A fresh look at the Sun, from core to corona, illuminated by new insight on the physics of...

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A fresh look at the Sun, from core to corona,

illuminated by new insight on the physics of

gravitation Miles OsmastonMiles Osmaston

The White Cottage, Woking, Surrey GU23 6JT, UK



European Planetary Science Congress UCL, London. 12 Sept 2013 EPSC Abstracts 8, EPSC2013-249, 2013. 1

Copyright © Miles Osmaston 2013 – 13 slides

I want to show you that:-• Newtonian gravitation is an incomplete description of what’s going on.

• The force-generating process also, and unavoidably, generates a positive-body-repelling radial electric field - the Gravity-Electric (G-E) field – around every gravitationally-retained assemblage.

• This field is not done by charged particles, but is generated in the aether which fills the space between.

• Charged particles then respond to that, and this is what’s happening both inside and around the Sun – and everywhere else that there’s a gravity field.


Gravitation: how is the force between mass-bearing particles developed?

• Newton worked out how the force varies, but he set aside the question of its origin.

• Einstein evaded the issue by calling the force ‘intrinsic’ to the specific bit of space occupied by each particle. His GR equations then made the problem impossible by assigning zero (‘infinitesimal’) volume to that bit of space!

• We now know that’s wrong; they do have space inside them in which to develop the external property.

But Newton did believe there must be some sort of aether for getting the force to another body. Huygens had just needed one for doing the same with light. So let’s try that.


Maxwell’s aether and making particles out of it

• To support the existence and propagation of transverse electromagnetic waves, we implement, as never before, the Maxwell’s equations aether (1873, 1878) as:- an all-pervasive, massless, compressible, superfluid continuum of negative electric charge.

• Next, (following Maxwell (1861a,b, 1864, 1873, 1878), W. Thomson (Kelvin) (1867), J.J.Thomson (1883), Larmor (1894, 1897, 1904) and

Milner (1960)) we consider

particles to be ring-vortex-like constructs of aether in motion, to ‘suck’ themselves towards one another and provide gravity.


Aether charge density; particles and vortices

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -positron


does it "bottom"?

mean densityaether

MFO 2000

zero chargedensity

(= zero aether)

With an aether made of only one sort of charge, the simplest way to make one particle positive and the other negative is to make one include more aether and the other less, like this:-

From electron-positron scattering at CERN we know the charge density in the core of a positron is >1030 coulomb/cm3.

So that is also the mean negative-charge density of the aether! So we ....

Notional ring-vortex structure of aether motion in a mass-bearing fundamental particle – electron or quark. (section is on right)

Notional charge density profiles


Origin of the Gravity-Electric (G-E) field

In a gravitationally retained assemblage the particles are sucking aether through themselves and pulling themselves towards one another. So the particles are ‘busy’ trying to suck aether out of the interior. But the charge-self-repulsion pressure in the surrounding aether is trying to keep it uniform.

The resulting aether charge-density gradient is an electric field - the G-E field. Like the Newtonian field, the G-E field extends outside the body too.


Discriminatory action of the G-E field: Sun and Earth

Neutral particles can experience only the Newtonian field but, if a plasma is sufficiently ionized, the G-E field will develop a net outward force upon the ions, electrons being driven inwards.

In the Sun, the electrons detached from the solar wind ions are in the negative H ions whose opacity is respons-ible for the solar photosphere ‘surface’ [Wildt 1939].

Earth’s ionosphere displays the same effect. Ionization by solar EUV releases electrons. 90% of lightning strikes bring negative charge to ground, with a concensus estimate of 250 kV from F-layer to ground.

So Earth’s surface G-E field is ~1 V/m and the Sun’s (if linear extrapolated on gravity) may be ~30 V/m.

So let’s look inside it.7

Discriminatory action of the G-E field:the Sun and the Earth as examples

Nucleosynthesis and overburden support

• The G-E field, acting on the solar interior ions, provides an overburden support pressure, additional to that generated by nucleosynthesis in the core. So stability will be achieved with a lower rate of burning than inferred in the Standard Solar Model (SSM). Implications for:- • 50% electron neutrino deficit and helioseismology. Fusion rate varies as ~25th power of T, so a tiny drop in T would halve neutrino output, but not be detected in helio-seismology or Sun brightness. So is the Sun twice as old?• solar age and planets age. They don’t need to be the same. The Sun is an unmixed star, with only 2.5mass% above the tachocline. I show (EPSC Potsdam 2009 and my poster P158 today) that the planets were likely formed as the Sun flew through a second cloud, ‘contaminating’ the outer Sun to match.• Universe age. Some stars may be much older than we thought.


Opacity at the solar tachocline

Just below the tachocline there’s a persistent opacity deficit of the SSM w.r.t. helio-seismology. If particles are ‘made out of aether’ the associated aether is in random motion too, causing additional radiation scattering and opacity. This may resolve the deficit.

And explain Olbers’ Paradox?



tachoclineat 0.71R

photosphere ‘convective’ zone

radiative zone

G-E field driver for CMEs and granulation

Notional top of photosphere

Large magnetic arch - precursor to a possible CME

CMEs. If the footpoints of the main arch are close to the places of inter-granulation ionic outflows (red arrows), those ions will spiral up the legs of the arch, and the radial G-E field force on them at the top will stretch the arch. If this loading becomes too great, the arch will break and release the ions as a CME. Consistent with G-E field action is the acceleration of those ions as they acquire energy from it.

Red arrows mark ionic flows not magnetically trapped in granulation

Granulation. Sunspots look black because they expose temperatures 2000K cooler at depth. So granulation is NOT thermal convection. Solar magnetic field is deformed into loops by gathering and preventing escape of G-E driven solar ions from interior. Their energy heats the photosphere.


Coronal energy support: the chromosphere transition zone

11after Madjarska 2012

Proposal. The G-E field radial acceleration of ions through the chromosphere may give them enough energy, on reaching the transition region, for mutual impact of those ions to increase their ionization level. This further accelerates the G-E field enhancement of their impact energies. This positive feedback could yield the sudden rise in ionization temperature to the several MK of the corona, but it is not LTE.

ionization temp

A final clincher for the reality of theG-E field


Coronal streamers are seen to inject SiXII and FeXIII ions into the corona. It has been observed [Raymond, Suleiman & Kohl, Space Science Reviews 1998] that these ions remain supported in streamers for months, despite that ‘the gravitational settling time is of the order of a day’.

Surely the Sun’s G-E field is providing that support!

Main Conclusions


Maxwell’s aether, fully implemented, is a continuum of negative electric charge, with a ‘normal’ charge density exceeding 1030 C/cm3.

Fundamental particles develop their external mass property and mutual gravitation by the sucking action of an internal vortex of aether motion.The Gravity-Electric (G-E) field, radial to any Newtonian assemblage and due to this aether-sucking action, is always present too. ~30v-V/m@Sun

In the Sun’s core, G-E field support of the overburden permits slower burning, thus explaining the ~50% deficit of electron neutrinos.

The Sun’s sub-tachocline interior can be much older than the planets if these were made during a second-cloud solar passage and accretion - see my poster P158 today, Session PD3/EX4.

Magnetic arches define granulation, and CMEs at a higher level. The radial G-E force on entrained ions breaks the arches (flares, CMEs).

G-E field action drives the steep rise of ionization level from chromosphere to corona by positive feedback involving the mutual impact of disparate ions. Thank you