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Woking High School Year 11 Revision Evening 23 rd January 2017 Welcome

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Woking High School

Year 11 Revision Evening 23rd January 2017


Purpose of the Evening • To help you support your sons and daughters as they

prepare for GCSE exams • To focus on the three key subjects of English, Maths and

Science • To identify the in school support that will be provided for

students • To explore a range of effective approaches to managing

revision • To clarify the practical arrangements for the Summer

2017 examinations • To provide an opportunity for you to speak to key

members of staff

All slides will be posted on the school website


Support • Year 11 Consultation Evenings • Indicative exams – setting targets for success -’The brown envelope’ • Staff mentors • Termly reports • Mindfulness workshop • Subject specific revision classes - Revision Timetable - Prom Points - 1:1 with subject teachers

Students should use the timetable below to plan their revision schedule in school (a copy can be found in their prom passport).

Subject staff are also available on request.



MFL – F2









ART - T2






Revision timetable

Revision timetable














ART – T2


Prom Points Have officially started!


• 60 points to attend the prom

• To attend- After school /break time/ lunchtime support to gain points (1 per half hour)

• To pay a £10 deposit to the front office (Mrs Coulson) asap to receive your blank Passport to prom (letters went home via students Fri 8th Jan)


Exam week takes place from 6th - 10TH MARCH 2017

inclusive, all Year 11 students will complete

tests/assessments in their core subjects.

Students will sit these exams like a real GCSE in the sports hall.

Students are expected to revise for these and staff will assist with this preparation.



Student life is full of deadlines, demands and frustrations that cause stress. In small doses stress isn’t always bad, but when it becomes constant the mind and body pay the price.

Stress creeps up on us and starts to feel normal, even familiar and we don’t notice how much it affects us.

Stress causes memory problems, poor concentration, worry, moodiness, irritability, anxiety, depression, lowered immune

system, digestive problems, sleep problems, the list is endless.


This workshop is not a course of therapy – it is not going to completely remove

stress overnight, but what it will provide is three or four practical exercises

directly aimed at relieving the stress caused by the build up to exam time.

The importance of attendance

Research shows that 90% of students with less

than 7.5 days absence per academic year (ie

over 95% attendance rate) gained at least 5A* -

C GCSE grades.

Only 31% of students with over 20 days absence

per academic year ( i.e. less than 90% attendance

rate ) gained at least 5A*-C GCSE grades.

Dates for your diary : • Thursday 19th Jan – Year 11 Consultation Evening • Friday 20th Jan – INSET day • Monday 23rd Jan – Parents Revision Evening • Monday 13th Feb – 17th Feb – Half term break • March 6th-10th – CORE indicative exams • Friday 31st March – Term ends 12:15pm

• Tuesday 18th April – Term starts • 24th & 25th April – GCSE ART exam • Monday 15th May – GCSE EXAMS START


Miss Mitchell

OCR GCSE English Language (J351) and OCR GCSE English Literature (J352)

2 papers of 2 hours for each GCSE

OCR Language J351 • Paper 1: 19th C and 20th/21st C non-fiction and

persuasive/informative writing • Paper 2: literary non-fiction and creative writing

OCR Literature J352 • Paper 1: An Inspector Calls and Jekyll and Hyde • Paper 2: Poetry and Macbeth

In the Core Exam week in March, students will sit BOTH Language papers and Literature Paper 1. (They sat Literature Paper 2 in December).

OCR English Language - Reading

• Broaden vocabulary by reading widely and keeping a glossary of unfamiliar words.

• Learn definitions of literary terms (both linguistic and structural devices).

• Practise annotating unseen texts, spending 10 minutes reading in detail by yourself.

• Go back through the extracts in your exercise books (particularly those from the 19th C) to remind yourself of the level of reading that will be required.

OCR English Language - Writing

• Work on your VSPAG accuracy in every piece of writing, regardless of what subject it is!

• Learn those words you always stumble to spell – we all have them!

• AFOREST/PERSUADE – learn your acronym of persuasive devices.

• Practise planning and writing in timed conditions.

• Read widely – the best writers are keen readers!

OCR English Literature

• Students should be re-reading the key texts:

– The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

– An Inspector Calls

– Macbeth

– Towards a World Unknown (poetry anthology)

• For each text, make notes on key themes, characters and (where appropriate), context.

English Literature

• Spend revision time planning questions – they don’t have to write the full essay

• Learn key quotations! (No texts allowed in the exam!)

• Use the independent task sheets created for each text. (All available on Student Shared)

What the English Department can do…

• Revision guides, workbooks and texts all for sale in the English resources room.

• Targeted revision and intervention sessions – please attend if invited.

• Drop in sessions for any students with queries and questions.

• The offer of marking – we are rarely taken up on the offer that we will mark essays students have written in their spare time!

• Specially designed independent tasks to help support revision in the absence of any past papers!

How You Can Help • Buy them useful revision materials: - revision guide and workbook - copies of all texts (audio if helpful) - index cards for making terminology flashcards - folder with subject divider for all 4 texts - highlighters • Encourage them to undertake timed writing activities –

you could even act as invigilator! • Read the set texts so you can discuss them with Year 11 • Encourage them to read widely at home


Mrs Heller

• Edexcel 1MA1

• Higher 9 - 4

• Foundation 5 - 1

• 100% exam tested over three papers

• One non-calculator paper and two calculator papers

• Thursday 25th May (non-calculator)

• Thursday 8th June (calculator)

• Tuesday 13th June (calculator)

• Revision sessions take place on Tuesday

• Checklists will be emailed to students by

Mr Rajgobal before February half term

• Edexcel website - past papers

• mymaths login: woking password: integer

• Revision guide/workbook (£3.50 each from school)

• Exam Practice Workbook available after February half term

• S:drive Maths GCSE Revision

• Revision – little and often


Mrs Gallagher

Year 11 and the Science Department

The syllabus: All Science GCSEs are AQA. • Set 2 and 3 students are taking Core (Science A) and Additional

Science GCSEs (2 separate GCSEs). They will sit 2 hour-long papers for each of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

• Set 1 students are taking separate GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics (3 GCSEs). They will sit 3 hour-long papers for each of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Revision Guides and Practice Papers: • Guides are £4 each from the Science Technicians. • Set 2 and 3 (Core and Additional) students will need a “Science

A” revision guide, and an “Additional Science” revision guide. • Set 1 (Triple) students need 3 revision guides – Biology,

Chemistry and Physics. • Practice papers and the syllabus can be found on the AQA

website. Make sure you use the older GCSEs (for exams from 2014), not the new ones (for 2018 exams).

Science Clinic (drop-in clinic) - Wednesdays and Thursdays, 3.30 to 4.30.

Come prepared with:

• A specific question or homework task you are stuck on

• A topic you found hard or missed the lesson on, that you want a teacher to go over with you

• A topic or unit that you want more practice questions on

Revision HW and Educake • Each Science subject teacher has given

their classes a week-by-week revision schedule, to help them to cover all the revision topics in the remaining time before their exams.

• Part of this HW will involve completing a non-negotiable online test on that topic, using a website called Educake.

• Students may also be set an exam-style question, or be given a summary page on that topic.

• If they do not complete this revision homework, they will be required to attend Science Clinic.


commencing: 11XZPh1b

02/01/2017 P3.2 Physics to make things work

09/01/2017 P1.5a Waves - types and e-m


16/01/2017 P1.5b Waves - properties and red


23/01/2017 P3.1a Medical Physics part 1

30/01/2017 Catch-up week

06/02/2017 P3.1b Medical Physics part 2

13/02/2017 P1.4 Power stations and national


Every student is studying for 2 or 3 GCSEs in Science – there is a lot to commit to memory before May!

Other key dates

Last Chance ISAs – Day 11 March 21st

• Students will be given an opportunity to catch up on missed ISAs, or to improve their grade to at least match their target. ISAs are each worth 25% of a GCSE in Science.

• If they need to catch up on more than 1 ISA then they will need to do one of these over a week of 1-hour sessions after school – dates TBA.

• They will be informed by their class teacher if they are required to resit an ISA.

Year 11 second mock period – w/c 6th March • Set 2 and 3 (Core and Additional) students will sit 3 hour-long

exams – B1, C1 and P1. • Set 1 (Triple) students will sit 3 hour-long exams – B3, C3 and

P3 (or Dr Ashton’s paper).

Mr Sharples

Revision Tips

Benefits of a revision timetable

Avoid a last minute rush Balance revision time between subjects Spread out revision Achieve a balance between revision and leisure

time Avoid wasting time trying to work out what to do

When does a timetable become counter-productive?

X Drawn up too far in advance X Drawn up in too much detail X Over-ambitious and unrealistic

Layers of Learning Surface Learning Learning what you are told to learn

Strategic Learning Students see the point of what they are doing – learning with a plan

Deep Learning Full engagement, interest and enthusiasm for the subject

Revision should be active!

What sort of revision are you doing?

The best revision methods involve being active. These methods are better than

passive revision.

Passively reading through your notes and books is a very poor method of revision

Examples of active revision

• Revision notes • Reading notes aloud • Recording key points onto a phone • Discussing topics with a friend • Testing yourself • Getting others to test you • Rewriting notes • Trying past exam papers • Using revision apps / websites

Revise with the exam in mind

• Get hold of the exam board spec for each subject

• How many papers do you have to take for each subject?

• What type / choice of questions?

• Length of paper?

• Tackling past papers is a great way to improve your exam technique

More Advanced Revision Techniques

• Planning Extended Writing

• Making points and backing them up

• Command Terms

• Mnemonics • Maps for Memories

• Using Pictures

• First Letter Mnemonics

First Letter Mnemonics

• Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain

Assisting with revision

• Work out a revision timetable for each subject • Break revision time into small chunks - hour-long

sessions with short breaks at the end of each session often work well

• Make sure your child has all the essential materials • Provide blank cards for condensed revision notes • Buy new stationery, highlighters and pens to make

revision more interesting • Go through school notes with your child or listen

while they revise a topic • Time your child's attempts at practice papers

Low Energy

Being Unfit

¾ not getting

60 mins exercise

Space to learn

An agreed place set aside

Poor Diet

Lack of Sleep

No time to relax

Regular planned breaks

8 hours a night

Balanced Diet

Is this the answer?

“What have your parents done / what can they do to help with revision?”

• “Money!”

• “There should be a sliding scale with £20 awarded for every C grade and £100 for an A*!”

• “Don’t put pressure on too much”

• “Create a more space for us so we can have a quiet area at home”

• “Support us whatever happens, whether we get A* grades or E grades we need to know they will still be there for us”

• “My Dad liked the topic I was revising and discussed it with me”

• “Gave me small rewards after each bit of revision like a biscuit”

• “Organised an end of exams trip to a restaurant”

• “Told me how proud they were of me!”

• “Believed in me and gave me confidence”

“They can because they think they can” Virgil

Great results on August


Examination Procedures

• A master exam timetable has been


• Students will be issued with individual

exam details – a statement of entry

• This will be given to students this week,

please ensure the student’s name is

correct as this is the name that will

appear on certificates

Examination Procedures

• Morning exams start at 9.00am

• Afternoon exams start at 1.30pm

• Students must arrive 15-20 minutes

before the start of each exam

Examination Procedures • Writing equipment, calculators, etc. must be in a

see-through case, students must provide their own equipment

• Smart Watches, mobile phones and MP3 players are not permitted

• Students who arrive after the start of an exam may not have their paper accepted by the exam board

Illness • Students who are ill and sit the exam must

provide a medical certificate and the school will apply for “special consideration”

• A medical certificate must be provided if a student misses an exam, otherwise students risk being billed as a missed exam

• In the event of any problems, please contact Mrs Bostock before 8.30am for AM exams or 12.30pm for PM exams

Results must be collected in person by the student OR, a friend or relative must have a letter of authority signed by the student which must be given to the exam office prior to the end

of term

Results are not given by telephone

Results not collected by 11.00am will be posted (to the address on school records) if a stamp is provided

GCSE Thursday 24th August 2017


Thank you for
