7. on the Road With Paul

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 7. on the Road With Paul

On the Road with PaulId like to continue our exploration of Paul by examining his travels.Paul spent a great deal of time on the road:missionary journey #1 !.". #$%#&'( missionary journey #) !.". *+%*)' and missionary journey #, !.". *#%*-'. as /ell as his journey to 0ome andhis stay there !.". *-%$)'.! number of practical 1uestions arise concerning these journeys.In many /ays. travel in Pauls day /as very similar to travel in our day.2aritime trade 3ourished throughout the 2editerranean /orld. and passenger travel by ship /as commonplace.4e see Paul using ships for travel on his 5rst missionary journey /ith 6arnabas and 2ark !.". #$%#&'. sailing from 7eleucia to 8yprus and from Paphos to the port at !ttalia. then upriver to Perge !cts 1,: #. 1,'( at the end of their journey Paul and 6arnabas sail directly back from !ttalia to their home church at !ntioch !cts 1#: )$'.9n the second missionary journey !.". *+%*)' Paul travels by ship from :roas to ;eopolis !cts $:11'. from the harbor near 6erea to !thens !cts 1-: 1#%1*'. and 5nally home from 8enchrea to