A Call for History Makers

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- 1- Captivate Attention: Capture interest Ask the students to describe how and why they were shocked when they first saw the events of September 11 th 2001 unfold. Unit 1: Hearing the Call for Christian Statesmanship Lesson 1: History’s Defining Moments are the Call for History Makers Lesson Plan: 1.01 Recommended Reading: Robert Seiple. Ambassadors of Hope. How Christians Can Respond to the World's Toughest Problems. (2004). Ch. 2: Intractable Conflicts or Extraordinary Opportunities? Content

Transcript of A Call for History Makers

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Unit 1: Hearing the Call for Christian Statesmanship

Lesson 1: History’s Defining Moments are the Call for History Makers

International Affairs & Statesmanship - 2 - www.nationrebuilders.com

Unit 1: Hearing the Call for Christian Statesmanship

Lesson 1: History’s Defining Moments are the Call for History Makers Lesson Plan: 1.01


Unit 1 Objective:

Understand the need for Christian statesmanship.

Lesson 1 Objective:

Understand why there is a need for distinctly Christian statesmanship in international affairs at this

pivotal moment in history.


Captivate Attention:

Capture interest Ask the students to describe how and why they were shocked when they first saw the

events of September 11th 2001 unfold.

Input & Taxonomy:

Through the lecture the students will understand how history is shifted by defining moments and that

prophets and statesman provide helpful interpretation and direction in such moments.

Biblical Worldview:

Eph. 3:10 – God has chosen that His manifold wisdom be made known by the church to the world. As

Christians, are we making it known, and how are we to make it known?

Comprehension & Discussion Questions:

Why is a new caliber of leadership needed in such a time?

What gives Christians unique qualifications to be new caliber leaders?


A rhetorical question for students to think about: Who will be vs. who should be the statesmen for the



Written Paper:

Describe the vision you have to be a Christian statesman. Explain why you see this calling is vital as a

history maker in your generation.

Recommended Reading:

Robert Seiple. Ambassadors of Hope. How Christians Can Respond to the World's Toughest Problems. (2004).

Ch. 2: Intractable Conflicts or Extraordinary Opportunities?

Unit 1: Hearing the Call for Christian Statesmanship

Lesson 1: History’s Defining Moments are the Call for History Makers

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I. History’s Defining moments are a call to the prophetic statesmen

The overarching objective of this curriculum is to prepare the next generation to begin training for the task of

Christian statesmanship in the post 9/11 era. Before embarking on this task, students must understand the

imperative need for distinctly Christian statesmanship at this pivotal moment in history. This lesson attempts to

place before the student the vision for Christian statesmanship for such a time as this.

A. Why we need prophetic statesmen in a post 9/11 world

International affairs have changed

dramatically as a result of the terrorist

attacks of September 11th. It was a

defining moment in history where it

became evident to most Americans that

the future of liberty was coming under

attack and thus the choices regarding

the direction of U.S. foreign policy

would influence the future of spiritual,

moral and political liberties for

generations to come. One commentator

explained the emerging changes as, “A

new organizing principle is taking shape

in the world. Islamic extremism is an ideological challenge that must be met accordingly by nations.”1

It is for such a time as this that it becomes imperative to disciple and

train a new generation of Christian statesmen and women who are well

prepared to meet a calling to serve God, even in the government of

nations and the making of current history. Without a new generation of

statesmen we will likely return to the dark valley similar to the 1930s,

where vain hopes for world peace had blinded the West’s ability to

perceive their own present danger of fascist movements and ideologies,

and instead were lured into a pacifism which further provoked the

confidence of tyrannical regimes2.

The post 9/11 era is a new era in history that poses formidable (but not

overwhelming) opposition to the legacy of freedom, justice, and morality that the U.S. was largely founded

upon, and requires a generation of Christian statesmen and women who will represent Christian principles

in the government of the nation.

1 Pryce-Jones, David. “The New Cold War.” National Review 53.21 (2001): 38-41. OmniFile Full Text Mega Database. Web. 20 Mar. 2009. 2 Hanson, Victor Davis. “The 1930s Again: A Hard Rain is Going to Fall.” National Review (25 Mar. 2002).

Unit 1: Hearing the Call for Christian Statesmanship

Lesson 1: History’s Defining Moments are the Call for History Makers

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Paul states in Ephesians 3:10 that God has chosen that His manifold wisdom be made known by the church

to the world; but as Christians, we seem to be quite content to allow His wisdom to remain in the confines

of the church alone. In the post 9/11 world, Christians face a more determined opposition to their values

and principles by those driven by opposing ideologies and worldviews. The church has the responsibility for

not only understanding among ourselves these worldviews that drive current events, but as Paul states, the

church is to make known to the world His manifold wisdom, for the purpose of preserving the Christian

principles of liberty and justice under law.

Those who desire to lead nations in the future must cast their eye like a watchman upon the events of this

critical time; allowing its images, its emotions and its decisions to burn a sense of significance into their

spirit. The Hebrew scholar, Abraham Heschel, speaks of the prophets of Israel who were effective

communicators not necessarily because they seized the moment; rather, they were “seized by the

moment.”3 Christian statesmen must be seized by this moment so that they in turn can, as the Latin maxim

carpe diem compels, seize the moment.

B. The Power of Defining Moments in History

Defining moments are those decisions, actions or events that shape eras and movements in history.

The unfolding of history is referred to by some historians as a “grand narrative”4 that emerges in

hindsight over time. Individual events generally play into the grand scheme of things rather than

turn history in different directions with a sense of immediacy. Yet there are times when a particular

event encapsulates a specific turning point that defines an overall era that is emerging. Richard

Haass, who worked to develop the National Security Strategy after the attacks of September 11th

refers to such times like the post 9-11 era as an emerging “opportunity” that will eventually find its

own name when the moment or opportunity has been seized and its potential realized.5

Defining moments become iconic or representative of the fact that a certain political reality has

visibly changed. Some examples of defining moments that have become an icon of changing political

realities in their time include:

Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon was symbolic of a new era of Roman dictatorship. Caesar knew

he was crossing the point of no return and in essence, declaring war on his opponents that resulted

in the emergence of a new line of Roman Caesars that would control Rome.

Martin Luther nailing his thesis to the door at Wittenberg is arguably the most notable icon of the

Reformation era. The event communicated the doctrinal opposition to the Pope and the Catholic

Church in a visible and dramatic form.

3 Heschel, Abram. The Prophets. Peabody, MA: Prince Press, 1962. Print. 4 Gress, David. From Plato to NATO. The Idea of the West and its Opponents. New York: Free Press, 1998. Print. 29. 5 Haass, Richard. The Opportunity: America’s Moment to Alter History’s Course. New York: Public Affair, 2005. Print. 4.

Unit 1: Hearing the Call for Christian Statesmanship

Lesson 1: History’s Defining Moments are the Call for History Makers

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The signing of the Declaration of Independence symbolized a

movement of liberty and self-determination in the face of

over-bearing colonial rule and tyranny.

The fall of the Berlin Wall symbolized the end of the Cold

War and thus the corresponding failure of the Soviet Union

to develop a utopian economic and political system of

equality throughout Eastern Europe.

The fall of the Twin Towers on September 11th symbolized a

new height in the global struggle against terrorism and the

struggle against militant Islam.

Defining moments are ‘kairos’ moments.

In the New Testament two Greek words are used to describe time: chronos and kairos. Chronos

refers to the measurement of time, whereas kairos refers to a moment in time. Thayer’s Greek

dictionary defines kairos as an “opportune time.”6 Eric White refers to a kairos moment as “a

passing instant when an opening appears which must be driven through with force if success is to

be achieved.”7

Certain events create opportunities or ‘kairos’ moments that can be used for good or ill to shift

history towards an agenda. It is in such moments that history enters a pivotal moment where the

future hangs upon the outcome of decisions made by the statesmen of the time.

Defining moments can determine the call and identity of a whole generation.

In looking back at defining moments in history, there are times when a whole generation received

its identity through its response to a particular set of pivotal events. Those that responded to the

necessary sacrifice in establishing the liberty and freedom of the United

States came to be known as the great founding fathers of America. Those

who fought valiantly to secure Europe from the Nazis and Asia from the

Japanese came to be known as ‘The Greatest Generation.’ Their dedicated

response in pivotal times sealed their identity as a generation.

The pivotal nature of the post 9/11 era requires a response from the

present generation to provide leadership that will secure the legacy of

freedom for future generations to come. In response to the attacks on

September 11th at the National Day of Prayer on September 14th, President Bush stated that “The

commitment of our father's is now the calling of our time.”8 Looking back at the previous

generation’s sacrifice should provide us with the calling necessary to stand for freedom in our time

of danger.

6 Thayer, Joseph. Thayer's Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1996. Print. 7 White, Eric Charles. (1987). Kaironomia: On The Will-To-Invent. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1987. Print. 13. 8 Bush, George W. “President’s Remarks at National Day of Prayer and Remembrance.” 14 Sept. 2001. Web. <http://georgewbush-


The fall of the Berlin Wall symbolized the

end of Communism.

Unit 1: Hearing the Call for Christian Statesmanship

Lesson 1: History’s Defining Moments are the Call for History Makers

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C. Defining moments call for prophetic statesmen to arise with urgency

The prophet does not “seize the moment;

he is seized by the moment.”9

Have you allowed the impact of September

11th 2001 to seize you?

To what extent have we been seized by the

definitive moment brought about on the

morning of September 11th?

Was a sense of urgency awakened?

Without the searing in the mind of a

nation’s significant historical moments in

history, it is doubtful that we will discern

the new eras that defining moments create.

“A prophet has a responsibility for the


At those moments the prophet’s

responsibility is to define the significance of

the moment, bringing relevance to dramatic

events and decisions that alter the course

of world history so that we can learn from

them and realize that those moments must

be seized if the course of history is to

move towards liberty rather than tyranny.

II. Where were the prophetic statesmen during more recent defining moments in history?

As we look back in more recent times throughout the 20th Century, one could wonder that Christian

statesmanship was seemingly lacking at important defining moments, for example:

World War I and the Peace Conference at Versailles. 1919.

Greed and revenge dominated the political discussions at Versailles that sowed seeds of bitterness that

bore the ill fruit of totalitarianism. Historian Jonathan Glover argues that the emotional power of the

Nazi movement was born out of the “resentful Nationalism” that was the outcome of the First World


During the advance of tyranny of the 1930s.

9 Heschel 224. 10 Heschel. 11 Glover, Jonathan. Humanity: A Moral History of the Twentieth Century. Newhaven, CT: Yale University Press, 2000. Print. 317.

Unit 1: Hearing the Call for Christian Statesmanship

Lesson 1: History’s Defining Moments are the Call for History Makers

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The overarching fear among most politicians in Britain during the 1930s resulted in pacifism and

appeasement during the rise of totalitarianism. Churchill stood tirelessly stood alone during the 1930s,

warning the British government against the vanity of peaceful dreams. “No plan for stopping war at the

present late hour is of any value unless it has behind it force and the resolve to use that force. Mere

passive resistance by some nations would only precipitate the disaster if others, or their leaders, stood

ready to take advantage of it.”12

Iranian Revolution 1979 by Islamic extremists.

The revolution in Iran, the U.S. humiliation in not being able to

regain its hostages, and their failure to address the abuse of

human rights under the new regime demonstrated the West

had lost some of its political influence in promoting reform and

resisting Islamic extremism and thus bore some significant

blame for the defining events in Iran.13

The fall of Communism and the Berlin Wall (1989-91).

The end of the Cold War era resulted in a full scale undermining of Western institutions and values as

the politically correct and values free agenda swept into the academic and political institutions

throughout the West. This undermined the sense of Western identity, which emboldened Islamic

apologists wanting to provide a favorable image of Muhammad in Western universities and colleges and

spread “patronizing propaganda that unequivocally contradict the facts of history.”14

The post September 11th era.

Islamic extremist groups continue to watch our reaction to the new threats and challenges we face.

Already there are signs that our resolve is weakening. No longer to we call the broader war, a “war on

terror”, but isolated conflicts dealing with individual terror cells.15

III. Who will be vs. who should be the statesmen of the future?

Why should Christians be the statesmen for the future?

Who will likely fill that position if Christian’s don’t?

12 Churchill, Winston. “How To Stop War.” Evening Standard 12 Jun. 1936. 13 Pollack, Kenneth. The Persian Puzzle: The Conflict Between Iran and America. New York: Random House, 2004. Print. 140. 14 Schmidt, Alvin J. The Great Divide. The Failure of Islam and the Triumph of the West. Boston, MA: Regina Orthodox Press, 2004. Print. 238. 15 Kamen, Al and Scott Wilson. “'Global war on terror' is given new name.” The Washington Post 25 Mar. 2009. Web. 25 Mar. 2009.

The Islamic Revolution in Iran

Unit 1: Hearing the Call for Christian Statesmanship

Lesson 1: History’s Defining Moments are the Call for History Makers

International Affairs & Statesmanship - 8 - www.nationrebuilders.com