5.11 Trees in Spate Irrigated Areas in Ethiopia. No Tree SpeicesHighlandMidlan d...

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Transcript of 5.11 Trees in Spate Irrigated Areas in Ethiopia. No Tree SpeicesHighlandMidlan d...

5.11Trees in

Spate Irrigated Areas in Ethiopia

No Tree Speices Highland Midland

Lowland Site Characteristics

1 Acacia abyssinica x x Fedis Shade

2 Acacia albida (Faidherbia albida)

x Fedis The agroforestry tree of West Africa. Genuinely multipurpose. Pods for fodder. Needs water-table. Slow at first

3 Azadirachta indica

x x DD Neem tree: Grown mainly for shade but is also good fooder/fuel. Fast growing

4 Balanites aegyptiaca (Bedena/Lalo

x DD/Fedis

“Desert date” widespread and-ecologically: “flexible”. Fooder/edible fruit. Direct seeding possible. Slow growing

5 Cajanus cajan x Fedis

6 Cordia africana x Fedis

7 Croton macrostrachyus

x x x Fedis Shade

8 Dodonaea angustifolia (Dedeho?)

x Fedis

9 Erythrina brucei x x Fedis/DD

10 Eucalyptus camaldulensis

x x Fedis Best eucalyptus for dry areas. Coppices well. Windbreak/fuelwood. Very quick growing

11 Eucalyptus saligna

x x Fedis Best eucalyptus for dry areas. Coppices well. Windbreak/fuelwood. Very quick


12 Euphorbia Abyssinica


x x Fedis The midland one (big Euphorbia) is used for house construction, less attacked by termite, used for making doors

13 Leucaena Leucocephala

x x Fedis/DD

Soil nitrifying, fodder, fuelwood, green manuring

14 Kitkita x x Fedis house construction, fencing

15 Melia azedarach/Azadi

racta India

x x DD

16 Olea Africana Fedis

17 Prosopis juliflora

x x DD/Fedis

Very drought resistant and establishes naturally. May invade potential areas. Coppices well. Good for fuel supply and charcoal. Pods are used for fooder. Quick growth.Recently invading the lowlands, came with foodaid. Liked by some farmers as it protective against wild animals and entrance of camels to compounds, fuelwood, charcoal, conservation, gully and rehabilitation of degraded lands.

18 Schinus molle x x x Fedis Ornamental, flies control

19 Ulaga/Game x x Fedis Used in the making of plowing tools such as yolk, ard, plow beam, etc

20 Ziziphus spina-christi

x DD/Fedis

“Jujube”. Produces edible fruit. Can be grafted. Small tree. Branches for fencing. Slow growth.

No Fruit Species Highland Midland Lowland Site

1 Carica papaya x x DD

2 Citrus x x DD

3 Mangifera indica (Mango)

x x Fedis/DD

4 Gishta x x DD

5 Psidium guajava x x Fedis/DD

6 Ambeshock x DD

7 Mexican apple (Kazmir/Abuka)

x x Fedis/DD

Croton macrostrachyus

•Used for shade where livestock are fed are kept under as stall feeding•Need pruning over the cropping seasons to avoid bird attack

Croton macrostrachyus - closer look

•Need pruning over the cropping seasons to avoid bird attack


•Used in the making of plowing tools such as yolk, ard, plow beam, etc

Ziziphus spina-christi the one behind

“Jujube”. Produces edible fruit. Can be grafted. Small tree. Branches for fencing. Slow growth.


Used for fencing, fodder,


Used for shade, fuel, fodder, fencing


Cordia Africana

Used for construction, quality and storng wood, house utensiles such as bed, chair, cupboard, etc, yellow fruits edible, bees


Used for rope making, live fencing, established by cutting


If the midland variety fruits is edible, if not controlled it invades land

Euphorbia abissinica

Grows in the midlandUsed for fencing, honey, construction the wood is less attached by termites, used for making doors