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Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 164214045











Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 164214045








“Everyone has talent, but the ability takes hard work.”

- Michael Jordan-

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”

- Romans 12;12 (NIV)-



Dedicated to those who are ready to say

"cheers to my peace with adversity."


for everybody who frequently asked me

“kapan lulus?”

Gepong 2020




My deepest gratitude goes to my Saviour, Jesus Christ, for His mercy, His

love, His preservation, and all the blessings throughout my years of study. I would

also like to gift special thanks to my beloved father, Pdt. Welson Lasum S.Th, my

mother Marta, and my brother Heri Azaria, AMK. For the support, patience, and

love of my whole life.

I also sincerely express my sincere gratitude to Fransisca Kristanti S.Pd.,

M.Hum., my thesis advisor for her patience, guidance, motivation, and support so

that I can finish my undergraduate thesis. I want to thank my co-advisor

Dr.Bernardine Ria Lestari for thorough corrections and necessary information, as

well as Elisabeth Oseanita Pukan S.S., M.A. as my Academic Advisor.

Special thanks goes to all my classmates in 2016, especially Bima,Aldo and

Rosita for giving me some suggestions when I was trapped in my thesis, and for

exchanging information randomly. I also thank my parents in faith, Pdt. Naftali, Ev.

Yuli Purwanti, Pdt.Marison, my best friends, Yuni, Paska, Eirene, Lasri, Ike, Tari,

Erin and Shinta. Then my thanks also goes to my Kita Selamanya Group, GKII

Galilea Kayu Bunga family, and GKII & GH Youth Yogyakarta, for the impressive

experience. Moreover, I would say thanks to my friends Tibas, Nadet, Shelly, Dian,

Putri for their support, care, and love. Lastly, all the difficulties I faced during

college, thank you for making me survive and become stronger.

Grace Shintia




TITLE PAGE .............................................................................................................. ii

APPROVAL PAGE ................................................................................................... iii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE .............................................................................................. iv

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY .......................................................................... v


ILMIAH UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS .................................................... vi

MOTTO PAGE ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

DEDICATION PAGE .............................................................................................. viii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ......................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ x

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

LIST OF TABLES ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.i

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. xiv

ABSTRAK ................................................................................................................... xv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 1

A. Background of the Study ................................................................................ 1

B. Problem Formulation ...................................................................................... 5

C. Objectives of the Study .................................................................................. 6

D. Definition of Terms ........................................................................................ 6

CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................. 8

A. Review of Related Studies.............................................................................. 8

B. Review of Related Theories ......................................................................... 11

C. Theoretical Framework ................................................................................ 17



CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ........................................................................ 19

A. Object of the Study ....................................................................................... 19

B. The approach of the Study ............................................................................ 20

C. Method of the Study ..................................................................................... 21

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS RESULT AND DISCUSSION ................................. 25

A. The Type of speech acts on direct speech in the book of Luke .................... 25

B. The Speech acts Function ............................................................................. 36

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ................................................................................ 43

REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 45

APPENDIX ................................................................................................................ 46




NIV: New International Version

USD: Universitas Sanata Dharma




No. Table Page

1. Table 1. The speech act types 23

2. Table 2. The speech act functions 34




Shintia, Grace. (2020). A Speech Act Analysis on Direct Speech in The Book of Luke

(NIV). Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas

Sanata Dharma.

Speech acts can be found in the use of language in verbal communication. In

everyday communication, speech acts can be found in the use of language in literary

works such as films, books, songs, scriptures, and the like. Specifically, this study

examines the speech act in one of the literary works, namely the Book of Luke chapters

1 to 3 New International Version, through the language expressed by the speakers


There are two research objectives of this study. The first objective is to explain

the types of the speech act in the Book of Luke. The second objective is to show every

speech act function that are used by speakers.

To answer the two objectives of this study, the researcher is used a pragmatic

approach to understand the meaning of language usage. The researcher is applied the

approach method to the data source of this study, namely all direct speech in the Book

of Luke (NIV) chapters 1 to 3. Moreover, several theories are used by researcher in the

analysis process, such as the theory of speech act levels, theories of speech act types,

and theory of speech act functions.

This analysis shows that the book of Luke (NIV) chapters 1 to 3 use all types of

speech acts, namely representative, directive, expressive, commissive, and declaration,

along with all the functions of the speech act, namely questioning, requesting,

commanding and informing. However, the dominant speakers use representative,

directive, and expressive types with 11 times each, while for their functions, the

speakers use more information functions with a total of 21 expressions. All expressions

are used by the speakers to describe events before Jesus' birth.

Keywords: language, pragmatics, speech acts, the book of Luke, direct speech




Shintia, Grace. (2020). A Speech Act Analysis on Direct Speech in The Book of Luke

(NIV). Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata


Speech act dapat ditemukan pada penggunaan bahasa dalam setiap komunikasi

verbal. Dalam komunikasi sehari-hari, speech act dapat ditemukan dalam penggunaan

bahasa pada karya sastra seperti film,buku,lagu,kitab suci dan karya sastra lainnya.

Secara khusus, studi ini meneliti speech act dalam salah satu karya sastra yaitu kitab

Lukas chpasal 1 sampai 3, New International Version, melalui Bahasa yang

diungkapkan para pembicara didalamnya.

Terdapat dua tujuan penelitian dari studi ini. Tujuan pertama adalah untuk

menjelaskan tipe-tipe speech act dalam injil Lukas. Tujuan kedua adalah untuk

menunjukkan setiap fungsi speech act yang digunakan oleh para pembicara.

Untuk menjawab kedua tujuan penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan

pragmatik, untuk memahami makna penggunaan bahasa. Metode pendekatan tersebut

peneliti terapkan pada sumber data penelitian ini, yakni seluruh direct speech dalam

injil Lukas (NIV) pasal 1 sampai 3. Beberapa teori juga peneliti gunakan dalam proses

analisis, seperti teori tingakatan speech act, teori tipe-tipe speech act dan teori fungsi

dari speech act.

Dari analisis ini menunjukkan bahwa injil Lukas (NIV) pasal 1 sampai 3

menggunakan seluruh tipe speech act yaitu representative, directive, expressive,

commissive dan declaration beserta seluruh fungsi speech actnya yaitu questioning,

requesting, commanding dan informing. Namun para pembicara dominan

menggunakan tipe representative, directive dan expressive dengan masing-masing 11

kali, sedangkan untuk fungsinya, para pembicara lebih banyak menggunakan fungsi

informing dengan total 21 ungkapan. Semua ungkapan digunakan penutur untuk

menjelaskan peristiwa sebelum kelahiran Yesus.

Keywords: language, pragmatics, speech acts, the book of Luke, direct speech





A. Background of the Study

Language has many functions to connect all aspects of human life. One purpose

of language is as a means of communication to create contact with the environment.

The verbal communication process that uses vocabulary usually accompanied by

actions that support what is being said. Yule (2010) states that communication depends

on recognizing the meaning of words in an utterance and recognizing the speakers'

intention by their statements (p. 127). Linguistically, the phenomena of speech

accompanied by actions to support what is delivered are called speech acts.

According to Searle (1976), A speech act is something conveyed by someone

does not only present information but also performs an action through their words. In

pragmatic field, speech acts also represent a key concept, which can be broadly defined

as language use in context. Austin (1962) explains that there are three stages related to

speech acts. The first is locution, this is about what is said. While, the second stage is

illocution. Illocution stage is the meaning of an utterance, while perlocution is about

the result or impact before or after the speech.

Even though Austin had developed such a stage of speech acts, the theory of

speech acts by Searle that is most widely used (Barron, 2003).



Searle in Schauer (2009, p.8) distinguish speech acts into five classes or stages. The

first stage is representatives in which speakers commit themselves to something being

true. The second type of speech act is directive, which speakers attempt to get hearers

to do something. While, the third kind of speech act is commissive, where speakers

commit themselves to some future course of action. Then the fourth type is expressive

in which speakers express their psychological state, and the last type is declaration

when speakers bring about the correspondence between propositional content and

reality. The five types of speech acts followed by their respective functions are used in

daily communication or literary works such as novels, songs, scriptures, films, etc.

In this research, the researcher chose a literary work in the form of the Bible as

the research object because the bible, as a literary work, tells the story meaningfulnes,

invokes an emotional response, and offers insight into the human condition (England,

2013, Para 1). On the other hand, the bible consists of communication that represents

the three stages of speech acts (Sang, 2018, Para 6), which uses direct utterances. For

example, in Mark 11, 22 says, "Have faith in God." The locutionary stage in the speech

is when the speaker says the words. At the same time, the words accompanied by force

meanings that are about "believing in God." it is called the illocutionary speech act or

the second level because it shows the purpose of the statement. While (if any), the

impact of these words is called perlocutionary.

The use of direct speech, like in the example above, shows the transformative

power of words with intermediaries. Besides, Yule says direct speech occurs when



there is a direct relationship between a structure and function of a sentence (1996, p.55).

It means direct speech helps understand the use of spoken language in the Bible.

Moreover, this research focuses on direct speech acts in the new international

version 6 of online-offline bible application developed by else home. Direct speech is

beneficial for researchers to analyze the context because the situation coincides when

the speaker expresses the utterance—making it easier for researchers to know the

supporting parts such as speakers and locations immediately. On top of that, the

researcher titled this research as A Speech Act Analysis on Direct Speech in the Book

of Luke (NIV) that supported by the theory from Searle (1976) and Yule (1996, 2010).

In compliance with the title, the object specification of this research is the Book

of Luke. This book has been written by an author called Luke (Colossians 4:14) from

Antioch, a city from Syria (Roberson, 2010). Luke is the only writer of the Gospels

who is not Jewish. According to Leks (2003), Luke is the same person as the author of

the book of Acts, and it seems from the homogeneity language, ideas, and symmetry

of the subject in both books (p.13). Although Luke does not mention the exact name,

place, and time of writing of the Gospel he wrote, He was undoubtedly a very organized

and conscientious person (Leks, 2003, p.14) who was able to conceptualize Greek

history. However, Luke is not a Jewish person. That is proven by intensive research

systematically record the life of Christ based on the statements of the eyewitness

accounts (Luke 1: 1-4) to produce reliable research.

In addition, from Luke, who has a non-Jewish background, the reader can see the

difference between writing the language of the gospel of Luke and the other gospel;



Luke is written very systematically so that the story is more accessible for the reader

to follow. Whereas in the other three gospels, there are jumps in the story so that it is

more difficult for readers to understand the details of events.

Additionally, in the hand of Luke, an arranged gospel called the book of Luke

was born. This book estimated to be written around AD 80-90 (Leks, 2003 p.23) and

recognized as the best historical work among the other gospels. Leks (2003), in his

book, states the gospel is very neat from other gospels because it always begins with

the introductory and ending with a conclusion (p.22). The Book of Luke is in detail and

gradually explained the process of the birth of Jesus until His ascension to heaven.

Interestingly, the first three chapters of the book of Luke describes the period

before Jesus’ birth. For example, in Luke 2:10 says, "do not be afraid, I bring good

news for you. "That utterance stated by God to Mary. However, in the case above, the

Angel only becomes an intermediary between God and Mary. Actually, at that time,

God did not exist yet on earth (Leks, 2003, p. 34). Unique events such as multilevel

conversations in the case above are the focus of the researcher's attention. Multilevel

nonversation that researcher means is communication aimed at the listener but through

an intermediary. For example, a message that God gave to humans but was delivered

by an angel as representatives of God. That is what is meant by "multi" because it is

more than one stage, that is, from the giver of the message-to-receiver. While the

"level" because of the power of the messenger. For example, God has the right to rule

angels, and angels have the right to convey messages to humans because he has been

given a mandate in exchange for God in sending information.



The specification of this research focused on speech acts on direct speech found

in chapters 1 to 3 of the book of Luke (NIV). In these chapters, the good news about

Jesus is still conveyed through an intermediary, while in the following chapter, Jesus

had come and talked without going through intermediaries anymore. The result invites

readers to understand the usage of each type of speech act and its function.

Furthermore, the context in Luke explained through a pragmatic perspective, not


B. Problem Formulation

This part presents the formulation of two problems in question sentences that

will answer in the Analysis Results and discussion.

1. What types of speech acts found from the direct speech in the book of Luke (NIV)

chapters 1 to 3?

2. What are the functions of using speech acts in the direct speech in the book of Luke

(NIV) chapters 1 to 3?



C. Objectives of the Study

The first analysis step is to find out the types of speech acts according to the

theories that the researcher used to show the differences. After the researcher

discovered and understood each type of speech acts in the direct speech contained in

the Book of Luke (NIV) chapters 1 to 3, then the researcher analyzed each function of

speech acts in utterances to understand the purposes of using each speech acts in these


D. Definition of Terms

In this study, there are several terms used to a more fundamental understanding

of the study. The terms are Pragmatics, speech acts, directive speech, and the Book of


Pragmatics is the study of language usage about understanding the meanings,

the assumptions, purposes, goals, and the kind of actions of speakers (Yule, 1996). The

scope of pragmatics would include the study of deixis and the meaning of truth

conditions (Levinson, 1983, p.9).

Utterance refers to the product of a verbal act, rather than to the verbal act itself.

For instance, the words "Would you please be quiet," spoken with proper rising

intonation, might be described as a sentence, or as a question, or as a request. However,

it is convenient to reserve terms like statement and question for logical entities derived

from the language system, and to reserve the term utterance for instances of such

substances, identified by their use in a particular situation." (Geoffrey N. Leech,



Principles of Pragmatics, 1983. Routledge, 2014). An utterance can be a sentence-an

instance or a sentence-token, but it can not be a sentence. Additionally, an utterance is

a piece of language that is either too short or too long to be categorized as a single

sentence, the meaning of which is interpreted pragmatically.

Speech acts are the speaker’s utterances that convey meaning and make listeners

do specific things. In other words, speech acts known as a “spoken action” that are

distinguished into three levels; there are locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary

(Austin,1962). Moreover, speech acts are separated into five types, and there are

representative, directive, expressive, commissive, and declaration speech acts (Searle,


Direct speech is a direct relationship between the structure and function of a

sentence (Yule, 1996, p.54-55). The direct speech is also described as speech that

processing by repeating the actual words used without any additional grammatical

changes. Also, the researcher marked the utterances which use quotation marks to see

the direct speech in the text. Based on the quotation mark of Parrot (2004, p.413) in the

beginning and end double inverted commas, they report clause and reported clause.

The Book of Luke is the third of the four canonical Gospels written by Luke

around 80-90 AD (Leks, 2003). It tells of the origins, birth, ministry, death,

resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ (NIV).





This chapter consists of three parts: a review of related studies, a review of

related theories, and a theoretical framework. A review of related studies is several

similar studies to support this research. In contrast, the review of related theories is

several theories used in this research, and the theoretical framework is used to show

how the theories elaborat data.

A. Review of Related Studies

To support this research, the researcher presents four kinds of research from

other researchers. The first is an undergraduate thesis entitled “A Pragmatic Study of

Speeches of Angela Merkel: Speech Acts Analysis,” written by Lodong (2017). In the

research, the researcher used a pragmatic approach. As a result, the researcher found

three types of speech acts illocutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary. The

researcher also presented the conclusion of the lexical repetition used in the speeches.

In the previous study, it has similarities with this analysis in analyzing the meaning of

language from 3 levels of speech acts. On the other hand, the differences with this study

because it is more specifically to identify types of speech acts in data.

The second research is “A Pragmatic Analysis of the Main Character’s Speech

Acts in Date Night Movie” by Rukmanasari (2012). In the research, the researcher



found four kinds of illocutionary acts identified from the main character’s speeches

during his dialogues in Date Night (2010) movie. They are representative, directive,

commissive, and expressive.

A representative speech act is expressed in the form of stating, informing,

agreeing, arguing, explaining, describing, convincing, predicting, reporting, and stating

an opinion. The directive is expressed in the form of commanding, requesting,

suggesting, inviting, questioning, and warning. While for the commissive type, the

researcher described it as a promising, offering, and threatening. The other type of

speech acts is expressive, where the illocutionary act is performed by the main

character, which has the most various form. There are greeting, thanking, apologizing,

complementing, stating pleasure, stating pain, stating a doubt, stating confusion, 95

stating surprise, stating fear, stating surrender, stating panic, stating anger, and stating

dislike. Each force of illocutionary acts is used based on the context of the situation. In

this research, there are many similarities with the researcher analysis, which are both

finding five types of speech act, not three levels. The difference lies in the methods of

data collection.

Another research is by Ronan (2015) entitled “Categorizing Expressive Speech

Acts in Pragmatically Annotated SPICE Ireland Corpus.” The research data was

retrieved from the SPICE corpus and elaborated by theory from Norrick (1978) to find

the types of expressive. In this study, the researcher found eight distinct subcategories

of expressive speech acts. The previous analysis has similarity with this research,



which is analyzing the type of speech act, but this previous study only focused on one

type, namely, expressive speech acts.

The last research is by Lailiyah (2016) entitled “Directive Speech Act of the Main

Characters in Divergent Movie.” To analyze the object, the researcher focused on

utterances from the main character of the Divergent movie. She used the contextual

method to find the types of directive speech acts and the meaning by the theory of Allan

(1986). In her research, she found three types of directive speech acts. There are direct

speech acts, indirect speech acts, and literal speech acts. Moreover, she also showed

six meanings of directive speech acts. This research has a similarity in searching for

the type of speech act, but the same as previous studies, this study only focuses on a

kind of speech act, namely directive.

The four studies above have in common with the goal of this research, which is

to find each type of speech act. However, the difference lies in the focus of the research.

In this study, the researcher focuses on the type of speech acts focusing on the

illocutionary stages to find out the function of speech acts in the object.

By contrast, in the above studies, the first focuses on the three stages of speech

acts. Whereas in the two journals in the last two paragraphs, the researchers examine

sub-types of speech acts type. The existence of the above study is an introduction to

enter into more specific research.



B. Review of Related Theories

In this part, the researcher presents several theories to structuring the data. To

solve the first problem of this research, the researcher used some theories. The first is

the theory of Pragmatics by Yule (1996), second is the theory of speech acts stage or

level by Austin (1962), and theory of speech acts by Searle (1976) that are supported

by Yule (1996) classify the types of speech acts and used theory by Yule (2010) to

identify the function.

1. Pragmatics

According to Yule (1996), pragmatics is the study of understanding the

meanings, the assumptions, purposes, goals, and the kind of actions of speakers.

Moreover, Levinson (1983, p.21) describes pragmatics as the study of the meaning-

context relationship that is central to the understanding of language. He stated

Pragmatics is concerned with interpreting what people mean by their utterances rather

than what the utterances mean lexically.

Moreover, the pragmatic study is covering four areas (Yule,1996). Firstly,

pragmatics is “the study of speaker meaning.” Second, Pragmatics is the "Study of

Contextual Meaning." It means that pragmatics needs to understand how speakers

arrange what they want to say in conjunction with whom, where, who, and under what

condition they are speaking. Thirdly, pragmatics is “the study of how more gets

communicated than is said” means people will discuss how much of what is unknown

understood as part of what is conveyed by pragmatics. The last area of pragmatics is

“the study of the expression of relative distance,” which means that the words are also



affected by the approach between the speaker and the listener. The analysis of the

meanings, the expectations, the intentions, the objectives, and the behavior of the

speakers is a logical inference.

2. Direct Speech

According to Cyristal (2008), direct speech refers to the use of actual utterance,

with no grammatical modification that can be found in oral or written texts which report

speeches or thoughts in their original form, as conveyed by the original speaker; in the

narrative, it is usually enclosed in quotation marks, but may be attached to the

guillemet. For example, in words, "is he coming?" john asked, is a direct question, not

a reported text.

3. Speech Act Levels

In this research, the focus of the study is to analyze the utterance and understand

how language are used and the use of speech followed by acts. In pragmatics, this case

is called speech acts. According to Austin (1962), speech acts distinguished into three

stages or levels there are locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary. Apart from

that, Austin (1962) describes that speech occurs in three distinct stages of practice

beyond the act of utterance within.

a. Locutionary

Austin distinguishes the act of saying something or the actual words that the

speaker uses. Additionally, locutionary seems to be the fundamental act of utterance.



The locutionary act is the stage that is related to the development of utterances, such as

grammar, phonetics, and phonology.

b. Illocutionary

An illocutionary speech act is what one does in saying it or the intention or force

behind the words. Moreover, an illocutionary act has done utilizing a communicative

power of utterance.

c. Perlocutionary

The perlocutionary is what one does by saying it or the effect of the utterance.

The perlocutionary act is the level of the speech act in which we do not reliably produce

a speech with a purpose without the intention of affecting it. Additionally, not all

actions show a particular impact.

As an example, a teacher utters the words, 'The class will end in five minutes,'

reported utilizing direct quotation. He is thereby performing the locutionary act of

saying that the class (i.e., the one he is tending) will end in five minutes (from the time

of an utterance), and what is said is reported by indirect quotation. In saying this, the

teacher does the illocutionary act of telling the student that the class will be finished

and perhaps also the act of urging them to finish their work and prepare to go back.

The teacher intends to be performing the perlocutionary acts of causing the students to

believe that the class will finish and of getting them to finish their work. The teacher is

performing all these speech acts, at all three levels, just by uttering certain words.



4. Speech Act Types

The speech acts consist of several types. According to Searle (1976), speech acts

are categorized into representative, directive, expressive, commissive, and declaration.

The researcher identifies the types of speech acts by using theory by Searle (1976) and

supported by Yule (1996).

a. Representative Speech Acts

The representative speech acts happen when speakers commit themselves to

something being right or stated based on the truth and belief. An utterance categorized

as representative speech acts if they are functions to assertions, statements, claims,

hypotheses, descriptions, and suggestions. As an example, in a statement, “the earth is

flat,” shows how the speaker belief with what he or she utters the earth is flat. In another

function of representative speech acts also use to boast or to deduce.

b. Directive speech acts

Directive speech acts attempt by speakers to get hearers to do something. For

example, in the utterance, “do not touch that” from the utterance, the speaker requests

someone else not to touch the things there. It means the speaker directs the hearer to

do what the speaker wants. Furthermore, directive speech act is useful to commands,

challenges, invitations, orders, summons, entreaties, dares.

c. Expressive Speech Acts

Expressive speech acts have private shows a physiological statement usually uses

by speakers to make the words fit the world. Mostly, The expressive show in greetings,

apologies, congratulations, condolences, thanks-giving.



An example from the expressive speech act, when the speaker says, “I am sorry,”

the utterance expresses the speaker feeling is used to apologize for speaker guilt. In

another case, expressive speech acts also use by the speaker when there is a thank.

d. Commissive Speech Acts

The commissive speech act has a characteristic that intends the speaker to commit

themselves to some future course of action. For example, when the speaker states, “I

will be back,” which means that soon the speaker will be back at the time. The word

“will” present a promise that the speaker will do something (back) that he or she said.

Another example of commissive speech acts is threats, promises, oaths, pledges, and


e. Declarations speech acts

Declaration speech act has the character of changing a situation to another

different situation. Declarations speech acts happen when speakers bring about the

correspondence between propositional content and reality. For an example of a

declaration, the speech act is when a priest declares, “I now pronounce you husband

and wife” in a wedding moment at church, then there were attendees who did come as

witnesses of the marriage. When the priest announces, there is something change by

this word, a condition from single be married. The words have no power if it declares

by someone who does not have the authority to bless the marriage.

From these examples, the researcher concludes that a speech acts adjusted by

speak er and condition. Another use of declarations speech acts are blessings, firings,



baptisms, arrests, marrying, juridical speech acts such as sentencings, declaring a

mistrial, and declaring of order.

5. Speech Act Functions

To answer the second problem of this research, identify the function of speech

acts, the researcher uses theory by Yule (2010). According to Yule, speech acts defines

as actions performed via utterances in an actual situation of language use bringing the

functions the speaker intends the hearer to take or to interpret. Yule (2010) states that

the term speech act to describe actions such as “requesting,” “commanding,”

“questioning,” or “informing.”

a. Requesting

Requesting included by illocutionary purpose is to get the listener to do

something in circumstances where it is not clear that he/she will act in the ordinary

course of events. For example, when someone asks his/her friend for some things, “can

you give me some help?” this utterance show a request by someone for help.

b. Commanding

Commanding is a kind of speech act that attempts by someone or speaker in

authority command to do something, and the speaker tells hearer then the hearer does

it. For example, the teacher asks for the student to do an assignment, and the student

should do it because it is a command from the teacher.



c. Questioning

Questioning is the situation in which the police ask someone to get an answer.

Usually, question is attempted by the the speaker because the speaker do not understand

about something or want to get a more precise explanation about it. For instance, when

the speaker says, “Why don’t you look like your mother?” the utterance shows the

question because the speaker wants to know why she or he is different from his or her


d. Informing

Informing is states by the speaker to tell someone about particular facts. For

example, when the mother explains to her children that “the sea is blue.” Factually, the

sea is blue because reflections from the sky or the color of coral reefs, and this is an

information based on fact.

C. Theoretical Framework

This section presents a description of how the theory used to conduct research.

As pragmatic research, this research indeed uses a pragmatic theory. In this case, the

researcher uses the theory of Pragmatics by Yule (1996) to understand the meaning of

an utterance. Then, the researchers uses the theory of speech acts to analyze types of

utterances on direct speech in the Book of Luke (NIV) proved by speech acts level by

Austin (1962).

In analyzing speech acts in Luke (NIV), the researchers categorize the speech

acts into their types. The researcher put the data into representative, directive,



expressive, commissive, or declarative speech acts, based on theories of Searle (1976)

and Yule (1996). Formerly the researcher explains the type based on their function by

the theory of Yule (2010), for example, requesting, commanding, questioning, or






This chapter consists of three parts: the object of the study, the approach of the

study, and the Method of the study. The object of the study is the part of this chapter

that describes the object research. The approach of the study is the explanation of the

approach uses in analyzing this study. Additionally, the method of the study is

explaining the methodology to collect and analyze the data.

A. The object of the Study

The utterance in the Book of Luke is the object chosen in this research because

it contains the use of language that examined in terms of pragmatic, namely to find out

the meaning of the use of language, the context, and the hearer interpretation to

particular utterance. The book of Luke consists of 24 chapters and 1151 verses, so it is

possible to be examined.

In addition, the focus of this research is to analyze the utterances in chapters 1 to

3 of the Book of Luke in the Christian Bible of the new international version 6,

developed by elsehome 2009. This book has been written by an author called Luke

(Colossians 4:14) around AD 80-90 (Leks, 2003 P.23) from Antioch, a city from Syria

(Roberson, 2010). In the first three chapters of the book Luke tells about the period

before the birth of Jesus through Angel, Marry, Zechariah, John,Simeon, the shepherd,



a dove, and the collectors. The utterances used by them become something different

because of the existence of structural conversation. For example, from God to angels

to Marry.

Furthermore, this research is to analyze the utterance in the Bible and to find the

type of speech acts and the function of using speech acts in utterances in the book of

Luke chapter 1 to 3 (NIV) and only focused on direct speech in the book of Luke (NIV).

B. The approach of the Study

This research used qualitative research to structure the data. According to Dezin

and Lincn (1994) qualitative research is focused on multimethod, involving an

interpretive, naturalistic approach to its topic. It means that qualitative researchers are

studying things in their natural settings, trying to make sense of our phenomena of

interpretation in terms of the meanings that people bring.additionaly, q ualitative

research involves the use and selection of a wide range of analytical materials.

In conducting this research, the researcher analyzed utterances in the Book of

Luke (NIV) Chapter 1 to 3. Because this study intends to analyze the meaning of an

utterance, the researcher analyzed the use of language and its meaning by using

pragmatic approach. According to Huang (2007), pragmatics study is about the

meaning of language, then definable as what a speaker intends to convey by making an

utterance. The study of utterance-meaning typically falls under pragmatics (p.11).

A pragmatic approach is used to analyze the utterance and use to describe the

results of the study to generate meaning and understanding of the studied phenomenon.

Additionally, the system of analysis data is used to understand the study and focus on



identifying the types and functions of speech acts in the first three chapters of direct

speech in the book of Luke (NIV).

Moreover, pragmatics approach is very helpful in understanding the use of

speech act, and it is because pragmatics enables languages that are used by people to

be analysed. Through this approach, the researcher accepts that pragmatics should

examine the speaker meaning by their words, contextual meaning, and how the

expression are conveyed from the speaker to the hearer to do because pragmatics is

possible to analyze, this is helpful for the researcher in analyzing the utilities in the

book of Luke. After all, it deals with the analysis of how a language is used and can

contain meaning and imply a particular message.

C. Method of the Study

This part consists of two subparts. The first is data collection, and the second one

is data analysis. Data collection is explaining the process of how the researcher collects

the data, and data analysis is about how the speaker analyses the data.

1. Data Collection

There are some steps in the process of collecting the data. In the first step, the

researcher collected all of the direct speech in the Book of Luke. According to Chalker

and Weiner (1988, p.188), direct speech is the reporting of speech by repeating the

actual words used, without making any grammatical changes. Furthermore, to see the

direct speech in the text, the researcher marked the utterances which use quotation

marks. Based on Parrot (2004, p.413) quotation mark is enclosed in double inverted



commas in the beginning and ending, they are reporting clause and reported clause. In

this step, the researcher has obtained raw data that are ready to be processed in the next

steps. The second step of collecting the data is the researcher categorized the utterances

and context. The utterance is an original direct speech from the book of Luke. At the

same time, context is an explanation about the thing in utterances also the conclusion

of illocutionary, perlocutionary of an utterance. Additionally, the context also

concludes by the description of condition, time, or place. From this process, the

researcher also got the context of each utterance so that it eases the researcher in

identifying the type and function of their speech acts.

The last step of data collection is the researcher put the direct speech into the

table as the final of data collection. From the three steps, the reasearcher organized data

and put them into a table and its context.

2. Data Analysis

In the data analysis section, the researcher analyzed the data as the next step of

this research. To easily understand the data organization, the researcher provides

numbering that researchers refer to "labels" on each utterance to facilitate researcher in

categorizing data. For example, the statement "didn't you know I had to be in my

Father's house?" is labeled as 30/C.2/2:49. The labeled statement is interpreted as the

thirtieth data followed by a slash, then C.2 means chapter 2 a slash, 2:49 means book

of Luke chapter 2 part 49b. Then, the researchers continued analyzing the data through

several processes.



The first step that the researcher does is analyzing the use of language with a

pragmatic approach. According to Yule (2010), pragmatics is a study of what speakers

mean, or what the “speaker meaning” by their utterances. This approach seeks to

analyze 3 of 4 parts of pragmatics in utterances in the book of Luke; there are what is

the speaker's meaning, contextual meaning, and analyzed meaning as communicated

by a speaker and interpreted by the hearer. This theory helps the researcher in analyzing

the context of each utterance, which is useful for determining the types of speech acts.

In addition, the researcher determines the types of speech acts, which are

representative, directive, commissive, expressive, or declaration by the theory of

speech acts by Searle (1976) and support by Yule (1996) that proving by speech acts

level by Austin (1962). For example, an utterance “forgive me” is categorized as

expressive speech acts because the illocutionary or meaning of that utterance represents

the speaker feeling. This step fixed to answer the first problem formulation.

Rendering to their type, the next step that the researcher does is to answer the

second problem formulation. In addition to the locutionary act and context, At this step

has the requirement must know the type of each speech act to make it easier for

researchers to determine which utterance has a particular function.To answer the

second question, the researcher uses the theory of Yule (2010). At that point, the

researcher uses the term speech act to describe actions such as “requesting,”

“commanding,” “questioning,” or “informing” (Yule 2010). As an example, in Luke

1;63 says “His name is John” this is categorized as declaration because, by the time



the speaker utters the utterance the name changed, the baby automatically called “John”

it is fulfilled the target of declaration types which is changing a situation.

Furthermore, the utterance is categorized as commanding as it functions, because the

context of this is to command everyone there to call his baby as “John.” In this case,

he is the father of John, and he has the right to declare that statement.





In this chapter, all data elaborated. The researcher separated this chapter into two

subchapters. The first subchapters cover the analysis of the type of speech acts on direct

speech in the book of Luke, specifically in chapters 1 to 3. This step to make it suitable

for the first problem formulation. The second subchapters discuss the function of

speech acts in it, and the result of this is to find out the dominant types and its function

in the book of Luke, especially in chapters 1 to 3.

A. The Type of speech acts on direct speech in the book of Luke

In answering the first problem, the researcher accomplishes data processing as

the first step. The first problem is done by applying the pragmatic theory, speech act

types and speech act levels theory. However, before analyzing each type of speech act,

the researcher have analyzed the context of each utterance. The context is obtained

from the meaning conveyed by the speaker and the meaning interpreted by the listener

that is adjusted to the current situation. From these processes in the book of Luke, the

researcher found there are 41 utterances from the book of Luke, chapters one to three

that categorized to their identifiable type. The table below summarizes the results

analyzed in the book.



Table 1. The Speech acts Types

No Type Number of


1 Representative 11

2 Directive 11

3 Expressive 11

4 Commissive 3

5 Declaration 5

Total 41

1. Representative

After extracting the data, the researcher found that there are already 11

representative speech acts on direct speech in the book of Luke. One of the 11 data

classified as representative speech acts found in datum 04/C.1/1;19 with the claim "I

am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to

convey this good news to you. " The remark was delivered by Gabriel, one of the angels

of God. The angel came to the Zechariah house. He wanted Zechariah to know that he

would have a child. In that expression, Gabriel said he was an angel who had the right

to deliver messages, news, or information from God to people on earth, one of whom

was Zakaria. Gabriel's speech has the Illocutionary force as "I am someone who was

sent or became the official manifestation of God on earth to convey something to

humans," which means that the divine authority to speak as "God" has been left to the

whole angel.

Therefore, the utterance is categorized as a representative because it contains a

claim based on the truth. The words "I am Gabriel" 'are actually enough to prove that



the angel who came to preach a message is the duty of a "Gabriel." This evidences in

the Longman dictionary of contemporary English, Gabriel, an archangel who brings

messages from God to people on earth. In art, Gabriel often has shown blowing a

trumpet. According to Christian belief, he was sent by God to tell Mary that she would

be the mother of Jesus. In the Muslim religion, Gabriel gave Muhammad the messages

from Allah, which form the Quran.

Furthermore, one other case from the representative type originated on datum

10/C.1/1:34. In that datum, Mary questioned, "how will this be, since I am a virgin?."

the question intended to the angel when they are at Mary's home. The problem

happened because Mary did not know why she should get pregnant. The words "how

will this be, since I am a virgin?" is linguistically interpreted as "is it true that pregnancy

might occur in when someone is in a virgin condition?" which raises the illocutionary

force of a polite interrogative "please explain how pregnancy can occur to a virgin."

For that reason, the utterance in datum 10/C.1/1:34 categorized as a type of

representative speech acts. Because the speaker emphasized the statement "how could

this happen?" as a question that accompanied by the saying "since I am a virgin," the

speaker stating the truth that she was in a virgin, the circumstances of "virgin" and what

she says is clear cause she knows herself the most.

However, according to the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, the

word Virgin means someone without sexual experience. Logically the researcher

concludes the illocutionary of utterance in data example is someone who, in this

situation, would not be able to get pregnant because "someone" who has never had sex



before. That utterance is fulfilling the criteria of the representative type, explicitly the

statement based on facts the speaker believes that she in virgin condition.

The last example from representative type the researcher invented put in datum

27/C.2/2;34-35. Formerly, to know that data is the kind representative speech acts, the

researcher must find and understand who or what the terminology of the utterance first

and then describe it. For information 27/C.2/2;34-35, the researcher determines the

word "child" in the statement as its term. The name "child" refers to Jesus because from

verses 21 to 40, the topic of the conversation is Jesus.

Additionally, the proof is strengthened by the conversation in verse 34. In the

text, the Simeon said to "bless Mary, his mother," we know that Mary is the mother of

Jesus. As a result, the word "Child" in this conversation means the Son of Mary. From

this perspective, the utterance "This Child is destined to cause the falling and to rise of

many in Israel and to be a sign that will be spoken against so that the thoughts of many

hearts will be revealed" when speaking about the "child" contextually the researcher

believed that is "Jesus." He is avowed as a saviour because He is the "cause the falling

and rising of many in Israel and to be a sign that will be spoken against so that the

thoughts of many hearts will be revealed." Then the locutionary "a sword will pierce

your soul too" is the term that illustrated Jesus' power and his presence. In conclusion,

everything discussed in this context is about Jesus and his whole fortune.

In conclusion, the three examples mentioned out already have the character of

representative speech acts, since what the speakers have given in each speech is based

on the actual condition. In corresponding to the significant examples above, the



researcher have analyzed other examples of data that are categorized as representative

speech acts, put on data label 02/C.1/1:14-17, 06/C.1/1;25, 11/C.1/1:35-37,

13/C.1/1:42, 17/C.1/1;61, 22/C.2/2:12, 29 /C.2/2;49A, 30/C.2/2;49B can be found in

the Appendix section.

2. Directive

In this study, the researcher categorized there are 11 directive speech acts found

on direct speech in the book of Luke. The data fulfilled the criteria of directive speech

acts that express what the speaker wants.

As the first example was datum 01/C.1/1:13 when the angel of god standing at the

right side of the altar of incense told that Lord had heard a request from Zechariah, and

when he saw the angel and gripped with fear.

In the utterance, the angel said, "Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has

been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John".

The locutionary force of the words and linguistically means “be brave. the angel came

intending to tell you that what you asked for in your prayer was answered and

happened.” The utterance has an illocutionary force with the necessary power is

“your prayers answered.” In this passage, it is said because the angels have power as

representatives of God to give the command "be brave" or "there is no fear."

The utterance on the datum 01/C.1/1:13 categorized as directive speech acts

because, in the beginning, the speaker said, "don't be afraid Zechariah," which means

the speaker wants the listener not to be scared of the angel came. Even more, the

word "don't" is the word that says forbid, means no. Moreover, in the last statement



of this utterance, the speaker said "and you are to call him John." the most persuasive

reason the utterance determined as directive speech act because the word "to call"

means the action supposed to be like the speaker said, that used to show a purpose or

intention to call the child as "John."

The second example of the directive type presented in datum 16/C.1/1;60 when

Elizabeth as the speaker speaks with words "No! He is to be called John." Contextually,

she wants everyone there to call her child as "John." The specific context of this

utterance is Elizabeth forbids their neighbours who will not give the name to their son,

and she remains with her choice and then opposes her neighbors’ statement about the

name that suggested. The locutionary force found on the word "No" sign as rejection

with his audience statement that wants to be named "John" as their relative's name.

The word "no" also used to say that the speaker disagrees with their neighbors’ voices.

In the conclusion of the utterance, the speaker wants the hearer to do the action

to called John as John's name. Additionally, this locutionary unclassified as declarative

type even though the speaker stated his son's name because the speech is directing

hearer to do something (called her son as John), not "declaring" like he is John

something that caused a situation change.

The last example from directive speech acts found in datum 24/C.2/ 2;15 with

the utterance, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the

Lord has told us about." This locutionary voiced when the angels had left shepherds

and gone into heaven, then the shepherds said to one another. The utterance is



categorized as a directive because the speaker in the utterance invites the listener to do

something, which is "let's go to Bethlehem."

The researcher uses the word "lets" as its term. According to Longman

dictionary of contemporary English, the word "lets" used to say that you wish or hope

that something happens, that means when the speaker states the word, she or he thinks

that the "go-to Bethlehem" event happened. Another examples of directive speech act

can be found in appendix part on datum 08/C.1/1;30, 21/C.2/2;10-12, 25/C.2/2;23,

31/C.3/3;4-6, 33/C.3/3;8-9, 35/C.3/3;11, 37/C.3/3;13, 39/C.3/3;14B.

3. Expressive

Expressive speech acts are focus on stating what the speaker feels. In this

research, the researcher found there are nine speech acts of expressive type.

As the first example, the researcher presents in datum 03/C.1/1;18, the speaker said,

"how can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years." The

locutionary is contextualized utter by Zechariah in which responded to the angel who

delivered the news that his wife would get pregnant. He questioned how he and his

wife could have children at an advanced age; physically, this was not possible.

In this case, Zechariah expressed his distrust of the message conveyed by angels.

This utterance categorized as expressive because the word "sure" linguistically

particular about what you feel, want, like. An additional reason for this decision is

because the perlocutionary that faced when the listener responds the statement with the

state, "I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to

you and to tell you this good news".



Another expressive speech act example originated on datum 28/C.2/2;48. The

speaker on the utterance state, "Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and

I have been anxiously searching for you." This locutionary present when Jesus' parents

saw him, they were astonished, then they asked Jesus why he had disappeared while

they were anxiously looking for him. This utterance categorized as expressive speech

acts because the speaker sounded the word "anxiously" as a symbol of their feeling as

parents when they are losing their child. In the other word, anxious time or situation is

the one in which you feel nervous or worried, and this expresses the psychological

aspect the speaker feeling strongly that she or he want to do something or want

something to happen in this case is they want to meet Jesus.

Moreover, the researcher categorized other expressive speech act in datum

41/C.3/3;22, with the utterance, "You are my Son, whom I love; with you, I am well

pleased." The utterance state when the holy spirit came to Jesus in the form of a dove

after a baptized moment. The dove then tells him that Lord is affectionate Him because

He is the Lord, son. This statement categorized as an expressive speech act because

stating based on the speaker's feeling, with locutionary force cupped on words “whom

I love; with you, I am well pleased” that He voiced in the utterance.

According to the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, the word “love”

means to have a strong feeling of affection for someone. While the word “pleased” is

a feeling of happiness or satisfaction. The categorization matched the expressive

speech act character.



As a result, there are 11 data that the researcher categorizes as the expressive speech

act that can be found on datum 03/C.1/1;18, 07/C.1/1;28, 14/C.1/43-45, 15/C.1/1;46-

55, 19/C.1/1;66, 20/C.1/1;68-79, 23/C.2/2;14, 26/C.2/2;29-32, 28/C.2/2;48,

32/C.3/3;7, 41/C.3/3;22.

4. Commissive

The researcher categorized the data as commissive if the data show the utterance

that the speaker obligates themselves to some future course of accomplishment. From

all statements, the researcher found there are three commissive speech acts on the data.

Moreover, as the first example, the researcher put on datum 34/C.3/3;10.

The speaker in utterance asked, "what should we do then?" to John as a teacher

and Baptist, in a situation of holy baptism in the Jordan River. People asked him for

advice on how they should behave because it based on their hopes or desires that they

will get the answer later, which means they are believe that John can give answers to

them. Related to the context, people asked directions on how to be good.

They asked means they want to know what should do next or what should do in the

future after they heard the advice.

Apart from this, the question based on their desire to be what they "should be."

Related to the entire context of conversations in Jordan River, the arrival of John the

Baptist was an answer to their ignorance with their "job desk." Therefore, when they

heard the explanation from John, one by one, the workers there asked their respective

job desk.



As specified on the utterance, "what should we do then?" have an illocutionary

force, "the tax collector wants to know what they have to do according to their work."

Even though in the question sentence, this data is categorized as commissive because

the speaker expects and will do an answer to something they will do later.

Another commissive speech acts put on datum 36/C.3/3;12 with the utterance

"Teacher, what should we do?" that utterance was stated by the tax collectors when

they came to get baptism. At that time, they have requested a bit of advice to John about

something that they should do as collectors. Although the words in this expression are

almost the same as the expression in data 34/C.3/3;10 Nevertheless, the context is

different. In this utterance, they asked for advice specifically related to their profession

as collectors, while on the information 34/C.3/3;10, people asked after getting a general


The last example of commissive speech acts that the researcher found is arranged

on datum 38/C.3/3;14A. On the utterance, the speakers stated, "And what should we

do?” Among the crowds there, some soldiers also asked him to explain what they

should do the following duties. It is a future action that they will take after they get an

answer. This question is equivalent to data 36 because it starts with the word "and,"

which means they are also the same as collectors, which is to ask them to explain what

they should do after their work accurately.

5. Declaration

In this research, the researcher found five utterances considered as declaration

speech acts. The statements fulfill the criteria of declaration types that change the



situation by speaker words. The first example found 05/C.1/1;20 a statement by the

angel, "And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens

because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their appointed time."

The statement occurs when Zechariah omits to believe that his wife will get pregnant.

Then the angel said that he would be quiet until God presents His miracle.

Furthermore, the locutionary force of the utterance is on the statement, " Right

now, you can't talk until it's time.” With an illocutionary force of polite declarative,

“this time for you to not be able to talk again until the specified time.” After the angel

utterance, the situation change, Zechariah was not going to be able to speak any words.

This event fulfills the declaration speech act criteria, and everything happened to

change the situation after the speaker declares the locutionary.

Additionally, the declaration speech act put on datum 12/C.1/1;38 with the

utterance "I am the lord's servant, may your to me be fulfilled" when Mary gave her

answer after the angel of God told her that she would conceive and give birth.

Then Mary expressed her readiness for whatever God wanted to happen in her life. At

that moment, by emphasizing that she is a servant of God, showing her position under

the Lord that gave her life up to God's will.

The researcher decided the data as a declaration speech act because the speaker

declares the words that caused something that happened when the words mentioned.

When the speaker states "may your word to me be fulfilled," the utterance shows an

illocutionary force “please happen to me as you expected’ that be a form of terms of

acceptance, approval, or confirmation of the angel's message stating that Mary will



conceive and give birth to a son. After these words given, the angels left, and the

pregnancy ensued.

The following example put on datum 18/C.1/1;63, when Zechariah, as speaker

stated, "His name is John" at this time Zechariah decided on his son name as "John" in

front of neighbors who came to visit and wanted to name their children as their

relatives' names. The utterance can be accepted because declared by someone who has

the sovereignty of this. Moreover, the structure word means “now I declare John,

that is his name,” and illocutionary force of that is has a power of declarative.

The utterance considered a declaration because there is a situation change when

the speaker states the locutionary. Since Zechariah, his father, announces that name, at

this time and so on, everyone must call his child as John. Another data that categorized

into declaration type found on datum 09/C.1/1;31-33 and 40/C.3/3;16-17 in appendix.

B. The Speech Act Function

In answering the second problem, the researcher conducts data processing as the

second step. This second problem has been done by analyzing the term of each speech

act type on the analysis. In addition, the researcher must know each type of speech act

to make it easier to see the function, for this second step can be done on the condition

that it has solved the first problem. In this research, the researcher found there are four

functions of speech acts on the data are questioning, commanding, requesting, and

informing that shown on the table of data below.



Table 2. The speech act functions

No Function Number of


1 Requesting 3

2 Commanding 8

3 Questioning 9

4 Informing 21

Total 41

1. Requesting

In this study, three utterances function as requesting forms, the researcher

includes all of them in this section. The first request function placed on the datum label

12/C.1/1; 38, with the speaker states, "I am a servant of God, may your words be

fulfilled," the type of function is to ask because, as a servant who gets the trust, she

asks that the formalized event, immediately takes place. The words "may your words

be fulfilled" are words of acceptance, approval, or confirmation of what was delivered

by the previous speaker. It becomes a keyword that the speaker lets the event in

question occur. Although in the opening sentence, the speaker says that he is a "servant

of God," it is not an expression that fulfills the characteristics of informing.

The words cannot be categorized as information because the information contains a

particular idea or message, while the utterances are only statements.

The next utterance that has a requesting function is the phrase on datum 24/C.2/

2;15 "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has

told us about." an utterance spoken by one shepherd to the other shepherds to prepare

themselves go to Bethlehem immediately. The phrase is considered part of requesting



because the speaker expects feedback with the shepherds doing what has said that is

going to Bethlehem.

The last example in this section put on datum 26/C.2/2;29-32, when the speaker

states, “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant in

peace.” The locutionary functioned as a request because Simeon promised beforehand

to die after he saw God, asked that the promise come back because he had seen God.

Even though the statement is almost like giving an order, inevitably, this is not a

commanding category because the position of the speaker is the servant. This

categorization returns to the basic principle of Speech acts, which also talks about status

and position. Someone with a particular position has a specific ability to rule or ask.

2. Commanding

Commanding functions usually uses to “ask” someone to do something.

Moreover, Commanding function having the authority or position that allows someone

to give orders. Usually, commanding use by people that more in the highest position or

someone who has a right to do the action.

For example, a boss in an office tells his secretary to reschedule a meeting with the

state “no, today I have some business, please cancel or reorganize the meeting.”

In this research, the researcher found 8 data use commanding in utterance, one of

them shown on datum 16/C.1/1;60 when the speaker states, “No! He is to be called

John.” Elizabeth, as the speaker, spoke up and forbade their neighbors who want to

name her son as their relative name. Elizabeth opposes the neighbor's statement about

the name they suggested for her child. She has a right and ability to remains with her



choice because she is the mother of John, the baby. Therefore, with these words,

Elizabeth ordered everyone to call her son John.

Another commanding function found on datum 33/C.3/3;8-9 “8 Produce fruit in

keeping with repentance. Furthermore, do not begin to say to yourselves, we have

Abraham as our father. For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise children for

Abraham. 9 The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not

produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” on this utterance, John

identified as the speaker. John has a right to taught peoples there because He is the

teacher. John forbidding the people to be “productive,” and pointing them to be

productive in keeping with repentance mean in order of God. At the same time, he

explained what would happen if they did not obey God's command likened to a tree. If

the tree is good, it will bear good fruit, but if not, it will be thrown away and even

thrown into the fire.

The last example contained on datum 37/C.3/3;13 the speaker states 13 “Don’t

collect any more than you are required to,” this locutionary state when john the speaker

answered the question from tax collectors who ask for advice on what they should do

according to their work. He advised them not to take advantage of what they claim.

John has the right to say that because first, he answers questions, and second, he is a

teacher. With authority as a teacher, John has the right to arrange his “students” to do

what he instructed. Because of that, John's sentence functions have the power to




3. Questioning

From 41 types of speech acts that found on direct speech in the book of Luke, the

researcher originated nine utterances use the questioning function. The first example

put on datum 03/C.1/1;18 with the pronouncement, “how can I be sure of this? I am an

old man, and my wife is well along in years.” The statement functioned as a question

because of the problems the events that happened to him, followed by the next sentence,

which states, “confusion.” Based on the confusion, the question occurred.

The Second data that shown as question function in the research is datum

10/C.1/1:34, the locutionary “how will this be since I am a virgin?” classified as a

questioning function because the illocutionary of this utterance is the speaker wants to

know how “something” can happen to her. In this case, Mary asked the angel, and the

statement stimulates the Angel to answer, the proof is when the speaker utter “how will

this be” these words categorized as question statement. From this statement, the

researchers concluded that Mary asked because she did not know how she could get

pregnant with her condition at that time. However, Angel answered Mary's question by

explaining how God would give her a miracle and would accompany the process of


Besides, the third example found on datum 29/C.2/2;49A with locutionary "Why

are you looking for me?" at this time Jesus as the speaker asked His parents why they

were looking for Him, even though He was doing His actions namely praising God in

the church, His father's house. This statement functioned as a question because in the



context, His parents literary searching for Him and it not just what he believes but

proven in previous datum (28/C.2/2;48), because of it why Jesus asked.

4. Informing

In this study, the researcher found 21 speech acts that use informing function.

The first example writes down on datum 02/C.1/1:14-17 with locutionary “He will be

a joy and 1delight to you, and many will rejoice because of his birth, 15 for he will be

great in the sight of the Lord. He is never to take wine or other fermented drink, and he

will be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born 16, He will bring back many

of the people of Israel to the Lord their God.17 He will go on before the Lord, in the

spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the

disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous—to make ready a people prepared for the


The illocutionary of this statement especially is to inform humanity about the role

and what John will do in the world. Furthermore, in the statement also clear the speaker,

there is no element of requesting, commanding, or questioning; this only conveys

information that John will be the instrument of God's movement on earth to proclaim

the good news and invite the world to prepare for God's birth.

The second example of informing form show on datum 04/C.1/1;19 when the

speaker state “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to

speak to you and to tell you this good news.” The statement functioned as informing

because Gabriel is literary an archangel who brings messages from God to people on



Earth. Consequently, Gabriel, as a speaker, informed his arrival to deliver the good


The next example that the researcher presents in this section put on datum

09/C.1/1;31-33 with the locutionary, “You will conceive and give birth to a son, and

you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Highest.

The Lord will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s

descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.” The representative utterance

categorized as informing function because the angel gives a piece of information that

Mary would give birth to someone who called Jesus. He is powerful and will be a savior

to the nations.

Furthermore, the informing function researcher put on datum 40/C.3/3;16-17 with

a statement, “I baptize you with water. But one who is more powerful than I will come,

the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy

Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in his hand to clear his threshing floor and to

gather the wheat into his barn, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”

The phrase informed the listeners that God would come to the world. The

additional information is that the Lord, who is happening, is the great and mighty One.

He is the Saviour. It stated so that every human being prepares to see the coming of

God. Another example can find on the appendix page.





In this research, there are five speech acts classification found; they are

representative, directive, expressive, commissive, and declaration. Then this analysis

also found four functions of the expression, namely, requesting, questioning,

commanding, and informing. Based on the data analysis, it is found 41 data on direct

speech in the book of Luke.

From 41 data, the researcher found representative, directive, and expressive

speech acts that became the most data that emerged. Besides, all three have the same

amount of data, namely each of the 11 categorized data. While the commissive with 3

data owns the following 5 data categorized as declarations, and the smallest amount,

from all the data, the speakers stated with their respective functions, namely 3

utterances used for requesting, 9 for questioning, 8 for commanding function, and 21

for informing.

The speakers in the book of Luke, chapter 1 to 3, used 11 representative

expressions put on datum 02/C.1/1:14-17, 04/C.1/1;19 , 06/C.1/1;25, 10/C.1/1:34


30/C.2/2;49B to express the speaker's truth or belief in what their believes. All

representative expressions are expressed by using only two functions, namely one

phrase in the form of questioning and ten functions, are used for informing.

additionally, 11 expressions using type directive give rise to 3 functions, one



requesting, eight commanding, and two informing, and indeed, there is no function in

the form of questioning.

Meanwhile, speakers who use expressive type expressions bring up only 1

requesting, 5 questionings, and 5 informing functions to express their feelings. Then,

for the commissive type, the speaker shows only one function that is 3 times

questioning usage. Finally, the speaker decides 5 times, and one of them uses 1

requesting function, and the other 4 functions as informing.

In conclusion, speakers in the direct speech in Luke chapters 1 to 3 tend to use

more representative, directive, and expressive rather than commissive and declaration.

while the most function is to inform. It relates to the "before the birth of Jesus" show

the task of an intermediary between God and man, namely to reveal the truth of God

and the means of creation, to rule humankind to prepare for the birth of the Saviour and

express feelings of God's message.

In this view, all discussions about God cannot be interpreted literally. Each

statement has a very different meaning from the literal meaning. Thus, every

affirmative statement about God is always figurative and not understood by humans.

This caused because human language is limited in understanding the infinite God.

Nevertheless, this research shows how the words about God can be explained

pragmatically by understanding the purpose of what said.




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14. He will be a joy and

delight to you, and many

will rejoice because of his

birth, 15 for he will be great

in the sight of the Lord. He

is never to take wine or other

fermented drink, and he will

be filled with the Holy Spirit

even before he is born 16 He

will bring back many of the

people of Israel to the Lord

their God.17 And he will go

on before the Lord, in the

spirit and power of Elijah, to

turn the hearts of the parents

to their children and the

disobedient to the wisdom of

the righteous—to make

ready a people prepared for

the Lord.”

When Angel of God

came to Zechariah and

told him that he would

have a son named John,

Angel was reporting all

the work that he was

going to make, namely

bringing the nations to

accept Jesus. All the

work that he was going

to make, namely

bringing the countries to

accept Jesus.

Term: “He”

The word "he" in this

expression refers to John.

This opinion has proven in

the previous statement (01/

C.1 /1:13).

Locutionary force: “He is

going to be a pleasure and

happiness in the world.”

According to Longman

Dictionary and in the New

Testament of the Bible, He

(John) is a religious

teacher who told people

that Jesus Christ was

coming, and who could be

Jesus in the River Jordan.

The Angel started the

utterance because it was

true that John would bring

the nations to accept Jesus.

The speaker told hearer

that he would have a

son with all the work

that he was going to

make, namely bringing

the nations to accept



19 “I am Gabriel. I stand in

the presence of God, and I

have been sent to speak to

you and to tell you this good


At Zechariah's house, the

angel of God came to

deliver the happy news

to Zechariah. He wants

Zechariah to know that

He will have a child. The

"I am the messenger of

God to people. I serve as

the voice of Christ."

Gabriel claims himself

as an angel that has a

right to messages from

God to people on

Earth. Utterance means

"I am someone who

was sent or became the



angel told the truth that

He would get a child.

official God on earth to

deliver news to

humans," which means

the divine authority to

speak as "God" when it

handed over to an

angel from God.


” the Lord has done this

for me, in these days he has

shown his favored and taken

away my disgrace among the


This utterance

happened When

Elizabeth reported

being pregnant even

though Zechariah was

old, and she was

barren, then it was a

disgrace to their

family. However, God

expressed his love

through the miracle of

pregnancy so that

during her pregnancy

Elizabeth stated that

God had blotted out

her ignominy.

“this pregnancy event

happened/done to me.”

Term: Done

the word “Done” means an

event has finished or

completed. In the utterance

“done” is the keyword that

the “pregnancy” has


In the utterance, the

speaker told us that

the event has “done.”

The “pregnancy” has

happened, and God has

taken away her disgrace

(barren) among the


10/C.1/1:34 “How will this be,” Mary

asked the angel, “since I am

a virgin?”

When the angel came to

Mary's house to inform

Mary about the

pregnancy phenomena,

then Mary asked the

angel how this could be

(pregnancy) since she is

a virgin condition. The

question happened

because Mary truly did

not know why she could

get pregnant.

“since I am a virgin?”

Term: virgin

According to the Longman

Dictionary of

Contemporary English, the

word virgin means

someone without sexual


“since I am a virgin?”

is a statement that

elocuted because the

speaker presented her

condition. The

question sounded

because Mary honestly

did not know why she

could get pregnant.

11/C.1/1:35-37 35 “The Holy Spirit will

come on you, and the power

When the angel of God

answered Mary's

“The Holy Spirit will come

on you, and the power of

The angel informs that

the holy spirit has a

This phenomenon is

proven in the next verse √



of the Highest will

overshadow you. So, the

holy one to be born will be

called[b] the Son of God. 36

Even Elizabeth, your

relative, is going to have a

child in her old age, and she

who was said to be unable to

conceive is in her sixth

month. 37 For no word from

God will ever fail."

question about how the

pregnancy could occur

while she was not

married, the angel

explained that the holy

spirit would work so that

all the impossibilities

were possible. After the

conversation, the angel

left Mary, and from that

moment on, the holy

spirit had descended on

Mary, and "pregnancy"

ensued. This

phenomenon is proven

because, in the next verse

(39-55) in the new title,

Mary has been declared

pregnant with the baby

Jesus in verse 42

"Blessed are you among

women, and blessed is

the child you will bear."

the Highest will

overshadow you.”

Term: holy spirit

Based on LDOEC, "holy

spirit" is God in the form

of spirits. In this case, the

word "holy spirit" as a

term because the holy

spirit was indeed

accompanying Mary until

the pregnancy occurred.

Mary got pregnant as proof

of the truth.

power that would make

all the impossibilities

were possible. The

pregnancy happened

event though Mary in

virgin condition.

(39-55) of the utterance, in

the new title, Mary has

been declared her


13/C.1/1:42 42 “Blessed are you among

women, and blessed is the

child you will bear!

This expression was a

response when Elizabeth

heard the greetings of

Mary, who came to her.

Elizabeth already knew

that Mary was carrying a

baby holy spirit, so she

said that is blessed Mary

because only she had the

opportunity to conceive

from the holy spirit.

Term: blessed

Blessed is very enjoyable

or desirable. In this

situation, Mary has

“Blessed are you among


Elisabeth said that

Mary is blessed

because only she had

the opportunity to

conceive from the holy


The situation is true; Mary

was the blessed one

because she pregnant baby




indeed blessed because

of she pregnant baby


17/C.1/1;61 61 “There is no one among

your relatives who has that


When the neighbors

came to see the baby of

Zakaria to his house,

Zakaria said he wanted

to name his child as

John. Nevertheless,

because of the common,

there always named a

newborn child after the

name of the ancestors of

his lineage. The

neighbors were made

surprised by the

statement of Zakaria,x,

who wanted to name his

child with John because

none of their ancestors'

names were so.

“There is no one.”

Term: “there is no one.”

Means that no people that

have that title in their

relatives, so that’s why the

peoples there told like that.

Based on the utterance,

there are no peoples

that have the title

“john” from their



12 You will find a baby

wrapped in cloths and lying

in a manger.”

The angels stated that the

shepherds would find a

lying baby wrapped in

swaddling clothes and

lying in a manger. This is

proven because when

they arrived in

Bethlehem, they met

Mary and Joseph and the

baby. Then they praise

God because everything

happens (chapter 2; 20)

You will find a baby

wrapped in cloths and

lying in a manger.”

The angel tells about

something that

happened in the future

in which They will see

the baby of god with

explaining the explicit

condition that they will

see, a baby wrapped in

cloths and lying in a


This is proven because

when they arrived in

Bethlehem, they met Mary

and Joseph and the baby.

Then they praise God

because everything

happens (chapter 2; 20)

"according" to what the

angel of God preached




"according" to what the

angel of God preached


Term: a baby wrapped

qin cloths and lying in a

manger. Although this

utterance shows future

action that the shepherd

will "meet" the baby

Jesus, it is not

categorized as

commissive because it

does not fulfill the

characteristic of

commissive that commit

themselves to future

action. In this expression,

angels are not involved

in future actions (see), so

he does not commit

herself to the prospective



34 “This Child is destined to

cause the falling and rising

of many in Israel, and to be a

sign that will be spoken

against, 35 so that the

thoughts of many hearts will

be revealed. And a sword

will pierce your own soul


When the parents

brought the messiah into

the temple of God, then

Simeon blessed them and

told Mary about the role

of Jesus in the lives of

the nations. Simeon

conveys the facts

because it is true that

"Jesus" brings salvation

to the world

“This Child is destined to

cause the falling and rising

of many in Israel, and to be

a sign that will be spoken


Simeon blessed them

and told Mary about the

role of Jesus in the lives

of the nations.

In fact, Jesus is genuinely

bringing salvation to the

world. √

29/C.2/2;49A 49“Why were you searching

for me?”

Jesus asked His parents

why they were looking

“Why were you searching

for me?”

Jesus asked His parents

why they were looking √



for Him, even though He

was doing His action.

for Him. This

categorized as

representative because

Jesus state a truth, His

parents literary

searching for Him

(proven on datum



“Didn’t you know I had to be

in my Father’s house?”

when Jesus was asked by

his parents why he was

in the temple of God.

Jesus answered that he

was supposed to be there,

in his father's house,

because he was a child of

God. He believed in

what was said so that this

was categorized as a


“Didn’t you know I had to

be in my Father’s house?”

Jesus answered His

parent question with

question form to. He

stated that He was

supposed to be there, in

his father's house,

because he was a child

of God. He believed

with what He said.




“Do not be afraid, Zechariah;

your prayer has been heard.

Your wife Elizabeth will bear

you a son, and you are to call

him John.

When the angel of god

standing at the right side

of the altar of incense told

that his request had been

heard by Lord, an and

then Zechariah saw him

and was gripped with

fear. The angel came to

give a piece of

information that

Zechariah will get a son.

That is mean his prayers


Term: don’t be afraid

The utterance “don’t be

afraid” is being the term

of this statement. The

don’t be afraid

The angel forbidding

Zechariah not to be

afraid with her visit.

Perlocutionary: the

hearer executed the




essence of the expression

was ordered the hearer

not to be afraid because

the statement just

informed about what

would happen to



“Do not be afraid, Mary; you

have found favor with God.

this utterance stated by

Angel at Mary house. The

angel came to Mary and

told her not to be afraid,

because the message that

the angel delivered was a

message of joy. He has

received grace from god.

So, Maria should not be


Term: don’t

the word that says forbid,

means not to; it shouldn't


Be brave! the angel forbidding

and command Mary to

not be afraid because

the angel delivered a

message of joy.


“No! He is to be called John.” When Elizabeth spoke up

and forbids their

neighbors who want to

name her son as their

relative name. But she

remains with her choice.

Elizabeth opposes the

neighbor’s statement

about the name they

suggested for her child

Term: No

The word “No” sign as

rejection with his

audience statement that

“No! He is to be called


The word “no” used to

say that the speaker

disagrees with their

neighbors’ statement.

The word after “no”

used to forbid the

neighbor’s to called

their child as John.

John called John.



want named “John” as

their relatives name. The

word “no” also used to

say that the speaker

disagrees with their

neighbors’ voices. This


uncategorized as

declarative type even

though the speaker stated

his son name, because

the word “no” in the

beginning is direct hearer

to do something (called

her son as John) not

“declaring” something

that caused a situation



“Do not be afraid. I bring you

good news that will cause

great joy for all the

people. 11 Today in the town

of David a Savior has been

born to you; he is the

Messiah, the Lord.

The angels forbid them to

not be fear because he

came to preach the joyous

news of Jesus' birth.

when angels tell the

shepherd that Jesus will

be born.

Term: Don’t be afraid.

A command to the

shepherd to be brave.

Don’t be afraid

the utterance used by

angels to forbid the

shepherd to be brave

because the angel came

to tell the good news.

24/C.2/ 2;15

“Let’s go to Bethlehem and

see this thing that has

happened, which the Lord

has told us about.”

This locutionary voiced

When the angels had left

shepherds and gone into

heaven, then the

shepherds said to one


This utterance is

categorized as directive

because the speaker in

Let’s go to Bethlehem the utterance is used to

invite and rule to go to a

city called Bethlehem.



the utterance invites the

listener to do something

which is "let’s go to


The researcher uses the

word “lets” as its term.

According to Longman

dictionary of

contemporary English

the word “lets” used to

say that you wish or hope

that something happens,

that means when the

speaker states the word,

she or he thinks that the

"go to Bethlehem" event



“Every firstborn male is to be

consecrated to the Lord”

This statement is an

expression that is written

in the law of Moses. The

statement provided the

information while

directing that every first

son must be offered to

God. as did Mary and

Joseph who brought Jesus

to Jerusalem to be offered

to God.

“Every firstborn male is to

be consecrated to the Lord”

The statement provided

the information while

pointing that every first

son must be offered to



4 “A voice of one calling in

the wilderness, ‘Prepare the

way for the Lord, make

straight paths for him. 5

Every valley shall be filled

in, every mountain and hill

made low. The crooked

roads shall become straight,

the rough ways smooth.6

And all people will see

God’s salvation.’” [a]

when John went into all

the century around the

Jordan, to preaching a

baptism of repentance for

the forgiveness of sins.

At the time, he explains

about command as it is

written in the book of

Isaiah the prophet. He

explained that the book

‘Prepare the way for the


command and

instruction in the book

of Isaiah the prophet.



contained instructions

that needed to be done.


8 Produce fruit in keeping

with repentance. And do not

begin to say to yourselves,

‘We have Abraham as our

father.’ For I tell you that out

of these stones God can raise

up children for Abraham. 9

The ax is already at the root

of the trees, and every tree

that does not produce good

fruit will be cut down and

thrown into the fire.”

the utterance spoke up

when john teaches the

crowds coming out to

baptism. In this

utterance, John has a right

to taught peoples there

because He is teacher.

Moreover, he told them to

be productive in the order

of God. At the same time,

he explained what would

happen if they did not

obey God's command

likened to a tree. If the

tree is good, it will bear

good fruit, but if not, it

will be thrown away and

even thrown into the fire.

“Produce fruit in keeping

with repentance”

This utterance means to

direct and direct people

to sow the seeds and

reap the fruits of



“Anyone who has two shirts

should share with the one

who has none, and anyone

who has food should do the


When John answered

people's questions, he

answered the questions of

the people who asked

what they should do, and

he directs them to do

what he said in the form

of order.

“Anyone who has two

shirts should share with the

one who has none, and

anyone who has food

should do the same.”

John answered the

people questions asked

what they should do,

and he directs them to

do what he said in the

form of order.


“Don’t collect any more than

you are required to,”

When John answered the

question of the tax

collectors who ask for

advice on what they

should do according to

their work, he advised

them to charge according

to the amount owed, no


Term: don’t

“Don’t collect any more

than you are required to,”

the speaker on this

utterance forbids the

hearer to collect

something more than

they are required to.



"Don't" is an order to the

collector not to do

something. John has the

power to command

everybody because he is

“teacher” (Luke 3;12).


“Don’t extort money and

don’t accuse people

falsely—be content with

your pay.”

when john answered, the

soldiers asked him about

things that they should

do according to their

work. He advised them

not to extorting money

and not accusing people

of wrongdoing, suffice

themselves with their


“Don’t extort money and

don’t accuse people

falsely—be content with

your pay.”

Term: don’t

"Do not" is an order to the

collector not to do

something. John has the

power to command

everybody because he is

“teacher” (Luke 3;12).

John advised the hearer

to not extorting money

and not accusing

people of wrongdoing,

suffice themselves with

their rations




“How can I be sure of this? I

am an old man and my wife

is well along in years.”

When Zechariah

responded to the angel

who delivered the news

that his wife would get


he questioned how he

and his wife could have

children at an advanced

age; physically, this was

not possible.

In this case, Zechariah

expressed his distrust of

the message conveyed by


Term: Sure

According to the

Longman dictionary, the

word “sure” certain

about what you feel,

want, like etc.

“How can I be sure of this?

The speaker was

interrogating the hearer

how can the event


The hearer expresses his

feeling by saying “sure” in

his words.




“greetings, you who are

highly favored the lord is

with you.”

When the Angel of God

visited Mary to Mary's

house and informed that

She is very blessed

because she is the only

woman in this world to

have a baby of God

“Greetings, you who are

highly favored the lord is

with you.”

The words voiced

because the angel

express his/her feeling

about the thing that

Mary got.

Mary is

receiving special attention

from God. She got

pregnant a baby of god that

will never experience by

other women in this world


43 But why am I so favored,

that the mother of my Lord

should come to me? 44 As

soon as the sound of your

greeting reached my ears,

the baby in my womb leaped

for joy. 45 Blessed is she who

has believed that the Lord

would fulfill his promises to


When Elizabeth

expressed her feeling that

she was very blessed by

the coming of Jesus'


But why am I so favored

Term: Favored

Favored means

chosen or preferred by

many people. In this case,

Elizabeth expressing her

feelings as a person chosen

because of being visited by

the mother of God.

Elisabeth shows her

feeling blessed and

stated that she is lucky

one because she was

visited by Jesus'



46 And Mary said:

Marry; “My soul glorifies

the Lord 47 and my spirit rejoices in

God my Savior, 48 for he has been mindful

of the humble state of his


From now on all generations

will call me blessed, 49 for the Mighty One has

done great things for me—

holy is his name. 50 His mercy extends to those

who fear him,

from generation to

generation. 51 He has performed mighty

deeds with his arm;

he has scattered those who

are proud in their inmost


This utterance stated

when Mary praises the

Lord because of her


Term: will call me


Mary so blessed Because

she is the mother of


“My soul glorifies the

Lord and my spirit rejoices

in God my Savior.”

The sentence is an

expression of gratitude.

Mary gave thanks for

her pregnancy and said

that she was the most

blessed woman. He

praised God, who came

to him through His

love, blessings, and

salvation. The words

are the expression of




52 He has brought down

rulers from their thrones

but has lifted up the

humble. 53 He has filled the hungry

with good things

but has sent the rich away

empty. 54 He has helped his servant


remembering to be

merciful 55 to Abraham and his

descendants forever,

just as he promised our



66 “What then is this child

going to be?” For the Lord’s

hand was with him.

After everyone heard

Zechariah announce the

name of his son, they

were astonished at the

miracles they saw. They

saw Zechariah, who

initially could not speak,

then praised God after he

declared his son's name

as "John" and asked each


Everyone who heard this

wondered about it,

asking one to the other.

The statement was made

because of their

astonishment at the

miracle that happened to

Zechariah over the birth

of his child. that is,

Zechariah can speak

again. this is proven in

verse 64 “immediately

What then is this child

going to be?”



his mouth was opened

and his tongue set free,

and he began to speak,

praising God

20/C.1/ 1;68-79

68 “Praise be to the Lord,

the God of Israel,

because he has come to his

people and redeemed them.

69 He has raised up a

horn[c] of salvation for us

in the house of his servant


70 (as he said through his

holy prophets of long ago),

71 salvation from our


and from the hand of all who

hate us—

72 to show mercy to our


and to remember his holy


73 the oath he swore to

our father, Abraham:

74 to rescue us from the

hand of our enemies,

and to enable us to serve him

without fear

75 in holiness and

righteousness before him all

our days.

76 And you, my child, will

be called a prophet of the

Most High;

for you will go on before the

Lord to prepare the way for


77 to give his people the

knowledge of salvation

When Zechariah praised

God for everything that

happened, his wife

became pregnant and

gave birth to a son

named John. He praises

the Lord about and

declares how God loves

his children, gives

blessings and salvation.

Term: Praise

According to the

Longman Dictionary of

Contemporary English,

the word “praise” usually

uses to say that you

admire and approve

someone or something.

Especially, in this

context, to thank God

and show your respect

for Him.


Praise be to the Lord, the

God of Israel because he

has come to his people and

redeemed them”

This sentence is spoken

because of the

expression of gratitude.

Zechariah praised God

for every grace that he

gets; his wife became

pregnant and gave birth

to a son named John.

He praises the Lord

that came to him

through His loves,

blessings, and

salvation. this is an

expression of




through the forgiveness of

their sins,

78 because of the tender

mercy of our God,

by which the rising sun will

come to us from heaven

79 to shine on those living in


and in the shadow of death,

to guide our feet into the

path of peace.”


14 “Glory to God in the

highest heaven,

and on earth peace to

those on whom his favor


Context: When angels

praise God after they tell

the shepherd about the

birth of the savior, they

cheered and rejoiced at

the birth of God.

“Glory to God in the

highest heaven,

An expression of the

honors and praise that

angel give to the Lord

they admire a lot. The

honour, and praise are

expression of people

when give someone

that they admire a lot


29 “Sovereign Lord, as you

have promised,

You may now

dismiss[d] your servant in

peace. 30 For my eyes have seen

your salvation, 31 which you have

prepared in the sight of all

nations: 32 a light for revelation to the


and the glory of your

people Israel.”

When Simeon, the one

who lives righteously

according to God's law,

is rewarded by the holy

spirit, a life that will end

after he sees the messiah.

Simeon saw the messiah

when brought by Mary

and joseph into the

temple of God. Then

with all his thanksgiving,

he exclaimed and gave

himself back to God

you may now

dismiss[d] your servant in


Term: peace

Peace is a feeling of

being calm, happy, and

not worried

when simeon with all

his thanksgiving, he

exclaimed and gave

himself back to God

that he wants to go

back in peace no worry

about anythings.


48 “Son, why have you

treated us like this? Your

father and I have been

anxiously searching for you.”

When Jesus parents saw

Him, they were

astonished. Then they

asked Jesus why he had

disappeared while they

Your father and I have

been anxiously searching

for you.”

the sense of this

utterance is Mary show

her eagerly or worried

when they are as parent



were anxiously looking

for him.

Term: anxiously

Anxiously is a feel that

worried about something

or an anxious time

or situation is one in

which you

feel nervous or worried.

losing their child



7 “You brood of vipers! Who

warned you to flee from the

coming wrath?

Context: when John said

to the crowds’ people

was coming out to be

baptized. he called out

his anger by calling them


Term: vipers

Viper in Ldoce

literary described as

someone who behaves in

an unpleasant way

and harms other people

“You brood of vipers! John called out his

anger by calling the

crowd as vipers. This is

expression of anger


“you are my Son, whom I

love; with you I am well


when the holy spirit

came to Jesus in form of

a dove after baptized

moment then tell him

that Lord is affectionate

Him because He is the

Lord son.

Term: pleased

Pleased acording to

LDOCE is a feeling of

happy or satisfied

with you I am well


the holy spirit came to

tell Him that Lord is

affectionate Him

because He is the Lord




COM 34/C.3/3;10

“What should we do then?” In the Jordan River,

people asked John for

advice on how they

should behave. Related

to the context, people ask

directions on how to be

good. They asked

means they want to know

what they should do


Term: then

This statement

categorized as a function

of the question in which

they had previously

heard the advice given

by John in the previous

report. From the

explanation given by

John, he wondered in

their minds what they

should do "then" after

they heard the advice.

“What should we do


The people asked John

for advice on how they

should behave. Related

to the context, people

ask directions on how

to be good. They

asked means they want

to know what they

should do next.


“Teacher, what should we


when the tax collectors

came to be baptized.

They are requested an

advice to John what

should they do as the

collectors. Although the

words in this expression

are almost the same as

the expression in data

34/C.3/3;10, the context

is different. In this

utterance, they asked for

advice specifically

related to their profession

as collectors, while on

what should we do?”

In this utterance, the

speaker asked for

advice specifically

related to their

profession as

collectors, they are

committed to doing

something according to

the answers given.



the data 34/C.3/3;10,

people asked after

getting an explanation as

humans in general.

Term: the sound


When they call "teacher,"

they mean precisely that

they want to be looked at

individually. Because

before, the "teacher" was

directing his advice to all

who were there.


“And what should we do?” Context: Among the

crowds there, some

soldiers also asked him

to explain what they

should do in accordance

duties. It is a future

action that they will take

after got an answered.

This question is

equivalent to data 36

because it starts with the

word "and," which

means they are also the

same as collectors, which

is to ask them to explain

what they should do after

their work accurately.

Term: and

Based on LDOEC The

word “and” used

to join two

words, phrases etc referri

“And what should we do?” It is a future action that

they will take after got

an answered.



ng to things that

are related in some way



20 And now you will be silent

and not able to speak until

the day this happens,

because you did not believe

my words, which will come

true at their appointed time.”

Context: At the

moment, angel-voiced

the words, Zechariah

doesn’t believe that his

wife will get pregnant.

Then the angel came and

said that he would be

quiet until God presents

His miracle. After the

angel words, Zechariah

honestly can’t speak

anything which is a

consequence of his


Term; silent

According to LDOEC the

word “silent” mean Not

speaking or not saying


And now you will be silent the angel declares a

situation when

Zechariah don’t believe

his words, the situation

changes when angel

state “and now you will

be silent”.

Zechariah couldn’t speak.


31 You will conceive and

give birth to a son, and you

are to call him Jesus. 32 He

will be great and will be

called the Son of the Most

High. The Lord God will

give him the throne of his

father David, 33 and he will

reign over Jacob’s

descendants forever; his

kingdom will never end.”

When the angel came

and told Marry that Mary

would give birth to

someone who is

powerful and will be a

saviour to the nations.

: You will conceive and

give birth to a son, and you

are to call him Jesus.

God bound authority or

power to angels as an

official of God to

convey that Mary

would conceive. This

utterance is a

declaration of an

intention or God's

purpose for Mary to be

God's chosen woman to

have a baby Holy


everybody would know

that Mary get pregnant of

Jesus, the great one who

powerful and almighty.

12/C.1/1;38 “I am the lord’s serva`nt,”

mary answered.

Mary gave her answer

after the angel of God

“may it be to me as you

have said”

Mary confirm the

message from the god

After Mary stated, "Be

fulfilled” which is a form of



“may your word to me be


told her that she would

conceive and give birth

to Jesus, and then Mary

expressed her readiness

for whatever God wanted

in her life. By

emphasizing that he is a

servant of God, showing

his position under God

and the doers of God's

word. So, she gave his

life according to God's

will. After Mary stated,

"Be with me," which is a

form of acceptance, the

pregnancy ensued. At the

same time, there was a

change in the situation

from "not yet pregnant"

to becoming pregnant.

Term: may it be to me

The expression is words

of acceptance, approval,

or confirmation of what

was delivered by the

previous speaker after it

was said the event that

was reported.

and show her

agreement. Moreover,

Mary expressed her

readiness for whatever

God wanted in her life.

By emphasizing that he

is a servant of God,

showing his position

under God and the

doers of God's word.


acceptance, the pregnancy

ensued. At the same time,

there was a change in the

situation from "not yet

pregnant" to becoming



“His name is John.” when Zechariah decided

on his son's name as

"John" in front of

neighbours who came to

visit and wanted to name

their children after their

relatives' names. He

asked for a writing tablet,

and to everyone’s

“His name is John.”

Zechariah announced

his decision to called

his son as “john”. The

child started called

“john” since his father

stated his choice.

John is called john.



astonishment he wrote.

at that moment his mouth

that was previously

speechless then issued

praise to God, because

what was conveyed by

the angel of God was


Term: is

the word "is" from the

sentence can be defined

that there is no other

name for Zechariah son

besides John. There is a

situation change when

speaker state the

locutionary. Since

Zechariah as his father

announce that name, at

this time and so on

everyone must call his

child as john.


16 “I baptize you

with[b] water. But one who is

more powerful than I will

come, the straps of whose

sandals I am not worthy to

untie. He will baptize you

with[c] the Holy Spirit and

fire. 17 His winnowing fork is

in his hand to clear his

threshing floor and to gather

the wheat into his barn, but

he will burn up the chaff

with unquenchable fire.”

When the baptism

moment in Jordan river,

many people wondered

who it was that John,

even had thought to them

that John was the

Messiah. But through his

utterance John explains

that he is not a messiah,

he does not have the

glory and power like

him. John's statement is

true. He believes that the

Saviour will come. at the

time after the baptism of

“But one who is more

powerful than I will come”

this utterance stated by

John believes that the

Savior will come.



the crowd which also

included Jesus, the

heavens opened as

evidence of God's favour

with Jesus (Luke 3:21)