................... 113

ექსპორტ-იმპორტის რეგულირების სატარიფო და არასატარიფო ღონისძიებების

საერთაშორისო მექანიზმები და მისი მარეგულირებელი ეროვნული

სამართლებრივი სისტემის სრულყოფის საკითხები. ....... 120


Гургенидзе ........................................................................................................................ 130




Джумбер Надирашвили Роман Цхварадзе ................................................................ 140

სატრანსპორტო-ლოგისტიკური კომპლექსების ეფექტურობის შეფასებით

ზოგიერთი საკითხი.

............................................................................................................................................ 149

ზაურ ამილახვარი

იურიდიულ მეცნიერებათა დოქტორი, საქართველოს საერთაშორისო

ურთიერთობათა უნივერსიტეტის სრული პროფესორი

The article, discusses legal norms of Georgia regulating fiscal relationships, mistakes

committed during elaboration process, which negatively influenced further development

of fair legal system of country.

After analyzing tax and customs legislation, also legal norms regulating amount of

fees for services provided by legal entities of public law, various proposals and

recommendations for their improvement are provided.

According to author's advices and arguments, to provide legislative control function

to constitutional court, also to give any individuals right for appealing any courts decisions

in constitutional court, will push and positively stimulate of states fair improvement.

ბადრი სალუქვაძე

იურიდიულ მეცნიერებათა დოქტორი, „საქართველოს საერთაშორისო

ურთიერთობათა უნივერსიტეტის სრული პროფესორი

The subject matter of the article is observing the rights of man. We make an attempt

to discuss one of the common violations of human rights such as dissolving agreement on

private property (Law Code of Georgia, article 160). There is a necessity to make an

appropriate statement of the article and define the disposition of legal norms on the basis

of analysis and conclusion. We assume that the term „and some other actions“ increases the

possibility of the right violation.

In the research work we draw a parallel with the analogous legal norms of some other

countries and that matter arouses academic interest in this particular case. In the article we

are also looking over various critical and urgent investigative actions when the right to

property of a man is limited on legitimate basis. It is obvious that we observe the right

violations that have become a common occurrence in Georgia.

In conclusion, it should be mentioned that legal framework needs to be perfected and

the government should provide constant regulatory developments.

მირანდა გურგენიძე

დოქტორის ხარისხის მაძიებელი

The presented article "about Georgian Church and State relation“ is connected to the

dependency between Georgian State and Orthodoxy Church, as in historical also in modern

section. In view religion in Georgian history expressed by Georgian Orthodoxy Church has

played a big role in forming and developing of Georgian State.

The base of Georgian Church and State relation is presenting the constitution

agreement (concordat) of 14h October of 2002.

In the presenting article by the author is given also detail law analyze of constitution

agreement (concordant).

გურამ ივანიშვილი

იურიდიულ მეცნიერებათა დოქტორი, საქართველოს საერთაშორისო

ურთიერთობათა უნივერსიტეტის სრული პროფესორი

As a rule, about the crime committed by group indicate finger-prints, left by different

persons, also footprints, rests of smokined cigarettes, coloured sings (by lip-stick) on wine

or tea-cups, rests of food, also traces after carrying of heavy things, way of committing of a

murder, changes at the place of crime and etc.

მამუკა მათიაშვილი

დოქტორის ხარისხის მაძიებელი

The report provides the information about such an important institution and

function, as the dairect democracy and referendum. The discussion refers to the

preconditions of beginning of direct democracy and its development. The existence of the

Direct Democracy and its functioning is one of the necessary factors for development of

the Democracy. In its essence, direct democracy is so significant that it even can be

estimated as one of the main directions of the execution of power of people.

However, the extent of the referendum varies in each of them, being substantially

depended on country regulative system in-force. For considering the scales of diferency

betwin above mentioned regulations we will provide full information about the

referendums, its implementation and nature. The level of the direct governancy of the

people estimated as an indicator of country's democratism.

სალომე კუპრაშვილი

დოქტორის ხარისხის მაძიებელი

There is long-time history of the payments existence and development. Payment is

always considered the state development and preservation. Completing of the payment

systems is linked with the getting strength of the role and function where the payment is

one of the economic principles.

In that way, payment is fundamental point of state development. In general, payment

is budget's duty, unpledged money fee that is paid by payer according necessary, non-

equivalent and non-purchased character. Here is proved one of the famous Franklin's

phrases „In life everything is unpredictable except death and payments“.

Paymental liberal politick offers increase of economic activity, widespread of

business, activation of infestations that gets fast the rates of economic increase. Strict

economic politick means high paymental sections and minimal bates. World Bank annual

survey showed that the most difficult paymental system is in Ukraine and Belarus.

According the survey, Georgia is on 102 places among other 178 countries. The least

paymental bate is 8,4% in island country Vatsuatushi. Leader of the tourism rating is lovely


For the modern country is important the completing of the paymental system which

is considered in the existence of the differential payments.

თამაზ ურთმელიძე

ბოლნისის რაიონული სასამართლოს მოსამართლე, დოქტორის ხარისხის


The aim of presented scientist article is to characterize the peculiarity political

participate of citizenship, their forms, must be definition traditional and not traditional

political participate forms and their roles on the political process. The aim of article is, also

learning the Georgian legislation on that side what kind of role is imposed to the society

and with what kind rules are providing their members during the authority decision getting


დავით ჯალაღონია

ეკონომიკის მეცნიერებათა დოქტორი

In the work, there are discussed the peculiarities of tax systems applicable in

developed countries, there are presented the tax reforms made in developed countries

(USA, England, France, Germany) and their concrete results. There are researched them

sorts of taking out of taxes in there countries. There are analyzed the sorts of tax applicable

in developed countries and their place in the formation of fulfilling of the budget of these

countries. There is given the system of federal and parallel using of taxes characteristic for

USA tax system. Profit tax of corporations used in developed countries is greatly

emphasized in the work, the rates of which are differed according to annual incomes. Tax

of Joint-Stock Company applicable in France in also worthwhile to notice, the size of rate

of tax which depends on the trend of using the profit. In the work, there are analyzed the

results of tax reforms made in all over the developed countries and those two tendencies,

according to which one group of states is emphasized on reforms of direct taxes and the

other group, which is emphasized on the importance of non direct taxes.

პაატა ცაგარეიშვილი

დოქტორის ხარისხის მაძიებელი

On development matter of world economy many factors had an influence. Some

result of facts was positively reflected on its development, some caused its stoppage.

Especially, factors that had an possitive influence on foreign trade is following:

• Great geographic descoveries of middle ages;

• Independence day of USA (1776);

• Industrial Revolution in Britain (1760-1850);

• General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT, 1948);

• Today's foreign trade picture (electonic trade).

On development of foreign trade had negative influence the following factors:

• I world war (1914-1918);

• II world war (1939-1945);

• Socialist system.

If we drow a parallel between going processes in Georgia and other experienced

subjects of foreign trade we'll see sufficiently interesting image.

კახაბერ ერაძე

ეკონომიკის დოქტორი, სრული პროფესორი, საქართველოს საერთაშორისო

ურთიერთობათა უნივერსიტეტი

University education represents an important mechanism of providing the economy

with qualified labor force. Economic Development of any country is impossible without

qualified labor. To manage existing problems, opinion of students at the university level

should be taken into consideration. Social research recently carried by the UIRG shows,

that student's opinion about post graduate employment is controversial. Education system

is not a separate branch of countries functioning, but it has a tight connection with its

economic development. In order to serve economic development of Georgia, complex

measures have to be planned. Particularly:

• Government have to make guarantees of stability and protection of private


• Tight contacts have to be established among universities and future

employers. Curriculums have to be designed considering business needs and

practical components have to be included into it.

• Fair and transparent mechanisms of internship and employment have to be

established by civil service and private businesses;

• Special conditions for economic development of regions have to be

introduced. Social conditions have to be improved and process of

decentralization has to be deepened.

Financing of education has to become a correct investment into economic

development of Georgia and country has to benefit from it.

აზიკო სისვაძე

ეკონომიკის დოქტორი, სრული პროფესორი, საქართველოს საერთაშორისო

ურთიერთობათა უნივერსიტეტი

One of the most important peculiarities of modern global economy is moving

countries to super industrial economy, which will be absolutely different from modern

understanding. These processes should adequately be reflected into economic science and

the name of this field of science also needs to be clarified.

The term of Economic Theory means that we study a specific theory form, which

actually does not exist. So this field of studies has to me named Theory of Economics, but

as far as it is a basic for other fields of economy, it should be named as Basic Theory of


In the universities of Georgia, groundless process of expulsion of Theory of Economics

and its alternation with Economics or so called Principles of Economics has started.

Economics studies economy from practical point of view, and Principles of Economic from

normative point of view. This is impossible without complex studying objective

relationships. Only Basic Theory of Economics has capacity to conduct complex research

of economy.

Idealization of the textbook of Gregory Mankiw, Principles of Economics is not fair

without critical evaluation of this work, because the principles laying basics for this

textbook in fact are not principles and are not so fundamental, to serve as a basics of

Economic Science.

ელენე ჩიქოვანი

ეკონომიკის აკადემიური დოქტორი, სრული პროფესორი

Article evaluates tendencies in the field of employment and unemployment in

transitional economy of Georgia. Analysis mechanisms of regulation human recourse

management processes, institutional frameworks, legislation base, infrastructure, program

measures for the employment of unemployed, measures conducted for the training and

retraining of the staff and rising in qualification, tendencies established in labor

remuneration and compensation system, priorities defined in human resource management

processes. Article emphases approaches and experience used in foreign countries, main

leading principles and ways for the solving of problems.



Исмайылов Ариф Халил оглы

Бакинский Государственный Университет Диссертант

As it is known the investment process is regulated by law. It is of current importance

to study it both in respect to legal basis and legislation. The actuality of this theme appears

when it is talked about expanding and enlargement of international investment. The goal

of this article is to learn mutual relations of international law and investment process.

ნინო წერეთელი

დოქტორის ხარისხის მაძიებელი

Conflict represents one of the spread forms for political climate changes. Reasons of

conflict establishments could be different factors, in particular: different ideas between

societies, social and material conditions, mass catastrophes, counties different diplomatic

courses and etc.

Mainly it is very important, parties involved in political conflict to try resolving the

situation peacefully and in constructive manner. It is also essential for parties to be ready

for dialogue and solving the problem with diplomatic way. They should try to forget

aggression, to have peaceful resolution of raised conflict, so all the nations and society could

live in peaceful atmosphere.


ლაშა ცაგარეიშვილი

დოქტორის ხარისხის მაძიებელი

Positive balance of foreign trade (difference of import and export betweent common

values) is in direct proportional dependence to its economic development. Questionable is

not the fact, that corresponding national legal environment have an influence on

development of national production and country's export potential. During the time, in

international legal practice has established the mechanisms, that gives countries possibility

to "manage“ the flows of export-import. These mechanisms can be grouped in the following


• Tariff events:

o Customs tariff;

o Tariff quota.

• Non-tariff events:

o Assignment of quotas;

o Licensing;

o „Voluntarily" limitation of export;

o Technical and administrative barriers;

o Request of contains of local components;

o State purchases;

o Internal taxes and dues;

o Subsidies;

o Crediting;

o Damping

With those legal instruments countries can limit import-export of separate goods or

promotion. In Georgia national legal system if the meaning of mentioned mechanisms of

foreigh trade regulation will be provided more, an influance of corresponding normative

acts will be more effective in the heighten issue of economic prosperity of the country.


Важа Гургенидзе

доктор политических наук, профессор

The political science, as an independent academic discipline, has been formed at the

USA earlier than in other countries. From the very first steps, the science was developed

by the high professionalism. In the USA, the political science was distinguished with the

fundamental empirical nature and was generally concentrated with in the Universities.

The first stage of the development of the political science in the USA was launched

in the fourth quarter of XIX century. The main peculiar feature of this stage was the historic

nature of the political science.

Since the beginning of the XX century, in parallel with formation of the philosophy

of pragmatism, the new era began and the preference was given to the empirical research.

For 20-ies of XX century, the sociological and social physiological analysis gained

popularity in the political sciences. The new methodological orientation is connected with

the name of Ch. Merime and G. Lasuel.

In the first half of XX century, the first behaviorist researches were developed

(Bentle, Hersing, Odegard, Elmar, etc.). In the later period, the so-called „Post-Behaviorist“

enjoyed wide popularity.

Today, the US political science is mainly based on the political system and applies the

empirical researches.





Джумбер Надирашвили, Роман Цхварадзе

Optimization of the admissible and optimal modes of operation of mashine – tractor

assembly, by rationale distribution of load on the regulator and corrector brenches of

tractor engine.


ლ. ბოცვაძე

საქართველოს საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობათა უნივერსიტეტი ტექნ.

მეცნიერებათა დოქტორი, სრული პროფესორი

კ. ერაძე

საქართველოს საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობათა უნივერსიტეტი. ეკონომიკის

დოქტორი, სრული პროფესორი,

ვ. ბოცვაძე

საქართველოს დავით აღმაშენებლის სახელობის უნივერსიტეტი


ე. ნაზინიანი, მ. ივანოვა

საქართველოს ტექნიკური უნივერსიტეტი მაგისტრანტი

In the article authors discuss problems of methods of transport and logistical systems

effectiveness evaluation by the minimum of integral expenses. Procedures of optimization

of such systems in market economy system are provided. It also describes methods of

separate components of optimum criteria for any types of warehousing enterprises. On the

basis of logistical approach and general expenditure concepts, methods of evaluation of

integral effect's components in container-packaging transportation for separate objects and

in the chain „sender-terminal- magisterial transport-terminal-receiver“.